Leuze RSL 410 Operating Instructions

RSL 410
Safety Laser Scanner
EN 2018/02 - 50128230
We reserve the right to
make technical changes
O r i g i n a l o p e r a t i n g i n s t r u c t i o n s

Table of contents

Table of contents
1 About this document ............................................................................................7
1.1 Other applicable documents ................................................................................................... 7
1.2 Downloading configuration software from the Internet ........................................................... 7
1.3 Used symbols and signal words .............................................................................................7
1.4 Checklists................................................................................................................................ 8
2 Safety .....................................................................................................................9
2.1 Intended use ........................................................................................................................... 9
2.1.1 Vapors, smoke, dust, particles ..........................................................................................10
2.1.2 Stray light ..........................................................................................................................10
2.1.3 Obstructions in the protective field ....................................................................................10
2.2 Foreseeable misuse ............................................................................................................. 11
2.3 Competent persons .............................................................................................................. 11
2.4 Disclaimer ............................................................................................................................. 12
2.5 Laser safety notices – Laser class1 for wavelength range outside 400-700 nm ...............12
2.6 Responsibility for safety........................................................................................................ 12
3 Device description ..............................................................................................13
3.1 Device overview.................................................................................................................... 14
3.1.1 Protective function of RSL400 safety sensors.................................................................. 14
3.1.2 Parameters for protective function ....................................................................................15
3.2 Connection unit..................................................................................................................... 15
3.3 Display elements .................................................................................................................. 16
3.3.1 LED indicator.....................................................................................................................16
3.3.2 Alphanumerical display .....................................................................................................17
3.3.3 Field-of-view display..........................................................................................................18
3.4 Mounting system (optional)................................................................................................... 18
3.5 Loop guard (optional)............................................................................................................ 18
4 Configuration and diagnostic software SensorStudio...................................19
4.1 System requirements............................................................................................................ 19
4.2 Installing software ................................................................................................................. 19
4.3 User interface........................................................................................................................ 21
4.4 FDT frame menu................................................................................................................... 22
4.4.1 Project wizard....................................................................................................................22
4.4.2 DTM change......................................................................................................................23
4.4.3 User management.............................................................................................................23
4.4.4 Exiting SensorStudio ........................................................................................................23
4.5 Using configuration projects ................................................................................................. 24
4.5.1 Selecting access level .......................................................................................................26
4.5.2 IDENTIFICATION..............................................................................................................27
4.5.3 PROCESS.........................................................................................................................27
4.5.4 CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................................27
4.5.5 DIAGNOSIS ......................................................................................................................27
4.5.6 SETTINGS ........................................................................................................................28
Table of contents
5 Functions.............................................................................................................30
5.1 Authorization concept of safety sensor................................................................................. 30
5.2 Function modes of safety sensor.......................................................................................... 31
5.2.1 One protective function .....................................................................................................32
5.2.2 One protective function – four field mode.......................................................................... 32
5.3 Selectable resolution for hand, leg and body detection ........................................................ 33
5.4 Speed-dependent protective function for vehicles................................................................ 33
5.5 Response time...................................................................................................................... 33
5.6 Configurable start-up behavior ............................................................................................. 33
5.6.1 Automatic start/restart .......................................................................................................33
5.6.2 Start interlock/automatic restart......................................................................................... 34
5.6.3 Start/restart interlock (RES) ..............................................................................................34
5.7 Reference contour monitoring .............................................................................................. 35
5.8 EDM contactor monitoring ....................................................................................................35
6 Applications ........................................................................................................36
6.1 Stationary danger zone guarding.......................................................................................... 36
6.2 Stationary point of operation guarding.................................................................................. 36
6.3 Stationary access guarding .................................................................................................. 37
6.4 Mobile danger zone guarding ...............................................................................................38
6.5 Danger zone safeguarding on side-tracking skates.............................................................. 40
7 Mounting..............................................................................................................41
7.1 Basic infos............................................................................................................................. 41
7.1.1 Calculation of safety distanceS ........................................................................................41
7.1.2 Suitable mounting locations ..............................................................................................42
7.1.3 Mounting the safety sensor ...............................................................................................42
7.1.4 Mounting examples ...........................................................................................................45
7.1.5 Information on protective field dimensioning .....................................................................46
7.2 Stationary danger zone guarding.......................................................................................... 49
7.3 Stationary point of operation guarding.................................................................................. 52
7.4 Stationary access guarding .................................................................................................. 53
7.5 Mobile danger zone guarding on DTSs ................................................................................54
7.5.1 Minimum distanceD..........................................................................................................55
7.5.2 Protective field dimensions................................................................................................ 56
7.6 Mobile side guarding on DTSs.............................................................................................. 57
7.7 Mounting accessories ........................................................................................................... 57
7.7.1 Mounting system ...............................................................................................................57
7.7.2 Loop guard ........................................................................................................................58
8 Electrical connection..........................................................................................59
8.1 Electrical supply.................................................................................................................... 60
8.2 Interfaces .............................................................................................................................. 60
8.2.1 Pin assignment for control M12.........................................................................................61
8.2.2 Pin assignment of M12 Ethernet interface (communication) ( D-coded)........................... 61
8.3 Connection unit CU408-M12 ................................................................................................ 62
8.4 Circuit diagram example ....................................................................................................... 64
Table of contents
9 Configuring the safety sensor ...........................................................................65
9.1 Defining safety configuration ................................................................................................ 65
9.2 Connecting safety sensor to PC ...........................................................................................67
9.2.1 Connection via Ethernet cable ..........................................................................................67
9.2.2 Connection via Bluetooth ..................................................................................................67
9.2.3 Communication between safety sensor and PC ...............................................................67
9.3 Determine the configuration project...................................................................................... 68
9.4 Configuring protective function .............................................................................................69
9.4.1 Creating simple safety configuration .................................................................................70
9.4.2 Entering administration parameters ..................................................................................70
9.4.3 Activating protective function and contactor monitoring ....................................................70
9.4.4 Creating and configuring protective/warning field pairs..................................................... 70
9.5 Saving configuration .............................................................................................................72
9.6 Transferring configuration project to safety sensor............................................................... 73
9.7 Selecting access level .......................................................................................................... 75
9.8 Reset safety configuration ....................................................................................................75
10 Starting up the device ........................................................................................76
10.1 Switching on ......................................................................................................................... 76
10.2 Aligning the safety sensor..................................................................................................... 76
10.3 Unlocking start/restart interlock ............................................................................................ 76
10.4 Shutting down ....................................................................................................................... 77
10.5 Restarting.............................................................................................................................. 77
10.6 Starting up replacement scanner unit ................................................................................... 77
11 Testing .................................................................................................................79
11.1 Before the initial start-up and following modifications........................................................... 79
11.1.1 Checklist for integrator – to be performed prior to the initial start-up and following modifica-
11.2 To be performed periodically by competent persons............................................................ 81
11.3 Periodically by the operator ..................................................................................................81
11.3.1 Checklist – periodically by the operator............................................................................. 82
12 Diagnostics and troubleshooting ......................................................................83
12.1 What to do in case of failure? ...............................................................................................83
12.2 Diagnostics displays .............................................................................................................83
13 Care, maintenance and disposal .......................................................................87
13.1 Changing scanner unit.......................................................................................................... 87
13.2 Cleaning the optics cover ..................................................................................................... 88
13.3 Servicing ............................................................................................................................... 89
13.4 Disposing .............................................................................................................................. 89
14 Service and support ...........................................................................................90
15 Technical data .....................................................................................................91
15.1 General specifications .......................................................................................................... 91
15.2 Dimensions ........................................................................................................................... 96
15.3 Dimensional drawings: Accessories .....................................................................................98
15.4 Representation of safety sensor status .............................................................................. 106
16 Standards and legal regulations .....................................................................110
Table of contents
17 Order guide and accessories...........................................................................111
18 EC Declaration of Conformity ..........................................................................115

