Lexmark C510 Reference Guide

User’s Reference
December 2003


Notices ............................................................................................................7
Trademarks ......................................................................................................................8
Safety inform a t io n ..... ... .................................................................. .. .. .............. .. .. .......... 10
Conventions ................................................................................................................... 11
Electronic emission notices ............................................................................................ 12
The United Kingdom Telecommunications Act 1984 ...............................................14
Noise emission levels ............................................................................................... 14
ENERGY STAR .. ... ............. .. .. ........................... .. .. ............. ... .. .......................... ... .. . 14
Laser notices ..................................................................................................................15
Laser advisory label ......... .................... ..................... .................... .................... ....... 15
Class 1 laser statement ............................................................................................ 15
Statement of limited warranty ......................................................................................... 15
Chapter 1: Overview ...................................................................................19
Basic model .......................................................... .........................................................19
Configured model ........................................................................................................... 19
Chapter 2: Printing ......................................................................................20
Tips for successful printing ............................................................................................. 20
Tips on storing media ............................................................................................... 20
Avoiding jams ........................................................................................................... 20
Sending a job to print ........ ........................ ............................................. ........................20
Printing a confidential job ............................................................................................... 21
Entering a personal identification number (PIN) .................................................... ..22
Canceling a print job ...................................................................................................... 22
Canceling from the printer operator panel ................................................................22
Canceling a job from a computer running Windows ................................................. 23
Printing the m e nu s et tings page ............ .. ... ............. .. .. ............. ... .................................. 24
Printing a font sample list ............................................................................................... 24
Printing the Print Quality Test Pages ....................................... .................... ..................25
Chapter 3: Media specifications ................................................................26
Media guidelines .......... .......................... .. ........................................ .. ... ............. .. .......... 26
Paper ........................................................................................................................ 26
Transparencies ........................................................................................................ 30
Envelopes ................................................................................................................ 31
Labels .......................................................................................................................32
Card stock ........... ... ............. .. ........................................ .. .. .............. .. ....................... 33
Storing media ................................................................................................................. 33
Identifying media sources and specificati ons ............................................. ....................33
Tray linking ..................................................................................................................... 38
Using the duplex function (two-sided printing) ............ .......................................... ......... 38
Duplex printing on letterhead ................................................................................... 39
Using Duplex Bind .................................................................................................... 39
Using the output bin ....................................................................................................... 40
Loading the trays ........................................................................................................... 41
Loading envelopes in the standard tray ................................................... ......................44
Using the media support in the output bin ......................................................................47
Using the media stop ..................................................................................................... 48
Chapter 4: Clearing jams ............................................................................49
Avoiding jams hints ........................................................................................................ 49
Identifying the media path ..................... ........................ ............................................. .... 50
Accessing jam areas ................................................................................................ 51
Chapter 5: Maintenance .............................................................................60
Maintaining your printer .................................................................................................. 60
Determining the status of supplies ................................................................................. 60
Conserving supplies ....................................................................................................... 61
Ordering supplies and maintenance items .....................................................................61
Ordering toner cartridges ......................... ...................................... .......................... 62
Ordering a fuser ....................................................................................................... 62
Ordering a waste toner bottle .................................. ............................................. .... 62
Ordering a photodeveloper cartridge ............................................ ...................... .... 62
Maintaining your printer for long term storage ............................................................... 62
Storing media ........................................................................................................... 63
Storing the toner cartridges .............................................. ........................................64
Replacing the toner cartridges ........................... ................................................. ........... 65
Recycling Lexmark products ............................................ ........................ .. ....................68
Replacing the fuser ........................................................................................................ 69
Replacing the waste toner bottle .......................... ....................... ........................ .. ......... 72
Replacing the photodeveloper cartridge ........................................................... ............. 73
Setting the operator panel when a supply is replaced ...................................................77
Changing the toner cartridge yield ...........................................................................77
Specifying th e re p la ced supply .... .. .. ............. ... ....................................... ... .. ............ 77
Cleaning the printhead lens ...........................................................................................78
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting .......................................................................81
Solving basic p rin t e r pr o b l e ms ............... .. ........................................ .. ... ............. .. .. ........ 81
Checking an unresponsive printer ... ...................... ............................................ ............. 81
Solving display problems ............................................................................................... 82
Solving printing problems ............................................................................................... 82
Solving print quality problems ........................................................................................ 84
Solving color quality problems ...................................... ............................................ ..... 88
Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about color printing ...........................................88
Solving option problems ................................................................................................. 92
Solving media feed problems ......................................................................................... 93
Solving network printing problems ................................................................................. 94
Solving other problems .................................................................................................. 94
Calling for service ........................................................................................................... 94
Chapter 7: Administration ..........................................................................95
Memory requirements .................................................................................................... 95
Disabling operator panel menus .................................................................................... 95
Enabling menus ............................................................................................................. 96
Restoring factory default settings ................................................................................... 96
Adjusting Po w e r Sa ve r . .. .......................... ... .. ............. .. .. ........................... .. .. .............. .. . 97
Configuring printer alerts ................................................................................................ 97
Using the Setup Menu .............................. .. .. ........................... .. ............................... 97
Understanding fonts ....................................................................................................... 98
Typefaces an d fo nts ............................................. .. .. .............. .. ................................ 98
Bitmapped and scalable fonts ........................................................ .. ........................99
Resident fonts ........................................................................................................101
Readability disclaimer ............ ................................................. .......................... ..... 107
Symbol sets ............................................................................................................ 107
Downloadable fonts ................................................................................................108
Using the Print a nd H o ld fu n c tio n .. ............................................................................... 108
Selecting a us e r n a me ... ..................................................... ... .. ............. .. ... ............ 109
Printing and d e le ting held jobs ........... ........................... .. .. .............. .. ..................... 109
Accessing held jobs from the operator panel ......................................................... 109
Recognizing when format errors occur ..................... ...................................... ....... 110
Repeat Print ........................................ ............................................. ......................110
Reserve Print ......................................................................................................... 110
Verify Print .............................................................................................................. 111
Confidential jobs ..................................................................................................... 111
Removing optional cards .................................... .......................................................... 112
Removing the system board ................................. ............................................... ..112
Removing optional printer memory cards ..............................................................114
Removing an optional firmware card or optional flash memory card ..................... 114
Replacing the system board ..................... .. .......................... ......................... ......... 116
Removing options ........................................................................................................ 117
Removing the printer from the optional 530-sheet drawer .......................... ........... 117
Removing the optional duplex unit ........................ ................................................. 121
Chapter 8: Using printer menus ..............................................................129
Understanding the printer operator panel ............. ........................ ........................ ....... 129
Indicator light .......................................................................................................... 129
Buttons ................................................................................................................... 129
Using the operator panel to change printer settings .............. ........................ ..............131
Finishing Menu .............................................................................................................139
Help Menu .......................................................................... .......................................... 142
Job Menu ..................................................................................................................... 143
Network Menu ..............................................................................................................145
PCL Emul Menu ........................................................................................................... 150
Paper Menu ................................................................................................................. 153
PostScript Menu .................................... .......................................................................157
Serial Menu .................................................................................................................. 159
Supplies Menu ............................................................................................................. 166
Utilities Menu .................. .. ......................................................................... ..................170
Chapter 9: Understanding printer messages .........................................172
Index ............................................................ ................................................ 186


