Lenze 8250 User Manual

Operating Instructions
(T1) (T2)
Brake unit 8250 series
These Operating Instructions are valid for brake units with the following nameplate
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825X E. 0x (8251 - 8253)
In connection with the unit series as from the nameplate data:
820X E. 0x. 0x. (8201 - 8204) 821X E. 0x. 0x. (8211 - 8218)
Design: E = Enclosure IP20 IB = Module
Hardware level and index
Software level and index
Edition of: 10/1996 01/1997 09/2003
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Pos. Name/
(T1) (T2)
(T1) (T2)
(T1) (T2)
(T1) (T2)
1 Brake unit D 8251/8252 brake module
D 8253 brake chopper
2 LED Display of the operating state
D green:
flashing, when voltage is applied to terminals +U
D yellow:
- flashing, when brake unit is in braking operation
- Display of faults: see chapter 6, page 6-1
3 Connections D Voltage link:
only 8251/8252 brake module:
D Thermostat: T1, T2
only 8253 brake chopper:
D Brake resistor: RB1, RB2
Safety and application notes
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for controllers
(according to: Low-Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC)
1. General
During operation, drive controllers may have, according to their type of protection, live, bare, in some cases also movable or rotating parts as well as hot surfaces.
Unauthorized removal of the required cover, inappropriate use, incorrect installation or operation, creates the risk of severe personal injury or damage to material assets.
Further information can be obtained from the documentation. All operations concerning transport, installation, and commissioning as well as
maintenance must be carried out by qualified, skilled personnel (IEC 364 and CENELEC HD 384 or DIN VDE 0100 and IEC report 664 or DIN VDE 0110 and national regulations for the prevention of accidents must be observed).
Qualified skilled personnel according to this basic safety information are persons who are familiar with the erection, assembly, commissioning, and operation of the product and who have the qualifications necessary for their occupation.
2. Application as directed
Drive controllers are components which are designed for installation in electrical systems or machinery.
When installing in machines, commissioning of the drive controllers (i.e. the starting of operation as directed) is prohibited until it is proven that the machine corresponds to the regulations of the EC Directive 89/392/EWG (Machinery Directive); EN 60204 must be observed.
Commissioning (i.e. starting of operation as directed) is only allowed when there is compliance with the EMC Directive (89/336/EWG).
The drive controllers meet the requirements of theLow-Voltage Directive 73/23/EWG. The harmonized standards of the prEN 50178/ DIN VDE 0160 series together with EN 60439-1/DIN VDE 0660 part 500 and EN 60146/DIN VDE 0558 are applicable to drive controllers.
The technical data and information on the connection conditions must be obtained from the nameplate and the documentation and must be observed in all cases.
3. Transport, storage
Notes on transport, storage and appropriate handling must be observed. Climatic conditions must be observed according to prEN 50178.
4. Erection
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The devices must erected and cooled according to the regulations of the corresponding documentation.
The drive controllers must be protected from inappropriate loads. Particularly during transport and handling, components must not be bent and/or isolating distances must not be changed. Touching of electronic components and contacts must be avoided.
Drive controllers contain electrostatically sensitive components which can easily be damaged by inappropriate handling.Electrical components must not be damaged or destroyed mechanically (health risks are possible!).
5. Electrical connection
When working on live drive controllers the valid national regulations for the prevention of accidents (e.g. VBG 4) must be observed.
The electrical installation must be carried out according to the appropriate regulations (e.g. cable cross-sections, fuses, PE connection). More detailed information is included in the documentation.
Notes concerning the installation in compliancewith EMC - su ch as screening, grounding, arrangement of filters and laying of cables - are included in the documentation of thedrive controllers.These notes must also be observed in all cases for drive controllers with the CE mark. The compliance with the required limit values demanded by the EMC legislation is in the responsibility of the manufacturer of the system or machine.
6. Operation
Systems where drive controllers are installed must be equipped, if necessary, with additional monitoring and protective devices according to the valid safety regulations, e.g. law on technical tools, regulations for the prevention of accidents, etc. Modifications of the drive controllers by the operating software are allowed.
After disconnecting the drive controllers from the supply voltage, live parts of the controller and power connections must not be touched immediately, because of possibly charged capacitors. For this, observe the corresponding labels on the drive controllers.
During operation, all covers and doors must be closed.
7. Maintenance and servicing
The manufacturer’s documentation must be observed.
This safety information must be preserved!
The product-specific safety and application notes in these operating instructions must also be observed!


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1 Preface and general information 1-1.................
1.1 About these Operating Instructions ... 1-1.....................
1.1.1 Terminology used 1-1............................
1.1.2 What is new? 1-1...............................
1.2 Scope of delivery 1-2...................................
1.3 825X brake units 1-2...................................
1.3.1 Labelling 1-2..................................
1.3.2 Application as directed 1-3........................
1.3.3 Legal regulations 1-4............................
2 Safety information 2-1............................
2.1 Personnel responsible for safety 2-1.........................
2.2 General safety information 2-2.............................
2.3 Layout of the safety information 2-3.........................
2.4 Residual hazards 2-4...................................
3 Technical data 3-1...............................
3.1 Features 3-1.........................................
3.2 General data /operating conditions 3-2.......................
3.3 Rated data 3-3........................................
3.3.1 Brake units 3-3.................................
3.3.2 Assignment table for brake resistors 3-3...............
3.3.3 Overcurrent relay and cable cross-sections 3-4..........
3.4 Dimensions 3-4.......................................
4 Installation 4-1..................................
4.1 Mechanical installation 4-1...............................
4.1.1 Important notes 4-1.............................
4.1.2 Standard assembly with fixing rail 4-2................
4.1.3 DIN-rail assembly 4-3............................
4.2 Electrical installation 4-4.................................
4.2.1 Operator’s safety 4-4.............................
4.2.2 Protection of the brake unit 4-5.....................
4.2.3 Specification of cables used 4-5....................
4.3 Connection 4-6........................................
4.3.1 Power connection 4-6............................
4.3.2 8251 brake module on 820X controller 4-7.............
4.3.3 8252 brake module on 821X controller 4-8.............
4.3.4 8253 brake chopper on 821X controller 4-9............
4.3.5 Connect temperature monitoring 4-10.................
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5 Commissioning 5-1..............................
6 Troubleshooting and fault elimination 6-1............
7 Waste disposal 7-1..............................
8 Supplement 8-1.................................
8.1 Accessories 8-1.......................................
8.1.1 Brake resistors 8-1.............................
8.2 Glossary 8-3.........................................
8.3 Index 8-4............................................
ii 8250BA0903
Preface and general information
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1 Preface and general information

