LSIS 222 / LSIS 223
Code reader
en 01-2012/07 50119062
Table of contents
1 General information........................................................................................... 6
1.1 Explanation of symbols..................................................................................................... 6
2 Safety notices .................................................................................................... 7
2.1 General safety notices....................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Safety standards ................................................................................................................ 7
2.3 Approved purpose ............................................................................................................. 7
2.4 Working safely ................................................................................................................... 8
3 Device description............................................................................................. 9
3.1 About the code readers of the LSIS 22x series............................................................... 9
3.2 Characteristics of the code readers of the LSIS 22x series......................................... 13
3.3 Device construction......................................................................................................... 14
3.4 Stand-alone connection .................................................................................................. 15
4Installation and mounting ............................................................................... 16
4.1 Storage, transportation ................................................................................................... 16
4.2 Mounting the LSIS 22x .................................................................................................... 17
4.2.1 Fastening with M4 screws ........................................................................................................... 17
4.2.2 Mounting devices ......................................................................................................................... 18
4.3 Device arrangement......................................................................................................... 19
4.3.1 Selecting a mounting location ......................................................................................................19
4.3.2 Determining the reading distance................................................................................................ 20
4.4 Cleaning............................................................................................................................ 20
5 Electrical connection....................................................................................... 21
5.1 Safety notices for the electrical connection.................................................................. 22
5.2 Electrical connection of the LSIS 22x M5M-R1 ............................................................. 23
5.2.1 LSIS 222 M5M-R1 - RS 232 interface ......................................................................................... 25
5.2.2 LSIS 223 M5M-R1 - USB interface.............................................................................................. 26
6 Commissioning ................................................................................................ 27
6.1 Starting the LSIS 222 M5M-R1 - RS 232 interface ......................................................... 27
6.2 Starting the LSIS 223 M5M-R1 - USB-interface ............................................................. 28
6.3 Operating modes ............................................................................................................. 28
6.4 LED indicators.................................................................................................................. 29
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Table of contents
7Configuration using configuration codes ..................................................... 30
7.1 Configuration of interface ............................................................................................... 30
7.1.1 RS 232 parameter - LSIS 222 M5M-R1 .......................................................................................30
7.1.2 USB parameter - LSIS 223 M5M-R1 ............................................................................................33
7.2 Configuration of the reading gate control (trigger) ...................................................... 34
7.2.1 Manual/serial trigger mode...........................................................................................................35
7.2.2 Presentation mode .......................................................................................................................37
7.2.3Streaming presentation mode ......................................................................................................38
7.3 Configuration of the reading properties ........................................................................ 39
7.3.1 Reading the same code multiple times ........................................................................................39
7.3.2 Reading multiple different codes in one reading gate ..................................................................40
7.3.3 Restricting the read field (centering) ............................................................................................41
7.3.4 Reading inverted bar codes (video reverse) ................................................................................43
7.3.5 Reading codes on LED displays (mobile phone read mode) .......................................................44
7.4 Configuring input / output............................................................................................... 45
7.4.1 Prefix / suffix (framing) .................................................................................................................45
7.4.2 NoRead output .............................................................................................................................47
7.5 Configuring decoding (code selection) ......................................................................... 48
7.5.1 Code selection of all supported code types .................................................................................49
7.5.2 Codabar code selection ...............................................................................................................50
7.5.3 Code 39 code selection................................................................................................................51
7.5.4 Code 32 Pharmaceutical code selection (PARAF).......................................................................53
7.5.5 Interleaved 2/5 code selection .....................................................................................................54
7.5.6 Code 93 code selection................................................................................................................56
7.5.7 Code 128 code selection..............................................................................................................57
7.5.8 GS1-128 code selection...............................................................................................................58
7.5.9 UPC-A code selection ..................................................................................................................59
7.5.10 UPC-E0 code selection ................................................................................................................60
7.5.11 UPC-E1 code selection ................................................................................................................60
7.5.12 EAN/JAN-13 code selection.........................................................................................................61
7.5.13 EAN/JAN-8 code selection...........................................................................................................62
7.5.14 GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional code selection..............................................................................63
