PicoQuant GmbH
Rudower Chaussee 29
12489 Berlin (Germany)
All rights to this document are held by Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH. Adaptation,
translation and reproduction of text or illustrations (in whole or in part) by print, photocopy,
microfilm or other method (including electronic systems) is not allowed without express
written permission from Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH.
Programs such as LAS and LAS AF are protected by copyright laws. All rights reserved.
Reproduction, adaptation or translation of these programs is prohibited without prior written
permission from Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH.
This User Manual specifies names of products or services that are trademarks or registered
trademarks of the respective trademark owners. Rather than including a trademark (TM or
®) symbol at every occurrence of a trademarked name, we state that we are using the
names only in an editorial fashion, and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no
intention of infringement.
Prior to commissioning the system, carefully read through this User Manual and be
absolutely certain to follow the safety notes contained in it. So that you can operate the
system safely and react quickly and correctly in the event of an emergency, you must
familiarize yourself with the safety devices before using it for the first time. In this case, read
Chapter "Safety Features" in this manual. Keep this User Manual and the included manuals
for the microscope and other components in a safe place easily accessible for all users.
This Manual gives you important information about safe handling of the system. All
information is intended for the safety of users and trouble-free operation of the system.
Unless the information pertains specifically to certain system variants, the instructions
always apply to the basic system described here.
This User Manual provides you with important information for using the system, the
necessary ambient conditions and the usable lasers. It explains system startup. The system
is assembled and disassembled by service technicians that have been authorized by Leica
Microsystems CMS GmbH. This is why unpacking, assembly and installation of the system
are not described in this manual. You can find an overview of the system and specifications
in the
configurations, such as optional lasers or specific objectives, refer to the respective
included manual. In
Chapter "System Overview and Properties". For information about special
Chapter 34 you will find a list of abbreviations used in this manual.
About this User Manual
This operating manual was created by PicoQuant GmbH and Leica Microsystems CMS
GmbH and is concentrated on specialized knowledge about SMD (Single Molecule
Detection). The basic procedures for acquiring FLIM images and point measurements for
FCS using the TCS SMD system are described here.
This User Manual does not contain any information about basic optical principles or the
operating principle of microscopes, confocal systems and the like. If you are interested in
these topics or certain applications from the area of optics and confocal microscopy, you
can read more about them at the Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH knowledge portal: http://
The system is delivered with the latest version of the licensed "Leica Application Suite
Advanced Fluorescence" (LAS
FLIM experiments are designed and executed using special wizards. After data acquisition,
the SMD data analysis is carried out within the "SymPhoTime" (SPT) software by PicoQuant.
Chapter "LAS AF" in this User Manual in order to familiarize yourself with the design
and basic operation of the software. Additional information about specific functions can be
found in the online help.
The instructions contained in this documentation reflect state-of-the-art technology and
knowledge standards at the time of publication. Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH reserves
the right to revise this documentation and/or to further develop and improve the products
described in this document at any time without prior notice or any other obligation.
AF) software. Within the Leica LAS AF software, FCS and
If you have any suggestions or improvements for this User Manual, please contact the Leica
branch office in your country.
About this User Manual
1.1Additional Documentation
The system is delivered with additional manuals. These manuals contain detailed
information about the hardware components and the software-based analysis that
absolutely must be observed. Manuals for the following components are provided with the
•Detection unit: This manual varies depending on the detection system. Here you can find
basic information about alignment of the detection path and how to change filters.
No separate manual is provided for the Leica APD detection unit. This detection unit is
described in this User Manual in
•PicoHarp 300: Provides all information about the TCSPC (Time Correlated Single Photon
Counting) unit. This manual also includes an introduction about single photon counting.
•Light sources: The green folder contains detailed information about the features of your
pulsed diode laser.
•Router (PHR800): The router is required in systems with multiple detectors.
•Laser driver (PDL): The manual for the laser driver varies depending on the laser driver
used and includes information for configuring different intensities.
Chapter 9.4.
•Software (SymPhoTime): Contains all information about the software, including data
acquisition and analysis. The SymPhoTime software also contains a detailed help
function, which can be accessed by pressing the F1 button.
Aside from this, there is one more important document that must be observed:
•System specifications: The System Specifications appendix contains information about
your specific FLIM/FCS system, including a description of the included parts, information
about filter handling, and a wiring diagram that enables you to restore the configuration
more easily after disassembly.
2Intended Use
This system is intended for use in a lab. The system was designed for confocal scanning
(laser scanning images) of fluorescence-marked living and fixed specimens as well as for
quantitative measurements in the area of life science.
Applications of in-vitro diagnostics in accordance with MPG (German Medical Devices Act)
are excluded from proper intended use.
This system must not be used together with life-support systems such as those found in
intensive-care wards.
The owner/operator and user of this product are responsible for proper and safe operation
and safe maintenance of the system and for following all applicable safety regulations. The
owner/operator and user are fully liable for all consequences resulting from the use of the
system for any purposes other than those listed in the User Manual or the online help.
The manufacturer assumes no liability for damage caused by, or any risks arising from, use
of the microscopes for purposes other than those for which they are intended, or not using
the microscopes within the specifications of Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH. In such
cases, the Declaration of Conformity shall be invalid.
