rotoScan ROD4plus / ROD4-08plus
Software and Protocol Description
GB 01-02/08 50107322
Table of contents
1 General information........................................................................................................... 3
1.1 On the 'RODplussoft' program ............................................................................................. 3
1.3 Contact address................................................................................................................... 3
2 Hardware and software Installation ................................................................................. 4
2.1 Hardware ............................................................................................................................. 4
2.2 Software............................................................................................................................... 4
2.2.1 System requirements..................................................................................................................... 4
2.2.2 Installation...................................................................................................................................... 4
3 First steps - sample application .......................................................................................5
3.1 Establishing a connection between PC and ROD4…plus ................................................... 5
3.2 Starting the program ............................................................................................................6
3.3 Adjusting the interface for parameterization ........................................................................ 7
3.4 Selecting the Interface for Process Data on the PC ............................................................ 7
3.4.1 Configuring the Ethernet interface of the ROD4…plus.................................................................. 7
3.4.2 Configuring serial interface Y4 of the ROD4…plus .......................................................................8
3.5 Configuring the measurement data protocol of the ROD4…plus......................................... 9
3.5.1 Settings for the ROD4-compatible binary protocol ........................................................................9
3.5.2 Settings for the ASCII Remote protocol......................................................................................... 9
3.6 Displaying the measurement contour ................................................................................ 10
3.7 Configuring measurement segments ................................................................................. 11
3.7.1 Configuring measurement segments for the ROD4-compatible binary protocol ......................... 12
3.7.2 Configuring measurement segments for the ASCII Remote protocol.......................................... 13
4 Menu description .............................................................................................................16
4.1 Menu bar............................................................................................................................ 17
4.1.1 File ............................................................................................................................................... 17
4.1.2 Configuration ...............................................................................................................................17
4.1.3 Settings........................................................................................................................................ 17
4.1.4 Question mark ’?’......................................................................................................................... 18
4.2 Configuration/measurement box........................................................................................ 19
4.2.1 Communication............................................................................................................................ 19
4.2.2 Protocol........................................................................................................................................ 21
4.2.3 Measurement contour.................................................................................................................. 25
4.3 Toolbox and Process Data docking windows .................................................................... 26
4.3.1 Toolbox ........................................................................................................................................ 26
4.3.2 Process data................................................................................................................................ 27
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Table of contents
5 ROD4-compatible binary protocol.................................................................................. 28
5.1 Protocol structure............................................................................................................... 28
5.1.1 Start..............................................................................................................................................29
5.1.2 Operation .....................................................................................................................................29
5.1.3 Option 1........................................................................................................................................29
5.1.4 Option 2........................................................................................................................................30
5.1.5 Option 3........................................................................................................................................30
5.1.6 Scan number................................................................................................................................30
5.1.7 Angular resolution ........................................................................................................................31
5.1.8 Start angle....................................................................................................................................31
5.1.9 Stop angle ....................................................................................................................................31
5.1.10 Distance measurement value.......................................................................................................32
5.1.11 Check byte ...................................................................................................................................32
5.1.12 End...............................................................................................................................................32
6 ASCII-Remote protocol.................................................................................................... 33
6.1 Online commands ..............................................................................................................33
6.1.1 General 'Online' Commands ........................................................................................................34
6.1.2 Online commands for configuration of the measurement function...............................................35
6.1.3 Online commands for measurement function control...................................................................37
6.2 Measurement data protocol ...............................................................................................38
7 Appendix........................................................................................................................... 39
7.1 Terms and abbreviations ROD4…plus software................................................................ 39
2 RODplussoft - Software and protocol description Leuze electronic

1 General information

1.1 On the 'RODplussoft' program

RODplussoft is used for the configuration of the measurement functions of the rotoscan ROD4…plus via a PC with Microsoft
The software offers the following options:
• Interface configuration of the ROD4…plus
• Measurement data visualisation
• Configuration of measurement segments
• Filtering data output
• Output of extreme values
The measurement data are transferred via the interfaces Y2 or Y4 as selected. You can select the protocol best suited to your measurement task in each case. The following options are available:
ROD4-compatible binary protocol, for fast measurement data transfer. A detailed protocol description may be found in chapter 5.
ASCII Remote for extended, flexible measurement data transfer and remote control operation. In this operating mode, the ROD4…plus reacts to commands from the con­trol. A detailed protocol description may be found in chapter 6.

1.2 Explanation of symbols

The symbols used in this description are explained below.
This symbol appears before text passages which must absolutely be observed. Failure to heed this information may lead to injuries to personnel or damage to the equipment.
Windows 2000/XP operating systems.
General information
This symbol indicates text passages containing important information.
This symbol asks you to carry out an action.
The Courier font indicates terms contained in the software interface of RODplussoft.

