Lifescan ONETOUCH SURESTEP User Manual

IMP ORTANT: Before testing, read
detailed instructions in your
SureStep® Owner’s Booklet. See inside for quick reminder instructions on proper blood application and coding the meter
Quick Reference Guide*
Front Back
Pink Test Square
Front Back
Before testing, make sure
the meter is coded correctly.
Press blue power button to turn on meter. Make sure a test strip is not in the meter when you turn it on.
The meter automatically dis­plays the last test result with the date. . .
. . . and then the code number is displayed afterward.
Compare the code number on the meter to the code number on the test strip bottle. If the code numbers do not match, press the greenCbutton until the code number on the meter matches the code number on the test strip bottle.
Press blue power button to turn on meter. Make sure a test strip is not in the meter when you turn it on.
Apply blood to the center of the ppiinnkk tteesstt ssqquuaarree..
Never add a
second drop of blood.
Check confirmation dot on back of test strip and make sure it is completely blue.
Firmly insert test strip, tapered­end first, with the confirmation dot facing down into the test strip holder until it stops. Read result. Do not remove strip until countdown is complete.
How you can check that you have
applied the right amount of blood:
Pink test square is where you
apply a drop of blood.
White pad absorbs the excess
blood that may extend beyond the pink test square. Do not apply blood directly onto the white pad.
Confirmation dot on back of
test strip is where you check to confirm proper blood appli­cation.
Apply a drop of blood to the center of the pink test square on the front of the test strip. The confirmation dot on the back should be completely
blue for an accurate test.
CAUTION: Use a test strip as soon as possible after removing it from the bot-
tle. Prolonged exposure to moisture, light, or heat can cause inaccurate results. Store test strips tightly capped in the original bottle in a cool, dry place away from direct heat and sunlight. Never transfer test strips to another container.
If any white patches or streaks appear on the blue confirmation dot, you have not applied enough blood for an accurate test. You must start the test over with a new test strip to avoid inaccurate­ly low results. Never add a second drop of blood.
If there is no white visible on the white pad, you have applied too much blood. You must start the test over with a new test strip to avoid inaccurately high results.
* Be careful not to apply too much
blood, especially if you tend to bleed easily or are taking blood-thinning medications.
Clean with water only.
Do not put meter under running water.
Remove test strip holder by pressing down at top end and sliding it out.
Wash inside cover and both sides of test strip holder base, using a cotton swab or cloth dampened with water. Thoroughly wipe the gray area on the inside cover. Dry thoroughly.
Clean lens area and contact points with a cotton swab or cloth dampened with water. Dry with a soft cloth or lint-free tissue.
Replace test strip holder by sliding it into meter and press­ing down at test strip insertion point until you hear a click.
Owner’s Booklet before cleaning the meter.
Read detailed instruction in your OneTouch®SureStep
Gray Area
Inside Cover
Hole (clean both sides)
Contact Points
Lens Area
AW 05074603A
Firmly insert test strip into meter, tapered-end first, confirmation dot facing down, until it stops.
Remove test strip and start over with a new test strip. Test strip was inserted too early, too quick­ly, incorrectly or without enough blood.
Replace batteries.
Apply blood to test strip.
Meter and/or test strip holder need cleaning.
Meter is reading your result.
Result from meter memory.
Result is over 500 mg/dL.*
Match meter code with the code on the bottle.
If you have never experienced blood glucose levels this high or have not been instructed in how to deal with them by your Healthcare Professional, you should contact your Healthcare Professional at once. If this reading does not reflect how you feel, repeat the test with a new test strip
Error 2
Error 1
Repeat the test with a new test strip and:
Apply blood to the pink test square only.
Make sure the confirmation dot turns completely blue.
Insert the test strip within 2 minutes of applying blood.
If you continue to get any error message, compare the color of the test strip confirmation dot to the Color Chart on the test strip bottle. If the glucose level is very low (50 mg/dL) or very high (350 mg/dL), follow the advice of your Healthcare Professional.
Clean the meter and repeat the test with a new test strip. See
CClleeaanniinngg IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss
further information.