7.5.15 GS1 DataBar Limited code selection ...........................................................................................63
7.5.16 GS1 DataBar Expanded code selection.......................................................................................64
7.5.17 PDF417 code selection ................................................................................................................65
7.5.18 MicroPDF417 code selection .......................................................................................................66
7.5.19 GS1 Composite code selection....................................................................................................67
7.5.20 QR Code code selection ..............................................................................................................68
7.5.21 Data Matrix code selection...........................................................................................................69
7.5.22 MaxiCode code selection.............................................................................................................70
7.5.23 Aztec Code code selection...........................................................................................................71
2 Technical description LSIS 22x Leuze electronic
Table of contents
7.6 Service codes................................................................................................................... 72
7.6.1 Code ID prefix.............................................................................................................................. 72
7.6.2 Decoder revision ..........................................................................................................................74
7.6.3Software revision .........................................................................................................................74
7.6.4 Reset to factory settings ..............................................................................................................75
8Configuration using online commands ......................................................... 76
9Diagnostics and troubleshooting................................................................... 77
9.1 State signaling via LED ...................................................................................................77
10 Type overview and accessories..................................................................... 78
10.1 Type overview LSIS 22x .................................................................................................. 78
10.2 Mounting device accessories......................................................................................... 78
10.3 Ready-made cable accessories...................................................................................... 78
10.3.1 Connection cables ....................................................................................................................... 78
10.3.2 Connection cables (8-pin, socket - open cable ends)..................................................................79
10.3.3 Connector, user-configurable, not shielded ................................................................................. 79
11 Maintenance ..................................................................................................... 80
11.1 General maintenance information .................................................................................. 80
11.2 Repairs, servicing ............................................................................................................ 80
11.3 Disassembling, packing, disposing ............................................................................... 80
12 Specifications .................................................................................................. 81
12.1 General specifications of the code readers .................................................................. 81
12.2 Dimensioned drawing...................................................................................................... 82
13 Appendix .......................................................................................................... 83
13.1 Declaration of conformity ............................................................................................... 83
13.2 ASCII character set .......................................................................................................... 84
13.3 Sample codes................................................................................................................... 88
13.3.1 Bar codes module 0.3..................................................................................................................88
13.3.2 Bar codes module 0.5..................................................................................................................89
13.3.3 Other sample codes..................................................................................................................... 90
13.4 Programming codes for the configuration .................................................................... 92
Leuze electronic Technical description LSIS 22x 3
Figures and tables
Figure 3.1: Application example: omnidirectional reading of 1D-codes......................................................... 11
Figure 3.2: Application example: reading 1D-codes in automatic handling machines................................... 11
Figure 3.3: Application example: reading 2D-codes in presentation mode ...................................................12
Figure 3.4: Application example: reading of 2D-codes in intralogistics .........................................................12
Figure 3.5: Device construction .....................................................................................................................14
Figure 3.6: Stand-alone connection............................................................................................................... 15
Figure 4.1: Device name plate LSIS 22x .......................................................................................................16
Figure 4.2: Fastening options using M4 threaded holes ............................................................................... 17
Figure 4.3: BT 8-0 mounting device...............................................................................................................18
Figure 4.4: BTU 300M - D… mounting device............................................................................................... 19
Figure 4.5: Reading distance as a function of resolution/code type .............................................................. 20
Figure 5.1: Location of the electrical connection ........................................................................................... 21
Figure 5.2: Connections of the LSIS 22x ....................................................................................................... 23
Figure 5.3: External wiring of the switching input .......................................................................................... 24
Figure 5.4: External wiring of the switching output ........................................................................................ 24
Figure 5.5: RS 232 pin assignments.............................................................................................................. 25
Figure 5.6: USB pin assignment.................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 6.1: LEDs of the LSIS 22x ..................................................................................................................29
Figure 7.1: Configuration code RS 232 standard parameters ....................................................................... 30
Figure 7.2: Configuration codes RS 232 baud rate ....................................................................................... 31
Figure 7.3: Configuration codes RS 232 data format .................................................................................... 32
Figure 7.4: Configuration code USB standard parameters (keyboard emulation) .........................................33