1.3 Contact address

Leuze electronic GmbH + Co. In der Braike 1, Postfach 1111 73277 Owen/Teck, Germany Phone +49 (0) 7021/573 0 Fax +49 (0) 7021/573 199
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Hardware and software Installation

2 Hardware and software Installation

2.1 Hardware

Install the rotoscan ROD4…plus as described in the 'Electrical Connection' chapter of the Technical description ROD4plus.

2.2 Software

2.2.1 System requirements

The PC used should meet the following requirements:

2.2.2 Installation

The RODplussoft configuration software can be found on the supplied CD. To install, follow the instructions in the respective readme files, which can likewise be found on the supplied CD.
You can also download the respective, latest version of RODplussoft from www.leuze.de: Download -> identify -> Optical distance measuring and positioning.
Unzip the ZIP file supplied into a suitable folder on your hard disk.
ª ª
processor at Pentium® level or faster (or compatible models, e.g. AMD®)
• At least 512 MB RAM
•CD-ROM drive
• Hard disk with at least 150 MB available memory.
• RS 232 interface for scanner configuration
• Ethernet interface or, alternatively, RS 232 / RS 422 for measurement data transfer
Start the installation by double-clicking on the setup.exe file.
Follow the instructions of the installation routine.
Windows 2000/XP SP2
.NET Framework 2.0 SP1
Before installing RODplussoft, ensure that Microsoft installed on your computer.
4 RODplussoft - Software and protocol description Leuze electronic
.NET Framework 2.0 SP1 or later is
First steps - sample application

3 First steps - sample application

This chapter explains the configuration of the ROD4…plus using a sample application. We assume the following measurement task:
• data transfer via Ethernet
• ROD4-compatible binary protocol
• definition of a measurement segment
• measurement data filtering
• output of
• status information on the ROD4…plus
• measurement data in Cartesian coordinate display
• minimum and maximum values

3.1 Establishing a connection between PC and ROD4…plus

To configure the ROD4…plus using RODplussoft or RODsoft
Connect interface Y3 of the ROD4…plus to an unused COM port of your PC. Use the
KB-ROD4plus cable available as an accessory.
If you want to display the measurement data on the PC, or if you want to use the ASCII Remote protocol for remote control:
Also connect interface Y2 of the ROD4…plus to a free network port on the same network
as your PC or connect interface Y4 of the ROD4…plus to another free COM port on your PC.
Beginning with version 1.10, RODplussoft offers the option of configuring the ROD4…plus via the same interface as is used to transfer measurement data.
This facilitates the following procedure:
• Configuration of the Ethernet interface of the ROD4…plus prior to the mechanical installation at the installation site. At the installation site, there may be difficulties in attaching the cable between Y3 and the COM port of the PC due to the installation sit­uation.
• Subsequent selection of Y2 as interface for configuration.
• Mechanical installation of the ROD4…plus at the installation site.
• Configuration of the ROD4…plus via the Ethernet interface.
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Ensure that the connectors for the interfaces Y1, Y2 and Y4 are wired correctly. An incorrect wiring of the Y1 or Y4 interfaces on the rotoScan ROD4…plus may result in severe device damage that may be beyond repair.
Before starting RODplussoft, switch on the power supply of the ROD4…plus. Otherwise no data can be received from the device. You can, however, define parameters and save them to the hard disk or evaluate previously saved data without connecting the ROD4…plus to the PC.
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First steps - sample application
1 - Menu bar
2 - Configuration/measurement box

3.2 Starting the program

To start RODplussoft, open the Windows Start menu ->
The following screen appears, split into two areas:
All Programs
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6 RODplussoft - Software and protocol description Leuze electronic
First steps - sample application

3.3 Adjusting the interface for parameterization

In the
ration/measurement box, select interface
Interface for Parameteriza-
Y3 as
. You previously connected this inter-
face to a free COM port on your PC.
In the
PC -> Interface
face) to which Y3 is connected.
RODPlussoft then automatically sets the required interface parameters for the selected COM port.
mine whether your PC can communicate with the ROD4…plus.
tab, set the COM port (inter-
Check connectivity…
tab in the configu-
part of the
to deter-

3.4 Selecting the Interface for Process Data on the PC

The interface for process data is used both for displaying process data (measurement data) and for transmitting online commands via the ASCII Remote protocol. On the ROD4…plus, the Y2 (Ethernet) and Y4 (serial) interfaces are available for this purpose. First, you must select which of these interfaces is connected to your PC and then make the settings for this interface, see chapter 3.4.1 and chapter 3.4.2.
In the
Interface for Process
area in the configuration/measure-
ment box on the select the interface of the ROD4…plus that you have connected to the PC.
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3.4.1 Configuring the Ethernet interface of the ROD4…plus

