LG LWHD1006RY6 Owner’s Manual

O_tion ...............................7
Int_ucti_ ......................................8
_mL_ Used inhis _n_ .........8
_ ..........................................8
Electr_| _ ...............................9
Write_e m_ _ _d_ num_rs _re:
SePal # You_ find_e num_ _ a |_e_ on the sideof
Om Pu_ = Staple_u_ receipttothispage inthe _t _ n_ it
'toprovedate of pur_ase or_r warranty|ssu_.
Ad_r ...........................................11
Tm_rarj Use ofan
H_ toIn_i _e unit..................12
_nd_ R_u_ ................12
Insta]la=_ _ .............13
Re_ C_ol Ope_ ........17
Re_ C_le_" .......................18
Add_onalF_ms ........................f9
AirDi_on ...............................19
Vent Co_ll ..............................19
_in Pipe....................................20
Removal_m Win_. ..............20
I=_ide _ w_|lfind m_W h_l h_ _ Ihow_ use and
_in_J_ _ur air co_r p_dy_ Just a i_e p_ttve _m on your pa_ _n_ save you a great deaJ of tiime and _n_ _r the I_ of _r air con_ne_,
_d'l| find many an_rs _ _n _e_ in _ _a_
of ttoubt_ho_ _ If _ tevi_ _r ch_ of Troubling Ti_ first, _ m_ not _ to _ll _r
_r¢_e at _L
, _ct an Au_o_ _rvt_e C_ _ repair o_
ml_n_ of _ls _L _I 1_4_ l_ _e _ _C.
-'_is air __ is _ i_d_ _ m _ young ch!i_mn or !_l_ _ho_ su_.
Young _ild_ _ould be su_rvl_ _ _ that they do _ p_y wit_ t_ _|r __r.
if _ p_ c=_ _=iree _acer-_, have an _dz_l Se_cer i_ll an _ _aceme_ part.
wi_ _e Na_na! EIm_ C_ _ q_iifle_ and
Ma|nle_n_ and Se_|ce .............21
Air Filter ....................................21
_aning the _r Condoner .....21
How _ Rem_ the
Gri!_ .................................
Comm_ Proteins8nd
_IL_OnS ........................................
Tm_ofing ..............................24
2 R_m Air Conditioner
To prevent inju_ to the u_r o,rother _op_ and pmpe_ damage, the foll_ing instru_ons
mum be folI_, [] In_ operat_n due _ igno.dng ir_tru_ns willcause harm or _mage. Re _riou_e_
is classified _ the foll_ing Indicat_ns.
[] _use of the weight of the produ_ it is recomrr_d_ that you have a hel_r to _i_ in=
the installat_n.
[] M_nings of symb_s _ in this manual are as.sh_ below.
Be sum not to do,
sure to follow the instruction,
I Ins llation
imp_r assem_ or ins_lati_ may _ injurj, tim, ,and
poor performance, el_tri,
I_m_ _use fire and e_ric sh_.
,' It may _u_ e_.ric sh_ and failure.
_,Ter's Manual 3
[] O ration
C__, _ _ll ,cau_ e_ic sh_k _ fire.
It willmu_ el_ric sh_ or fire.
,,_twill mu_ el_t_c sho_ or _wil_muse el_t_ s_ or
it will muse elect_c sho_ ,or
, No groundingmay ,cau_
el_r_c sh_.
C_i_ itwill _use fire and el_ric sh_ a_dent.
4 Room Air _tditk_er
it _ causetimandel_
. k may cause el_ sh_.
_fety PrecaL,_'ons
The air _nd_er must _ operated in a
it may _u_ explos_n, fire, and bum.
encl_d area to _ most effective.
it _ll can el_c sho_ or failure of Water mw entertl'_ unit_d d_rade the
in_la_n, it m_ can an _e_ic sh_.
il Ins llation
...._e filter,
_ are sharp _d may
c_u_ iniu_:
k _y _se faillureof
ap_n_ or pe_rm_
i /
ff _ ou_r _se is damaged, it must be re_ired or replaced impurely. Le_lng it dama_ _uld
resultin the air _i_er
falling out of the window,
creatinga safety h_rd.
