Leica TS03, TS07 User Manual

Leica TS03/TS07
User Manual
ersion 1.0
V English
Product identification
Validity of this manual
Congratulations on the purchase of the Leica TS03/TS07.
This manual contains important safety directions as well as instructions for set­ting up the product and operating it. Refer to "1 Safety Directions" for further information.
Read carefully through the User Manual before you switch on the product.
The model and serial number of your product are indicated on the type plate.
Always refer to this information when you need to contact your agency or Leica Geosystems authorised service centre.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
This manual applies to TS03 and TS07 instruments. Where there are differences between the various instruments they are clearly described.
For the Tunnel application, refer to the separate manual "Leica TS03/TS07 Tun­nel Application".
For the Mining application, refer to the separate manual "Leica TS03/TS07 Min­ing Application".
is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc.
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On the last page of this manual, you can find the address of Leica Geosystems headquarters. For a list of regional contacts, please visit http://leica-geosystems.com/contact-us/sales_support.
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Table of Contents
1 Safety Directions 8
1.1 General 8
1.2 Definition of Use 9
1.3 Limits of Use 9
1.4 Responsibilities 9
1.5 Hazards of Use 10
1.6 Laser Classification 13
1.6.1 13
1.6.2 14
1.6.3 14
1.6.4 15
1.7 Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC 17
1.8 FCC Statement, Applicable in U.S. 18
1.9 ICES-003 Statement, Applicable in Canada 20
2 Description of the System 21
2.1 System Components 21
2.2 Container Contents 22
2.3 Instrument Components 23
3 User Interface 25
3.1 Keyboard 25
3.2 Screen 26
3.3 Status Icons 26
3.4 Icon Pop-up Bubbles 29
3.5 Softkeys 30
3.6 Operating Principles 31
3.7 Pointsearch 32
3.8 Graphic Symbols 33
4 Operation 35
4.1 Instrument Setup 35
4.2 Batteries 38
4.2.1 Operating Principles 38
4.2.2 Battery for the TS Instrument 39
4.3 Data Storage 39
4.4 Main Menu 40
4.5 Distance Measurements - Guidelines for Correct Results 42
5 Settings 44
5.1 Work Settings 44
5.2 Regional Settings 46
5.3 Data Settings 49
5.4 Screen & Audio Settings 50
5.5 EDM Settings 52
5.6 Interface Settings 57
5.7 FTP Client 58
5.8 Internet Settings 60
5.9 Adjust 61
5.10 Startup Sequence 62
5.11 System Information 62
5.12 Licence Keys 65
5.13 Instrument Protection with PIN 65
5.14 Loading Software 66
General Distancer Electronic Guide Light EGL Laser Plummet AutoHeight Laser Plummet
, Measurements with Reflectors
4 Table of Contents
6 Apps - Getting Started 68
6.1 Overview 68
6.2 Starting an App 68
6.3 Setting the Job 69
6.4 Station Setup 70
7 Apps 72
7.1 Common Fields 72
7.2 Station Setup 72
7.2.1 Starting 72
7.2.2 Measuring the Target Points 75
7.2.3 Station Setup Results 77
7.3 Surveying 80
7.4 Setout 80
7.5 Reference Line 84