Figure 7.5: Configuration code for USB COM port emulation........................................................................33
Figure 7.6: Configuration codes for setting the manual/serial trigger mode .................................................. 35
Figure 7.7: Configuration code for setting the read time-out time.................................................................. 35
Figure 7.8: Example: Setting a read time-out time of 5 seconds ...................................................................36
Figure 7.9: Configuration code for setting the presentation mode.................................................................37
Figure 7.10: Configuration code for setting the hands free time-out time ........................................................ 37
Figure 7.11: Configuration codes for setting the streaming presentation mode .............................................. 38
Figure 7.12: Configuration codes for setting the reread delay time .................................................................39
Figure 7.13: Configuration code for setting the read time-out time..................................................................40
Figure 7.14: Configuration codes for switching the multiple read option on/off ............................................... 40
Figure 7.15: Restricting the read field with the centering option...................................................................... 41
Figure 7.16: Configuration codes for switching the centering option on/off ..................................................... 42
Figure 7.17: Configuration code for switching the video reverse option on and off ......................................... 43
Figure 7.18: Configuration codes for switching-on the mobile phone read mode option ................................. 44
Figure 7.19: Configuration codes for setting the prefix.................................................................................... 45
Figure 7.20: Configuration codes for setting the prefix.................................................................................... 46
Figure 7.21: Configuration code for switching the NoRead output option on/off ............................................. 47
Figure 7.22: Configuration codes for activating/deactivating all code types .................................................... 49
Figure 7.23: Configuration codes for activating/deactivating the Codabar code type...................................... 50
Figure 7.24: Configuration codes for activating/deactivating the Code 39 code type ...................................... 51
Figure 7.25: Configuration codes for handling the check character with Code 39 ..........................................52
Figure 7.26: Configuration codes for activating/deactivating the Code 32 Pharmaceutical code type............53
Figure 7.27: Configuration codes for activating/deactivating the Interleaved 2/5 code type............................54
Figure 7.28: Configuration codes for handling the check character with Code Interleaved 2/5.......................55
Figure 7.29: Configuration codes for activating/deactivating the Code 93 code type ...................................... 56
Figure 7.30: Configuration codes for activating/deactivating the Code 128 code type .................................... 57
4 Technical description LSIS 22x Leuze electronic
Figures and tables
Figure 7.31: Configuration codes for activating/deactivating the GS1-128 code type.....................................58
Figure 7.32: Configuration codes for activating/deactivating the UPC-A code type ........................................ 59
Figure 7.33: Configuration codes for activating/deactivating the UPC-E0 code type...................................... 60
Figure 7.34: Configuration codes for activating/deactivating the UPC-E1 code type...................................... 60
Figure 7.35: Configuration codes for activating/deactivating the EAN/JAN-13 code type...............................61
Figure 7.36: Configuration codes for activating/deactivating the EAN/JAN-8 code type.................................62
Figure 7.37: Configuration codes for activating/deactivating the GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional code type.... 63
Figure 7.38: Configuration codes for activating/deactivating the GS1 DataBar Limited code type.................63
Figure 7.39: Configuration codes for activating/deactivating the GS1 DataBar Expanded code type.............64
Figure 7.40: Configuration codes for activating/deactivating the PDF417 code type...................................... 65
Figure 7.41: Configuration codes for activating/deactivating the MicroPDF417 code type .............................66
Figure 7.42: Configuration codes for activating/deactivating the GS1 Composite code type.......................... 67
Figure 7.43: Configuration codes for activating/deactivating the QR Code code type .................................... 68
Figure 7.44: Configuration codes for activating/deactivating the Data Matrix code type.................................69
Figure 7.45: Configuration codes for activating/deactivating the MaxiCode code type................................... 70
Figure 7.46: Configuration codes for activating/deactivating the Aztec Code code type................................. 71
Figure 7.47: Service code for temporarily transmitting the code ID as prefix.................................................. 72
Table 7.1: Code IDs of the code types for the LSIS 22x .............................................................................. 72
Figure 7.48: Service code for outputting the revision number of the decoder hardware ................................. 74
Figure 7.49: Service code for outputting the revision number of the decoder software .................................. 74
Figure 7.50: Service code for resetting to factory settings .............................................................................. 75
Table 9.1: LED states................................................................................................................................... 77
Table 10.1: Type overview LSIS 22x.............................................................................................................. 78
Table 10.2: Mounting devices for the LSIS 22x..............................................................................................78
Table 10.3: Connection cables for LSIS 222 M5M-R1................................................................................... 78
Table 10.4: Connection cables for LSIS 223 M5M-R1................................................................................... 78
Table 10.5: Pin assignments KB M 12/8-…-BA .............................................................................................. 79
Table 10.6: Connection cable for the LSIS 22x.............................................................................................. 79
Table 10.7: Connectors for the LSIS 22x ....................................................................................................... 79
Table 12.1: Specifications of the LSIS 22x M5M-R1 code reader.................................................................. 81
Figure 12.1: Dimensioned drawing code reader LSIS 22x.............................................................................. 82
Figure 13.1: Bar code sample (module 0.3) .................................................................................................... 88
Figure 13.2: Bar code sample (module 0.5) .................................................................................................... 89
Figure 13.3: Sample codes.............................................................................................................................. 90
Figure 13.4: Sample codes.............................................................................................................................. 91
Figure 13.5: Programming codes for configuration ......................................................................................... 92
Figure 13.6: Programming codes for configuration ......................................................................................... 93
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General information

