Leica TCS SPE User Manual

Spectacular Imaging!

Leica TCS SPE: High Resolution Spectral Confocal

Affordable Excellence for Your Daily Research

Leica TCS SPE User Manual







Spectacular Imaging

Easy to Achieve

A Reliable System

Affordable Excellence


Confocal microscopy applications have increased greatly in the last decade, and high quality fluorescent images have been an important key to new discoveries. In addition, clinical, pharmaceutical and biotechnological research shows a growing demand for high-resolution 3D images. Confocal systems offer the advantage of the best image quality, but most instruments currently offered still require intensive training before they can be usefully operated. They also need specific room conditions not found in every facility.






Affordable Excellence

for your Daily Research

To make confocal technology accessible to a wide range of users in their daily research, we have developed the Leica TCS SPE, a high resolution spectral confocal, easy to use, extremely compact and robust Ð yet still affordable.

Without compromising our innovative concepts and high quality standards, the Leica TCS SPE offers outstanding spectral detection technology developed and patented by Leica Microsystems. New optical concepts for true colocalization plus a new Leica software platform common to our complete range of confocal and widefield products, simplify operation and reduce training time. YouÕll find it all in the Leica TCS SPE.

The highly integrated Leica TCS SPE has all you need for your daily research. It is optimized for applications such as live cell imaging and morphological studies in small research groups and multi user environments.







The advantages of true confocal imaging

Scanning the specimen in thin optical layers and detecting the fluorescence signal point by point results in images free from the stray light of adjacent elements. The result Ð brilliant images at very high resolution. The information from each signal in each optical section is reconstructed by intelligent software into excellent 3D images, resolving the smallest detail of the specimenÕs structure.

Spectacular Imaging

Crystal clear 3D confocal images are our standard

Our confocal systems are famous for crystal clear high-reso- lution images with minimum noise, due to high performance components unrivalled in the confocal field. We have integrated this highly innovative and unsurpassed technology into the new Leica TCS SPE. To ensure high quality imaging, optimal excitation is provided by up to four low noise solid-state lasers with 488, 532 and 635 nm excitation lines for common dyes. The broad range of applications is extended by the 405 nm option for nuclear staining.

Ultra-high sensitivity with maximum spectral efficiency is ensured by our spectrophotometer based on a prism, which spreads the light into its spectrum. Maximum signal strength and optimal resolution is provided by a special high dynamics photomultiplier with photon booster technology, usually found in systems of a higher price range. The continuously adjustable pinhole diameter automatically adapts to all objectives. Channel multiplexing by sequential scanning prevents any cross-talk of dyes and results in excellent dye separation. Optimally integrated with our high performance research microscopes and optics, we fully harness our own technology to deliver the best images.

¥3D confocal imaging

¥Variable motorized pinhole to match objectives

¥488, 532 and 635 nm excitation

¥405 nm excitation for nuclear stainings

¥Low-noise solid state lasers

¥Highly efficient prism for emission spectrometer

¥High dynamic photomultiplier with photon booster technology

ÒBrilliant images, great technology and excellent cost performance ratio Ð LeicaÕs TCS SPE

is the ideal tool for our laboratory.Ó

Jean-Luc Vonesch

Head of Imaging Center at the IGBMC (INSERM,

CNRS, ULP), Strasbourg-Illkirch, France

The Confocal Principle


Confocal pinhole






in Focal plane



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