7.5.1 Overview 84
7.5.2 Defining the Base Line 84
7.5.3 Defining the Reference Line 85
7.5.4 Measure Line & Offset 86
7.5.5 Stakeout 87
7.5.6 Grid Stakeout 89
7.5.7 Line Segmentation 91
7.6 Reference Arc 94
7.6.1 Overview 94
7.6.2 Defining the Reference Arc 94
7.6.3 Measure Line & Offset 96
7.6.4 Stakeout 97
7.7 Reference Plane 100
7.8 Tie Distance 102
7.9 Area & DTM Volume 104
7.9.1 Overview 104
7.9.2 2D / 3D Area 106
7.9.3 Area to Reference Plane 107
7.9.4 DTM Volume 108
7.9.5 Area Division 111
7.10 Remote Height 113
7.11 COGO 114
7.11.1 Starting 114
7.11.2 Inverse and Traverse 115
7.11.3 Intersections 115
7.11.4 Offsets 117
7.11.5 Line - Extension 118
7.12 Road 2D 118
7.13 Road 3D 121
7.13.1 Starting 121
7.13.2 Basic Terms 122
7.13.3 Creating or Uploading Alignment Files 126
7.13.4 Stake 128
7.13.5 Check 129
7.13.6 Stake Slope 130
7.13.7 Check Slope 133
7.14 Traverse 134
7.14.1 Overview 134
7.14.2 Starting and Configuring Traverse 135
7.14.3 Measuring Traverse 137
7.14.4 Moving ahead 139
Table of Contents 5
7.14.5 Closing a Traverse 140
7.15 Tunnel 143
8 Favourites 144
8.1 Overview 144
8.2 Target Offset 145
8.2.1 Overview 145
8.2.2 Cylindrical Offset 146
8.3 Hidden Point 148
8.4 Check Tie 149
8.5 EDM Tracking 150
8.6 Backsight Check 151
8.7 SketchPad 151
9 Coding 153
9.1 Coding 153
9.2 Quick Coding 154
10 MapView Interactive Display Feature 156
10.1 Overview 156
10.2 Accessing MapView 156
10.3 Configuring MapView 156
10.4 MapView Components 157
10.4.1 Screen Area 157
10.4.2 Keys, Softkeys and Toolbar 157
10.4.3 Point Symbols 158
10.5 Selecting Points 159
11 Imaging & Sketching 160
11.1 Screenshot 160
11.2 Sketching 160
11.3 Image Management 161
12 Data Management 163
12.1 Manage 163
12.2 Exporting Data 164
12.3 Importing Data 168
12.4 Working with a USB Memory Stick 170
12.5 Working with the SD Card 171
12.6 Working with the Internal Memory 172
12.7 Working with Bluetooth 173
12.8 Working with the SIM Card 173
13 Check & Adjust 175
13.1 Overview 175
13.2 Preparation 175
13.3 Adjusting Line-of-Sight and Vertical Index Error 176
13.4 Adjusting the Compensator 178
13.5 Adjusting the Tilting Axis Error 179
13.6 Adjusting the Circular Level of the Instrument and Tribrach 180
13.7 Adjusting the Circular Level of the Prism Pole 181
13.8 Inspecting the Laser Plummet of the Instrument 181
13.9 Servicing the Tripod 182
14 mySecurity 183 15 Care and Transport 185
15.1 Transport 185
15.2 Storage 185
15.3 Cleaning and Drying 186
6 Table of Contents
16 Technical Data 187
16.1 Angle Measurement 187
16.2 Distance Measurement with Reflectors 187
16.3 Distance Measurement without Reflectors (Non-Prism mode)
16.4 Distance Measurement Reflector (>4.0km) 189
16.5 Conformity to National Regulations 190
16.5.1 TS03 190
16.5.2 TS07 190
16.5.3 Dangerous Goods Regulations 191
16.6 General Technical Data of the Product 191
16.7 Scale Correction 195
16.8 Reduction Formulas 196
17 Software Licence Agreement 199 Appendix A Menu Tree 200 Appendix B Directory Structure 201
Table of Contents 7

