This Manual is valid for 82XX controllers as of version:
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33.820X-E-1x.1x( 8201- 8204)
33.8202-E-1x.1x-V002R educedassem blydept h(8202)
33.821X-E-0x.1x( 8211- 8218)
33.821X-E-1x.2x( 8211- 8218)
33.821X-C-1x.2x-V003Col dplate (8215- 8218)
33.821X-E-3a.3x-V020HVAC (8211 - 8218)
33.822X-E-0x.0x( 8221- 8227)
33.822X-C-1x.2x-V003Col dplate (8221- 8222)
33.822X-E-3a.3x-V020HVAC (8221 - 8227)
33.824X-E-1x.1x( 8241- 8246)
33.824X-C-1x.1x-V003Col dplate (8241- 8246)
33.824X-E-3a.3x-V020HVAC (8241 - 8246)
B = Module
C= Coldplate
E = Built-in unitIP 20
Hardware version and index
Edition of:01/1999
Contents of the Manual
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AT able of contents
Preface and general information
Safetyinform atio n
BT echnical data
In stallation
Durin goper ation
D1Code table for series “Standard”40618501/99
D2Code table for series “HV AC”40618601/99
ETroubleshooting and
fault elimin atio n
FNet work of sever aldriv es40618801/99
GAp p licatio nofbrake un its39365812/96Operat i ngIn structionsforbrakeunit8250
HAu to mation40478811/98Operating Instructions for fieldbus mo dule 2102
IAccesso riesandm otors40618901/99Overvi ew
Applicatio nexam ples
Table of keywords
39990702/98Operating Instructions for regenerative power supply
39403601/97Op eratingInstru c t i onsforbrakeun i t9350
39343412/96Operating Instructions for fieldbus mo dule 2111
39417901/97Operating Instructions for fieldbus mo dule 2131
40238106/98Operating Instructions for fieldbus mo dule 2171/2172
39188308/96Operating Instructions PTC input module 8274
39188208/96Op eratingInstru c t i onsI/O mo dule8275
40295611/96Flyer: PC software Global Drive Control
40323612/96Catalog:Frequ encyinverter8200
40195011/96Flyer: Three-phase AC motors
Edition ofNote
un i t9340
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Postfach 101352 ,31763 HAM E LN
+U G -U G
L1 L2 L3
Screen-sheet m ains connection
M ains connection and
D C connection
D etachable operating m odule,
as alternative
Id .-N R
F e rt.- N r
C ontrol Term inals
E1 28
C ontrol term inals
M ains-/M otor connection
Screen connection
Screen-sheet control connections
Therm al-contact connection
T1 T2
M otor connection
Screen-sheet m otor cables
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Part A
1Preface and general information1-1...............................
1.1Howto use this Manual1-1...........................................
18 Table of keywords18-1..........................................
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Part A
Table of contents
Preface and general information
Safety information
=G l obal Drive
Frequ ency inv erters 8200
This Manual is valid for 82XX controllers as of version:
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33.820X-E -1x.1x(8201- 8204)
33.8202-E-1x.1x-V002Redu c edassem blydep t h(8202)
33.821X-E -0x.1x(8211- 8218)
33.821X-E -1x.2x(8211- 8218)
33.821X-C-1x.2x-V003Coldplate(8215- 8218)
33.821X-E -3a.3x-V020HVAC (8211 - 8218)
33.822X-E -0x.0x(8221- 8227)
33.822X-C-1x.2x-V003Coldplate(8221- 8222)
33.822X-E -3a.3x-V020HVAC (8221 - 8227)
33.824X-E -1x.1x(8241- 8246)
33.824X-C-1x.1x-V003Coldplate(8241- 8246)
33.824X-E -3a.3x-V020HVAC (8241 - 8246)
B = Module
C= Coldplate
E = Built-in unitIP 20
Hardware version and index
Edition of:01/1999
Preface and general information
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1Preface and general information
1.1How to use this Manual
-This Manual completes the Operating Instructions for 82XXfrequency
-It contains the Operating Instructions and additional information on planning,
adaptability and the accessories valid at the time of printing.