Edition not i c e
Licensing notice
Safety information
Electronic emission notices
Noise emission levels
Laser notices
Statement of limited warranty
Edition: December 2003 The following paragraph does not apply to any country where such provisions are
“AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND , EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED , INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warr anties in certain transactions; therefore, this statement may not apply to you.
This publication could incl ude technical inaccuracies or typogr aphical errors. Changes are periodically made to the inf o rmation herein; these changes will be incorporated in later editions. Improvement s o r changes i n the products or the programs described may be made at an y time.
Comments about this publicati on may be addressed to Lexmark International, Inc. , Department F95/ 032-2, 740 West New Circle Road, Lexington, Kentucky 40550, U.S.A. In the United Kingdom and Eire, send to Le xmark International Ltd. , Marketing and Services Department, Westhorpe House, Westhorpe, Marlow Bucks SL7 3RQ. Lexmark may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. You can purchase additional copies of publications related to this product by calling 1-800-553-9727. In the United Kingdom and Eire, call +44 (0)8704 440 044. In other countries, contact your point of purchase.
References in this publication to products, programs, or services do not imply that the manufacturer intends to make these available in all countries in which it operates. Any reference to a product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any existing intellectual property right may b e used inst ead. Ev aluation and verifi cation of oper ation in conjunction with other products, prog rams, or services, except those expressly designated by the manufacturer, are the user’s responsibility.
© 2003 Lexmark International, Inc. All rights reserved.
This software and any accomp anying document ation pro vided under this agreement are commerci al computer software and documentation developed exclusively at private expense.