1 Safety Directions

1.1 General

About warning messages
The following directions enable the person responsible for the product, and the person who actually uses the equipment, to anticipate and avoid operational hazards.
The person responsible for the product must ensure that all users understand these directions and adhere to them.
Warning messages are an essential part of the safety concept of the instru­ment. They appear wherever hazards or hazardous situations can occur.
Warning messages...
make the user alert about direct and indirect hazards concerning the use of the product.
contain general rules of behaviour.
For the users‘ safety, all safety instructions and safety messages shall be strictly observed and followed! Therefore, the manual must always be available to all persons performing any tasks described here.
DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION and NOTICE are standardised signal words for identifying levels of hazards and risks related to personal injury and property damage. For your safety, it is important to read and fully understand the fol­lowing table with the different signal words and their definitions! Supplemen­tary safety information symbols may be placed within a warning message as well as supplementary text.
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation or an unintended use which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation or an unintended use which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation or an unintended use which, if not avoided, may result in appreciable material, financial and environmental damage.
Important paragraphs which must be adhered to in practice as they enable the product to be used in a technically correct and efficient manner.
8 Safety Directions

1.2 Definition of Use

Intended use
Reasonably forseeable misuse
Measuring horizontal and vertical angles.
Measuring distances.
Recording measurements.
Visualizing the aiming direction and vertical axis.
Data communication with external appliances.
Computing by means of software.
Use of the product without instruction.
Use outside of the intended use and limits.
Disabling safety systems.
Removal of hazard notices.
Opening the product using tools, for example screwdriver, unless this is permitted for certain functions.
Modification or conversion of the product.
Use after misappropriation.
Use of products with recognisable damages or defects.
Use with accessories from other manufacturers without the prior explicit approval of Leica Geosystems.
Deliberate dazzling of third parties.
Controlling of machines, moving objects or similar monitoring application without additional control and safety installations.
Aiming directly into the sun.
Inadequate safeguards at the working site.

1.3 Limits of Use

Suitable for use in an atmosphere appropriate for permanent human habita­tion: not suitable for use in aggressive or explosive environments.
Working in hazardous areas, or close to electrical installations or simi­lar situations.
Life Risk.
Local safety authorities and safety experts must be contacted by the per­son responsible for the product before working in such conditions.

1.4 Responsibilities

Manufacturer of the product
Leica Geosystems AG, CH-9435 Heerbrugg, hereinafter referred to as Leica Geosystems, is responsible for supplying the product, including the User Man­ual and original accessories, in a safe condition.
Safety Directions 9
Person responsible for the product
The person responsible for the product has the following duties:
To understand the safety instructions on the product and the instructions in the User Manual.
To ensure that it is used in accordance with the instructions.
To be familiar with local regulations relating to safety and accident preven­tion.
To inform Leica Geosystems immediately if the product and the application becomes unsafe.
To ensure that the national laws, regulations and conditions for the opera­tion of the product are respected.