1 About this document

1.1 Other applicable documents

The information on the safety sensor is distributed over several documents to make working with the docu­ments easier. You will find the documents and software for the safety sensor in the following table:
About this document
Purpose and target group of the document Document/software ti-
Software for users of the machine a) for safety sen­sor diagnostics if a fault occurs and for machine de-
SensorStudio DTM RSL400
sign engineers for configuring the safety sensor
Notes for the machine design engineer
"Safe implementation and operation" (this document)
Notes for the machine design engineer a) for config-
Online help for software Supplied with the safety
uring the safety sensor (software instructions)
Notices regarding mounting, alignment and connec­tion of the safety sensor
"Quick Start Guide RSL400"
a) Machine identifies the product that the safety sensor is installed in.

1.2 Downloading configuration software from the Internet

Ä Call up the Leuze home page: www.leuze.com. Ä Enter the type designation or part number of the device as the search term. Ä The configuration software can be found on the product page for the device under the Downloads tab.

1.3 Used symbols and signal words

Supplied with the safety sensor on data carrier
PDF, supplied with the safety sensor on data carrier
sensor on data carrier
Print document, supplied with the safety sensor
Tab.1.1: Warning symbols and signal words
Symbol indicating dangers to persons
Symbol indicating dangers from harmful laser radiation
Symbol indicating possible property damage
NOTE Signal word for property damage
Indicates dangers that may result in property damage if the measures for dan­ger avoidance are not followed.
CAUTION Signal word for minor injuries
Indicates dangers that may result in minor injury if the measures for danger avoidance are not followed.
WARNING Signal word for serious injury
Indicates dangers that may result in severe or fatal injury if the measures for danger avoidance are not followed.
DANGER Signal word for life-threatening danger
Indicates dangers with which serious or fatal injury is imminent if the measures for danger avoidance are not followed.
Tab.1.2: Other symbols
Symbol for tips
Text passages with this symbol provide you with further information.
Symbol for action steps
Text passages with this symbol instruct you to perform actions.
Symbol for action results
Text passages with this symbol describe the result of the preceding action.
Tab.1.3: Terms and abbreviations
CS Switching signal from a control
(Controller Signal)
DTM Software device manager of the safety sensor
(Device Type Manager)
EDM Contactor monitoring
(External Device Monitoring)
About this document
FDT Software frame for management of device managers (DTM)
(Field Device Tool)
Field pair A protective field with an associated warning field
DTS Driverless Transportation System
LED LED, display element in the safety sensor
(Light Emitting Diode)
OSSD Safety-related switching output
(Output Signal Switching Device)
Probability of a dangerous failure per hour
(Probability of dangerous Failure per Hour)
PL Performance Level
Quad Two field pairs (four fields) that are monitored simultaneously in four field mode
TSS Transverse Side-tracking Skate
RES Start/restart interlock
(Start/REStart interlock)
SIL Safety Integrity Level
State ON: device intact, OSSDs switched on
OFF: device intact, OSSDs switched off
Locking: device, connection or control/operation faulty, OSSDs switched off (lock-out)

1.4 Checklists

The checklists serve as a reference for the machine manufacturer or supplier (see chapter 11 "Testing"). They replace neither testing of the complete machine or system prior to the initial start-up nor their periodic testing by a competent person. The checklists contain minimum testing requirements. Depending on the application, other tests may be necessary.