1 General information

1.1 Explanation of symbols

The symbols used in this technical description are explained below.
This symbol precedes text messages which must strictly be observed. Failure to comply with this information results in injuries to persons or damage to the equipment.
This symbol indicates text passages containing important information.

1.2 Declaration of Conformity

The code readers of the LSIS 22x series have been developed and manufactured in accordance with the applicable European standards and directives.
You can find the Declaration of Conformity of the devices in chapter 13.1 on page 83.
The manufacturer of the product, Leuze electronic GmbH & Co. KG in D-73277 Owen, possesses a certified quality assurance system in accordance with ISO 9001.
6 Technical description LSIS 22x Leuze electronic

2 Safety notices

2.1 General safety notices


All entries in this technical description must be heeded, in particular the present chapter "Safety notices". Keep this technical description in a safe place. It should be available at all times.

Safety regulations

Observe the locally applicable regulations and the rules of the employer's liability insurance association.


Repairs must only be carried out by the manufacturer or an authorized representative.

2.2 Safety standards

The code readers of the LSIS 22x series were developed, manufactured and tested in accordance with the applicable safety standards. They correspond to the state of the art.

2.3 Approved purpose

Safety notices
The protection of personnel and the device cannot be guaranteed if the device is operated in a manner not complying with its intended use.
Code readers of the LSIS 22x series are designed for all applications involving industrial code reading of 1- and 2-dimensional codes, e.g., in storage and materials handling.
In particular, unauthorized uses include:
• in rooms with explosive atmospheres
• operation for medical purposes
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Safety notices

2.4 Working safely

Access to or changes on the device, except where expressly described in this operating manual, is not authorized.

Safety regulations

Observe the locally applicable legal regulations and the rules of the employer's liability insurance association.

Qualified personnel

Mounting, commissioning and maintenance of the device must only be carried out by qual­ified personnel. Electrical work must be carried out by a certified electrician.
The code readers of the LSIS 22x family conform with the free group acc.to EN 62471:2008. Illumination systems of the free group pose no photobiological danger.
8 Technical description LSIS 22x Leuze electronic

3 Device description

3.1 About the code readers of the LSIS 22x series

Code readers of the LSIS 22x series perform numerous tasks in industrial code reading such as:
• automatic handling and testing machines
• manual reading by having the worker hold up the code
• automatic reading in robot systems
• reading stationary codes
• in analysis automation
• part traceability with code labels
• reading moving codes
• omnidirectional reading of bar codes
Code readers from the LSIS 22x 2 series are available with various interface models:
• LSIS 222 M5M-R1 with RS 232 interface
• LSIS 223 M5M-R1 with USB interface
The extensive options for device configuration using configuration codes enable adaptation to a multitude of reading tasks.
Device description
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Device description

Functions overview

General performance characteristics
Sturdy metal housing XX RS 232 interface X Voltage supply 10 … 30VDC X USB interface X Voltage supply 5VDC X
1D-code reading
1D-codes (Code 39, Code 128, Interleaved 2/5, Codabar, EAN/UPC, GS1 128, GS1 Databar, among others) Omnidirectional reading XX Multiple code reading XX
2D-code reading
2D-codes (Data Matrix Code ECC 200, Aztec, QR Code, PDF417, Micro PDF, Composite codes and similar) Omnidirectional reading XX Multiple code reading XX
Features LSIS 222 … LSIS 223 …
10 Technical description LSIS 22x Leuze electronic

