Edition: April 1, 2011
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This publication could include technical inaccuracies or typographical error s. Changes are periodic all y m ade to the
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Comments may be addressed to Lexmark International, Inc., Department D22X/002-1 , 740 W est New Circle Road,
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References i n this publicat ion to products, programs, or services do not imply that the manufacturer intends to m ake these
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Lexmark and Lexmark with diamond design are tradema rks of Lexmark International, Inc., registered in the United States
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All other trademarks are the property of their re spective owners.
This software and any accompanying documentation provided under this agreement are commercial computer software
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This device contains a l ithium batter y. There is a danger of explosion if a lithium ba tt ery is
incorrectly replaced. Replace it onl y wit h the same or equivalent type of lithi um battery.
Discard used batteri es accordi ng to the manufac turer ’s ints tructi ons and lo cal regulat ions.
•The safety of this product is based on testing and approvals of the original design and specific
components. The man ufacturer is not responsible for safety in the event of use of unauthorized
replacement parts.
•The maintenance inf ormation for this product has been prepared for use by a profe ssional service person
and is not intended to be used by others.
•There may be an increased risk of electric shock and personal injury during disassembly and servicing of
this product. Professional service personnel should understand this and take necessary precautions.
Consignes de sécurité
•La sécurité de ce pro duit repose sur des tests et des
agréations por tant sur sa conception d'origine et sur des composants particulier s. Le fabricant n'assume
aucune respon sabilité concerna nt l a sécurité en cas d'utili sation de pièces de rechange non agréées.
•Les consignes d'entretien et de réparat ion de ce produit s'adressent uniquement à un personnel de
maintenance qualifié.
•Le démontage et l'entretien de ce produit pouvant présenter certains risques électriques, le personnel
d'entretien qualifié devra prendre toutes les précautions nécessaires.
Lexmark S800 Series
Norme di sicurezza
•La sicurezza del prodotto si basa sui test e sull'approvazione del progetto originale e dei componenti
specifici. Il produttore non è responsabile per la sicurezza in caso di sostituz ione non autorizzata del le
•Le informazion i riguardanti la manutenzione di questo prodotto sono indirizzate soltanto al personale di
assistenza autorizzato.
•Durante lo smontaggio e la manutenzione di questo prodotto,
il rischio di subire scosse elettriche e danni alla persona è più elevato. Il personale di assistenza
autorizzat o deve, quindi, adottare le precauzioni neces sarie.
•Die Sicherheit di eses Produkts basiert auf Tests und Zulassungen des ursprüngliche n Mod ell s und
bestimmter Baut eil e. Bei Verwendung nicht genehmigter Ersat zteile wird vom Hersteller keine
Verantwortung oder Haftung für die Sicherheit übernommen.
•Die Wartungsinformation en für dieses Produkt sind ausschließlich für die Verwendung durch einen
Wart ungsfachmann bestimmt.
•Während des Auseinandernehmens und der Wartung des Geräts besteht ein zusätzliches Risiko eines
elektrischen Schlags und körperli cher Verletzung. Das zuständige Fachpersonal soll te entsprechende
Vor sichtsmaßnahmen treffen.
Safety information v
Pautas de Seguridad
•La seguridad de este producto se basa en pruebas y aprobaciones del diseño original y componentes
específico s. El fabri cante no es responsable de la seguridad en caso de uso de piezas de repuesto no
•La información sobre el mantenimiento de este producto está dirigida exclusivamente al personal
cualificado de mantenimiento.
•Existe mayor riesgo de de scarga e léc trica y de dañ os pe rsonal es du rante e l desmont aj e y la r eparaci ón de
la máquina. El personal cualificado debe ser consciente de este peligro y tomar las precauci ones
Inform a çõ es de Segura nç a
•A segurança deste produto baseia-se em test es e aprovações do modelo original e de componentes
específico s. O fabr icante não é responsável pela segunrança, no caso de uso de peças de substituição
não autorizadas.
•As informações de segurança relativas a este produto destinam-se a profissionais destes serviços e não
devem ser utili zadas por outras pessoas.
•Risco de choques eléctricos e ferimentos graves durante a desmontagem e manutenção deste produto.
Os profissionais destes serviços devem estar avisados deste facto e tomar os cuidados necessários.