2 Safety

Before using the safety sensor, a risk assessment must be performed according to valid standards (e.g. ENISO12100, ENISO13849-1, IEC61508, ENIEC62061). The result of the risk assessment determines the required safety level of the safety sensor (see chapter 15.1 "Safety-relevant technical data"). For mounting, operating and testing, this document as well as all applicable national and international stan­dards, regulations, rules and directives must be observed. Relevant and supplied documents must be ob­served, printed out and handed to affected persons.
Ä Before working with the safety sensor, completely read and observe the documents applicable to your
In particular, the following national and international legal regulations apply for the commissioning, techni­cal inspections and work with safety sensors:
• Machinery directive 2006/42/EC
• Low voltage directive 2006/95/EC
• EMC directive 2004/108/EC
• Use of work equipment directive 89/655/EEC supplemented by directive 95/63EC
• OSHA 1910 Subpart O
• Safety regulations
• Accident-prevention regulations and safety rules
• Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health and employment protection act
• Product Safety Law (ProdSG)
For safety-related information you may also contact local authorities (e.g., industrial inspec­torate, employer's liability insurance association, labor inspectorate, occupational safety and health authority).

2.1 Intended use

The safety sensor protects persons or body parts at points of operation, danger zones or access points of machines and systems.
A running machine may result in serious injury!
Ä Make certain that the safety sensor is correctly connected and that the protective function of
Ä Make certain that, during all conversions, maintenance work and inspections, the system is
• The safety sensor may only be used after it has been selected in accordance with the respectively ap­plicable instructions and relevant standards, rules and regulations regarding labor protection and safety at work, and after it has been installed on the machine, connected, commissioned, and checked by a competent person (see chapter 2.3 "Competent persons").
• When selecting the safety sensor it must be ensured that its safety-related capability meets or exceeds the required Performance Level PLr ascertained in the risk assessment (see chapter 15.1 "Safety-rele­vant technical data").
• The safety sensor may only be used in North America in applications that satisfy the requirements specified by NFPA79.
• With the “access guarding” function, the safety sensor detects persons only when they enter the danger zone but cannot tell whether there are any persons inside the danger zone. For this reason, a start/ restart interlock in the safety chain is essential in this case.
• The construction of the safety sensor must not be altered. When manipulating the safety sensor, the protective function is no longer guaranteed. Manipulating the safety sensor also voids all warranty claims against the manufacturer of the safety sensor.
the protective device is ensured.
securely shut down and protected against being restarted.
• The safety sensor must be inspected regularly by a competent person to ensure proper integration and mounting (see chapter 15.1 "Safety-relevant technical data").
• The safety sensor must be exchanged after a maximum of 20 years. Repairs or the exchange of wear parts do not extend the mission time.
Observe intended use!
The protection of personnel and the device cannot be guaranteed if the device is operated in a manner not complying with its intended use.
Ä Only operate the device in accordance with its intended use. Ä LeuzeelectronicGmbH+Co.KG is not liable for damages caused by improper use. Ä Read these operating instructions before commissioning the device. Knowledge of the oper-
ating instructions is an element of proper use.
Comply with conditions and regulations!
Ä Observe the locally applicable legal regulations and the rules of the employer's liability insur-
ance association.

Vapors, smoke, dust, particles

Vapors, smoke, dust and all particles visible in the air can cause the machine to switch off unintentionally. This can mislead the user into bypassing the safety devices.
Ä Do not use the safety sensor in environments in which heavy vapors, smoke, dust or other visible parti-
cles occur at the beam level.

Stray light

Light sources can impair the safety sensor's availability. Interfering light sources are:
• Infrared light
• Fluorescent light
• Strobe light
Ä Ensure that there are no interfering light sources at beam level. Ä Prevent reflective surfaces at beam level. Ä Where applicable, take protective field addition distances into account. Ä Implement all additional measures to ensure that any special application of any effected beam types
does not impair the safety sensor's operation.

Obstructions in the protective field

Ä Do not bring any additional window materials into the area monitored by the safety sensor.
No screen between optics cover and monitoring area!
Ä Between the optics cover of the safety sensor and the monitored area, no further screen
may be mounted to protect the safety sensor.
Leuze electronic RSL 410 10

2.2 Foreseeable misuse

Any use other than that defined under "Intended use" or which goes beyond that use is considered im­proper use.
In principle, the safety sensor is not suitable as a protective device for use in the following cases:
• Danger posed by ejected objects or the spraying of hot or hazardous liquids from within the danger zone.
• Applications in explosive or easily flammable atmospheres.
• Use for outdoor applications or under extreme temperature fluctuations.
Humidity, condensation and other weather influences can impair the protective function.
• Use on vehicles with combustion engines.
Alternators and ignition systems can cause EMC interferences.
Do not modify or otherwise interfere with the safety sensor!
Ä Do not carry out modifications or otherwise interfere with the safety sensor. The safety sen-
sor must not be tampered with and must not be changed in any way.
Ä The safety sensor must not be opened. There are no user-serviceable parts inside. Ä The construction of the safety sensor must not be altered. When manipulating the safety
sensor, the protective function is no longer guaranteed.
Ä Manipulating the safety sensor voids all warranty claims against the manufacturer of the
safety sensor.
Ä Repairs must only be performed by Leuze electronic GmbH + Co. KG.

