Leuze electronic
Leuze electronic Technical Data
Leuze electronic Mounting / Installation (all device variants)
Leuze electronic Mounting / Installation (all device variants)
Bus-Capable Optical Data Transmission
Technical Description
2 Technical Data
2.1 General technical data
Electrical data
Supply vo ltage Vin 18 … 30 V DC
Current consumption without optics
Current co nsumption w. optics heati ng appr ox. 800 mA wit h 24 V DC ( no load at swi tching outpu t)
Optical data
Sensing distance 0.2 … 120 m (D DLS 200/120…)
Transmission diode infrared lig ht, wavelength 880 nm
Opening a ngle ± 0.5 ˚ to optical axis
Ambient light > 10000 Lux acc. to EN 60947-5-2 (2000)
Laser safety class 1 acc. to EN 60825-1 (2001)
Input 0 … 2 V DC: transmitter/receiver deactivated
Output 0 … 2 V DC: normal operation
Operating and display elements
Membran e buttons change the operating mode
Individual LEDs indicate voltage supply, operating mode, data traffic
LED strip bar graph display of the re ceiving level
Mechanical data
Housing aluminium diecast; light inlet/ outlet, glass
Weight approx. 1200 g
Protection class IP 65 acc. to EN 60529
Environmental conditions
Operatin g temperature -5 ˚C … +50 ˚C without optics heating
Storage temperature -30˚C … +7 0˚C
Air humidity max. 90% rel. humidity, non-cond ensing
Vibrations acc. to EN 60068-2- 6
Noise acc. to EN 60068-2- 64
Shock acc. to EN 60068-2- 27 and EN 6006 8-2-29
EMC acc. to EN 61326 ( 1998) + A1 (1999 )
approx. 20 0 mA with 24 V DC (no load at switching output)
0.2 … 200 m (D DLS 200/200…)
18 … 30 V DC : transm itter/receiver a ctivated
Vin-2VDC: limited performance reserve
output cu rrent max. 10 0 mA, short -circuit proof,
protected against surge voltage, transients and overheating
-30 ˚C … +50 ˚C with optics heating (non-condensing)
3 Mounting / Installation (all device variants)
3.1 Mounting and alignment
An optica l data transm ission system, consisting of 2 DDLS 200 devi ces, involve s mounting eac h of
the devices on mutually opposing, plane-parallel, flat and usually vertical walls with unobstructed view
of the op posing DDLS 2 00.
Make certain that, at the minimum operating dis tance A
with one anot her within ± A
vices lie within the op ening angle. T his also applie s for rotary t ransmission.
The opening an gle (angle of radia tion) of the optics is ± 0.5 ˚ to the optica l axis! The hori-
zontal and vertical adjustment angles of the fine alignment with the adjustment screws is ±
6 ˚ for each. The optical transmission path between the DDLS 200s should not be interrupted. If interruptions cannot be avoided, be sure to read the notice in chapter 5.4.
Therefor e, pay close attention when selecting a suitable mountin g location!
When laying out a mobile arrangement for a DDLS 200, pay particular attention that the
alignmen t of the devices relative to one another remai ns unchanged ov er the transmi ssion
The transmission can be interrupted by e.g. jolts, vibrations or inclination of the mobile device due to irregularities in the floor or path.
Ensure adequate track stability!
Mount each device with 4 screws
device (see chapter 3.2 " Dimensioned drawing").
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Figure 3.1: Mounting the device s
The fine alignment of the transmission system is performed during commissioning
(see chapter 5.3.2 "Fine adjustment"). The position of the optical axis of the DDLS 200 can
be found in chapter 3.2 .
• 0.01 to ensu re that the trans mission/rece ption beams of the tw o de-
∅ 5 mm using 4 of the 5 fasten ing holes in the mo unting plate of th e
( frequency f1 ) ( frequency f2 )
Optical axis
the optical axe s of the devices are alig ned
• 0.01)
and vertical
max. ± (A
TNT 35/7-24V
Rotary trans-
3.3 Electrical connection
Connection of the device and maintenance work while under voltage must only be carried
out by a q ualified electrician.