1.5 Hazards of Use

Dropping, misusing, modifying, storing the product for long periods or transporting the product
Watch out for erroneous measurement results.
Periodically carry out test measurements and perform the field adjust­ments indicated in the User Manual, particularly after the product has been subjected to abnormal use as well as before and after important measure­ments.
Risk of electrocution
Because of the risk of electrocution, it is dangerous to use poles, levelling staffs and extensions in the vicinity of electrical installations such as power cables or electrical railways.
Keep at a safe distance from electrical installations. If it is essential to work in this environment, first contact the safety authorities responsible for the electrical installations and follow their instructions.
Lightning strike
If the product is used with accessories, for example masts, staffs, poles, you may increase the risk of being struck by lightning.
Do not use the product in a thunderstorm.
10 Safety Directions
Distraction/loss of attention
During dynamic applications, for example stakeout procedures, there is a dan­ger of accidents occurring if the user does not pay attention to the environ­mental conditions around, for example obstacles, excavations or traffic.
The person responsible for the product must make all users fully aware of the existing dangers.
Inadequate securing of the working site.
This can lead to dangerous situations, for example in traffic, on building sites and at industrial installations.
Always ensure that the working site is adequately secured.
Adhere to the regulations governing safety, accident prevention and road traffic.
Pointing product toward the sun
Be careful when pointing the product toward the sun, because the telescope functions as a magnifying glass and can injure your eyes and/or cause damage inside the product.
Do not point the product directly at the sun.
Not properly secured accessories.
If the accessories used with the product are not properly secured and the product is subjected to mechanical shock, for example blows or falling, the product may be damaged or people can sustain injury.
When setting up the product, make sure that the accessories are correctly adapted, fitted, secured, and locked in position.
Avoid subjecting the product to mechanical stress.
Safety Directions 11
Inappropriate mechanical influences to batteries
During the transport, shipping or disposal of batteries it is possible for inappro­priate mechanical influences to constitute a fire hazard.
Before shipping the product or disposing it, discharge the batteries by the product until they are flat.
When transporting or shipping batteries, the person in charge of the prod­uct must ensure that the applicable national and international rules and regulations are observed.
Before transportation or shipping, contact your local passenger or freight transport company.
Exposure of batteries to high mechanical stress, high ambient tempera­tures or immersion into fluids
This can cause leakage, fire or explosion of the batteries.
Protect the batteries from mechanical influences and high ambient temper­atures. Do not drop or immerse batteries into fluids.
Short circuit of battery terminals
If battery terminals are short circuited e.g. by coming in contact with jewellery, keys, metallised paper or other metals, the battery can overheat and cause injury or fire, for example by storing or transporting in pockets.
Make sure that the battery terminals do not come into contact with metal­lic objects.
12 Safety Directions
Improper disposal
If the product is improperly disposed of, the following can happen:
If polymer parts are burnt, poisonous gases are produced which may impair health.
If batteries are damaged or are heated strongly, they can explode and cause poisoning, burning, corrosion or environmental contamination.
By disposing of the product irresponsibly you may enable unauthorised persons to use it in contravention of the regulations, exposing themselves and third parties to the risk of severe injury and rendering the environment liable to contamination.
Improper disposal of silicone oil may cause environmental contamination.
The product does include parts of Beryllium inside. Any modification of some internal parts can release Beryllium dust or fragments, creating a health hazard.
Product-specific treatment and waste management information can be received from your Leica Geosystems distributor.
The product must not be disposed with household waste. Dispose of the product appropriately in accordance with the national regulations in force in your country. Always prevent access to the product by unauthorised personnel.
Improperly repaired equipment
Risk of injuries to users and equipment destruction due to lack of repair knowl­edge.
Only authorised Leica Geosystems Service Centres are entitled to repair these products.

1.6 Laser Classification

1.6.1 General

The following chapters provide instructions and training information about laser safety according to international standard IEC 60825-1 (2014-05) and technical report IEC TR 60825-14 (2004-02). The information enables the person responsible for the product and the person who actually uses the equipment, to anticipate and avoid operational hazards.
Safety Directions 13
According to IEC TR 60825-14 (2004-02), products classified as laser class 1, class 2 and class 3R do not require:
laser safety officer involvement,
protective clothes and eyewear,
special warning signs in the laser working area if used and operated as defined in this User Manual due to the low eye hazard level.
National laws and local regulations could impose more stringent instructions for the safe use of lasers than IEC 60825-1 (2014-05) and IEC TR 60825-14 (2004-02).

1.6.2 Distancer, Measurements with Reflectors

The EDM module built into the product produces a visible laser beam which emerges from the telescope objective.
The laser product described in this section is classified as laser class 1 in accordance with:
IEC 60825-1 (2014-05): “Safety of laser products”
These products are safe under reasonably foreseeable conditions of operation and are not harmful to the eyes provided that the products are used and main­tained in accordance with this User Manual.
Wavelength 658 nm
Pulse duration 800 ps
Pulse repetition frequency 100 MHz
Maximum average radiant power 0.34 mW
Beam divergance 1.5 mrad x 3 mrad

1.6.3 Electronic Guide Light EGL

The Electronic Guide Light built into the product produces a visible LED beam which emerges from the front side of the telescope.
14 Safety Directions
a Laser beam
The product described in this section, is excluded from the scope of IEC 60825-1 (2014-05): “Safety of laser products”. The product described in this section, is classified as exempt group in accordance with IEC 62471 (2006-07) and does not pose any hazard provided that the product is used and maintained in accordance with this user manual.
a LED beam red b LED beam yellow