Lexmark, Lexmark with diamond design, MarkNet, and MarkVision are trademarks of Lexmark International, Inc., registered in the United States and/or other countries.
is a registered trademark of the Hewlett-Packard Company. PCL is Hewlett-Packard
PCL Company’s designation of a set of printer commands (language) and functions included in i ts printer products. This printer is intended to be compati ble with the PCL language. This means the printer recognizes PCL commands used in various applicat ion programs, and that the printer emulates the functions corresponding to the commands.
PostScript Systems’ designation of a set of printer commands (language) and func tions included in its software products. This printer is intended to be compatible with the P ostScript 3 language. This means the
is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. PostScript 3 is Adobe
printer recognizes PostScript 3 commands used in various application progr ams , and th at the printer emulates the functions corresponding to the commands.
Details relating to compatibility are included in the Technical Reference. The followi ng terms are trademarks or registered trademarks of these companies:
Albertus The Monotype Corporation plc Antique Olive Monsieur Marcel OLIVE Apple-Chancery Apple Computer, Inc. Arial The Monotype Corporation plc Candid Agfa Corporation CG Omega Product of Agfa Corporation CG Times Based on Times New Roman under license from
The Monotype Corpora tion pl c, is a pr oduct of Agf a
Corporation Chicago Apple Computer, Inc. Clarendon Linotype-Hell AG and/or its subsidiaries Eurostile Nebiolo Geneva Apple Computer, Inc. GillSans The Monotype Corporation plc Helvetica Linotype-Hell AG and/or its subsidiaries Hoefler Jonathan Hoefler Type Foundry ITC Avant Garde
Gothic ITC Bookman International Typeface Corporation ITC Lubalin Graph International Typeface Corporation ITC Mona Lisa International Typeface Corporation ITC Zapf
Chancery Joanna The Monotype Corporation plc Marigold Arthur Baker Monaco Apple Computer, Inc. New York Apple Computer, Inc. Oxford Arthur Baker Palatino Linotype-Hell AG and/or its subsidiaries
International Typeface Corporation
International Typeface Corporation
Stempel Garamond
Taffy Agfa Corporation Times New
Roman TrueType Apple Computer, Inc.
Linotype-Hell AG and/or its subsidiaries
The Monotype Corporation plc
Univers Linotype-Hell AG and/or its subsidiaries Wingdings Microsoft Corporation
Other trademarks are the property of their respective owner s.

Licensing notice

The printer resident software contains:
Software de veloped and copyrighted by Lexmark
Lexmark modified softwar e licensed under the provi sions of the GNU General Pub lic License
version 2 and the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1
Software licensed under the BSD license and w arranty statements
Click the title of the document you want to review:
BSD License and Warranty state ments
GNU General Public License
The Lexmark modified GNU li censed softwar e is free softw are; y ou can redistrib ute it and/ or modify it under the terms of the licenses refe renced above. These lic enses do not provide you any rights to the Lexmark copyrighted software in this printer.
Since the GNU licensed software that the Lexmark modifications are based upon is supplied explicitly wi thout warr anty, use of the Lexmark modified version is similarly prov ided without w arranty. See the warranty disclaimers in the referenced licenses for additional details.
To obtain source code files for the Lexmark modified GNU licensed softw are, launch the drivers CD that shipped with your printer and click Contact Lexmark.

Safety information

If your product is not marked with this symbol , it must be connected to an electrical outlet that is properly grounded.
CAUTION: Do not set up this product or make any electrical or cabling connections, such as
the power cord or telephone, during a lightning storm.
The power cord must be connected to an electrical outlet that is near the product and easily accessible.
Refer service or repairs, other than those described in the operating instructions, to a professio nal service person.
Licensing no tice
This product is designed, tested, and appro v ed to meet strict global safety standards with the use of specific Lexmark components. The safety features of some parts may not always be obvious. Lexmark is not responsible for the use of other replacement parts.
Your product uses a laser.
CAUTION: Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other tha n those
specified herein ma y result in hazardous radiation exposure.
Your product uses a printing process that heats the print media, and the heat may cause the media to release emissions. You must understand the section in your operating instructions that discusses the guidelines for selecting print media to av oid the possibility of harmful emissions.


CAUTION: A caution identifies something that could cause you harm.
Warning: A warning identifies something that could damage y our product hardware or
This symbol identifies stati c-sensitiv e parts. Do not touch i n the areas near thes e symbols without first touching the metal frame of the printer