- In case of doubt, refer to the Operating Instructions delivered with the
82XXfrequency inverters.
-The Manual is a help to select and adapt the 82XXfrequency inverters and
the accessories to ensure safe and trouble-free operation. It contains safety
information which must be observed.
-The Manual must always be in a complete and perfectly readable state.
1.1.1Terminology used
TermIn the following text used for
82XXAnyfrequencyinvert erof the series8200, 8210, 8220, 8240
Controllers82XX frequency inverter
Drive systemDriv esystem swith82XXfrequencyinvertersand other Lenze drivecomp o nen ts
1.2Scope of delivery
Scope of deliveryImportant
1 82XXfrequency inverter
1 Operating Instructions
1 accesso rykit (comp o n en tsandpieces
fo rmechanicalandelectricalinstallation)
Afterrecepti onofthedelivery, checkim mediatelywhetherthe scope
of supply matches the accompanying papers. Lenze does not accept
anyliability for deficiencies claimedsubs equ ently.
visible transport damage immediately to the forwarder.
Lenze controllers are unambiguously
designated bythe contents of the
Conforms to the EC Low Voltage
Lenze GmbH &Co KG
Postfac h101352
82XX frequency inverter
operate the controller only under the conditions prescribed in these operating instructions.
are components
- foropenandclo sedloopedco ntrol ofvariable speeddriveswithasynchro nous standardm otors,relu c t ance
motors, PMsynchronous motors with asynchronous damper cage,
- for installation into a machine,
- used for assembly together with other components to forma machine.
are electric units for the installation into control cabinets or similar enclosed operating housing.
comply with the requirements of the Low-Voltage Directive.
are not machines for the purpose of the Machinery Directive.
are not to be used as domestic appliances, but only for industrial purposes.
Drivesystems with 82XX frequency inverters
meetthe ECElectrom agn etic Comp atibilityDirective ifthey are installed accordin gto the guidelinesof CE-typical
drive systems.
can be used
- on public and no n-pu b licmains,
- in industrial as well as residential and commercial premises.
The user is responsible for the compliance of his application with the EC directives.
Any other use shall be deemed inappropriate!
The information, data, and notes in these instructions met the state of the art at the time of printing. Claims on
m odif icatio nsreferringto cont roll erswh i chhavealread ybeensuppli edcannot be derivedfromtheinformation,
illustratio n s,and description s.
The specifications, processes, and circuitry described in these instructions are for guidance only and mustbe
adapted to yo u row nspecific application. Lenze doesnottake respo n sib ilityfor thesuitabilityof the pro cessand
circuit proposals.
The specifications in these instructions describe the product features without guaranteeing them.
Warrantyco ndit i ons :SeeSalesandDeliveryCond i tionsofLenze G mbH&Co KG .
Warrantyclaims mustbe made toLenze immediatel yafterdetecti ngthedefici encyorfault.
Thewarrantyisvoidin all cases w hereliability claims cannot be mad e.
Metal-Plastic-Assembled PCBs--
Preface and general information
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1.4EC Directives/Declaration of Conformity
1.4.1What is the purpose of EC directives?
EC directives are issued by the European Council and are intended for the
determinationofcommon technicalrequirements (harmonisation)and certification
procedures within the European Community. A t the moment, there are 21 EC
directivesofproduct ranges.Thedirectivesareor willbeconverted to nationallaws
of the member states. A certification issued by one member state is valid
automatically without any further approval in all other member states.
The texts of the directive are restricted to the essential requirements. Technical
details are or will be determined by European harmonised standards.
1.4.2What does the CE mark imply?
After a verification, the conformity according to the EC directives is certified by
affixing a CE mark. Within the EC there are no commercial barriers for a product
withthe CEmark.
The enclosure of a conformity certification is not necessary according to most
directives. Therefore, the customer is not able to appreciate which of the 21 EC
directivesapplies to a product andwhichharmonised standardsareconsidered
in the conformity verification.