If faults cannot be corrected, the device should be removed from operation and protected
against p ossible use.
Before connecting the device, be sure that the supply voltage agrees with the value printed
on the na meplate.
The power supply unit used to power the DDLS 200 must have protected electrical separation by way of a safety transformer with double insulation according to EN 60742 (equivalent
IEC 60742).
Be sure that the earthing conductor is connected correctly. Error-free operation is guaranteed only when the device is properly earthed.
Described in this section is the electrical connection of the supply voltage, the input and the output.
These connections and their functions are identical for all device variants.
The connec tion of the respectiv e bus system is descri bed in the following chapters.
To establish the electrical connections, you must first remove the red housing top with the optics. To
this, loosen the three housing hex screws. The housing top is now only electrically connected to
the base by means of a connector. C arefully pull th e housing top straight for ward without s kewing.
Carefully pull off the
housing top
Loosen the 3
Figure 3 .3: Removing the housing top
TNT 35/7-24V
Leuze electronic Safety Notices
1 Safety Notices
1.1 Safety standards
The optical DDLS 200 data transmission system was developed, manufactured and tested in accordance with applicable safety standards. It c orresponds to the state of the ar t.
1.2 Intended use
The DDLS 2 00 optical data transmission sy stem has been de signed and dev eloped for the o ptical
transmission of data in the infrared range.
The protec tion of personne l and the device cannot be guara nteed if the devi ce is operated
in a mann er not corres ponding to its intended us e.
Areas of app lication
The DDLS 200 is suit able for the following areas of application:
utomated hi gh-bay warehouses
• Stationa ry data transmissio n between buildings
• Anywhere, where data transmission to and from s tationary or moving objects (vi sual contact) over
relatively long distances (up to 200 m) is required.
• Rotary transmission
1.3 Working safely
Attention Laser!
The DDLS 200 data transmission system is an infrared laser device of Laser Class 1 in accordance with EN 60825. Do not look directly at the laser beam at close range!
Laser Cla ss 1 permits the use of optical instru ments for the direct observation of the laser
beam. The laser beam outl et is located on the front side in t he upper third o f the optics window.
Observe t he legal and lo cal regulations applicable to the operati on of laser uni ts.
Access an d changes to the devic e, except where expre ssly described in thi s operating manual, are not autho rised.
Leuze elec tronic Technical description DDL S 200 3
Technical Data Leuzeelectronic
2.2 Dimensioned drawing
Permissible cables:
M16 x 1.5:
round cabl e Ø 5 … 10 mm
Acontrol panel
B tr ansmission optics
Creception optics
D optical axis
Figure 2.1: Dimensioned drawing DDLS 200 for copper cable
Permissible cables:
TNT 35/7-24V
Figure 2.2: Dimensioned drawing DDLS 200 for fibre optic cable
M16 x 1.5:
round cabl e Ø 5 … 10 mm
M20 x 1.5:
round cabl e Ø 7 … 12 mm
Acontrol panel
B tr ansmission optics
Creception optics
D optical axis
Leuze electronic Technical description DDLS 200 5
Mounting / Installation (all device variants) Leuze electronic
3.2 Arrangement of adjacent transmission systems
To prevent mutual interference of adjacent transmission systems, the following measures should be
taken in add ition to exact alignme nt:
• With a freq uency-offset arrangement, the d istance between two parallel tra nsmission path s must
not be less than 300 mm (DDLS 200/120…) or 500 mm (DDLS 200/200…).
• With arrang ements usin g identical f requencies, th e distance bet ween two parallel transmis sion
paths mus t be at least 500 mm + tan (0.5˚) x sensing distance (DDLS 200/200…), or
300 mm + tan (0.5˚)xsensing distance (DDLS 200/120 …).
( frequency f1 ) (frequency f2 )
Frequency-offset arrangement!