If you have selected Y2 as the interface for process data, you still need to set the IP address of the ROD4…plus. In order to be able to display the measurement data on the PC, the IP address of your PC and the IP address of the ROD4…plus must lie in the same address
Leuze electronic RODplussoft - Software and protocol description 7
First steps - sample application
range. The ROD4…plus has no built-in DHCP client, so that you need to set the address manually.
If you are using a desktop firewall, please ensure that RODplussoft can communicate with the ROD4…plus via the Ethernet interface on port 9008. Furthermore, the firewall must allow ICMP echo messages to pass through for the connection test (ping).
In this example, we assume that PC and ROD4…plus are in the same network segment (subnet).
Find an unused IP address in the network
in which the ROD4…plus is to be used, or ask the responsible network administra­tor to allocate an address for the ROD4…plus.
In the
Y2 (Ethernet)
figuration/measurement box on the Com­munication
IP Address
Enter the your network configuration.
If the connectivity test was successful, you can accept the settings in the ROD4…plus by clicking the
The configuration data are now transferred to the ROD4…plus and the measurement data are displayed in the Measurement Contour area.
tab, enter this address in
Subnet Mask
Check connectivity…
area in the con-
according to

3.4.2 Configuring serial interface Y4 of the ROD4…plus

If you have selected Y4 as interface for process data, you now only need to select the COM port on the PC to which you have connected Y4.
In the
Y4 (Serial Interface)
tab, select the COM port to which Y4 is connected.
RODPlussoft then automatically sets the required interface param­eters for the selected COM port.
Check connectivity
can communicate with the ROD4…plus.
8 RODplussoft - Software and protocol description Leuze electronic
part of the Communication
… to ascertain whether your PC
First steps - sample application

3.5 Configuring the measurement data protocol of the ROD4…plus

Two different protocols are available for the measure­ment data transfer:
Binary ROD4 compatible (see chapter 5) for the fast and efficient measurement data trans­fer, no remote control of the ROD4…plus is possi­ble.
ROD4plus ASCII Remote (see chapter 6) for extended, flexible measurement data transfer and remote control of the ROD4…plus.
In the
Active Protocol
tab, select the desired protocol.
You can now make further settings depending on which protocol is selected.

3.5.1 Settings for the ROD4-compatible binary protocol

Under Protocol Binary ROD4 compatible, define the start segment (see chapter 5.1.8), stop segment (see chapter 5.1.9) and angular resolution (see chapter 5.1.7).
Set the values as shown in the screenshot:
Start = 0, Stop = 528, Angle resolution = 1
You may change these values later.

3.5.2 Settings for the ASCII Remote protocol

Under Protocol ROD4plus ASCII Remote, specify whether measurement data are to be transferred in polar or Cartesian coordinates.
area in the configuration/measurement box on the
You must then define and activate at least one measurement segment to be able to start meas­urement operation of the ROD4…plus.
Set the values for segment
as shown in the screenshot,
set the tick in click
Leuze electronic RODplussoft - Software and protocol description 9
Accept Segment Set-
and then
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First steps - sample application
Measurement contour

3.6 Displaying the measurement contour

After all interfaces are correctly connected, RODplussoft can receive measurement data from the PC and display the data in the Measurement Contour window area.
Click the Measurement Contour tab.
This starts the measurement and transfers the measurement data. RODplussoft graphi­cally displays the measurement data as a measurement contour.
The ROD4…plus is located at coordinates 0/0. The measurement contour graphically displays the measured distance within the measurement range of the ROD4…plus. This distance can also be read directly on the coordinate axes in mm.
10 RODplussoft - Software and protocol description Leuze electronic

3.7 Configuring measurement segments

Insert an object into the detection field of the ROD4…plus at a position that you want to use for measurements later.
You can now restrict the measurement range of the ROD4…plus to the area around this object in order to transfer only those measurement data which are actually of interest. The procedure depends on the active protocol selected and is described in the next two subchapters.
First steps - sample application
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First steps - sample application
Start = 250
Stop = 350
3.7.1 Configuring measurement segments for the ROD4-compatible binary proto­col
Switch to the ment with the measurement segment set­tings under
The settings shown in our example result in the following measurement contour:
Protocol Binary ROD4
tab and experi-
You can fine-tune and adapt these settings further depending on the angular range and resolution you wish to measure with.
The settings made under the ROD4-compatible binary protocol persist even after the ROD4…plus has been switched off. This lets you take the thus configured ROD4…plus and commission it directly on the process control.
12 RODplussoft - Software and protocol description Leuze electronic
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