Controllers on their own with the CE mark exclusively correspond to the Low
Voltage Directive. For the compliance with the EMC Directive only general
recommendations have been issued so far. The CE conformity of the installed
machine remains the responsibility of the user. For the installation of CE-typical
Preface and general information
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1.4.3EC Low-Voltage Directive
amended by: CE Mark Directive (93/68/EEC)
-The Low-Voltage Directive is effective for all electrical equipment for use
with a rated voltage between 50 V and 1000 V AC and between 75 V and
1500 V DC, and under normal ambient conditions. The use of e.g. electrica l
equipment in explosive atmospheres and electrical parts in passenger and
goods lifts are excepted.
-The objective of the Low Voltage Directive is to ensure that only electrical
equipment which does not endanger the safety of persons or animals is
placed on the market. It should also be designed to conserve material
Preface and general information
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EC Declaration of Conformity ’95
for the purpose of the EC Low-Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC)
amended by: CE Mark Directive (93/68/EEC)
820X/821X/822X/824X controllers are developed, designed, and manufactured
incompliance with the abovementioned ECDirective under thesole responsibility
DINV DE0100S tand ardsfor theinstallation of powerinstallations
EN60529IP degrees of protection
IEC 249 / 1 10/86, IEC249 / 2-15 / 12/89Base material for printed circuits
IEC 326 / 1 10/90, EN60097 / 9.93Prin tedcircuits, printed boards
DINV DE0110 /1-2 /1/89 /20/ 8/90Creepacedistancesandclearan c es
Electronic equipment for use in electrical power
Hameln, 01 October, 1995
Product Manager
Preface and general information
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1.4.4EC Directive Electromagnetic Compatibility
amended by: F irst Amendment Directive (92/31/EEC)
CEMark Directive(93/68/EEC)
-The EC Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive is effective for ”devices”
which may cause electromagnetic interference or the operation of which
may be impaired by such interference.
-The aim is to limit the generation of electromagnetic interference so that an
operation without interference to radio and telecommunication systems and
other equipment is possible. The devices must also show an appropriate
resistance against electromagnetic interference to ensure the application as
-Controllers cannot be driven in stand-alone operation and therefore the
controllers cannot be evaluated on their own in terms of EMC. Only after the
integration of the controllers into a drive system, can this system be tested
concerning the objectives of the EC EMC Directive and the compliance with
the ”Law about the Electromagnetic Compatibility of Devices”.
-Lenze has verified the conformity of controllers integrated into certain
defined drive systems. In the following these systems are called ”CE-typical
The following configurations can now be selected by the user:
- The user himself can determine the system components and their
integration into the drive system and is then held responsible for the
conformityof the drive.
- The user can select the CE-typcial drive systems for which the
manufacturer has already proved the conformity.
Preface and general information
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Components of the CE-typical drive system
System componentSpecification
Contr o ller820X/821X/822X/824Xcontro l l er s
For type designation see inner cover page
RFIfilterFor data and data assignment, see chapter ”Accessories ”
Mains chokeFor data and data assignment, see chapter ”Accessories”
MainsfiltersFor data and data assignment, see chapter ”Accessories”
Motor cableScreenedpowercable withtinned E-CUbraidwitha m inimumof 85 % optical
Mainscable betw eenRFIfilter
and controller
Contr o lcablesScreen edsignal cable typeLIYCY
MotorStandard three-phase AC asynchronous motor
Accesso r iesForratedaccessories ,seeinnercoverpage.
-Controller, RFI filter and mains choke are mounted on one assembly board.
-The system components are functionally wired according to chapter 4,
”Electrical installation”.
Application as directed/Scope of application
-The820X/821X/822X/824X controllers areintended for the useincontrol
-The820X/821X/822X/824X controllers aredirected as components for the
control of variable-speed drives with three-phase AC motors to be
assembled together with other components to form a drivesystem.
The drive systems are intended for installation into a machine or for the
constructiontogetherwith other components to form a machine or a plant.
-Drive syste mswith the 820X/821X/822X/824X controllers, which are
installed according to the guidelines of CE-typical drive systems,
correspond to the EC EMC Directive and the standards mentioned below.