1D-code reading application examples

Figure 3.1: Application example: omnidirectional reading of 1D-codes
Figure 3.1 shows the omnidirectional reading of 1D-codes.
Device description
Figure 3.2: Application example: reading 1D-codes in automatic handling machines
Figure 3.2 shows the reading of 1D-codes in automatic handling machines.
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Device description

2D-code reading application examples

Figure 3.3: Application example: reading 2D-codes in presentation mode
Figure 3.3 shows the reading of 2D-codes in presentation mode.
Figure 3.4: Application example: reading of 2D-codes in intralogistics
Figure 3.4 shows the reading of 2D-codes in intralogistics.
12 Technical description LSIS 22x Leuze electronic
Device description

3.2 Characteristics of the code readers of the LSIS 22x series

Performance characteristics:

• Diverse mounting options with dovetail technology or mounting threads on the rear, bottom and narrow side of the device.
• Integrated red LED illumination for homogeneous illumination of the rectangular field of view.
• Green target LED (aimer) for perfect alignment on the code.
• Trigger button for manual triggering.
• Adjustment of all device parameters via configuration codes. No additional software needs to be installed.
• M12 connection.
• 1 switching input for activation (trigger).
• 1 switching output for the signaling of states.
• Heavy-duty housing of protection class IP 65.
Information on technical data and characteristics can be found in chapter 12.1 on page 81.

General information

Code reading occurs by actuating the trigger button, by a trigger signal at the switching input, by a trigger command via the serial interface and in the permanent reading mode (presentation mode).
Two LEDs provide optical information on the current operating state of the device.
The read code contents are output via the serial interface and, depending on device, RS 232 or USB (either keyboard emulation or COM port emulation).
A switching input SWI and a switching output SWO control, e.g., the triggering of the LSIS 22x or the communication with external devices such as a PLC.
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Device description
LEDs and buttons
Reading window with LED illumination and aimer
4 mounting threads below
Dovetail mounts and
2 mounting threads on
the rear
M12 connection technology
2 dovetail mounts on the
left and right side

3.3 Device construction

14 Technical description LSIS 22x Leuze electronic
Figure 3.5: Device construction

3.4 Stand-alone connection

Turning connector, turnable by 90°
Host interface (RS 232 or USB), supply voltage + 2 I/O
The code readers of the LSIS 22x series can be operated as individual "stand alone" devices. The LSIS 22x features an 8-pin M12 connector for the electrical connection of the supply voltage, the interface and the switching input and output. The connector can be turned 90°, thereby allowing cables to be laid optimally even in constrained spaces.
Device description
Figure 3.6: Stand-alone connection
Typically, the configuration codes are used to configure the LSIS 22x. Configuration via online commands is also possible.
The switching input and output are used for reading-gate control and for signaling successful reading.
The LSIS 22x can exchange data with the host computer via the RS 232 or USB interface. The framing protocol used for this purpose can be adapted to the specific application. With the USB interface, keyboard emulation is also possible.
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Installation and mounting

4 Installation and mounting

4.1 Storage, transportation

When transporting or storing, package the device so tha t it is p rotec ted against collision and humidity. Optimal protection is achieved when using the original packaging. Heed the required environmental conditions specified in the technical data.


Check the packaging for any damage. If damage is found, notify the post office or ship-
ping agent as well as the supplier.
Check the delivery contents using your order and the delivery papers:
• Delivered quantity
• Device type and model as indicated on the name plate
•Package insert
The name plate provides information as to what LSIS type your device is. For specific infor­mation, please refer to chapter 10.

Name plates of the code readers of the LSIS 22x series

Figure 4.1: Device name plate LSIS 22x
Save the original packaging for later storage or shipping.
If you have any questions concerning your shipment, please contact your supplier or your local Leuze electronic sales office.
Observe the applicable local regulations when disposing of the packaging materials.
16 Technical description LSIS 22x Leuze electronic

4.2 Mounting the LSIS 22x

M4, thread depth 3.5mm
The LSIS 22x code readers can be mounted in various ways:
• Via four M4 mounting threads on the bottom of the device
• Via two M4 mounting threads on the rear side of the device
• Via three dovetail mounts on the housing sides and the sensor back.
Appropriate mounting devices are available for all types of fastening.

