Good Earth Ground
such as WATER PIPE,
AC Volt-meter
Many electrical and mechanical parts in this chassis have special safety-related characteristics. These parts are identified by in the
Schematic Diagram and Exploded View.
It is essential that these special safety parts should be replaced with the same components as recommended in this manual to prevent
Shock, Fire, or other Hazards.
Do not modify the original design without permission of manufacturer.
General Guidance
An isolation Transformer should always be used during the
servicing of a receiver whose chassis is not isolated from the AC
power line. Use a transformer of adequate power rating as this
protects the technician from accidents resulting in personal injury
from electrical shocks.
It will also protect the receiver and it's components from being
damaged by accidental sh orts of the cir cui try that may be
inadvertently introduced during the service operation.
If any fuse (or Fusible Resistor) in this TV receiver is blown,
replace it with the specified.
When replacing a high wattage resistor (Oxide Metal Film Resistor,
over 1 W), keep the resistor 10 mm away from PCB.
Keep wires away from high voltage or high temperature parts.
Before returning the receiver to the customer,
always perform an AC leakage current check on the exposed
metallic parts of the cabinet, such as antennas, terminals, etc., to
be sure the set is safe to operate without damage of electrical
Leakage Current Cold Check(Antenna Cold Check)
With the instrument AC plug removed from AC source, connect an
electrical jumper across the two AC plug prongs. Place the AC
switch in the on position, connect one lead of ohm-meter to the AC
plug prongs tied together and touch other ohm-meter lead in turn to
each exposed metallic parts such as antenna terminals, phone
jacks, etc.
If the exposed metallic part has a return path to the chassis, the
measured resistance should be between 1 M
When the exposed metal has no return path to the chassis the
reading must be infinite.
An other abnormality exists that must be corrected before the
receiver is returned to the customer.
Ω and 5.2 MΩ.
Leakage Current Hot Check(See below Figure)
Plug the AC cord directly into the AC outlet.
Do not use a line Isolation Transformer during this check.
Connect 1.5 K / 10 watt resistor in parallel with a 0.15 uF capacitor
between a known good earth ground (Water Pipe, Conduit, etc.)
and the exposed metallic parts.
Measure the AC voltage across the resistor using AC voltmeter
with 1000 ohms/volt or more sensitivity.
Reverse plug the AC cord into the AC outlet and repeat AC voltage
measurements for each exposed metallic part. Any voltage
measured must not exceed 0.75 volt RMS which is corresponds to
0.5 mA.
In case any measurement is out of the limits specified, there is
possibility of shock hazard and the set must be checked and
repaired before it is returned to the customer.
This spec. sheet applies to PA31A chassis applied PDP TV all
models manufactured in TV factory.
2. Designation
(1) Th e ad justm ent is accord ing to the order whic h is
designated and which must be followed, according to the
plan which can be changed only on agreeing.
(2) Power adjustment : Free Voltage.
(3) Magnetic Field Condition: Nil.
(4) Input signal Unit: Product Specification Standard.
(5) Reserve after operation: Above 5 Minutes (Heat Run)
Temperature : at 25 °C ± 5 °C
Relative humidity : 65 % ± 10 %
Input voltage : 220V, 60Hz
(6) Adjustment equipment s : Color Ana lyzer (CA -210 or
CA-110), DDC Adjustment Jig equipment, SVC remote
(7) The receiver must be operated for about 5 minutes prior to
the adjustment when module is in the circumstance of over
- In case of keeping module is in the circumstance of 0°C, it
should be placed in the circumstance of above 15°C for 2
- In case of keeping module is in the circumstance of below
-20°C, it should be placed in the circumstance of above
15°C for 3 hours.
3. Main PCB check process
* APC - After Manual-Insult, executing APC
* Boot file Download
(1) Execute ISP program “Mstar ISP Utility” and then click
“Config” tab.
(2) Set as below, and then click “Auto Detect” and check “OK”
If “Error” is displayed, Check connection between computer,
jig, and set.
(3) Click “Read” tab, and then load download file (XXXX.bin)
by clicking “Read”
(4) Click “Connect” tab. If “Can’t ” is displayed, Check
connection between computer, jig, and set.
■ After RGB Full White in HEAT-RUN Mode, the receiver must
be operated prior to the adjustment.
■ Enter into HEAT-RUN MODE
1) Press the POWER ON KEY on R/C for adjustment.
2) OSD display and screen display PATTERN MODE.
● Set is activated HEAT run without signal generator in this
● Single color pattern ( WHITE ) of HEAT RUN MODE uses to
check panel.
● Caution : If you turn on a still screen more than 20 minutes
(Especially digital pattern, cross hatch pattern), an
after image may be occur in the black level part of
the screen.
(8) Push The “IN STOP KEY” – For memory initialization.
Case1 : Software version up
1) After downloading S/W by USB , Multi-vision set will reboot
2) Push “In-stop” key
3) Push “Power on” key
4) Function inspection
5) After function inspection, Push “In-stop” key.