Lexmark S800 Series
Informació de Seguretat
•La seguretat d'aquest producte es basa en l'avaluació i aprovaci ó del disseny original i els com ponents
específics .
El fabricant no es fa responsable de les qüestions de
seguretat si s'u ti litzen peces de recanvi no autoritzades.
•La informació pel ma nteniment d’aquest pr oducte està orientada exc lusivament a professionals i no està
a ningú que no ho sigui.
•El risc de xoc elèctric i de danys personal s pot augmentar durant el procés de desmuntatge i de servei
d’aquest producte. El personal profe ssional ha d’estar-ne assabentat i prendre
les mesures con venients.
Safety infor mation vi
Lexmark S800 Series
Safety in fo rmation vii
Lexmark S800 Series
This manual contai ns m aintenance procedures for service providers. It is divided into the following chapters:
1. General information contains a general descri ption of the printer and the mainte nance approach used t o repair
it. It includ es printer specifications, special tools, and acronyms.
2. Diagnostic inf ormation cont ains an error code table, symptom table s, and service chec ks used to isolate fai ling
field replaceable units (FRUs).
3. Diagnostic aids contains tests and checks used to locate or repeat symptoms of printer pro blems.
4. Repair in fo r m a t io n provides instructions for making printer adjustments and removing and installing FRUs.
5. Connector locations uses illustrations to identify the connector locations and test points on the printer.
6. Preventive maintenance contains the lu bri cation specifi cations and recommendations to prevent problems .
7. Parts catalog contains illustrations and part numbers for individual FRUs.
Preface viii
Lexmark S800 Series
1. General in formation
The Lexmark™ S800 Series All-In-One (4310- VWx) is a letter-quality printer with the ability to copy, scan, and fax.
• Borderless copy sel ectable via printer driver (on all sizes listed below,
excluding 3 x 5 and B5)
Lexmark S800 Series
Standalone media ty pe (f or printed
• Photo
• Transparency
• Lexmark Photo
• Lexmark PerfectFini sh Photo
General information 1-5
Media specifications
Paper capacitiesInput tray
Plain paperUp to 100 sheets
Envelopes Up to 10 envelopes
Banner Up to 20 sheets
Heavy weight matteUp to 25 sheets
Photo/glossy Up to 25 sheets
TransparenciesUp to 50 sheets
Iron-on transferUp to 10 sheets
Card stockUp to 25 sheets
LabelsUp to 25 sheets
Exit tray
Plain paperUp to 50 sheets
Lexmark S800 Series
Transparencies1 sheet
Photo/glossy1 sheet
LabelsUp to 20 sheets
EnvelopesUp to 10 envelopes
Heavy weight matteUp to 25 sheets
BannerUp to 20 sheets
Iron-on transferUp to 10 sheets
Card stockUp to 15 sheets
• Supported media types: 20 and 24 pound plain (80 to 90 grams)
• No borderless dupl ex capacity
General information 1-8
Lexmark S800 Series
Under standing the operator panel
Using the operator panel
The operator panel functions allow you to copy, scan, fax, or print documents and photos. The operator panel features:
•Power button on front panel (whi te LED)
•4.3” touchscr een W QVGA display with screen saver, functions via touch ing
General information 1-9
1Back• Returns to the previous screen
• Exits from one menu level to a higher one
2Touchscr een Displa y• Navi gates t h e prin te r m e nus
• Changes settings
• Views print er messages and animation
Note: The display is turned off in Power Saver mode.
3HomeReturns to the home screen
4HelpViews Help text messages
5Cancel buttonCancels the current job or task
Lexmark S800 Series
6Start buttonStarts a print, scan, fax, or copy job, depending on which
mode is selected.
7Power on/off butt on• Turn s the pr inter on and off
• Switches to Power Saver mode
Note: When the printer is on, pr ess the Power button to
switch to Power Saver mode. Pre ss and hold the Power
button for three seconds to turn off the pri nter .
General information 1-10
Lexmark S800 Series
Maintenance approach
The diagnostic information in this manual leads you to the correct field replaceable unit (FRU) or part. Use the error
codes, symptom tables, ser vice checks, and diagnostic aids to determine the sym ptom and repair the failure.