2.3 Competent persons

Connecting, mounting, commissioning and adjustment of the safety sensor must only be carried out by competent persons.
Prerequisites for competent persons:
• They have a suitable technical education.
• They know the rules and regulations for labor protection, safety at work and safety technology and can assess the safety of the machine.
• They know the operating instructions for the safety sensor and the machine.
• They have been instructed by the responsible person on the mounting and operation of the machine and of the safety sensor.
• They perform a task related to the subject matter shortly thereafter and keep their knowledge up to date through continuous further training.
Certified electricians
Electrical work must be carried out by a certified electrician.
Due to their technical training, knowledge and experience as well as their familiarity with relevant standards and regulations, certified electricians are able to perform work on electrical systems and independently de­tect possible dangers.
In Germany, certified electricians must fulfill the requirements of accident-prevention regulations DGUV Regulation3 (e.g. electrician foreman). In other countries, there are respective regulations that must be ob­served.
Leuze electronic RSL 410 11

2.4 Disclaimer

LeuzeelectronicGmbH+Co.KG is not liable in the following cases:
• The safety sensor is not used as intended.
• Safety notices are not adhered to.
• Reasonably foreseeable misuse is not taken into account.
• Mounting and electrical connection are not properly performed.
• Proper function is not tested (see chapter 11 "Testing").
• Changes (e.g., constructional) are made to the safety sensor.
2.5 Laser safety notices – Laser class1 for wavelength range outside 400-700 nm
Additional measures for shielding the laser radiation are not necessary (safe for eyes).
The device satisfies the requirements of IEC60825-1:2007 (EN60825-1:2007) safety regula­tions for a product of laser class1 as well as the FDA Radiation Performance Standards, 21CFR, SubchapterJ, Part1010 and Part1040 with deviations corresponding to "Laser Notice No.50" from June 24, 2007.
Ä Observe the applicable statutory and local laser protection regulations. Ä The device must not be tampered with and must not be changed in any way.
There are no user-serviceable parts inside the device.
Ä Repairs must only be performed by Leuze electronic GmbH + Co. KG.

2.6 Responsibility for safety

Manufacturer and operator must ensure that the machine and implemented safety sensor function properly and that all affected persons are adequately informed and trained.
The type and content of all imparted information must not lead to unsafe actions by users.
The manufacturer of the machine is responsible for:
• Safe machine construction
• Safe implementation of the safety sensor, verified by the initial test performed by a competent person
• Imparting all relevant information to the operating company
• Adhering to all regulations and directives for the safe commissioning of the machine
The operator of the machine is responsible for:
• Instructing the operator
• Maintaining the safe operation of the machine
• Adhering to all regulations and directives for labor protection and safety at work
• Regular testing by competent persons
Leuze electronic RSL 410 12

3 Device description

The safety sensors from the RSL400 series are optoelectronic, two-dimensional measuring safety laser scanners. They satisfy the following standards:
Type in accordance with IEC/EN61496 3
Category in accordance with ENISO13849 3
Safety Integrity Level (SIL) in accordance with IEC61508 2
SILCL in accordance with IEC/EN62061 2
Performance Level (PL) in accordance with ENISO13849‑1 d
Device description
1 Scanner unit 2 Connection unit 3 Optics cover 4 Alphanumerical display (displayed) 5 LED indicators
Fig.3.1: Device overview of RSL400 safety laser scanners
Leuze electronic RSL 410 13
All safety sensors of the RSL410 series are equipped as follows:
• Laser scanner with the range class S, M, L or XL:
Device description
Operating range class
S 3.00
M 4.5
L 6.25
XL 8.25
• 24-digit alphanumerical display
• Integrated electronic spirit level for aligning the safety sensor
• LED indicator
• Connection unit:
• Configuration memory
• Ethernet connection for communication and configuration with the PC/laptop
• Electrical connection to the machine via M12 plug

3.1 Device overview

The following table provides an overview of the possible uses, features and functions of the RSL400 safety sensors.
Tab.3.1: Device overview
Operating range [m]
RSL410 RSL420
RSL430 RSL440
Stationary danger zone guarding x x x x
Mobile danger zone guarding x x x x
Access guarding x x x x
Point of operation guarding x x x x
Safety-related switching outputs
Protective functionA
Protective functionB
1 OSSD pair
1 OSSD pair
2 OSSD pairs
2 OSSD pairs
Signal outputs Up to 3 Up to 4 Up to 9 Up to 9
Configurable signal outputs x x x x
Number of changeover-capable
1 10 10+10 100
protective/warning field pairs
E-stop linkage - x x x
Four field mode (quads) x x x x
Internal safe time delay - - x x
Measurement data output optimized
- Only RSL425 - Only RSL445
for vehicle navigation
Protective function of RSL400 safety sensors
The safety sensor transmits periodic light pulses via a rotating deflection unit. The light pulses are scattered in all directions by obstacles, e.g. persons. A part of the light pulses is received again by the safety sensor and evaluated. The safety sensor calculates the precise position of the object from the propagation time of the radiated light and the current angle of the deflection unit at that time. If the object is within a predefined area, the protective field, the safety sensor performs a safety-related switching function. It switches the safety-related switching outputs off.
Leuze electronic RSL 410 14
Device description
M5 2x
Only when the protective field is free again does the safety sensor reset the safety-related switching func­tion, either automatically or following acknowledgment, depending on the operating mode.
The safety sensor can even detect people when they are wearing very dark clothes, which have a very weak diffuse reflectance.