_ner's Manual 5
Salty P_u_n's
[] O_ration
sharp _gU _ (n_ _e _ble) when _ng
in_tling, k out
, Itm_ _ injury. it m_y cause el_ sho_
and @_ge,
SJ_ thefan rotatesat high s_ du_ng,operation__ may
_is cou_ injurethepetor p_m,
_use injury.
wlg _ _ _ _r aIo_
ff wil_waste _er consumptioninvain _d it
m_ cau_ _i_nt
itis_ air _i_oner, not a
p_ision _rigeration system,
Operati_ with_ filte_ _11 ,causefai_u_,
6 R,_ Air Conditioner
_e appea_ce o,fthe air _ndi_ner tr_ de_rate, change _ior, or deve_p
k is not sanitaryand c_ld _ illn_s or personaJ
B_,'e Operat_
i. P_ugin the power _rd properly.
2. Use a diedicat_ circuit. Overloading the Hne_uJd create a fire hazard.
3. Do not use an e_ension _rd. S_ page 11 for more details.
4. Do not staW_op or_raUon by plugging/unplugging the _er cord.
5. If the power _rd Is damaged and requires replacement, have an Authorized Servicer install an exact repla_ment part.
iI ii _ iii
1. _ing ex_sed to direct aiffllow for an extended ped_ _ time _uld be hazardous to your health. Do not e_se _upants, _ts, or plan_ to direct
airflow for extended pedods of time.
2. Due to the _ssibil_ of oxygen deficiency, ventilate the room when us_ together with stoves or other heaUng devils.
3. Do not use this air _nd_ioner for non-specified s_ial [purposes (e.g. pre_rving precision clevis, food, pe_, plan_, and art objects). Such usage
_uld damage the _ems.
4. The air _nditioner is a consumer comfo_ appliance, not a precision climate
control system,
1. Do not touch the metal parts of the unit when retaking the filter. I_uries can _ur when handling sharp metal edges.
2. Do not u_ water to clean insiide the air _ndi_oner.i _posure to water _n d_troy the insuia_on, leading to possible electric sh_k.
3. When cleaning the un_, flint ma_ sure that the power and breaker are _Jrn_ off. _e fan rotates at a very high _d during operation. There Is a _ssibil_ of injury ff the unit's power is accident_ _ig_red on _ille cleaning inner parts of the unit.
For rep!ir _d maintenance, conta_ an A_hodzed Service Center. See the
wa_anty page for details or _11 (800) 2_000. Have your model number _d _rial number availab{e. _ey should be wr_en on page 2 of this manual.
Owner's Manual 7
This symbol a_ you to t_ dsk of elec_c sh_k.
This symbol a_ you to ha_s that could muse ham to the air conditioner.
_iis symbol indic_es s_ci,al notes.
WARNING: 'This appliance should be insteil_ in accordan_ w_h the
N_ional Eie_c C_,
Upper Gu_e
Horizon_ll Air De_or (H,oflzontal Louver)
Ve_l _r D_ector
e¢e_l Louver)
Front GdHe
Air Fitter
Con_ol B_rd
R_ote Controller
8' R_m Air r
Air Dis_arge
Air IIIn_ke
(_nlet Grille)
Base Pan
Power _rd
P_er _ may i_lu_ a _l_ent interpret nice° A _st and _si_t b_ is
provided! _ _ plug _se_ The de_4_ s_u_d be tested on a pe_lc b_s_ by first
pressing the TEST button and _en the RESET bu_on_ If _e _ST button _ not
#Ipor If t_ RESET _on _!!l not s_y
engaged, ,d_sconUnueu_ of the air _nd_on_ and contac_ a qual_ _i_
U_ Wall P,e_de
S_nda_ i2_ z,3o_ _r_i_
t_, 125;VAC
m l
8t_a_ 2_V, 34tvi_ g_uadtng
re_p_o_ tat_ !_ 250V AC
__ U_ 20 AMP. ti_
S_ 25OV, 3_1_ g_a_lng
re_p_c_ r_ 20A, _0V AC
U_ 15 _Po t_ de_ayfu_ _ iSAMP
d_ay _ _ 20 AMP
_r _nd_ner _as a _pro_ g_nding _ug on its p_et _ly _rd, _ must _ p_d l_
_o_ly grou#ded thr_preng wal__p_c,le _ _ur prete_t_ against possible shockh_&
Use of exlensioa co_s
Because d Rtential _fety h_rds, s_ongly d_e _ u_ d an,_on
_. Hi_, i#_u _sh to u_ an ex_nsi_ _d,. u_ a _A _rti_e_UL-li_
3-,_ (grou_iP_) extension c_ rated 15A,, 125V_
AI__dng sh_ld _ made ia _dan_ w[_,
I_ el_ _es and r_u_ns°
Numin_m hou_ widng m_ _ci_
prP_le_.. _ul_ a quaiifi_ el_,_n.