( frequency f
2 ) (frequency f1 )
Min. 300 mm (DDLS 200/120…)
Min. 500 mm (DDLS 200/200…)
Identica l frequency arrangement
Figure 3. 2: Arrangement of adjacent tra nsmission systems
1 ) (frequency f2 )
( frequency f
Min. tan (0.5 ˚) x sensing dis-
Leuze electronic Technical description DDLS 200 7
Mounting / Installation (all device variants) Leuze electronic
The conn ection compartme nt in the housing b ase with the screwed cable gland s is now freely acce ssible.
Max. core
cross se ction:
1.5 mm
Figure 3.4: Positions of the general, non-bus-specific terminals and switches
3.3.1 Supply voltage
Connect th e supply volta ge, including th e earth lead, to the spring termina ls labelled Vin, GND and
PE (see fi gure 3.4).
The conne ction terminals V in, GND and PE are prov ided double to sim plify wiring through
the supply voltage to other devic es.
The earth lead can alternatively be connected at the screw terminal in the housing base
(max. co re cross se ction 2.5 mm
If you would like to wire through th e supply voltage, you s hould replace the filler plugs on the
right side of the housing base with an M16 x 1.5 scr ewed cable glan d and guide the co ntinuing supply voltage cable through this gland. The housing seal is, in this way, ensured (Protection Cl ass IP 65).
The hous ing top can be r emoved and replac ed while under voltage.
Ter min al Function
Vin Positive supply voltage
GND Negative s upply voltage 0VDC
PE Earth lead
IN Switching inpu t for transmitter/receiver
Switch Function
S1 On : the switching input is not analysed.
+18 … +30 V DC
Switching ou tput, activated if level
drops be low the warnin g level
0 … 2VDC: transmitter/receiver
switched off, no transmission
18 … 30 V DC: transmitter /receiver
active, normal function
transmitte r/receiver unit is al ways in
Off: the switchin g input is analysed.
nding on th e input voltage, no rmal
function or transmitter/receiver unit
switched o ff.
Leuze elec tronic Technical description DDL S 200 2
4 Technical description DDLS 200 Leuze electronic
6 Technical description DDLS 200 Leuze electronic
8 Technical description DDLS 200 Leuze electronic

Leuze electronic Mounting / Installation (all device variants)
Leuze electronic PROFIBUS / RS 485
Commissioning / Operation (all device models) Leuzeelectronic
Commissioning / Operation (all device models) Leuzeelectronic
3.3.2 Switching input
The DDLS 200 is equipped with a switching input IN, via which the transmitter/receiver unit can be
switched of f, i.e. no infrar ed light is tra nsmitted and at the bus termi nals the corresp onding bus bia s
level is present / the bus driver is high resistance.
Input voltage: 0 … 2 V DC: transmitter/rec eiver switched of f, no transmissi on
(relative to GND) 18 … 30 V DC: transmitter/receiver active, normal function
For easier operation, the switching input can be activated/deactivated via switch S1:
Position S1: On the switch ing input is no t analysed. Th e transmitter/ receiver
Off The switching input is analysed. Depending on the input volt-
When transmitter/receiver unit is switched off, the system behaves in the same way as in
the event of a light beam interruption (see chapter 5.4 "Operation").
The switching input can be used, for exampl e, during a corr idor change to co mpletely avoi d
interference effec ts from other sensors or the data transmission.
unit is always in operation (internal preselection of the switching input with Vin).
age, norm al function or tra nsmitter/receiver unit switched off.
3.3.3 Switching output
The DDLS 200 is equ ipped with a sw itching output OUT WARN which is activated i f the receiving le vel
in the recei ver drops.
Output voltage: 0 … 2 V DC: operating range
(relative to GND) Vin - 2 V DC: warning or shutoff range
The switching output is protected against: short-circuit, surge current, surge voltage, overheating
The DDLS 200 is still completely functional when th e level of the rece iving signal drops to
the warning signal level. No performance reserve remains.
and transi ents.
4.2 Device configuration PROFIBUS
Termination (bus connection, factory setting: 'Off' = no termination)
The PROFIBUS can be terminated via the switch S2 in the DDL S 200. If the term ination is active
(S2 = On), internal bus resistors are connected as per the PROFIBUS standard and the PROFIBUS
is not wired through at terminals A’ and B’.