-The CE-typical drive systems are suitable for the operation on public and
non-public mains.
-The CE-typical drive systems are provided for the operation in industrial
premises as well as in residential and commercial areas.
-Because of the earth-potential reference of the RF I filters, the described
CE-typical drive systems are not suitable for the connection to IT-mains
(mains without earth-reference potential).
-The controllers are not domestic appliances, but they are intended as a part
of drivesystems for commercialuse.
Preface and general information
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EC Declaration of Conformity ’95 for the purpose of the EC
on Electromagnetic Compatibility (89/336/EEC)
amended by: F irst Amendment Directive (92/31/EEC)
CEMark Directive(93/68/EEC)
820X/821X/822X/824Xcontrollerscannot be driven in stand-alone operation for
the purpose of the R egulation about Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMVG of
9/11/92 and 1. EMVGÄndG of 08 August, 1995). The EMC can only be verified
when thecontroller isintegrated into a drive system.
Fixed frequency
900 MH zwith200 Hz, 100 %modulated
burst on power terminals
Burst on bus and control cablesSeverity 4
Class B
for use in residential areas
and commercial premises
Class A
foruse in
industrial premesis
Severity 3
6 kV with contact discharge
8 kV air discharge
Severity 3
10 V/m
Severity 3
10 V/m
10 V/m
Severity 3
In stallatio nclass 3
Hameln, 01 October, 1995
Product Manager
Preface and general information
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1.4.5EC MachineryDirective
amended by: First Amendment Directive(91/368/EEC)
Second Amendment Directive (93/44/EE C)
CEMark Directive(93/68/EEC)
For the purpose of the Machinery Directive, ”machinery” means an assembly of
linked parts or components, at least one of which moves, with the appropriate
actuators, control and power circuits, etc., joined together for a specific
application, in particular for the processing, treatment, moving or packaging of a
Preface and general information
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EC Manufacturer’s Declaration
for the purpose of the EC Machinery Directive (98/392/EEC)
amended by: First Amendment Directive (91/368/EE C)
Second Amendment Directive (93/44/EE C)
CE Mark Directive (93/68/EEC)
The 820X/821X /822X/824X controllers were developed,designed,and
manufactured under the sole responsibility of
Commissioning of the controllers is prohibited until it is proven that the machine
in which they are to be installed corresponds to the EC Machinery Directive.
Hameln, 01 October, 1995
Product Manager
2Safety information
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2.1General safety information
Safety and application notesfor controllers
(to: Low-V oltage Directive 73/23/EEC)
Safety information
1. General
Dur in goperatio n , drive controllersmay have, accordin gtotheir
ty pe o fprot ec t i on,live,bar e,inso me casesalsomovab l eor
Non-authorised removal of the required cover, inappropriate use,
inc orr ectinstall ationoroperatio n, creates theris kofsevereinjury
toper sonsordamagetomaterialasset s.
Further information can be obtained from the documentation.
All operations concerning transport, installation, and
commis sioningas w el las maintenancemustbecarriedoutby
qualified, skilled perso n nel(I E C364 and CENEL ECHD384 orDI N
VDE0100 and IECrep ort664 or DI NVD E0110 andnati onal
regulations for the prevention of accidents mustbe observed).
Accord in gtothisbasic safetyinformationqualifiedskilled
perso nn elare person swh oare familiarwiththe erection,
assembly , comm issioning, and operation of the product and who
have the qualifications necessary for their occupation.
2. Application as directed
Drive controllers are components which are designed for
installati oninelectr i calsyst ems o rmachi nery.
W heninstallingin machin es,com missio n ingof thedrive
contr o llers( i.e. the starting of operationas directed)is pro h ib ited
until it is proven that the machine corresponds to the regulations
oftheECDirectiv e89/392/EEC( MachineryDirect i ve); EN60204
must be observed.
Com missio n ing(i.e. startingof operationas directed) is on ly
allowedwh enthere is com p liancewiththe EM CDirectiv e
( 89/336/EEC).