Electronic emission notices

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) compliance information statement
The Lexmark C510 base and network printer, Types 5021-000 and 5021-010, have been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditi ons: (1) this device may not cause harmful interfe rence, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, in cluding interference that may cause undesired operat ion.
The FCC Class B limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interf erence in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications . However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the follo w ing measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation betwe en the equi pmen t and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
Consult your point of purchase or service representative for additional suggestions.
The manufacturer is not responsible f o r any radio or television interference caused by using other than recommended cables or by unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment. Unauthorized changes or modifications could void the user's authority to operate this equi pme nt.
Note: To assure compliance with FCC regulations on electromagnetic interference for a
Class B computing device, use a properly shielded and grounded cable such as Lexmark part number 1329605 for parallel attach or 12A2405 f or USB att ach. Use of a substitute cable not properly shielded and grounded may result in a violation of FCC regulations.
Any questions regarding this compliance information statement should be direct ed to:
Director of Lexmark Technology & Services Lexmark International, Inc. 740 West New Circle Road Lexington, KY 40550 (859) 232-3000
Industry Canada compliance statement
This Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interfe rence-Causing Equipment Regulations.
Electronic emission notices
Avis de conformité aux normes de l’industrie du Canada
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B respecte toutes les exigences du Règlement sur le matériel brouilleur du Canada.
European Community (EC) directives conformity
This product is in confo rmity with the protection requirements of EC Council directives 89/336/EEC and 73/23/EEC on the appro ximat ion and harmonization of the la ws of the Member States r elating t o electromagnetic compatibility and safety of electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits.
A declaration of conf o rmity with the requirements of the direct iv es has been si gned b y the Director of Manufacturing and Technical Support, Lexmark International, S.A., Boigny, France.
This product satisfies the Class B limit s of EN 55022 and safety requirements of EN 60950.
Republic of Korea Compliance Statement
If your product includes the following symbol on the regulatory label: the following statement is applicable to your product.
This equipment has undergone EMC registration as a household product. It can be used in an y area, including a residential area.
Japanese VCCI notice
If your product includes the following symbol on the regulatory label: the following statement is applicable to your product.
Electronic emission notices

The United Kingdom Telecommunications Act 1984

This apparatus is approved under the approval number NS/G/1234/J/100003 for the indirect connections to the public telecommunications systems in the United King dom.

Noise emission levels

The followi ng measurements wer e made in accordance wit h ISO 7779 and reported in conformance with ISO 9296.
1-meter average sound pressure, dBA
Printing 53


The EPA ENERGY STAR Office Equipment program is a partnership effort with office equipment manufacturers to promote the introduction of energy-efficient products and to reduce air pollution caused by power generation.
Companies participating in this program introduce product s that power down when they are not being used. This featur e wil l cut the energy used by up to 50 percent. Lexmark is proud to be a participant in this program.
As an ENERGY STAR Partner, Lexmark International, Inc. has determined that this product meets the ENERGY STAR guidelines for energy efficiency.
Electronic emission notices

Laser notices

Laser advisory label

A laser notice label may be affixed to this printer as shown:

Class 1 laser statement

The printer is certified in the U.S. to conform to the requirements of DHHS 21 CFR Subchapter J for Class I (1) laser products, and elsewhere is certified as a Class I laser product conforming to the requirements of IEC 60825-1.
Class I laser products are not consi dered to be hazardous . The printer cont ains internally a Class III b (3b) laser that is nominally a 5 milliwatt gallium arsenide laser operating in the w avelength region of 770-795 nanometers. The laser sys tem and printer are designed so there is never any human access to laser radiation abo ve a Class I level during normal operation, user maintenance, or prescribed service condition.