230, _8, and 23#1_8 '_LT UNITS Thee u_s are equipped _h a th_ong girou_ng p_ug_ t_ _e_ su_ly _, _
must.be _ged t_o a ma_g p_e_y gr_n_d thr_-_o_ wali r_cle _,t _ur protecU_ aga_n_ po_ble sho_k h_a_. _f_ an ou_ is
not _ent, _ mu_ _ _nsf_iled_ a qua_l_ el_n i_ _an_, wi_ _ N.a_nal El_%al
Code _d lec_ _s and o,rdinan_s.
DO NOT USE AN _TENStON CORD ®_ 230, 208, and 2_1208 _ un_.
Owner's Manual 9
WARNING: This a_,lian_ must _ pm_rFy grounded,
The power oord! of this appliance Is _ulpped w_h a _me-pmng grounding plug.
To.minimize the dsk of ele_d,c shoc_,i use the plug wi_ a standard three-slot grounding wall power OL_let.If the power outlet does not include a grounding sl_,
have a qualified iel_Hcian replace the ouUet before you use the room air
WARNING: Changing the o_!_ wiithout making t_ appropriate wiring chang_ will create an unsafe condition _at _uld result in fire or ele_ri_l sho_. Refer all such work to a Ii_n_ and qualified
P_rmd m_d
_sure pm_r gr0und
Do not cut or remove t_ grounding prong _om the _wer
WARNING: A_ching the a_er ground terminal to the wall
_ptacle cover scr_ d_s not ground the applian_ unless the cover screw Is m_l and not insulated, and tl-_ walll r_acle is ground_ through the hou_ wiring.
WARNING: If you have any dou_ w_er the air condkioner is
pro_r_ grounded, have _e wall rec_tacle and circuit choked _ a qualified elec_iclan,.
10 Room Air _nditioner
We strong_ discourage _e use of an ad_ter due to potential safety h_rds,
Fortemporal _nnections, use onlya UL-listedadapter, avail_e from most Io_1 hardware stores.Ensure Mat the large s,!otin the ad_ter' is alignedwith
e large slot in the r_eptacle for a pm_,r _lar_ conn_ion.
To di_nnect the _wer _rd from the adapter, u_ one h_d .oneach to, avoid damaging the ground terminal. Avoid frequently unplugging _,e power co_ as
is can lead to eventual ground terminal @mage.
N_er use the app|ian_ with a broken adair.
We st_ dls_ura,ge _ u_ o1an e_nsi_ _rcl due topoten_ _e_ h_rds,For tem_ra_' _uati_s,,use on_ CSA codified a_ UL li_ 3-wire
groundede_ensi_ _rds, mted 15 A,125V,
_il _ring should _ m_e in ac_dan_ _ _! _ _ss and r_u_ons,
Alumin_jm house,wi_ing_ _e sp_al _o_ems.. Consult a qu_l_ e_'an.
_0,_, and 230/208 VOLT' UN_,
_ _n_ a_ eq_lppe_ _th a _t_ng g_oun_Ing p_,_ _ _e p_e_ supply_, _lch
m_s__ pl_ged intoa _chi_g p_p_y g_un_d thr_pro_g _l_ r_p_e _r _u_ on against _s_b_e sJh_ ha_r_, !f s_J_ an outlet is not presell o_ must be instel_d _ _ qiua_if_d
_cian i_ scco_an_, w_5 _ N.a_n_! EI_! _e _n_ _1 _es .a_! o_inan_s,
NOT USE AN _NS_ON CORD on 230.,_, _n_ _ Volt u_its.
_er's Man_l !1
To _ent _n a_::lnoi_,, m_ su_ the uni_
isinsole,:! mutely ar_ fi_ly
In_l _e unift_re t_ _n_ d_ _t shi_
directly_ _ unk.
_e _tde _ _e cabinetm t nd ^i _ exte ou_a_ for
Iieast12"_ _re _ou_ be no _, _ ./ a fe_.;e_ w_l, w_ _" f_om_e _ck of _ z-'_'-_=.-_
_in_ _u_se it _ll p_ent heat ra_ti_ _ t_
_tri_n of _e sir willgr_tly mdu_, t_
_liing e_cy of the _r _ndi_o_r.
CAU_N: All side I_ve_, _ _ _n_ must remain expo_ _ _ o_sI_ _ the _Jre.
:_ In_{l _e _n_a I_ _nted so,_ _k _ _h_tJy lower than the _nt (about 1_").
This willferce conden_ water|o _ow to_ o_.