4.2.1 Fastening with M4 screws

Figure 4.2: Fastening options using M4 threaded holes
Installation and mounting
Dimensioned drawing can be found in chapter 12.2 on page 82.
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Installation and mounting
Clamped holding device
for dovetail fitting of the
LSIS 22x
All dimensions in mm
Dovetail fitting of the LSIS 22x

4.2.2 Mounting devices

The following mounting devices are available for fastening the LSIS 22x to the dovetail fittings:
BT 8-0 mounting block for dovetail (part no. 50036196)
BTU 300M - D10 through hole fastening for rod D = 10 mm or cheek 1.5 … 4mm
BTU 300M - D12 through hole fastening for rod D = 12 mm or cheek 1.5 … 4mm
BTU 300M - D14 through hole fastening for rod D = 14 mm or cheek 1.5 … 4mm
BT 8-0 mounting device
(part no. 50117253)
(part no. 50117252)
(part no. 50117251)
Figure 4.3: BT 8-0 mounting device
18 Technical description LSIS 22x Leuze electronic
BTU 300M - D… mounting device
All dimensions in mm
Figure 4.4: BTU 300M - D… mounting device
Installation and mounting

4.3 Device arrangement

4.3.1 Selecting a mounting location

In order to select the right mounting location, several factors must be considered:
• The reading distance resulting from the code size and code type (see figure 4.5).
• The permissible cable lengths between the LSIS 22x and the host system depending on which interface is used.
• The control panel with LEDs and trigger button should be very visible and accessible.
• Mount the LSIS 22x so that the codes that are to be read are not exposed to direct sunlight or strong ambient light.
When selecting a mounting location, pay further attention to:
• Maintaining the required environmental conditions (temperature, humidity).
• Possible soiling of the viewing window due to liquids, abrasion by boxes, or packaging-material residues.
• Lowest possible chance of damage to the LSIS 22x by mechanical collision or jammed parts.
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Installation and mounting
10 Mil (0.
mm) Code 128
0 100 200 30050 150 250 350 400
20 Mil (0.508 mm) Data Matrix Code
10 Mil (0.254 mm) Data Matrix Code
13 Mil (0.330 mm) UPC-A / EAN-13
Reading distance [mm]

4.3.2 Determining the reading distance

The typical reading distances are shown in figure 4.5.
In general, the read field increases with the reading distance. This also results in a decrease in the resolution, however.
For reading distances between 100 mm and 130 mm, particularly homogeneous illumina­tion of the image field is ensured by the integrated illumination.
Figure 4.5: Reading distance as a function of resolution/code type
Please notice that the real reading distances are also influenced by factors such as labeling material, printing quality, scanning angle, printing contrast etc., and may thus deviate from the reading distances specified here.
Depending on code type, code size, cell or modulus size and position of the code in the field of view, reading can also occur while in motion.

4.4 Cleaning

Clean the housing window of the LSIS 22x with a soft cloth after mounting. Remove all
packaging remains, e.g. carton fibers or Styrofoam balls. In doing so, avoid leaving fingerprints on the front cover of the LSIS 22x.
Do not use aggressive cleaning agents such as thinner or acetone for cleaning the device. Use of improper cleaning agents can damage the housing window and display.
20 Technical description LSIS 22x Leuze electronic

5 Electrical connection

The code readers of the LSIS 22x series are connected using an 8-pin, A-coded M12 connector.
Ready-made cables are provided for the 8-pin M12 connection. See "Ready-made cable accessories" on page 78.
For order codes, see chapter 10.3 on page 78.
Electrical connection
Figure 5.1: Location of the electrical connection
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Electrical connection