Statement of limited warranty

Lexmark International, Inc., Lexington, KY
This warranty applies to the United States and Canada. F or customers outside the U .S . and Canada, refer to the country-specific warranty information that came with your printer.
Laser notices
C510 printer
This Statement of Limited Warranty applies to this prod uct i f it w as o riginally purc hased for your use, and not for resale, from Lexmark or a Lexmark remarketer, referred to in this statement as Remarketer.
Lexmark warrants that this product:
Is manufact ured from new parts, or new and serviceable used parts, which perform like new parts
Is free from defects in material and workmanship
Conforms to Lexmarks official published specifications
Is in good working order
If this product does not function as warranted during the warranty period, contact a Remarketer or Lexmark for repair without charge.
If this product is a f eature or option, this statement applies only when that feature or option is used with the product for which it was designed. To obtain warranty service, you may be required to present the feature or option with the product.
If you transfer this product to another user, warranty service under the terms of this statement is avail a ble to that user for the remainder of the warranty period. You should transfer proof of original purchase and this statement to that user.
Warranty service
The warranty period is 12 months and starts on the date of original purchase as shown on the purchase receipt.
To obtain warranty service you may be required to present proof of original purchase. Warranty service will be provided at your location.
When warranty service involves the exchange of a product or part, the item replaced becomes the property of the Remarketer or Lexmark. The replacement may be a new or repaired item. The replacement item assumes the remaining war ranty period of the original product.
Replacement is not available to you if the product you present for exchange is defaced, altered, in need of a repair not incl uded in w arranty se rvice, or damaged be yond repair . Also , such pr oduct must be free of any legal obligation or restrictions that prevent its exchange.
Before y ou present this product for w a rranty service, remove all programs, data, and removable storage media.
For further explanation of your warranty alt e rnatives and the nearest Lexmark authorized servicer in your area, please contact Lexmark at 1-859-232-3000, or on the World Wide Web at http://support.lexmark.com.
Statement of limited warranty
Remote technical support is provided for this product throughout its warranty period. Lexmark offers a variety of extended warranty pr og rams that incl ude an extension of technical su pport. F or pro duct s no longer covered by a Lexmark warranty, technical support may only be availab le for a fee.
Extent of warrant y
We do not warrant uninterrupted or error-free operation of a product. Warranty service does not include repair of failures caused by:
Modification or attachments
Accidents or misuse
Unsuitable physical or operating environment
Maintenance by anyone other than Lexmark or a Lexmark authorized servicer
Operation of a product beyond the limit of its duty cycle
Fai lure to have installed a maintenance kit as specified (if applicable)
Use of printing media outside of Lexmark specifications
Use of other than Lexmark supplies (such as toner cartridges, inkjet cartridges, and ribbons)
Use of other than Lexmark product or component
Limitation of liability
Your sole remedy under this Statement of Limited Wa rranty is set forth in this section. For any claim concerning performance or nonperformance of Le xmark or a Remarketer for this product under this Statement of Limited Warranty, you may recover actual damages up to the limit set forth in the follow ing paragraph.
Lexmark's liability for actual damages from any cause whatsoever will be limited to the greater of 1) $5,000 or 2) the amount you paid for the product that caused the damages. This limitation of liability will not apply to claims by you for bodily injury or damage to real property or tangible person al property for which Lexmark is legally liab le. In no event will Lexmark be liable f or any lost profi ts, lost savings, incidental damage, or other economic consequential damages. This is true even if you advise Lexmark or a Remarketer of the possibility of such damages. Lexmark is not liable for any claim by you based on a third party claim.
This limitation of remedies also applies to any de v elop er of materials supplied to Lexmark. Le xmark’s and the developer’s limitations of remedies are not cumulative. Such developer is an intended beneficiary of this limitation.
Statement of limited warranty
Additional rights
Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, or do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages. If such l aws apply, the limitations or exclusions con tai ned in this statement may not apply to you.
This warranty giv e s y ou speci fic legal rights . You may also have other rights which v ary from state to state.
Statement of limited warranty


Basic model

The following illustration shows the basic model and features of the Lexmark C510 printer.
Operator panel
Output bin
Standard tray (250-sheet tray)

Configured model

The following illustration shows the options availab le for the Lexmark C510.The options are shaded. To learn the order of installation for the options, refer to the Setup Guide.
Optional duplex unit
Optional 530-sheet drawer


This chapter covers tips for printing, how to print certain lists of information from your printer, and how to cancel a job.

Tips for successful printi ng

Tips on storing media

Store your media properly. For more information, see Storing media.

Avoiding jams

If you select appropriate paper or special it y media (transparencies, labels, and card stock), you are assisting in trouble-free printing. See Avoiding jams hints for m o re information.
Note: We recommend that you try limited samples of any paper or speciality media you
are considering using with the printer before purchasing large quantities.
By selecting appropriate paper or speciality media and loadi ng it properly, you are able to av oid most jams. See Loading the tra ys fo r instructions on loadi ng paper and special ity media into the st andard tray, the optional 250-sheet legal size tray, and the optional 530-sheet tray.
If you experience a jam, see Clearing jams for instructions. For hints to help you avoid jams, see
Avoiding jams hints.

Sending a job to print

A printer driver is software that l ets y our computer comm unicate wi th y our printe r. When you choose Print from a software application, a window representing the printer driver opens. Select the appropriate settings for the specific job you are sending to print. Print settings selected from the driver override the default settings selected from the printer operator panel.
You may need to click Properties or Setup from the initial Print box to see all of the available printer settings you can change. If you are not familiar with a feature in the printer driver window, open the online Help for more information.
To support all the printer features, use the Lexmark custom printer drivers. Updated drivers, as well as a complete description of the driver packages and Lexmark driver support, are availabl e from the
Lexmark Web sit e.You can also use the system drivers built into y our operating system. Refer to the Setup Guide for more information about choosing and installing drivers.
To print a job from a typical Windows applic ation:
1 Open the file you want to print. 2 From the File menu, select Print. 3 Verify that the correct printer is selected in the dialog box. Modify the printer settings as
appropriate (such as the pages you want to print or the number of copies).
4 Click Properties or Setup to adjust printer settings not available from the first screen, and
then click OK.
5 Click OK or Print to send the job to the selected printer.