Parameters for protective function

The following parameters for switching off the safety-related switching outputs of the safety sensor are taken into consideration for the protective function:
• Configurable protective fields
• Reference contour of protective fields
• Configurable field pair changeover
• Selectable resolution for hand, leg or body detection
• Safety sensor response time
• Selectable start-up behavior
The following non-safety-oriented functions and signals also belong to the protective function:
• Configurable warning fields
• Configurable indication signals
Additional functions of the protective function
• Warning field evaluation
• Selectable dynamic contactor monitoring (EDM)

3.2 Connection unit

The safety sensor is mounted, connected and aligned using the connection unit.
1 M12 socket, A-coded, connection to the control 2 M12 socket, D-coded, Ethernet communication connection M5 Connection for functional earth with M5x10 self-cutting/self-tapping (gas tightness) and ground strap
Fig.3.2: Device overview, connection unit
Leuze electronic RSL 410 15
Functions of connection unit:
2 3 4 5 6
• Attachment point for mounting, either directly or using an optional mounting system. When devices are swapped out, the connection unit remains mounted and aligned.
• EMC wiring for signal inputs/outputs and supply using M12 plug
Safety sensor Connection unit Connection
RSL410 CU408-M12 M12 plug, 8-pin
• Connector bushing and EMC for the Ethernet TCP/IP communication and configuration interface to the PC/laptop
• Memory for the configuration files and automatic parameter transfer in the event of device swap-out
• Quick-release connection to the scanner unit (see Quick Start Guide) for easy device swap-out

3.3 Display elements

The display elements of the safety sensors simplify start-up and fault analysis.
Device description

LED indicator

Located on the connection unit are the LEDs for displaying the operating state.
• Protective function A: LEDs 1, 2, 3
Tab.3.2: Meaning of the LEDs
LED Color State Description
1 Red/green OFF Device switched off
Red OSSD off
Red, flashing Error
Green OSSD on
2 Yellow OFF RES deactivated
RES activated and enabled
Flashing Protective field occupied
ON RES activated and blocked but ready to be unlocked
Protective field free and linked sensor enabled (if applicable)
3 Blue OFF Free warning field
ON Warning field interrupted
4 Blue OFF Four field mode: warning field3 free
ON Four field mode: warning field3 interrupted
5 Yellow Flashing Four field mode: warning field2 interrupted
Leuze electronic RSL 410 16
Device description

Alphanumerical display

In normal operation, the 24-digit alphanumerical display of the safety sensor shows the monitored protec­tive and warning field pairs. It also provides assistance during detailed error diagnostics (see chapter 12 "Diagnostics and troubleshooting").
Tab.3.3: Alphanumerical displays
Display Description Example
Upon startup without configuration/upon initial commissioning
Sensor type Sensor type 420M
Sensor serial number Sensor serial number SN: 21513123456
Sensor name / Network name Name of the sensor / network A123456789
Configuration necessary Configuration required CONFIG REQUESTED
Repeated until end of booting phase / start phase, then
Spirit level permanent Horizontal alignment in degrees: H
H -3° V +9°
Vertical alignment in degrees: V
Upon startup with configuration
Sensor type Sensor type 410XL
Sensor serial number Sensor serial number SN: 21513123456
Sensor name / Network name Name of the sensor / network A123456789
IP: DHCP/FIX DHCP or permanent IP address IP: DHCP or
Bluetooth on/off Bluetooth detection ON/OFF Bluetooth ON
Date of configuration Date of configuration 11/13/2014 08:15
Signature Signature of configuration DG45L8ZU
Level Horizontal alignment in degrees: H
H-3° V+9°
Vertical alignment in degrees: V
Repeated until end of booting phase / start phase, then
Display following configuration of normal operation
e.g. display of active field pair A1.1
Transfer of the configuration data
AWAITING CONFIG Until downloading of configuration data is confirmed
DOWNLOAD CONFIG During transfer of configuration data
H +/- ..° V +/- .. ° Horizontal alignment in degrees: H
H -3° V +9°
Vertical alignment in degrees: V
Sensor detection
PING received Display for identification by device
PING received Device name
Message via a signal output or diag­nosis ID
Leuze electronic RSL 410 17
ProtF A: E123
Device: P007 - wrong Config
Device description
Display Description Example
Error diagnostics
F… Failure, internal device error
E… Error, external error
U… Usage info, application error
I… Information
P… Parameter, inconsistency in the con-
For error diagnostics, the error's respective letter is displayed first followed by the number code. An Au­toReset is carried out after 10 seconds for errors that do not cause locking, with an unauthorized restart be­ing impossible. In the case of blocking errors, the voltage supply must be separated and the cause of the error must be eliminated. Before switching on again, the steps taken before initial commissioning must be repeated (see chapter 10 "Starting up the device").
When the protective field has been free for about 5 seconds, the device switches back to the display in nor­mal operation.
Displays in normal operation
The display in normal operation depends on the operating state of the safety sensor. The display can be switched off or rotated by 180° by means of the software.

Field-of-view display

The upper and lower limit of the safety sensor's field of view can be displayed by means of horizontal lines on the optics cover.
Ä Make sure that the safety sensor's field of view is always completely unobstructed.
Always check the protective field configuration!
Ä Check all defined protective fields each time the configuration is changed.
The field-of-view display is a comfort function and is not intended as a substitute for check­ing the protective field configuration.
Ä The safety sensor's field of view must be completely unobstructed on the application side.

3.4 Mounting system (optional)

Mounting systems and mounting brackets simplify mounting and alignment of the safety sensor. Mounting systems and mounting brackets are available as accessories (see chapter 17 "Order guide and acces­sories").

