KKeeyy FF uunn ccttiioonn ss
SSiiggnnaall SStt rree nnggtt hh II nnddii cc aattoorr
represents the signal strength by
displaying bars. The more bars displayed, the better the signal
SSoo ff tt KK eeyy BB uutt ttoo nn ss
let you select softkey actions or menu items
corresponding to the bottom left and right lines on the display
HH eeaa ddss eett JJaa cc kk
allows you to plug in an optional headset for
convenient, hands-free conversations.
CAUTION! Inserting an accessory into the incorrect
jack may damage the phone.
TT aallkk
allows you to place or receive calls, answer Call Waiting, or
activate Voice Dial.
VVooll uummee CCoonn ttrroo ll
allows you to adjust the ringer volume in standby
mode (with the phone open) or adjust the voice volume during a
call. The volume key can also be used to scroll up or down to
navigate through the different menu options. To mute the ringer
during an incoming call, press the volume key up or down.
VVooii cc ee SS eerr vvii cceess KK eeyy
for quick access to voice dials. Also press
and hold during standby mode or during a conversation to record
a voice memo.
SSppeeaakk eerr KK eeyy
enables your phone’s built-in speaker, allowing you
to hear other callers.
BBaacckk (( CClleeaarr ))
deletes characters from the display in text entry
mode. When in a menu, press the Back key to return to the previous
menu. This key also allows you to return to the previous screen.
AAcc cceess ss oorryy JJ aacckk
allows you to connect optional accessories, such
as a USB cable. CAUTION! Inserting an accessory into the incorrect
jack may damage the phone.
DDiigg ii tta
all CCaammeerr aa
This is the lens for the integrated digital camera.
FFll aass hh
allows you to take pictures indoors or at night. It also
functions as a Message Waiting Indicator.