Case2 : Function check at the assembly line
1) When TV set is entering on the assembly line, Push “In-
stop” ke y at rst.
2) Push “Power on” key for turning it on.
-> If you push “Power on” key, TV set will recover channel
information by itself.
3) After function inspection, Push “In-stop” key.
(5) Click “Auto” tab and set as below.
(6) Click "Run".
(7) After downloading, check "OK" message. Vs adjustment
(1) Connect + terminal of D. M..M. to Vs TP, connect -terminal
to GND.
(2) After turning VR901, voltage of D.M.M adjustment as same
as Vs voltage which on label of panel right/top ( deviation
; ±0.5V) Va adjustment
(1) Connect + terminal of D. M..M. to Va TP, connect -terminal
to GND.
(2) After turning VR502, voltage of D.M.M adjustment as same
as Va voltage which on label of panel right/top ( deviation
; ±0.5V)
4.2. Adjustment Preparation
● Required Equipment
- Remote controller for adjustment
- Color Analyzer ( CS-1000, CA-100,100+,CA-210 or same
product : CH 11 (PDP)
* Please adjust CA-210, CA-100+ by CS-1000 before measur-
- Auto W/B adjustment instrument(only for Auto adjustment)
- 9 Pin D-Sub Jack(RS232C) is connected to the AUTO
Before Adjust of White Balance, Please press
- Adjust Process will start by execute RS232C Command.
● Color temperature standards according to CSM and Module
● CS-1000/CA-100+/CA-210(CH 10) White balance adjust-
ment coordinates and color temperature.
CSMColor CoordinationTemp± Color
COOL0.276 0.283 11000K0.002
MEDIUM0.2850.293 9300K0.002
WARM0.313 0.329 6500K0.002
* Connecting picture of the measuring instrument (On Auto-
matic control)
- Inside PATTERN is used when W/B is controlled. Connect to auto controller or push Adjustment R/C POWERON -> Enter the mode of White-Balance, the pattern will
come out.
1) Adjust in the place where the inux of light like oodlight
around is blocked. (Illumination is less than 100Lux).
2) Adhere closely the Color Analyzer ( CA210 ) to the
module less than 10cm distance, keep it with the surface
of the Module and Color Analyzer’s Prove vertically.
3) Aging time
- After aging start, keep the power on (no suspension of
power supply) and heat-run over 5 minutes.
- Using ‘no signal’ or ‘full white pattern’ or the others,
check the back light on.
■ Auto adjustment Map(RS-232C)
Wb 00 00 White Balance Start
Wb 00 ff White Balance End
Cool Mid WarmCool MidWarm
R GainjgJajd00172192192192
G GainjhJbje00172192192192
B GainjiJcjf00192192172192
R Cut646464128
G Cut646464128
B Cut646464128
* Caution
- Color Temperature : COOL, Medium, Warm.
- One of R Gain/G Gain/ B Gain should be kept on 0xC0,
and adjust other two lower than C0. (when R/G/B Gain
are all C0, it is the FULL Dynamic Range of Module)
* Manual W/B process using adjusts Remote control.
■ After enter Service Mode by pushing “ADJ” key,
■ Enter White Balance by pushing “►” key at “6. White
■ Stick the sensor to the center of the screen and select
each items(Red/Green/Blue Gain) using ▲/▼(CH +/-)
key on R/C.
■ Adjust R/G/B Gain using◄/►(VOL +/-) key on R/C.
■ Adjust three modes all(Cool/Medium/Warm) : Fix the one
of R/G/B Gain and Change the others.
■ When the adjustment is completed, Enter “COPY ALL”.
■ Exit adjustment mode using EXIT key on R/C.
* After You nish all adjustments, Press “In-start” button and
compare Tool option and Area option value with its BOM, if it
is correctly same then unplug the AC cable.
If it is not same, then correct it same with BOM and unplug
AC cable.
For correct it to the model’s module from factory JIG model.
* Push The “IN STOP KEY” after completing the function
inspection. And Mechanical Power Switch must be set “ON”
* To check the coordinates of White Balance, you have to
measure at the below conditions.
- Picture mode : Vivid, Energy Saving : Off, Below the Ad-
vanced control, Dynamic Contrast : Off, Dynamic Colour : Off
Colour Temp.
-> Picture Mode change : Vivid -> Vivid(User)
4.3. DDC EDID Write (HDMI 256Byte)
-> Not used any more, Use Auto D/L
■ Connect HDMI Signal Cable to HDMI Jack.
■ Write EDID DATA to EEPROM(24C02) by using DDC2B
■ Check whether written EDID data is correct or not.
* For SVC main Ass’y, EDID have to be downloaded to Insert
Process in advance.
(1) All Data : HEXA Value
(2) Changeable Data :
* : Serial No : Controlled / Data:01
** : Month : Controlled / Data:00
*** : Year : Controlled
**** : Check sum
4.5. EDID DATA Auto Download
(1) Press Adj. key on the Adj. R/C,
(2) Select EDID D/L menu.
(3) By pressing Enter key, EDID download will begin
(4) If Download is successful, OK is display, but If Download is