Printing a confidential job

When you send a job to the printer, you can enter a personal identificatio n n umber (PIN) from the driver. The PIN must be f our di gits using the n umbers 1–6. The job is h eld in printer memory until y ou enter the same four-digit PIN from the operator panel and choose to print or delete the job. This ensures that the job does not print until you are there to retrieve it, and no one else using the printer can print the job.
This will only work with the Lexmark custom drivers that came on the drivers CD which shipped with your printer.
1 In your word processor, spreadsheet, browser, or other application, select File Print. 2 Click Properties. (If there is no Properties button, click Setup, and then click Properties.) 3 Click Help and refer to the topic confidential print or print and hold. Follow instructions for
printing a confidential job. (See Printing a confidential job.) Go to the printer when you are ready to retrieve your confidential print job, and continue with
these steps:
4 Press and release Menu until you see Job Menu, and then press Select. 5 Press and release Menu until you see Confidential Job, and then press Select. 6 Press and release Menu until you see your user name, and then press Select. 7 See Entering a personal identification number (PIN) as follows. Continue with st ep 8 on
page 22 to print a confidential job.
Printing a confidential job

Entering a personal identification number (PIN)

When you select Confidential Job from the Job Menu, the following prompt appears on the display after you select your user name:
Enter PIN: =____
8 Use the buttons on the operator panel to enter the four-digit PIN associa ted with your
confidential job. The numbers next to the button names identify which button to press for each digit (1–6). As
you enter the PIN, asterisks appear on the display to ensure confidentiality.
Enter PIN =****
1 2
If you enter an invalid PIN, the message No Jobs Found. Retry? appears.
9 Press Go to reenter the PIN, or press Stop to exit the Confidential Job menu.
10 Press Select to print your confidential jobs.
Your jobs print and are deleted from printer memory.
For more inf ormation about confidential jobs , and Print and Hold jobs, see Using the Print and Hold

Canceling a print job

There are sev eral methods for canceling a print job.

Canceling from the printer operator panel

If the job you want to can cel is printing, and Busy appears on the display:
1 Press Menu to open the Job Menu.
Cancel Job appears on the second line of the display.
Canceling a print job
2 Press Select.
The message Canceling Job is displayed.

Canceling a job from a computer running Windows

Canceling a job from the taskbar
When you send a job to print, a small printer icon appears in the right corner of the taskbar.
1 Double-click the printer icon.
A list of print jobs appears in the printer window.
2 Select the job you want to cancel. 3 Press the Delete ke y on the keyboard.
Canceling a job from the desktop
1 Minimize all progra ms to reveal the desktop. 2 Double-click the My Computer icon. 3 Double-click the Printers icon.
A list of available printers appears.
4 Double-click the printer you selected when you sent the job.
A list of print jobs appears in the printer window.
5 Select the job you want to cancel. 6 Press the Delete ke y on the keyboard.
Canceling a job from a Macintosh computer
When you send a job to print, the printer icon for your selected printer appears on the desktop.
1 Double-click the printer icon on your desktop.
A list of print jobs appears in the printer window.
2 Press Control and click the print job you want to cancel. 3 Select Stop Queue from the pop-up menu that appears.
Canceling a print job

Printing the menu settings page

The menu settings page shows current settings (user default setti ngs) for the menus, a list of installed options , and a v ailab le printe r memory. You can use this page to verify that all printer options are properly installed and the printer settings are correct .
See Understanding the printer operato r panel to identify the display and operator panel buttons if you need help.
1 Make sure the printer is on and the Ready message appears. 2 Press and release Menu until you see Utilities Menu, and then press Select. 3 Press and release Menu until you see Print Menus, and then press Select.
The message Printing Menu Settings appears while the page prints. The printer returns to the Ready message after the menu settings page prints.
If any other message appears when you print this page, see Understanding printer messages for more information.

Printing a directory list

A directory list shows all the resources stored in flash memory or on the hard disk. To print a list:
1 Make sure the printer is on and the Ready message appears. 2 Press and release Menu until you see Utilities Menu, and then press Select. 3 Press and release Menu until Print Directory appears, and then press Select.
The message Printing Directory List appears and remains on the operator panel until the page prints. The printer returns to the Ready state after the directory list prints.