1.6.4 Laser Plummet

The laser plummet built into the product produces a visible red laser beam which emerges from the bottom of the product.
The laser product described in this section is classified as laser class 2 in accordance with:
IEC 60825-1 (2014-05): “Safety of laser products”
These products are safe for momentary exposures but can be hazardous for deliberate staring into the beam. The beam may cause dazzle, flash-blindness and after-images, particularly under low ambient light conditions.
Wavelength 640 nm
Maximum average radiant power 0.95 mW
Pulse duration 0.1 ms - cw
Pulse repetition frequency (PRF) 1 kHz
Beam divergance <1.5 mrad
Class 2 laser product
From a safety perspective, class 2 laser products are not inherently safe for the eyes.
Avoid staring into the beam or viewing it through optical instruments.
Avoid pointing the beam at other people or at animals.
Safety Directions 15
1.6.5 AutoHeight Laser Plummet
a Laser beam
Exit for laser beam
The laser plummet built into the product produces a visible red laser beam which emer
ges from the bottom of the product.
The laser product described in this section is classified as laser class 2 in accordance with:
C 60825-1 (2014-05): “Safety of laser products”
These products are safe for momentary exposures but can be hazardous for delib
erate staring into the beam. The beam may cause dazzle, flash-blindness
and after-images, particularly under low ambient light conditions.
Description Value
Wavelength 640 nm
Maximum average radiant power 0.95 mW
Pulse duration <1 ns
Pulse repetition frequency (PRF) 320 MHz
Beam divergance <1.5 mrad
Class 2 laser product
rom a safety perspective, class 2 laser products are not inherently safe for the
Avoid staring into the beam or viewing it through optical instruments.
Avoid pointing the beam at other people or at animals.
Class 2 laser product
e of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those
Us specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
Use controls or adjustments or performance of procedures only as speci­fied.
16 Safety Directions
a Laser beam b Exit for laser beam

1.7 Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC

The term Electromagnetic Compatibility is taken to mean the capability of the product to function smoothly in an environment where electromagnetic radia­tion and electrostatic discharges are present, and without causing electromag­netic disturbances to other equipment.
Electromagnetic radiation
Electromagnetic radiation can cause disturbances in other equipment.
Although the product meets the strict regulations and standards which are in force in this respect, Leica Geosystems cannot completely exclude the possibility that other equipment may be disturbed.
Use of the product with accessories from other manufacturers. For example field computers, personal computers or other electronic equip­ment, non-standard cables or external batteries
This may cause disturbances in other equipment.
Use only the equipment and accessories recommended by Leica Geosys­tems.
When combined with the product, they meet the strict requirements stipu­lated by the guidelines and standards.
When using computers, two-way radios or other electronic equipment, pay attention to the information about electromagnetic compatibility provided by the manufacturer.
Safety Directions 17
Intense electromagnetic radiation. For example, near radio transmit­ters, transponders, two-way radios or diesel generators
Although the product meets the strict regulations and standards which are in force in this respect, Leica Geosystems cannot completely exclude the possibil­ity that function of the product may be disturbed in such an electromagnetic environment.
Check the plausibility of results obtained under these conditions.
Electromagnetic radiation due to improper connection of cables
If the product is operated with connecting cables attached at only one of their two ends, for example external supply cables, interface cables, the permitted level of electromagnetic radiation may be exceeded and the correct functioning of other products may be impaired.
While the product is in use, connecting cables, for example product to external battery, product to computer, must be connected at both ends.
Radios or digital cel­lular phones
Use of product with radio or digital cellular phone devices:
Electromagnetic fields can cause disturbances in other equipment, in installa­tions, in medical devices, for example pacemakers or hearing aids and in air­craft. It can also affect humans and animals.
Although the product meets the strict regulations and standards which are in force in this respect, Leica Geosystems cannot completely exclude the possibility that other equipment can be disturbed or that humans or ani­mals can be affected.
Do not operate the product with radio or digital cellular phone devices in the vicinity of filling stations or chemical installations, or in other areas where an explosion hazard exists.
Do not operate the product with radio or digital cellular phone devices near to medical equipment.
Do not operate the product with radio or digital cellular phone devices in aircraft.