3.5 Loop guard (optional)

The loop guard for the optics cover prevents damage to the safety sensor caused by light contact with for­eign objects. The loop guard is available as an accessory (see chapter 17 "Order guide and accessories").
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Configuration and diagnostic software SensorStudio
4 Configuration and diagnostic software SensorStudio
To start up a safety sensor in your application, the safety sensor must be set up according to its specific use using the configuration and diagnostic software. The software is used to set up the safety configuration of the safety sensor, to change the communication and diagnostics settings and to perform diagnostic rou­tines. Communication takes place via the PC.
The software is designed according to the FDT/DTM concept:
• You make the individual configurations for the safety sensor in the Device Type Manager (DTM).
• The individual DTM configurations of a project can be called up via the frame application of the Field Device Tool (FDT).
• Each device DTM has a communication DTM that sets up and monitors the communication connec­tions to the sensor.
Only use the software for safety sensors manufactured by Leuze electronic.

4.1 System requirements

To use the software, you need a PC or laptop with the following specifications:
Hard disk space At least 250MB free memory
Screen display Color
External drive DVD drive
Input device Keyboard and mouse or touchpad
Output device Printer (black-white or color)
Interfaces RJ45 Ethernet network
Operating system Microsoft® Windows7 and Windows8.1
Only the term "PC" is used below.

4.2 Installing software

• You do not need the safety sensor to install the software on the PC.
• All Windows applications are closed.
If you want to save the protective field or configuration values, you will need more memory.
Bluetooth (optional) - If the PC does not have integrated Bluetooth technol­ogy, use an appropriate USB or PCMCIA adapter if necessary.
The software is installed in two steps:
Ä Installing the SensorStudio FDT frame. Ä Installing LeSafetyCollection device manager (DTM).
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Configuration and diagnostic software SensorStudio
Installing the SensorStudio software
If FDT frame software is already installed on your PC, you do not need the SensorStudio instal­lation.
You can install the device manager (DTM) in the existing FDT frame.
Ä Insert the data carrier. ð The installation will start automatically. Ä If installation does not start automatically, double-click the file SensorStudioSetup.exe. Ä If you want to call up the menu of the CD, double-click the file start.exe. Ä Select a language for the interface text in the installation wizard and software and confirm with [OK]. ð The installation wizard starts. Ä Click [Next]. ð The installation wizard opens the software license agreement. Ä If you want to accept the license agreement, select the appropriate option field and click [Next]. Ä If the suggested installation path is OK, click [Next].
If you want to specify a different path, click the [Browse] button. Select a different path, confirm with [OK] and click [Next].
Ä Click the [Install] button to start installation.
ð The wizard installs the software and places a shortcut on the desktop ( ). Ä Click the [Finish] button to complete installation.
Installing LeSafetyCollection device manager (DTM)
• The Sensor Studio software is installed on the PC.
• Data carrier inserted.
Ä Double-click the file LeSafetyCollectionSetup.exe. Ä Select a language for the interface text in the installation wizard and software and confirm with [OK]. ð The installation wizard starts. Ä Click [Next]. ð The installation wizard opens the software license agreement. Ä If you want to accept the license agreement, select the appropriate option field and click [Next]. Ä If the suggested installation path is OK, click [Next].
If you want to specify a different path, click the [Browse] button. Select a different path, confirm with [OK] and click [Next].
Ä Click the [Install] button to start installation. ð The wizard installs the software. Ä Click the [Finish] button to complete installation.
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2 3
During installation of the software, a user admin (without password query) is created so that you can start the software without user identification. If other users are registered (Tools > User management in the FDT frame menu), you must log in at the software with a user name and password.
This setting allows you to connect to the safety sensor and to read out, upload, enter or change the safety configuration and all settings using the RSL400 device DTM. The password for the safety sensor only needs to be entered (i.e. the access level only needs to be changed) when the changes are downloaded to the safety sensor (see chapter 4.5.1 "Selecting access level").

4.3 User interface

Configuration and diagnostic software SensorStudio
1 FDT frame menu with toolbar 2 RSL400 device manager (DTM) 3 Navigation tabs 4 Information area 5 Dialog box 6 Status line 7 Navigation area
Fig.4.1: User interface of the software
FDT frame menu
The device managers (DTM) of the safety sensors are created and managed in the FDT frame menu.
Device manager DTM
Configuration projects for setting up the selected safety sensor are created and managed in the device managers (DTM) of the safety sensors.
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Project tree view
Configuration and diagnostic software SensorStudio
1 FDT frame menu 2 Device manager (DTM) tabs 3 Project tree view
Fig.4.2: User interface with project tree view
The project tree view shows the structure of the currently installed device managers (DTM). In the project tree view you can, for example, add copies of an already configured device manager (DTM) quickly and easily to the DTM structure if you want to operate multiple safety sensors with the same configuration set­tings.
Example: DTS with safety sensors on front and rear side

4.4 FDT frame menu

You can find complete information on the FDT frame menu in the online help system. Select the
Help menu item in the menu [?].

Project wizard

Using the Project Wizard you can create and change configuration projects for setting up the safety sensor (see chapter 4.5 "Using configuration projects").
Ä Start the Project Wizard in the FDT frame menu by clicking the button.
Information on the Project Wizard can be found in the online help for the FDT frame menu under Sensor Studio Options.
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Configuration and diagnostic software SensorStudio

DTM change

The DTM Change function makes it easier for you to call up the communication DTM of a device or change from device DTM to communication DTM.
Ä Start the DTM change function in the FDT frame menu by clicking the button.
Information on DTM change can be found in the online help for the FDT frame menu under Sen­sor Studio Options.