Printing a font sample list

To print samples of all the fonts currently av ailable for your printer:
1 Make sure the printer is on and the Ready message appears. 2 Press and release Menu until you see Utilities Menu, and then press Select. 3 Press and release Menu until Print Fonts appears, and then press Select.
Printing the menu settings page
4 Press and release Menu until either PCL Fonts or PS Fonts appears on the second line of
the display.
Select PCL Fonts to print a listing of the fonts available to the PCL emulator.
Select PS Fonts to print a listing of the fonts a vailable to the PostScript 3 emulato r.
5 Press Select.
The message Printing Font List appears and remains on the operator panel until the page prints. The printer returns to the Ready state after the font sample list prints.

Printing the Print Quality Te st Pages

To help isolate print quality problems, print the Print Quality Test Pages.
1 Make sure the printer is on and the Ready message appears. 2 Press and release Menu until you see Utilities Menu, and then press Select. 3 Press and release Menu until you see Prt Quality Pgs, and then press Select .
The pages are formatted. The Printing Quality Test Pages message appears. Then, the pages print. The message remains on the operator panel until all the pages print.
The Print Quality Test Pages contain seven pages. There are fou r pages representing the colors the printer can produce - cyan, magent a, yellow, and black. There are two pages containing test patterns in black or shades of gray, and one page of text containing printer information like page count, installed memory, and so on.
The printer returns to the Ready state after the Print Quality Test Pages print.
Printing the Print Quality Test Pages

Media specifications

Media is paper, card stock, transparencies, labels, and envelopes. The last four are sometimes referred to as specialty media. Your printer provides high quality printing on a variety of media. You must consider a number of things conc erning media before you print. This chapter provides information to help you make media selections, how to care for the media, and how to load it in the standard tray (250-sheet letter size tray), the optional 250-sheet legal size tra y, and the optional tray which is part of the optional 530-sheet drawer.

Media guidelines

Selecting the appropriate media for your printer helps you a void printing problems. The following sections contain guidelines for choosing the correct media for your printer. For detailed information about media characteristics, ref e r to the Card Stock & Label Gui de available
on the Lexmark Web site at www.lexmark.com/publications.