1.8 FCC Statement, Applicable in U.S.

The greyed paragraph below is only applicable for products without radio.
18 Safety Directions
Pav = 4.8mW λ = 660nm t p = 400ps
IEC 60825-1:2014
Complies wit h FDA performa nce standards f or laser produc ts except for deviations pur suant to Laser No tice No. 50, da ted June 24, 2007.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is s ubject to the fol lowing two cond itions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This devi ce must accept a ny interferen ce received, in cluding inter ference that may cause und esired operat ion.
Equip.No.: 1234567 Power: ..V ..W max
Leica Geosystems AG CH-9435 Heerbrugg
Manufactured: 20XX Made in Swit zerlan d
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,
including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Type: GEB331
Li-Ion Battery
11.1 V / 2.8 Ah 15 A / 31.1 Wh
Leica Ge osystems AG, CH -9435 Heerbrug g
Art.No.: 799190 S.No.: XXXXX Made in China
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules.
These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guaran­tee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Leica Geosystems for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
Labelling TS03/TS07
Labelling GEB331
Safety Directions 19
XXXXXXXX-XXXXXX A/S:+82 31 620 6252
Type : GEB361
Li-Ion Battery
11.1 V / 5.6 Ah 15 A / 62 Wh Leica Geosystems AG, CH-9435 Heerbrugg
Art.No.: 799191 S.No.: XXXXX Made in China
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Manufactured by Huizhou Longji Electronics Co., Ltd.
Labelling GEB361

1.9 ICES-003 Statement, Applicable in Canada

This Class (B) digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Cet appareil numérique de la classe (B) est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
Canada Compliance Statement
This device complies with Industry Canada’s license-exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1. This device may not cause interference; and
2. This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
Canada Déclaration de Conformité
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux con­ditions suivantes:
1. l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage;
2. l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.
20 Safety Directions

2 Description of the System


2.1 System Components

Main components
a TS03/TS07 instrument with
FlexField firmware
b Computer with Leica Infinity
c Data transfer
Component Description
TS03/TS07 An instrument for measuring, calculating and capturing data.
Ideally suited for tasks from simple surveys to complex appli­cations. Equipped with a FlexField firmware package to com­plete these tasks.
The various lines have a range of accuracy classes and sup-
port different features. All lines can be connected with Leica Infinity to view, exchange and manage data.
FlexField firmware
The firmware package installed on the instrument. Consists of a standard base operating system with optional additional features.
Leica Infinity software
An office software consisting of a suite of standard and extended programs for the viewing, exchanging, managing and post processing of data.
Data transfer Data can be transferred between a TS03/TS07 and a com-
puter via USB cable, USB-stick, SD card and data transfer cable.
Description of the System 21

2.2 Container Contents

Container contents part 1 of 2
a GEB331 or GEB361 battery b GZT4 target plate c GRZ101 mini prism, GAD103 and GAD105 adapter d GLS115 mini prism pole e Leica industrial grade USB memory stick f Stylus** g GFZ3 and GOK6 diagonal eyepiece* h Tip for mini prism i Adjustment tool j Allen key k GPR111 and GPR121 round prism l Manuals m GRZ101 360° mini prism n GMP101 and GMP111 mini prism* o Counterweight for diagonal eyepiece*
22 Description of the System
** For TS07
f g ih
Container contents part 2 of 2
a SD card b CPR105 flat prism* c GHT196 holder for height metre* d GHM007 height metre* e GLI115 clip-on bubble* f GKL311 charger g Protective cover / Lens hood / Cleaning cloth h Data cable
* Optional