5.1 Safety notices for the electrical connection

Do not open the device yourself under any circumstances! The housing of the LSIS 22x con­tains no parts that need to be adjusted or maintained by the user.
Before connecting the device please ensure that the supply voltage matches the value print­ed on the nameplate.
Connection of the device and cleaning must only be carried out by a qualified electrician.
Ensure that the functional earth (FE) is connected correctly. Unimpaired operation is only guaranteed when the functional earth is connected properly.
If faults cannot be corrected, the device should be removed from operation and protected against possible commissioning.
For UL applications, use is only permitted in class 2 circuits in accordance with the NEC (National Electric Code).
The code readers of the LSIS 22x series are designed in accordance with safety class III for supply by PELV (protective extra-low voltage).
Protection class IP 65 is only achieved with screwed-on connector!
22 Technical description LSIS 22x Leuze electronic

5.2 Electrical connection of the LSIS 22x M5M-R1

LSIS 223LSIS 222
1 Vin 10 … 30 V DC
VB 4.75
5.25 V DC
4 SWO SWO 5 not connected not connected 6 RXD - Data D+ - Data 7 TXD - Data D
- Data
8 FE - Shield FE - Shield
SH FE - Shield FE - Shield
M12, 8-pole male, A-cod.
M12 plug
The LSIS 22x is equipped with an A-coded M12 connector.
•The voltage supply (10 … 30VDC) is connected at pin 1 and pin 3 (VB, GND).
•The switching input is connected at pin 2 (SWI).
•The switching output is connected at pin 4 (SWO).
•The RS 232 interface is the host interface of the LSIS 222 M5M-R1. It is connected at pin 6 and pin 7 (TXD - data, RXD - data).
•The USB interface is the host interface of the LSIS 223 M5M-R1. It is connected at pin 6 and pin 7 (D+ - data, D– - data).
Electrical connection
Leuze electronic Technical description LSIS 22x 23
Figure 5.2: Connections of the LSIS 22x
Described in detail in the following are the individual connections.
Ensure that the functional earth (FE) is connected correctly. Unimpaired operation is only guaranteed when the functional earth is connected properly. Preferably, use the ready-made connection cables from Leuze electronic (see chapter 10.3 on page 78).
Supply voltage
For UL applications, use is only permitted in class 2 circuits in accordance with the NEC (National Electric Code).
The code readers of the LSIS 22x … series are designed in accordance with safety class III for supply by PELV (protective extra-low voltage).
TNT 35/7-24V
Electrical connection
Switching input
5 V DC (LSIS 223 M5M-R1)
10…30 V DC (LSIS 222 M5M-R1)
LSIS 22x
max. 20 mA !
Switching output

Connecting functional earth FE

Ensure that the functional earth (FE) is connected correctly. Unimpaired operation is only guaranteed when the functional earth is connected properly. All electrical disturbances (EMC couplings) are discharged via the functional earth connection.

Switching input/output

The LSIS 22x code readers are equipped with both an opto-decoupled SWI switching input and SWO switching output.
The LSIS 22x can be activated with the switching input (triggering of code reading).
The switching output is used to signal 'good read' read processes. If a read process is successful, a high pulse lasting 80 ms is output at the switching output.

External wiring of the switching input

10…30 V DC (LSIS 222 M5M-R1) 5 V DC (LSIS 223 M5M-R1)
LSIS 22x
Figure 5.3: External wiring of the switching input

External wiring of the switching output

Figure 5.4: External wiring of the switching output
24 Technical description LSIS 22x Leuze electronic
The switching output is short-circuit proof! However, do not load the switching output of the LSIS 22x with more than 20mA in normal operation!

5.2.1 LSIS 222 M5M-R1 - RS 232 interface

n. c.
up to 10m!
The RS 232 interface is used primarily for outputting the read and decoded code contents of the activated code types.
Preferably, use the ready-made connection cables from Leuze electronic (see chapter 10.3 on page 78).
Observe the maximum cable length of 10m!
If using self-made cables, observe the following notice:
Notice for connecting the RS 232 interface!
Ensure adequate shielding. The entire connection cable must be shielded and earthed.
RS 232 cable assignments
Electrical connection
Figure 5.5: RS 232 pin assignments
MA 2 / MA 4… / MA 2xxi modular interfacing units
To convert the RS 232 to other interfaces (RS 485, RS 422, …) or to connect to fieldbus systems (PROFIBUS, PROFINET, Ethernet, etc.), an entire series of Leuze connector units are available .
The KB JST-M12A-8P-3000 system connection cable (part no. 50111225) can be used to directly connect the LSIS 222 M5M-R1 to these connector units.
Leuze electronic Technical description LSIS 22x 25
TNT 35/7-24V
Electrical connection
n. c.
D+ Data
3 2
D+ D
up to 3m!