User management

Using the user management in the FDT frame menu, you can create users, log users in/out and manage passwords.
Creating users
When creating a user in the user management via Tools > User management in the software frame menu, select the access level for the user. For information on access permissions and access levels (see chapter 5.1 "Authorization concept of safety sensor").
Ä In the FDT frame menu, click Tools > User management > Create user.
Logging users in/out
• Users have been created
Ä In the FDT frame menu, click Tools > Log in/log out.
Managing passwords
• Users have been created
Ä In the FDT frame menu, click Tools > Change password.
Password management via the FDT frame menu applies to all installed device managers (DTM) of the project.
Whenever write access occurs, the safety sensors of the RSL400 series always check the ac­cess level (Engineer, Expert) and the password defined via the device manager (DTM) (SET-
TINGS > Passwords) independently of the password management via the FDT frame menu.
Exiting SensorStudio
When you have finished making the configuration settings, close the configuration and diagnostics soft­ware.
Ä Exit the program via File > Exit. Ä Save the configuration settings as a configuration project on the PC.
You can open the configuration project again at later time via File > Open or with the SensorStudio Project
Wizard ( ).
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4.5 Using configuration projects

Configuration projects are created and managed in the device manager (DTM) of the selected safety sen­sor.
During installation of the software, a user admin (without password query) is created so that you can start the software without user identification. If other users are registered (Tools > User management in the FDT frame menu), you must log in at the software with a user name and password.
This setting allows you to connect to the sensor and to read out, upload, enter or change the safety configuration and all settings using the RSL400 device DTM. The password for the sen­sor only needs to be entered (i.e. the access level only needs to be changed) when the changes are downloaded to the safety sensor (see chapter 4.5.1 "Selecting access level").
Ä Start the configuration and diagnostics software on the PC by double-clicking the button.
ð The mode selection of the Project Wizard is displayed. ð If the mode selection is not shown, start the Project Wizard in the FDT frame menu by clicking the
[Project Wizard] button ( ).
Configuration and diagnostic software SensorStudio
Fig.4.3: Project wizard
Ä Select the configuration mode and click [Next].
ð Automatic connection to a connected safety sensor (Online) ð Device selection without communication connection (offline)
ð Load a saved project again ð The project wizard displays the SEARCH DEVICES dialog box. Ä Select the interface and click the [Start] button. Ä Find the safety sensor for your configuration project using the search function of the communication
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Configuration and diagnostic software SensorStudio
1 FDT frame menu 2 Communication DTM 3 Device list 4 Search function
Fig.4.4: Communication DTM with search function
ð The project wizard displays the device list of configurable safety sensors in the SEARCH DEVICES di-
alog box.
Fig.4.5: Device selection in project wizard
Ä Select the safety sensor from the device selection list and click [Next]. ð The device manager (DTM) of the safety sensor shows the initial screen for the configuration project.
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Configuration and diagnostic software SensorStudio
Fig.4.6: Initial screen for safety configuration
The device manager (DTM) starts without querying the access level of the user. During commu­nication with the safety sensor, the safety sensor does however query the access level of the user. To change the access levels (see chapter 4.5.1 "Selecting access level").
Setting device manager
Using the menus of the device manager (DTM) you can set the parameters of the safety configuration. The online help system provides information on the menu items and adjustment parameters. Select the Help menu item in the menu [?].

Selecting access level

Using the device manager you can change the access level of the user if necessary. For the authorization concept of the software, see chapter see chapter 5.1 "Authorization concept of safety sensor".
Ä Click in the DTM menu bar on the [Change access level]button ( ).
ð The Change access level dialog box opens. Ä In the Access level list, select the item Expert, Engineer or Observer and enter the default password or
the password defined for the individual user.
The following access levels are available:
Observer can read everything (no password)
Expert can change communication and diagnostics settings (default password = comdiag)
Engineer can additionally change the safety configuration (default password = safety)
The password is case-sensitive (i.e. a distinction is made between upper-case and lower-case letters).
Ä Confirm with [OK].
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Configuration and diagnostic software SensorStudio


Detailed information on the menu items and setting parameters can be found in the information area and in the online help. Select the Help menu item in the menu [?].
• RSL400 safety laser scanner
• Sensor and configuration data
• Technical data


Detailed information on the menu items and setting parameters can be found in the information area and in the online help. Select the Help menu item in the menu [?].
• Sensor display Device display in the DTM menu
• Measurement contour
• Inputs / outputs
• Simulation – only with access level Engineer
• Measurement contour
• Inputs / outputs


see chapter 9 "Configuring the safety sensor"
You can only transfer changes made in the CONFIGURATION menu to the safety sensor if you are logged in with the access level Engineer.