In_l _e _nit_h the _om a_ut _0 ° _.e the _r _,_.
:All s_ parts s_M_ _r_ to finn,_, ma_r_, _aL
This _ is design_ for in_ti_ in _.an_ _ble hungwindowsw_ _a_ _i_ _hs from_"
o'The top _ _ windowsa_ m_ ope_sufft_n_y
t_ aI_w a cle_ v_ _ng of 15' from t_ bo_
e,_r s_ _ t_ _n_ _I.
12 Room A]r _nd#ioner
i _iii_
NO,. _E, OFP_ ....................C_lt ....................
.3 BOLT 2 ,4 NUT 2
6 SCREW_E B} 3 7 5
10 11
i2 i3
Remove _e s,_ews _i_ Pa.._enthe _in_ at b_ sid_ _d at tt_ _k.
Slide_e unit _m _e _binet _ g_ing _ _ pan
handle and pullliiingforwa_ _il_ blmcing the cab_eL
C_ _ window s_ seal to _e pr_r len_,.
P_I off _e backir._ _ _ach _ Foam_P'E@ '_ 'the
undem_, of the widow s_o
Remove _e _ki_ _ the t_ u_er gu_e FoamrPE
o_d _h it to _e bosom of the Up_r Gu_e.
Attach the u_er gu_e o_o the top of _e _inet _h ,3
T_e A _rews@. Insertthe Frame Gul_s @ into_e _ of the
_net. Inse_the Fr;_e Cu_i_ _i I_ _ U_er G_i_ _d
Fasten,_e _ins to _e unit _ 4 Type
_er's Man_l !3
Open the _r_ow. Ma_: a li=_ _ ce_r of the
w_o_w _1o Cattily placethe _i_t on _ wi_ _ ar_
al!ign_ center m_ on the _om front_ the center line marked inthe _n_ stc_.
Pullthe _om _ndow _h _n _,indi _e
Guide,u_il itm_..
Window st_
Front Angle
: _i _ pul_the wi_ _ down_gh_ tP_t
t'_ _veme_ of F_me Cu_.in _ is_cted.. Foam_pe
iLo_ _semble the,Sill Su_ff @ ul_ngthe p_
Sel_ 'the_tJen _t _ place_ Sill_p_rt ® _ar theoutermost[_nt o_sll_
: Be ce_I w_ you in_l_ the _i_
(F_e Gutd_ @ a_ broken_sily).
Win_w _h_pper guide
C_net _
Frame Cu_n_ I
A_ _ SiJlS_rt @ _ the _i_t track ho_ in
rella_ to _ _,_ positionl_i_ 2:T_e A
_rews i_ ea_ s_
14 Room Air Conditio_
The _binet should _ ins_iedi _ a yew slight U]lt
(_ i_ =) __ _ _e ou_ide
Adju_ me bolt a_ _e n_ of Sill Suppo_ (_ for b_cing t,% cabinet.
A_a_ _e _bine_ to the window stool by dd_ng t_ _rews C_ (Type B: Len_ 16ram (5/8 inch) _d below,) _m_ih _e front ar_le iintowin_w
PuI_e_h Frame Cumin Q fuUy to each _w
track, and t_at st_ 2,
Atta_ ea_ Frame Cumin C_the_dow sash_ing
_e_ C>_ C),.,
_y_ B)O
CA_ON: _ not ddl! a _ in the pan. _e unit is d_ig_ to _rate wi_
_proximat_, 1_" of wmr in bottom _n.
'_ere _ _ r_ _ _d wa_r if _e _n is
_i_ the unlitiintome _i_:,
CA_ON: For _u_ _r_, rei_ll _ _ype A) _ cabin.s sid_.
C_ _e F_m-_r_p <_i_tot_ pro_,r _, and insert
betw_n _ _p_r 'win_ _ _ _ Iowe_ _nd_ _h.
Scow(Type A)
_ype A)
_er's Man_l !5
A_ _ _nd_ L_ng Bra_et _, w_ a Type
A_a_ tk_ f_ gril_ to the,_t by I_se_ng
_ the g_B!einto _e _s ,_ _ _ont of the
_inet, Pu_ t!_ grl!_ in u_i! it _aps into pl_
::_ Puil_wn the inlie,tg_i|e and _re it _,_ a T_e
A _rew _thmugh the front gdUe,,
W|nd_ in_l_.ion of _ _r conditio_ is
comp_ _ E_R_AL DATA for
_:hing p_ cord _ e|_ outl_
16 Room Air Cc_di'_er
+ 36 hidden pages