5.2.2 LSIS 223 M5M-R1 - USB interface

The USB interface is used primarily for outputting the read and decoded code contents of the activated code types.
Preferably, use the ready-made connection cables from Leuze electronic (see chapter 10.3 on page 78).
Observe the maximum cable length of 3m!
If using self-made cables, observe the following notice:
Notice for connecting the USB interface!
Ensure adequate shielding. The entire connection cable must be shielded and earthed. Use only full-/high-speed data lines acc. to USB 2.0 specifications.
USB cable assignments
Figure 5.6: USB pin assignment
26 Technical description LSIS 22x Leuze electronic

6 Commissioning

6.1 Starting the LSIS 222 M5M-R1 - RS 232 interface

Connect the voltage supply and, if applicable, the switching input and the serial interface as described in chapter 5.
For the host and LSIS 222 to be able to communicate with one another, the interface parameters (transmission rate, data format) must match!
Factory setting LSIS 222:
• 9600 baud
• 8 data bits
•no parity
•1 stop bit
Set the host interface to the same parameters as the LSIS 222 or set the LSIS 222 to the same parameters as the host (see chapter 7.1 "Configuration of interface").
Start the Leuze operating software BCLconfig on the connected host (PC/terminal) and call up the terminal function.
Connect the +10 … +30V DC supply voltage (typ. +24VDC).
The LSIS 222 starts up; readiness for operation is indicated by the illumination of the green PWR LED.
By default, the LSIS 222 is in manual trigger mode after switching on for the first time. Press and hold down the trigger button or apply a high signal to the SWI switching input to now activate the code reader (reading gate open). Further information on possible oper­ating modes can be found in chapter 7.1 on page 30.
Hold a sample code in front of the LSIS 222 at a distance of approx. 100mm (see chapter
13.3 "Sample codes" in the appendix). If the read operation is successful, the green align­ment aid and red illumination are switched off. The read result is displayed on the screen.
Close the reading gate by releasing the trigger button or, if applied, removing the high signal at the SWI switching input.
TNT 35/7-24V
Leuze electronic Technical description LSIS 22x 27

6.2 Starting the LSIS 223 M5M-R1 - USB-interface

USB keyboard emulation

Connect the voltage supply and, if applicable, the switching input and the USB interface as described in chapter 5.
Start the display software (e.g., Editor) on the connected host (PC/terminal).
Connect the +4.75 … +5.25 V DC supply voltage (typ. +5 V DC). A Windows driver is installed.
The LSIS 223 starts up; readiness for operation is indicated by the illumination of the green PWR LED.
By default, the LSIS 223 is in streaming presentation mode (permanent reading) after switching on for the first time; illumination is activated. Further information on possible operating modes can be found in chapter 7.2 on page 37.
Hold a sample code in front of the LSIS 223 at a distance of approx. 100 mm (see chapter
13.3 "Sample codes" in the appendix). If the read operation is successful, the I/O LED briefly illuminates green for 80ms. The read result is displayed on the screen.
The LSIS 223 is then immediately again ready for further code readings. The reading gate remains open.
With USB keyboard emulation, data can only be sent in one direction: from the LSIS 22x to the host.

USB COM port emulation

You can optionally operate the LSIS 223 in the USB COM port emulation operating mode without considerable configuration effort. You can then operate the code reader with the BCLconfig software; data can be sent bidirectionally.
First install the USB COM port driver for the LSIS 223, which you can download from the Leuze home page www.leuze.com "Configuration code for USB COM port emulation" on page 33.
. Then simply read in the configuration code in figure 7.5

6.3 Operating modes

The LSIS 22x can be configured for various operating modes.
• Manual/serial trigger mode
• Presentation mode
• Streaming presentation mode
The description of the operating modes and instructions on configuring them can be found in chapter 7.2 "Configuration of the reading gate control (trigger)" on page 34.
28 Technical description LSIS 22x Leuze electronic
+ 65 hidden pages