Adjustment / Alignment
Display of safety sensor alignment using the integrated electronic spirit level
Prerequisites: The software and safety sensor are connected.
Ä In the DIAGNOSIS menu, click the [Align sensor mechanically]button ( ). ð The safety sensor display shows the horizontal and vertical alignment in degrees.
Visually identify device
If you have installed multiple safety sensors, identify the safety sensor that is connected to the currently open device manager (DTM).
Prerequisites: The software and safety sensor are connected.
Ä In the DIAGNOSIS menu, click the [Visually identify sensor]button ( ). ð In the display of the safety sensor connected to the device manager (DTM), the message "PING re-
ceived" flashes for ten seconds.
Reset sensor
Acknowledge messages and faults
Set safety sensor to safety mode
Leuze electronic RSL 410 27
Configuration and diagnostic software SensorStudio
Create and save service file
The service file contains all available information on the safety sensor as well as configuration and settings.
When requesting support, send the service file to the Leuze electronic customer service (see chapter 14 "Service and support").
Sensor display
Device display in the DTM menu
Diagnostics list
Access list


You can only transfer changes made in the SETTINGS menu to the safety sensor if you are logged in with the access level Engineer.
• MAC address
• Bluetooth
• Activate Bluetooth module
• Activate device scan
• Bluetooth address
Trigger signals output when certain events occur, are recorded and shown in the event list of the safety sensor.
Information on the monitored signals can be found in the information area and in the online help. Select the
Help menu item in the menu [?].
Sensor display
Activation of the safety sensor alphanumerical display.
Information on the display options can be found in the information area and in the online help. Select the
Help menu item in the menu [?].
If a user has forgotten his password for login at the safety sensor or has repeatedly entered the password incorrectly, he cannot log in at the safety sensor. The CHANGE PASSWORD function is therefore not available.
To reset the password, a user must generate a reset password and have it confirmed by the manufacturer.
Ä Define individual passwords for the access levels Engineer and Expert. These passwords replace the
default passwords set by the manufacturer. The password is case-sensitive (i.e. a distinction is made between upper-case and lower-case letters).
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Configuration and diagnostic software SensorStudio
Reset password
• The software is connected to the safety sensor.
Ä Generate a one-time password.
Note down the generated reset password.
Ä Send the reset password to the Leuzeelectronic customer service for confirmation (see chapter 14
"Service and support"). The device can now be switched off and the connection can be terminated.
Ä Enter the confirmed reset password and create a new password.
Optics cover
• Monitoring of optics cover
• Dialog box for calibrating a replacement optics cover
Field editor display options
Display settings for the field editor when defining protective/warning fields.
Information on the display options can be found in the information area and in the online help. Select the Help menu item in the menu [?].
Leuze electronic RSL 410 29

5 Functions

The functions of the safety sensor must be matched to the respective application and its safety require­ments. You can activate/deactivate the functions and adapt them using parameters. You configure the functions with the help of the configuration and diagnostics software (see chapter 9 "Configuring the safety sensor").
• You configure the functions of the safety sensor in the software as configuration projects.
• In each configuration project you determine the protective function and the configurable field pairs via the selected function mode.
• The changeover-capable protective/warning field pairs for the selected function mode are defined in configuration banks.
• You determine the resolution, the start-up behavior, the response time and, where applicable, the vehi­cle speed together for all protective/warning field pairs of a configuration bank.

5.1 Authorization concept of safety sensor

User management allows target-group-oriented communication between the software and the safety sen­sor. Which functions are available depends on the selected access level of the user. For information on the software and on user management (see chapter 4 "Configuration and diagnostic software SensorStu­dio").
• Changing the safety configuration as well as the communication and diagnostics settings of the sensor is only permitted for certain access levels.
• Installation and operation of the software do not depend on the access level of the user.
The following access levels are available:
Tab.5.1: Access levels and functions available
Access level Functions
Observer • Display the measurement contour
• Upload and display configuration data from the safety sensor
• Display status information from the safety sensor
• Display diagnostics list
• Customize display
• Display and evaluate the measurement contour
• Load configuration data from the safety sensor
• Load status information from the safety sensor
• Display diagnostics list
• Create service file
• Reset password
Expert In addition to the functions of the Observer
• Load the signed safety configuration from a file and transfer/download to the safety sensor
• Transfer changed communication and diagnostics settings from the PC to the safety sensor
• Print configuration data incl. protective/warning fields
• Calibrate optics cover
Leuze electronic RSL 410 30
Access level Functions
Engineer In addition to the functions of the Expert, full access to all user-relevant func-
tions and parameters:
Create and change a safety configuration:
• Save configuration data to file
• Change all parameters of configuration
• Reset safety sensor to default values
• Define and change protective/warning fields
• Set reference contour in protective field
• Print and delete protective/warning fields
• Load protective/warning field data from file
• Save protective/warning field data
• Transfer protective/warning field data from the PC to the safety sensor
• Change passwords
The software saves individual passwords in the connected safety sensor, thereby ensuring that only authorized users can change the existing configuration.
Determining access level
When creating a user in the user management via Tools > User management in the FDT frame menu, se­lect the access level for the user. In the user management you can also create and change passwords for the users.
Using the device manager (DTM) you can change the access level of the user (see chapter 4.5.1 "Select­ing access level").
Ä Click in the DTM menu bar on the [Change access level]button ( ).

5.2 Function modes of safety sensor

You configure the functions of the safety sensor in configuration projects with the help of the configuration and diagnostics software. In each configuration project you determine the protective function and the con­figurable field pairs via the selected function mode.
You select the function mode of the safety sensor in the software device manager (DTM) with CONFIGU- RATION > OSSDs (see chapter 9 "Configuring the safety sensor").
You use the protective function to define the criteria for switching off the safety-related switching outputs (see chapter 3.1.2 "Parameters for protective function").
The changeover-capable protective and warning field pairs for the selected function mode are defined in the configuration banks, e.g. CONFIGURATION > Protective functionA > BankA1.
Overview of the function modes
Tab.5.2: Function modes
Function mode Field pairs (FP)
Field pair activation Protective fields (PF) Warning fields (WF)
One protective function 1FP / 1PF + 1WF Fixed selection of one field pair
One protective function – four
1FP / 1PF + 3WF Fixed selection of one field pair
field mode
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