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Radio and Telecommunications Terminal
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essen tial requ iremen ts and othe r releva nt
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Technical specifications
Model and system
Model: Lenovo S850 System: Android 4.4
Dimensions and weight
Height: 141.2 mm (5.56 inches) Width: 71.5 mm (2.81 inches)
Depth: 8.2 mm (0.32 inches) Weight: 140 g (0.31 lb)
Processor: MT6582V/W, quad-core, 1.3 GHz
Type: CMOS
Pixels: 13.0 megapixels (back) + 5.0 megapixels (front)
Battery: 2150 mAh
Size: 5 inches Screen: multi-touch
Resolution: 1280 × 720 pixels LCD type: IPS
Wireless Communication
Bluetooth 4.0; WLAN; WCDMA, GSM; GPS
① Depending on the measuring method, the dimensions and weight
might vary slightly.