2.3 Instrument Components

TS03 Instrument components part 1 of 2
a Compartment for SD card, USB memory stick
and USB cable ports b Optical sight c Detachable carrying handle with mounting
screw d Objective with integrated Electronic Distance
Measurement (EDM). Exit for EDM laser
beam e Vertical drive f Loudspeaker g Trigger key h Serial interface RS232, located behind key-
board on rotation part i Horizontal drive
Description of the System 23
l m n
o p
TS03 Instrument components part 2 of 2
j Focusing telescope image k Eyepiece; focusing graticule l Battery cover m Foot screw n Keyboard with display
TS07 Instrument components part 1 of 2
TS07 Instrument components part 2 of 2
a Compartment for SD card, USB memory stick
and USB cable ports b Optical sight c Detachable carrying handle with mounting
screw d Electronic Guide Light (EGL)* e Objective with integrated Electronic Distance
Measurement (EDM). Exit for EDM laser
beam f Vertical drive g Loudspeaker h Trigger key i Serial interface RS232, located behind key-
board on rotation part j Horizontal drive k Keyboard with display
* Optional
l LTE antenna* m Focusing telescope image n Eyepiece; focusing graticule o Battery cover p Foot screw q Stylus r Keyboard with display
* Optional
24 Description of the System

3 User Interface


3.1 Keyboard

TS03 with Greyscale display
a Function keys F1 to F4 b Navigation keys c ENTER key d Alphanumeric keypad e ON/OFF key f Fixed keys
Key Description
If the instrument is already off: Turns on the instrument when held for 2 s. If the instrument is already on: Turns to Power Options menu when held for 2 s.
Page key Displays the next screen when several screens are available.
TS07 with Color&Touch display
Favourites key Quick-access to measurement supporting functions.
User key 1 Programmable with a function from the Favourites menu.
User key 2 Programmable with a function from the Favourites menu.
Navigation key Controls the focus bar within the screen and the entry bar within a field.
ENTER key Confirms an entry and continues to the next field.
Pressing ESC short: Returns to next higher level. Quits a screen or edit mode without saving changes.
Pressing ESC long: Returns to the Main Menu. Quits a
screen or edit mode without saving changes.
Home key Returns to the main menu.
User Interface 25
Key Description
c d
Function keys that are assigned the variable functions dis­played at the bottom of the screen.
Alphanumeric keypad for entry of text and numerical values.
Sidecover keys
Key Description
The trigger key can be programmed in the Settings screen.

3.2 Screen

The TS03 is available with Greyscale (G) screen.
The TS07 is available with Color&Touch (C&T) screen.
The look and feel is the same for both types.
Trigger key. Quick key programmable with functions Meas, Dist or Store if desired.
Refer to "5.1 Work Settings".
All screens shown in this manual are examples. It is possible that local firmware versions are different to the basic version.
a Quit b Title of screen c Status icons d Tabs e Focus in screen. Active field f Fields g Softkeys

