LG HBM500 User Manual

LG Electronics
User manual
AAllll rriigghhttss rreesseerrvveedd.. LLGG EElleeccttrroonniiccss IInncc..,, 2200006
NNoottee :: PPlleeaassee rreeaadd aallll ooff tthhee iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn
ccaarreeffuullllyy pprriioorr ttoo uussiinngg tthhee HHBBMM--550000
ffoorr tthhee bbeesstt ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee aanndd ttoo pprreevveenntt aannyy
ddaammaaggee ttoo oorr mmiissuussee ooff tthhee HHBBMM--550000.
AAnnyy mmooddiiffiiccaattiioonnss oorr cchhaannggeess ttoo tthhiiss mmaannuuaall dduuee ttoo
ttyyppooggrraapphhiiccaall eerrrroorrss oorr iinnaaccccuurraacciieess ooff ssttaatteedd iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn
sshhaallll oonnllyy bbee mmaaddee bbyy LLGG EElleeccttrroonniiccss IInncc.
LG Electronics
User manual
The LG BluetoothⓇHeadset HBM-500 is a light weight wireless Headset utilizing Bluetooth technology. This product can be used as an audio accessory for devices supporting either the Headset or Handsfree BluetoothⓇProfiles.
IInncclluuddeedd iinn ppaacckkaaggee
BluetoothⓇHeadset User manual
PPaarrtt ddeessccrriippttiioon
Call/Power Button
Status LED
Charging Port
Ear Speaker
Speaker Volume button
CChhoooossiinngg wweeaarriinngg pprreeffeerreennccee
1. Rotate the earpiece to select your left or right ear.
2. Place the Headset on your ear.
3. Extend the ear ring then slip it over the top of your ear,and press the speaker gently toward your ear for a snug fit.
CChhaannggee DDiirreeccttiioonn
On the Left
On the Right
CChhaarrggiinngg HHBBMM--550000
Please ensure that your new HBM-500 is fully charged before your initial use.
1. Open the charging port cover on the side of the headset.
2. Plug the charger into the charging port outlet.
3. While charging, the red LED indicator is lit and will remain lit, until the headset is fully charged.
4. The red LED light changes to the green color after full charge.
5. Charge the headset for approximately 3 hours or until the red LED changes to the green LED
LLooww bbaatttteerryy wwaarrnniinngg
The Headset needs to be recharged when
- You hear a short beeping sound through the Headset’s
speaker at 15 second intervals.
- You see the red LED light flickers 2 times every 2 seconds.
- You see the low battery warning on the LCD.
Power on
- In order to turn the Headset on, press and hold the Call/Power
button located in front of the product for at least 2 seconds.
* If you want to check the battery state on LCD, please wait for 5
seconds after power on. Because it may not be collect to the real state.
Power off
- In order to turn the Headset off, press and hold the Call/Power
button located in front of the product for at least 3 seconds.
HHooww ttoo uusse
BBlluueettooootthhⓇPPaaiirriinngg Before using your headset for the first time, you must
pair it with another Bluetooth phone. Follow the steps below for most devices.
device, such as a mobile
1. Place the LG BluetoothⓇHeadset HBM-500 in Pairing mode.
- Turn your headset on.
- The LCD displays the LG logo, and “HBM-500”
- Press the Call/Power button for 2 seconds and make your headset discoverable.
- The LCD displays“Pairing.
LG Electronics
2. Your Handset will find “HBM-500”
- Set your Handset Bluetooth mode.
- Search your headset from your Handset.
- Enter passkey “0000(Four zeros) when you prompted to enter PIN number.
- Confirm to connect when the Handset asks.
- The LCD displays
* If you want to use the fully supported Headset functions, please make the Handsfree profile connection.
* Some phones automatically make the Headset profile connection, so please be careful.
HF/HS Connected”.
IIff ppaaiirriinngg iiss ssuucccceessssffuull,, tthhee bblluuee LLEEDD
lliigghhtt wwiillll ffllaasshh iinn ssttaannddbbyy mmooddee eevveerryy 44 sseeccoonnddss..
AAddddiinngg mmuullttiippllee HHaannddsseettss..
1. The LG BluetoothⓇheadset HBM-500 stores up to 8 different Handset registrations in memory.
2. If you add the 9th Handset, the LG Bluetooth
HBM-500 will automatically remove the registration
information of the least registered Handset.
3. Priority is given to the Handset most recently used paired.
4. When you want to change the Handset priority, try to connect manually from the Handset.
OOnnccee aa HHaanndd sseett ii ss rr eeggiisstteerree dd ttoo tt hhee
LLGG BBlluueettooootthhⓇHHeeaaddsseett HHBBMM--550000,, iitt wwiillll bbee ssttaayyeedd iinn ppaaiirreedd ssttaattuuss uunnttiill ddeelleetteedd..
* On Power on, the LG Bluetooth Headset HBM-500 connects to the most recently used Handset automatically.
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