After you complet e the repair, perform tests as needed to ver ify the repair.
To ol s req ui re d fo r service
•#1 Phillips screwdriver
•#2 Phillips screwdriver
•Spring hook
dpiDots per inch
DSANPA Device Status Alert
EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM
EOFEnd of Fo rm
FlashFast EEPROM
ICDImage Captur e Devic e
LEDLight-Emitting Diode
NPANetwork Printing Alliance
NVRAMNonvolatile Random Access Memory
PORPower-On Reset
POSTPower-On Self Test
ppiPix le s p er in ch
ROMRead Only Memory
TSRTemperature Sense Resistor
USBUniversal Serial Bus
General information 1-11
Lexmark S800 Series
2. Diagnostic information
Power-On Self Test (POST) sequence
Plug the All-In- One int o an electrical outlet . The printer comes on automatically.
The All-In-One does a Power-On Self Test (POST) sequence.
1. The Power button, Copy button, and Color button lights come on.
2. The following will be displayed on the LCD screen sequentially:
Lexmark, Energy Star, and a bar indicating the remaining time for POST.
3. The purge pump runs simultaneously, and then shuts off.
4. The carrier moves off of the maintenance station simultaneously, and then returns.
5. Home Menu appears on the LCD screen with functional icons.
If any of these fail to occur, remove and reinstall the print cartridge, and then repeat the POST. If the POST remains
incomplete, then see “Service checks” on page 2-13. Find the symptom, and take corrective action.
Theory of operation
The printhead system consi sts of a singl e ½”ch ip wit h 640 nozzl es p er colo r . The ink i s suppl ied and s to red in i ndivi dual
felt-filled ink tanks. Upon inst allation of the tanks, the ink must be drawn from the tanks to the printhead chip. This is
accomplished by activating the pump to create a vacuum in the maintenance cap. The vacuum is held until al l ai r is
purged from the ink system.
Media is loaded into the input tra y where it is restrained by the friction buckler. The edge guides are adjusted to center
the media and ensure that it sits squarely in the tray. The media sensor detects media type (plain, photo, coat ed,
transparency) or paper- out. When a print job is received by the printer, an authenticat ion and maint enance operation is
invoked. During this operation, t he validity of the tanks and the ink l evel in each tank are verified by the RFID system.
The printhead is then prepared for printin g by wipi ng the surface of the chip and acti vating each nozzle.
The printing operation is initiated as the pick roll, which is driven by the pick motor, applies a lateral force to the top
sheet of the media. This force overcomes the resisting force of the fri ction buckler, allowing the single sheet to be
separated fr om the remaining media stack. The pick roller moves the media s heet to the feed roller, which hesitates to
rotate until sheet is squared with nip. This cor rects for skew. The pick roller is de-energized and now the feed roller
advances the media to t he pri n t zone. The printed image is appl ied in horizontal swaths as the carrier drives the
printhead acr oss the page. Successive swaths are overlaid by repea tedl y incrementing the fe ed roller a set distance
between print swaths. The printed media is driven out of the print zone by a nip formed by a driven exit roller and finepointed star wheels.
If a duplex print job is selected, th e med ia is not fully exit ed from the machine after the first side is pri nted, but is driven
just far enough to cle ar th e upper duplex gate. At this point the pi ck m otor is driven in reverse which l if ts the upper
duplex gate. The feed roller is then driven in rever se and the media is fed into the duplex guides where it is driven by
the duplex roller. Aft er the page is rotated in t he duplexer , it arrives back at the now forward-rotat ing feed roller and the
second side is printed.
2-1 Service Manual
Print engine
Lexmark S800 Series
Paper path
Diagnostic information 2-2
Lexmark S800 Series
Troubleshooting tables
The All-In-One has the capability to repor t in ternal errors. This is accomplished by displayi ng the error code on the
operator panel LCD. Als o, some errors are reported to host thr ough Extended NPA Device Status Alert (DSA). See
Consumer Printer Divi sion Host-Printer Communications Specification for more details on NPA and DSA.
There are four classes of All-In-One error s:
•POST errors
•Catastrophi c unrecoverable error s
•Paper handling errors
•Printhead errors
Note: Each error will have a unique, 4-digit code.
2-3 Service Manual
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