Activate the terminatio n when the PRO FIBUS segmen t begins or en ds at the DDLS 200.
Setting the transmission rate (baud rate, fac tory setting: '000' = 9.6 kBit/s)
You must set the transmission rate of your PROFIBUS segment using the three DIP switches S3-1
through S3-3 . Possible transmissio n rates are:
• 9.6 kBit/s • 19.2 kBit/s
• 93.75 kBit/s • 18 7.5 kBit/s
• 500 kBit/s • 1500 kBit/s
Set the tr ansmission rat e in accordance w ith the table pri nted on the connec tion circuit board (see figure 4.1).
5 Commissioning / Operation (all device models)
5.1 Indicator and operating elements
All DDLS 200 device models have the following indic ator and operating elements:
• Bar graph with 10 LEDs
• Operating mode LEDs AUT, MAN, ADJ
• Operating mode buttons
Bar graph Operating mode buttons
Operatin g mode LEDs
LEDs dependent on device model
Figure 5. 1: Indicator and operating elements common to all DDLS 200 devic e models
If the PWR or UL LED f l ashes after s witching on, there are two poss ible causes: either a hardware
error ha s occurred or the transmitter/re ceiver unit has sw itched off via the sw itching input IN (chapter
If the PWR or UL LED remains dark after switching on, there is either no voltage supply present (check
connections and voltage) or a hardware error has occurred.
5.3.2 Fine adjustment
If you have mounted and switched on the two DDLS 200s of a given optical transmission path and
they are both in the "Automatic" operating mode, you can perform the fine adjustment of the devices
relative to one another wit h the aid of the t hree alignment screws.
Note that with "alignment", the transmitter with the beam which is to be positioned as exactly
as possible on the opposing receiver is always meant.
At the max imum sensing di stance, the bar g raph does not s how end-scale de flection even
with optim al alignment!
Bar graph
Changeover PROFIBUS / RS 485 (factory setting: 'Off' = PROFIBUS)
The DDLS 200 has, as a s tandard function, a re peater function (s ignal processing) a nd is, with regard
to the PROFIBUS, to be viewed as a repeater.
Please ob serve the guidel ines specified in EN 5017 0 (Vol. 2) regarding the u se of repeaters .
The delay time of a data transmission path is maximum 1.5 µs + 1 T
It is also possible to transmit other RS 485 protocols. For PROFIBUS applications, S3-4
should be set to 'Off' ('0'). DI P-switch S3-4 ca n be used to switch off the repeater fun ction
for non-PROFIBUS appl ications (S3- 4 = 'On'). In this case, no s ignal regene ration takes
TNT 35/7-24V
place; th e RS 485 proto col must, how ever, still p rovide certa in features
Please contact th e manufacturer if you would like to use the DDLS 200 for other protocols.
The bar graph displays the quality of the received signal (receiving level) at its own (operating modes
"Automatic" and "Manual") or opposing (operating mode "Adjust") DDLS 200 (figure 5 ..2).
Good receiving level, optical data transmission active, performance reserve, output OUT WARN not active
Operating range:
Warning range:
TNT 35/7-24V
Cut-off range:
(0 … 2VDC)
Receiving level in the warning range, continued error-free
data transmission, no performance reserve, output OUT
WARN active (Vin - 2 V DC), peripheral error message with
INTERBUS fibre optic cable model
Receiving level minimal, optical data transmission separated,
output OUT WARN active (Vin - 2 V DC)
Figure 5.2: Meaning of the bar graph for displaying the receiving level
Operating mo de LEDs
The three green LEDs AUT, MAN and ADJ indicate the current operating mode (see chapter 5.2 "Operating m odes") of the DDLS 200.