If these actions do not resolve the error, call LifeScan Customer Services at 1 800 227-8862.
Professional Use:
Test the sample with an alternate method. While awaiting results:
Compare the color of the test strip confirma­tion dot to the Color Chart on the test strip bottle label. If the glucose level is very low (50 mg/dL) or very high (350 mg/dL), take appropriate precautions immediately.
Before retesting verify that the sample hemat­ocrit is within range.
If these actions do not resolve the error, call LifeScan Customer Services at 1 800 227-8862.
Repeat the test with a new test strip and:
Check the test strip expiration date. Do not use
test strips beyond the expiration or discard date.
Error 3
Apply the sample to the pink test square only.
Make sure the confirmation dot turns completely blue.
Wait approximately 1 minute, but not more than 2 minutes, after applying sample before inserting the test strip into the meter.
Do not alter the test strips.
If you continue to get any error message, compare the color of the test strip confirmation dot to the Color Chart on the test strip bottle. If the glucose level is very low (50 mg/dL) or very high (350 mg/dL), follow the advice of your Healthcare Professional.
Clean the meter before additional testing. See CClleeaanniinngg IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss
If these actions do not resolve the error, call
for more information.
LifeScan Customer Services at 1 800 227-8862.
Repeat the test with a new test strip and:
Clean the meter, especially the contact points, before retesting. See
CClleeaanniinngg IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss
more information.
Before cleaning the meter, compare the color of the test strip confirmation dot to the Color Chart on the test strip bottle. If the glucose level is very low (50 mg/dL) or very high (350 mg/dL), follow the advice of your Healthcare Professional.
Do not move the test strip after you insert it into the meter. Remove the test strip only when the test is complete.
If these actions do not resolve the error, call LifeScan Customer Services at 1 800 227-8862.
Error 4
Error 5
Repeat the test with a new test strip. Make sure the meter and test strip are at room temperature.
Do not apply heat or cold to the meter.
If you continue to get any error message, compare the color of the test strip confirmation dot to the Color Chart on the test strip bottle. If the glucose level is very low (50 mg/dL) or very high (350 mg/dL), follow the advice of your Healthcare Professional.
If these actions do not resolve the error, call LifeScan Customer Services at 1 800 227-8862.
Repeat the test with a new test strip and:
Clean the meter, especially the gray area inside the test strip holder, before retesting.
CClleeaanniinngg IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss..
Compare the color of the test strip confirma­tion dot to the Color Chart on the test strip bottle. If the glucose level is very low (50 mg/dL) or very high (350 mg/dL), follow the advice of your Healthcare Professional.
Make sure the test strip holder is fully inserted into the meter. See
CCaarriinngg ffoorr YYoouurr MMeetteerr
more information in your owner’s booklet.
Wait for the “Insert test strip” symbol to appear on the display before inserting the test strip.
If you continue to get any error message, compare the color of the test strip confirmation dot to the Color Chart on the test strip bottle. If the glucose level is very low (50 mg/dL) or very high (350 mg/dL), follow the advice of your Healthcare Professional.
If these actions do not resolve the error, call LifeScan Customer Services at 1 800 227-8862.
Error 6
OneTouch®is a trademark of LifeScan, Inc. © 2002 LifeScan, Inc. Milpitas, CA 95035. Rev. 4/03
Repeat the test with a new test strip and:
If you use bleach to disinfect the meter, before retesting, wipe the meter and contact points with a cloth moistened with water to remove residual bleach and thoroughly dry the meter. Failure to remove the excess bleach may result in an error message “ , ” or an inaccu­rately high result.
Recheck the code number entered at the meter matches the code number on the test strip package.
If you continue to get any error message, compare the color of the test strip confirmation dot to the Color Chart on the test strip bottle. If the glucose level is very low (50 mg/dL) or very high (350 mg/dL), follow the advice of your Healthcare Professional.
If these actions do not resolve the error, call LifeScan Customer Services at 1 800 227-8862.
If you are having any trouble using your meter,
please call the LifeScan Customer Services toll-free
numbers or visit our Web site at
English 1 800 227- 8862 Español 1 800 381-7226
(24 hours, 7 days a week)