The drive controllers meet the requirements of the LowVoltage
Directiv e73/23/EEC.Theharmonis edstand ardsoftheEN50178/
DINV DE0160 seriestog et her withEN60439-1/DINVD E0660
part500 andEN60146/DINV DE0558 areappl i cable to drive
The technical data and information on the connection conditions
m ustbeobt ai nedfromthenameplat eandthe docu mentationand
m ustbeobservedin all cas es.
3. Transport, storage
Notes on transport, storage and appropriate handling must be
Climaticcondit ionsmust be observedaccor dingto EN50178.
4. Erection
The devices must be erected and cooled according to the
regulations of the corresponding documentation.
The drive controllers must be protected from inappropriate loads.
Particularly during transport and handling, components must not
be bent and/or isolating distances mustnot be changed. Touching
ofelectron i cco mpon entsandco ntactsmust be av oided.
Driv econtro llerscon tainelectrostaticallysensitivecomp o n ents
which can easily be damaged by inappropriate handling. Electrical
compon entsmustnot be damaged ordest royedmechanic al l y
(health risks are possible!).
5. Electrical connection
W henwo r kingon live drivecontro llers ,the validnational
regulations for the prevention of accidents ( e.g. VBG4)must be
Th eelectr i c alinstall at i onm ustbecarriedoutacco rdingtothe
appropriate regulations (e.g. cable cross-sections, fuses, PE
connection). More detailed information is included in the
No tesconcernin gthe installationin compliancewithEMC- such
as screening, grounding, arrangement of filters and laying of
cables - are included in the documentation of the drive controllers.
These notes mustalso be observed in all cases for drive
controllers with the CE mark. The compliance with the required
limitvaluesdemandedbythe EMClegislationis the respon sib ility
ofthem anufac t urerofth esy stemormachine.
6. Operation
Systems where drive controllers are installed must be equipped, if
necessary, with additional monitoring and protective devices
according to the valid safety regulations, e.g. law on technical
tools, regulations for the prevention of accidents, etc.
Mo d ification softhe driv econtrollersby theoperatingsoftw are are
After disconnecting the drive controllers from the supply voltage,
live parts of the controller and power connections must not be
touched immediately, because of possibly charged capacitors. For
this, observe the corresponding labels on the drive controllers.
During operation, all covers and doors must be closed.
7.Maintenance and servicing
The manufacturer’s documentation must be observed.
This safety information must be kept!
The product-specific safety and application notes in these Operating Instructions must also be observed!
Safety information
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2.2Layout of the safet y information
-All safety information has a uniform layout:
- The icon characterises the type of danger.
- The signal word characterises the severity of danger.
- The note describes the danger and suggests how to avoid the danger.
Signal word
Icons usedSignal words
Warning of
danger to
Warning of
damage to
Other notesNote!Designates a general, useful note.
Warning of
electr i c alvolt age
Warning of a
general danger
Danger!Warns of impending dangeU .
Consequences if disregarded:
Deat horsevere injur i es.
Warning!Warns of potential,very hazardous situations.
Possible consequences if disregarded:
Deat horsevere injur i es.
Caution!Warns of potential,hazardous situations .
Possible consequences if disregarded:
Light or minor injuries.
Stop!Warns of potential damage to material .
Possible consequences if disregarded:
Dam ageof the contro ller/driv e systemorits enviro n ment
Ifthisnote is obs erved , handlingof the contr o ller/driv e
systemis easier.
2.3Residual hazards
Operator’s safetyAfter mains disconnection, the power terminals U, V, Wand +UG,-UGremainliv efo rat least3 minutes .
Protection of devicesCyclic connection and disconnection of the controller supply voltage at L1, L2, L3 or +UG,+UGmay
OverspeedsDrive systems can reach dangerous overspeeds (e.g. setting high field frequencies for motorsand
Before working onthe controller, check that no voltage is applied to the power terminals.
overload the internal input current limit.
Allow at least 3 minutes between disconnection and reconnection.
machines which are not suitable):
The controllers do not offer any protection against these operating conditions. Use additional
com po n entsforthis.
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