• AUT: operating mode "Automatic"
• MAN: operating mode "Manual"
• ADJ: operating mode "Adjust"
The DDLS 200 supports fast and easy fine adjustment. The optimisation of the alignment between
the two d evices of one t ransmission path can be perfor med by just one person. Use the following
descrip tive steps as a set of numb ered instructions:
1. Both device s are locate d close to one a nother (> 1 m). Ideally, the ba r graphs of both devices
display maximum end-scale deflection.
2. Switch both devices to "Manual" (MAN) by pressing t he button for a relativel y long time (> 2 s).
Data transmission remains active, only the internal cut-off threshold is changed to the warning
threshold (yellow LEDs).
3. While in the "Manual" operating mode, move until data transmission of the DDLS 200 is interrupted. The devices are not yet optimally aligned with one another.
4. Briefly pr ess the button to switch both devices to the " Adjust" operatin g mode (ADJ). Data
transmission remains interrupted.
5. The device s can now be in dividually alig ned. The result of the alignm ent can be read directly in
the bar grap h.
6. When both d evices are aligned, briefly pressin g the button on one of th e devices is enough to
switch both back to the "Manual" operating mode (MAN). Data transmission is again active; the
vehicle can continue its path. If data transmission is interrupted again, repeat steps 3 through 6.
7. If the data transmission and the alignment are OK through the end of the path of motion, switch
both devices back to the "Automatic" (AUT) operating mode by pressing the button for a rela-
ng time (> 2 s). The optical data tran sceiver is now r eady for operatio n.
tively lo
Operating mo de buttons
With the operating mode button, you c an switch betw een the three o perating mode s "Automatic ",
"Manual" and "Adjust" (see chapter 5.2 "Operating modes").
Leuze electronic Technical description DDLS 200 9
PROFIBUS / RS 485 Leuze electronic
The PROFIBUS model of the DDLS 200 has the following features:
• Electrica lly isolated interface
• The DDLS does not occupy a PROFIBUS address
• Integrated repeater function ( signal processin g), can be switched off
• Protocol-in dependent data transmission, i.e. transmissi on of the FMS, DP, MP I,
FMS/DP mixed operation protocols
• Connectabl e bus termin ator (termi nation)
• 6 baud rates can be set
4.1 Electrical connection PROFIBUS
The elec trical connec tion to the PR OFIBUS is made at the terminals A, B, and COM. The terminals
A’, B’ and COM are provided for wiring throug h the bus.
PROFIBU S - terminals and switches
– + –' +'
A B A'A'B'
Figure 4. 1: Connection circuit board o f the PROFIB US model
On =
RS 485
Off =
Please be sure to observe the installation requirements (bus cables, cable lengths, shielding, etc. ) defined in th e PROFIBUS s tandard EN 501 70 (Vol. 2).
Ter min al Function
A , – (N) PROFIBUS or (–) RS 485
B, + (P) PROFIBUS or (+) RS 485
COM Potential equalisatio n
A’, –’ (N) PROFIBUS or (–) RS 485 of the
B’, +’ (P) PROFIBUS or (+) RS 485 of the
Switch Function
S2 Termination On/O ff
S3-1 … S3-3 Setting the baud rate of the
wired-through bus
wired th rough bus
PROFIBUS segment
angeover PROF IBUS (Off) /
RS 485 (On)
Leuze electronic T echnical description DDLS 200 11
PROFIBUS / RS 485 Leuze electronic
4.3 LED Indicators PROFIBUS
In addition to the indicator and operating elements present in all device models (bar graph, buttons,
LEDs AUT, MAN, ADJ; see chapter 5.1 "Indicator and operating elements"), the PROFIBUS model
also has the following indicators:
LED PWR: green = operating indicator
LED Tx: green = d ata are being transmitted to t he bus
LED Rx: green = d ata are being received by the bus
Figure 4. 2: Indicator/opera ting elements for the PROFIBUS model
green flashing= transmitter /receiver unit switched off
off = no operating voltage
green flashing= with baud rates set to very low values,
off = no data on the transmission lin e
green flashing= with baud rates set to very low values,
off = no data on the reception line
via switch ing input IN or hardware error
the LEDs Tx and Rx flicker. At very
high baud rat es (> 50 kBit/s), flashing
LEDs Tx and Rx indicate faulty bus
communic ation.
the LEDs Tx and Rx flicker. At very
high baud rat es (> 50 kBit/s), flashing
LEDs Tx and Rx indi
communic ation.
cate faulty bus
13 Technical description DDLS 200 Leuze electronic
Leuze electronic Commissioning / Operation (all device models)
5.2 Operating modes
The following table provides an overview of the DDLS 200 operating modes.