1.1 About these Operating Instructions ...
The present Operating Instructions are used for operations concerning safety measures on and with the 825X brake units. They contain safety information which must be observed.
All persons who work on and with 825X brake units must have the Operating Instructions available and observe all relevant notes and instructions.
The Operating Instructions must always be in a complete and perfect ly read able stat e.
1.1.1 Terminology used
Brake unit
The”8251 brakemodule”, the ” 8252 brakemodule” or the”8253 brake chopper with brake resistor” arecalled ”brake unit” in the following text.
In the following text, the term ”controller” is used for ” 82XX frequency inverter”.
Drive system
For drive systems with 825X brake units and other Lenze drive components, the term ” drive system” is used in the following text.
1.1.2 What is new?
Material No. Edition Important Contents
12/1996 1st edition
01/1997 revised Technical data
474423 09/2003 replaces
Chapte r 4.3
Change of company name
Chapter 8
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Preface and general information
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1.2 Scope of delivery

The scope of delivery includes:
- 1 8251 brake module, 1 8252 brake module or 1 8253 brake chopper
- 1 accessory kit with fixing material
- 1 book of Operating Instructions
After rec eption of t he delivery, check immediately whet her the scope of supply matches the accompanying papers. Lenze does not accept any liability for deficiencies claimed subsequently. Claim
- visible transport damage immediately to t he forwarder.
- visible deficiencies/incompleteness immediately to your
Lenze representative.

1.3 825X brake units

1.3.1 Labelling
Lenze 825X brake units are clearly identified by the indications on the nameplate.
CE mark
- Conformity with the EC Low-Voltage Directive
- Lenze Drive Systems GmbH
Postfach 10 13 52 D-31763 Hameln
1-2 8250BA0903
Preface and general information
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1.3.2 Application as directed
8251 brake modules
Additional units for Lenze controllers:
- 820X frequency inverters (8201 to 8204)
8252 brake modules and 8253 brake choppers
Additional units for Lenze controllers:
- 821X frequency inverters (8211 to 8218)
825X brake units
Operate the brake units only under the conditions prescribed in t hese Operating Instruct ions.
They are components
- for installation in a machine
- for assembly with other components to form a machine.
They are electrical equipment for installation into control cabinets or similar closed operating rooms.
They meet the protection requirements of the EC Low­Voltage Directive.
They are not machinery in the sense of t he EC Machinery Directive.
They are not household ap pliances but are intended exclusively as components for further commercial use.
Drive systems with 825X brake units
They correspond to the EC Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive if they are installed according to the guidelines of CE-typical drive systems.
They can b e o perated
- on public and non-public mains.
- in industrial as well as residential and c ommercial
The compliance with the EC Directives in machine application is in the responsibility of the user.
Any other use shall be deemed inappropriate!
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Preface and general information
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1.3.3 Legal regulations
The informat ion, data, and not es in these Op erat ing
Instructions met the state of the art at the time of printing. Claims referring to drive systems which have already been supplied cannot be derived from the information, illustrations, and descriptions.
The specifications, processes, and circuitry described in
these Operating Instruc tions are for guidanc e only and must be adapted to your own specific ap plicat ion. Lenze does not take responsibility for the suitability of the process and circuit proposals.
The indications given in these Operating Instructions
describe the features of the product without warranting them.
Lenze does not accept any liability for damage and
operating interference caused by:
- Disregarding these Operating instructions
- Unauthorized changes of the brake units
- Operating mistakes
- Improper working on and with the brake units
1-4 8250BA0903
Terms of w arranty: see t erms of sale and delivery of Lenze
Drive Systems GmbH.
Warranty claims must be made to Lenze immed iat ely aft er
detecting the deficiency or fault.
The warranty is void in all cases where liability claims
cannot be made.
Safety information
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2 Safety information

2.1 Personnel responsible for safety

An operator is any nat ural or legal person w ho uses the drive system or on behalf of whom the drive system is used.
- to check whether all relevant regulations, notes, and
laws are observed .
- to ensure that only qualified personnel work with and on
the drive system.
- to ensure that the personnel have the Operating
Inst ructions available for all corresponding operations
- to prohibit non-qualified personnel from working with
and on the drive system.
Qualified personnel
Qualified personnel are persons who are - because of their educat ion, experience, inst ructions, and knowledge about corresponding st andard s and regulations, rules for the prevention of accidents, and operating conditions - authorized by the person responsible for the safety of the plant to perform the required actions and who are able to rec ognize and avoid potential hazards. (see IEC 364, definition of qualified personnel)
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