3.3 Status Icons

26 User Interface
The icons provide status information related to basic instrument functions. Depending on the display type, different icons are displayed.
Tap on an icon, field or tab to run a function.
Non-prism EDM mode for measuring to all targets. For TS07: Tapping the icon opens the EDM & Target bubble.
Leica standard prism is selected. For TS07: Tapping the icon opens the EDM & Target bubble.
Leica mini prism is selected. For TS07: Tapping the icon opens the EDM & Target bubble.
Leica mini 0 prism is selected. For TS07: Tapping the icon opens the EDM & Target bubble.
Icon Description
Leica sliding basic mini prism is selected. For TS07: Tapping the icon opens the EDM & Target bubble.
Leica 360° prism is selected. For TS07: Tapping the icon opens the EDM & Target bubble.
Leica 360° mini prism is selected. For TS07: Tapping the icon opens the EDM & Target bubble.
Leica 360° MPR122 prism is selected. For TS07: Tapping the icon opens the EDM & Target bubble.
Leica reflector tape is selected. For TS07: Tapping the icon opens the EDM & Target bubble.
User defined prism is selected. For TS07: Tapping the icon opens the EDM & Target bubble.
A running vertical line left beside the prism indicates EDM meas­urement activity.
Indicates an active laser pointer. For TS07: Tapping the icon opens the EDM & Target bubble.
Indicates that Meas. Mode: Average is active.
Indicates that Meas. Mode: Prism (>4.0km) is active.
Indicates that Meas. Mode: Precise&Fast is active.
Indicates that Meas. Mode: Tracking is active.
Indicates telescope position in face I. For TS07: Tapping the icon opens the Instrument bubble.
Indicates telescope position in face II. For TS07: Tapping the icon opens the Instrument bubble.
Compensator is on. For TS07: Tapping the icon opens the Instrument bubble.
Compensator is off. For TS07: Tapping the icon opens the Level & Plummet screen.
Compensator is out of range. For TS07: Tapping the icon opens the Level & Plummet screen.
Bluetooth configured and paired
Bluetooth RS232 LTE
- -
- -
User Interface 27
Icon Description
For TS07: Tapping the icon opens the Connectivity bubble. Click
on Interface settings to open the Interface Settings screen.
Bluetooth configured but not paired
Bluetooth RS232 LTE
Active - - -
Modem configured and connected with the Internet
Bluetooth RS232 LTE
Selected - -
Active - -
Modem configured but not connected with the Internet
Bluetooth RS232 LTE
Selected - -
Active - - -
Bluetooth configured but not paired. Modem configured but not connected with the Internet
- -
Bluetooth RS232 LTE
Active - - -
Bluetooth configured and paired. Modem configured but not connected with the Internet
Bluetooth RS232 LTE
Bluetooth configured but not paired. Modem configured and connected with the Internet
Bluetooth RS232 LTE
Active - -
Bluetooth configured and paired. Modem configured and connected with the Internet
Bluetooth RS232 LTE
RS232 configured and connected
- -
Bluetooth RS232 LTE
Selected -
Active -
28 User Interface
Icon Description
RS232 configured and connected Modem configured and connected with the Internet
Bluetooth RS232 LTE
Selected -
Active -
RS232 configured and connected Modem configured but not connected with the Internet
Bluetooth RS232 LTE
Selected -
Active -
The battery symbol indicates the level of the remaining battery
capacity. For TS07: Tapping the icon opens a bubble showing the status of the battery and the internal memory.
Battery level is 100% full.
Battery level is critical.

3.4 Icon Pop-up Bubbles

ü ü
ü ü
ü ü
Status information helps using the instrument by showing the state of many instrument functions. All fields are display only fields. Unavailable information is indicated by ---.
Frequently used functionality can be accessed and changed quickly. The change is applied immediately. The workflow is not interrupted.
Tap a status icon in the icon area. An icon pop-up bubble opens.
An icon pop-up bubble shows:
Status information
Functionality related to the icon which was tapped
Tap a bubble icon to use the functionality.
To close an icon pop-up bubble, touch the screen anywhere outside of the icon pop-up bubble.
User Interface 29
a Status icon b Status information c Bubble icon
Description of the icon pop-up bubbles
Refer to the individual chapters for more information.
EDM & Target
Status Information
Current target with defined con­stants
Type of distance measurement
Switch between non-priam and prism mode
Turn the red laser of the reflec­torless EDM on/off
Select targets
Status Information
Current setup ID, instrument height and level status
Electronic level bubble and com­pensator settings
Status Information
Current interface setting
Start Interface Settings
Battery and date
Status Information
Remaining power capacity for the battery
Active internal memory
View the system information
Create a sketch on a virtual piece of paper

3.5 Softkeys

Softkeys are selected using the relevant F1 to F4 function key. This chapter describes the functionality of the common softkeys used by the system. The more specialised softkeys are described with the apps where they appear.
30 User Interface
+ 172 hidden pages