AUT LED illu-
illuminate s
Adjust, ADJ
LED illum inates
Normal operation Active Its own receiving level, display of
Adjustme nt operation,
cut-off threshold on higher level
Adjustme nt operation,
cut-off threshold on higher level
Changing the operating mode
AUT –> MAN Press the operating mode button for more than 2 seconds.
MAN –> ADJ Press the operating mode button on one of the two devices.
ADJ –> MAN Press the operating mode button on one of the two devices.
MAN –> AUT Press the operating mode button for more than 2 seconds.
Only the device on which the button was pressed switches to the "Manual" operating
mode (MAN LED illuminates).
Both devices switch to the "Adjust" operating mode (both ADJ LEDs illuminate) when
both were previously in the "Manual" operating mode.
Both devices switch to the "Manual" operating mode (both MAN LEDs illuminate) .
Only the dev ice on which the button was pressed swit ches to the "Autom atic" operating mode (AUT LED illuminates).
To switch to the "Adjust" (ADJ) operating mode, both devices belonging to a transmission
path must first be in the "Manual" (MA N) operating mode. It is not possible to switch directly
from the "Automatic" to the "Adjust" operating mode or vice versa.
5.3 Initial commissioning
5.3.1 Switch on device / function check
After ap plying the ope rating voltag e, the DDLS 200 first performs a self -test. If the self-test is successfully completed, the PWR or UL LED illuminates continuously and the DDLS 200 switches to the "Automatic" oper ating mode. If the connecti on to the opposing device e xists, data can be transmi tted
Optical data
Active Its own receiving level, display of
Separated Receivi ng level of the opposing
Bar graph assignment
the alignment quality of the
opposing device
the alignment quality of the
opposing device
device, disp lay of the alignment
quality of own device
15 Tech nical descrip tion DDLS 200 Leuze e lectronic
Leuze electronic Commissioning / Operation (all device models)
5.4 Operation
In runnin g operation ("Au tomatic" opera ting mode) the D DLS operates ma intenance-free . Only the
glass optics need to be cl eaned occasional ly in the event of soi ling. This can be ch ecked by analysin g
the switching output OUT WARN (with the INTERBUS fib re optic cable model, a perip heral error m essage is also av ailable). If the ou tput is set, soilin g of the DDLS 200's glas s optics is often the cause
(see chapter 6. 1 "Cleaning"
It must stil l be ensured that t he light beam is n ot interrupted at a ny time.
If, during operation of the DDLS 200, the light beam is interrupted or one of the two devices
is switched voltage free, the effect of the int erruption on the e ntire network is equivalent to
the interruption of a data line!
In the event of an interruption (light beam interruption or switched voltage-free), the
DDLS 200 swi tches off the network to a non-interac ting state. The system reac tions in the
event of an interruption are to be defined to gether with the supplier of the PL C.
6 Maintenance
6.1 Cleaning
The optic al window of th e DDLS 200 is to be cleaned month ly or as needed (w arning output) . To clean,
use a soft cloth and a cleaning agent (standard glass cleaner).
Do not use solvents and cleaning agents containing acetone. Use of improper cleaning
agents can damage the optical window.
TNT 35/7-24V
Leuze electronic
Leuze Mayser electronic Ltd.
Tel. Int. + 44 (0) 1480/408500
Fax Int. + 44 (0) 1480/403808
E-mail: mail@leuzemayser.co.uk
TNT 35/7-24V
10 Technical description DDLS 200 Leuze electronic
12 Technical description DDLS 200 Leuze electronic
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Leuze electronic T echnical description DDLS 200 16