To ensure the best print quality and feed reliabil ity, use 90 g/m2 (24 lb) xerog r aphic , g rai n long paper. Business papers designed for general business use ma y also provide acceptable print quality.
Lexmark recommends Lexmark Part Number 12A5950 letter size glossy paper and Lexmark Part Number 12A5951 for A4 size glossy paper.
Always print several samples before buying large quantities of any type of media. When choosing any media, consider the wei ght, fiber content, and color.
The laser printing process heats paper to high temperatures of 170°C (338°F) for non- MICR applications. Use only paper able to withstand these temperatures without discoloring, bleeding, or releasing hazardous emissions . Check with the manufact urer or vendor to determine whether the paper you have chosen is acceptable for laser printers.
When loading paper , note the recommended print side on the paper package, and load paper accordingly. See Loading the trays for detail ed loading instructions.
Paper characteristics
The following paper characteristics affect print quality and reliability. We recommend that you follow these guidelines when evaluating new paper stock.
For detail ed information, refer t o the Card Stock & Label Guide available on the Lexmark W eb sit e at
Media specifications
Media specifications
The printer can automatically f eed paper weights from 60 to 90 g/m
Paper lighter than 60 g/m performance, use 90 g/m
(16 lb) might not be stiff enough to feed properly, causing jams. For best
(24 lb bond) grain long paper. To use paper narrower than 182 x 257 mm
(7.2 x 10.1 in.), we recommend that the weight be greater than or equal to 90 g/m
Curl is the tendency of media to curve at its edges. Excessive curl can cause paper feeding problems. Curl usually occurs after the paper passes through the printer, where it is exposed to high temperatures. Storing paper unwrapped in humid conditions, even in the trays, can contribute to paper curling prior to printing and can cause feeding problems.
The degree of smoothness of paper directly affects print quality. If the paper is too rough, the toner does not fuse to the paper properly, resulting in poor print quality. If the paper is too smooth, it can cause paper feeding pr oblems. Smoothness needs to be between 100 and 300 Sheffield points; however, smoothness between 150 and 250 Sheffield points produces the best print quality.
Moisture content
(16 to 24 lb bond) grain long.
(24 lb bond).
The amount of moisture in the pape r af fects both print quality and the abili ty of the printer t o feed the paper properly. Leave the paper in its original wrapper until you are ready to use it. This limits the exposure of the paper to moistur e changes that can degrade its performance.
Grain direction
Grain refers to the alignment of the paper fibers in a sheet of paper. Grain is either grain long, running the length of the paper, or grain short, running the width of the paper.
For 60 to 90 g/m
(16 to 24 lb bond) paper, grain long fibers are recommended.
Fiber content
Most high-quality x erographic paper is made from 100% chemically pulped wood. This cont ent provides the paper with a high degree of stability resulting in fewer paper feeding problems and better print quality. Paper containing fibers such as cotton possess characteristics that can result in degraded paper handling.
Media guidelines
Media specifications
Unacceptable paper
The following papers are not recommended for use with the printer:
Chemically treated papers used to make copies without carbon paper, also known as carbonless papers, carbonless copy paper (CCP), or no carbon required (NCR) paper
Preprinted papers with chemicals that ma y contaminate the printer
Preprinted papers that can be affected by the temperature in the printer fuser
Preprinted papers that require a registration (the precise print location on the page) greater
than ±0.09 in., such as optical character recognition (OCR) forms In some cases, you can adjust registr ation with y our softwar e applicat ion to successf ully print
on these forms.
Coated papers (erasab le bond), synthetic papers, thermal papers
Rough-edged, rough or heavily textured surfac e pape rs or curled papers
Recycled papers containing more than 25% post-consumer wa ste that do not meet
DIN 19 309
Recycled paper having a weight less than 60 g/m
(16 lb)
Multiple-part forms or documents
Selecting paper
Proper paper loading helps pre vent jams and ensures troubl e -free printing. To help avoid jams or poor print quality:
Always use new, undama ged paper.
Before loading paper, kno w th e recommended print side of the paper you are using. This
information is usually indicated on the paper package.
Do not use paper that you have cut or trimmed yourself.
Do not mix media sizes, weights, or types in the same source; mixing results in jams.
Do not use coated papers.
Do not forget to change the Paper Size setting when y ou use a source that does not support
auto size sensing.
Do not remove tr ays while a job is printing or Busy is displayed on the operator panel.
Make sure the P aper Type, Paper Texture, and P aper W eight s ettings are corr ect. (See Paper
Menu for detailed i n formation about these settings.)
Make sure the paper is properly loaded in the source.
Media guidelines
Media specifications
Flex paper bac k and forth. Do not fold or crease the paper. Straighten the edges on a level surface.
Selecting preprinted forms and letterhead
Use the following guidelines when selecting preprinted forms and letterhead paper for the printer:
Use grain long papers for best results.
Use only forms and letterhead printed using an offset lithographic or engraved printing
Avoid papers with rough or heavily textured surfaces.
Use papers printed with heat-resistant inks designed for use in xer o graphic copiers. The ink must withstand temperatures of 170°C (338°F) without melting or releasing hazardous emi ssions. Use inks that are not affec ted by the resin in toner. Inks that are oxidation- set or oil-based should meet these requirements; latex inks might not. If you are in doubt, cont act your paper supplier.
Preprinted papers such as letterhead must be able to withstand temperatures up to 170°C (338°F) without melting or releasing hazardous emissions.
Media guidelines
Media specifications
Printing on letterhead
Check with the manufacturer or vendor to determine whether the preprinted letterhead you have chosen is acceptable for laser printers.
Page orientation is important when printing on letterhead. Use the following table for help when loading letterhead in the media sources.
Media source or process Print side Top of page
Tray 1 (Standard tray)
Tray 1 (Optional 250-sheet legal size tray)
Tray 2 Optional 530-sheet drawer
Duplex (two-sided) printing using tray 1 or tray 2
Printed letterhead faceup Letterhead goes toward the
rear of the tray
Printed letterhead faceup Letterhead goes toward the
rear of the tray
Printed letterhead facedown Letterhead goes toward the
front of the tray


You can feed transparencies from the standard tray. Try a sample of any transparencies yo u are considering using with the printer befor e buying large quantities.
When printing on transparencies:
Be sure to set the Paper Type to Transparency from the printer driver or from MarkVision Professional to avoid damaging your printer.
Use transparencies designed specifically for laser printer s. Transpar encies must be able to withstand temperatures of 170°C (338°F) without melting, discoloring, offsetting or releasing hazardous emissions.
To prevent print quality problems, avoid getting fingerprints on the transparencies when you handle them.
Before loading transparencies, fan the stack to prevent sheets from sticking together.
Selecting transparencies
The printer can print directly on transparencies designed for use in laser printers. Print quality and durability depend on the tra nsparency used. Always print samples on the tr ansparencies you are considering before buying large quantities.
Lexmark recommends Lexmark Part Number 12A5940 letter size transparency and Lexmark Part Number 12A5941 for A4 size transparency.
The Paper Type setting should be set to Transparency to help preven t jams. (See Paper Type for detailed information about thi s setting.) Ch eck wit h the manuf act urer or v endor to dete rmine whether your transparencies are compatible with laser printers that heat transparencies to 170°C (338°F). Use only transparencies that are able to withstand these temperatures without melti ng, discoloring,
Media guidelines
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