Intended Use
Intended Use
3Liability and Warranty
Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH shall not be liable for damages resulting from failure to
observe the information in this User Manual. The information here does not in any way
modify the warranty and liability clauses contained in the general terms and conditions of
Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH.
Repairs and servicing may be performed only by service technicians authorized by Leica
Microsystems CMS GmbH. Opening or working on the system in any way shall void any and
all warranty claims.
The manufacturer assumes no liability for damage caused by, or any risks arising from, use
of the microscopes for purposes other than those for which they are intended, or not using
the microscopes within the specifications of Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH. In such
cases, the Declaration of Conformity shall be invalid.
Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH shall not be liable for any damage caused by incorrect
storage, improper transport or an unsuitable installation location.
Liability and Warranty
Figures are for illustration purposes. The system you purchased can deviate from the
illustrations without Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH explicitly specifying such.
Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH shall not be liable for any injury or property damage caused
by untrained or unauthorized persons.
3.1Important Information for Operators and Users
•The owner/operator is required to designate a Laser Safety Officer or a Laser Protection
Advisor according to the applicable legal requirements in each country.
•The owner/operator and user of this product are responsible for proper and safe
operation and safe maintenance of the system and for following all applicable safety
•The owner/operator and user are fully liable for all consequences resulting from the use
of the system for any purposes other than those listed in the User Manual or the online
•The owner/operator and user are obligated to perform and monitor suitable safety
measures (according to national regulations).
•The owner/operator and user are responsible for observing the laser safety regulations
according to applicable country-specific regulations.
•The owner/operator and user must ensure that this laser product is commissioned and
operated only by persons who have been trained in the use of the system and the
potential dangers of laser radiation.
•The owner/operator and user are fully liable for all consequences resulting from the use
of the system if it is opened, improperly serviced or repaired by persons other than
authorized Leica service representatives.
Liability and Warranty
Meaning of the warning messages in the manual
4Meaning of the warning messages in the manual
WARNINGElectric shock
This warns you of hazardous electrical voltage. Following the
instructions is mandatory, since otherwise there is a risk of severe or
fatal injury.
WARNINGSevere injuries from ...
This note warns you of hazards that can cause severe or fatal injuries.
WARNINGPermanent eye and skin damage from laser radiation
This note warns you of eye and skin damage that can occur when using
lasers if safety precautions are not taken.
WARNINGRisk of injuries due to harmful or irritating substances
This note warns you of substances that pose a health hazard.
WARNINGRisk of injuries due to biological substances
This note warns you of biological substances that pose a health hazard.
WARNINGRisk of burns on hot surfaces
This note warns you of hot surfaces that can cause burns.
Meaning of the warning messages in the manual
CAUTIONInjuries from…
This note warns you of minor to moderate injuries that can be prevented
by following instructions.
NOTICERisk of damage to the system
This note describes possible material damage that can occur in case of
NOTICELoss of data
This note warns you of the potential for losing data.
Observe user manual
This mandatory sign indicates that an additional user manual must be
Wear laser safety glasses
This mandatory sign indicates that laser safety glasses must be worn to
nt eye injuries.
Additional note
This note serves to emphasize important instructions for handling the
uct or contains special instructions about a certain topic.
5General Safety Notes
You have to follow the instructions listed below to work with the instrument safely and
without disturbance. If you do not follow these or other instructions in this User Manual or
the included manual, Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH shall not be liable for any resulting
injury or property damage.
As it is impossible to anticipate every potential hazard, please be careful and apply common
sense when using the system.
5.1Commissioning and Use
•The system components have been packaged securely for transport in multiple crates.
Do not open these crates. The crates may be opened and unpacked by Leica service
technicians or by people who are authorized by Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH only.
•The system may only be set up by Leica service technicians or by people who are
authorized by Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH.
General Safety Notes
•This laser equipment may be operated only by persons who have been trained in the use
of the system and about the potential hazards of laser radiation.
•Have your laser safety officer instruct you about the dangers of laser radiation and about
suitable laser safety precautions, such as wearing suitable laser safety glasses. This
applies to all persons present in the room where the system is set up and operated.
•Each user must have read the instructions included and follow the instructions it
•Specimens must always be securely fixed in place.
•Do not introduce any flammable objects, such as paper, into the specimen area when
you are working with a laser.
•Do not place any flammable or combustible objects on or near the system and do not put
it near hot surfaces.
•During start up and during operation, you have to keep your hands and fingers away from
the specimen area, as otherwise there is a risk of crushing hazards or injury from rotating
objectives and the motorized specimen stage.
•Set up the workplace (for example, chair and monitor) on the system so that it
corresponds to your requirements. Observe the national regulations for occupational
•Before each service call by a service technician or whenever you relocate the
instrument, you have to clean it thoroughly. This is necessary to remove any possible
contamination, thereby preventing the transfer of dangerous substances and pathogens
and avoiding hazards and dangers. The same also applies to the removal of components.
This applies in particular to systems that are located in biomedical research labs.
•You must not deviate from the operating and maintenance instructions provided herein.
General Safety Notes
5.2Modifications to the System
•The system is installed by service technicians from Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH. You
must not change the position of the system components.
•The supply unit must always be set up and operated in an upright position.
•Under no circumstances may you open housing parts.
•Never disconnect a fiber optic cable.
•The cable and fiber optic cable may not be folded, stretched, pinched or rolled up tightly
or damaged in any other way.
•The product has a closed liquid coolant circuit. The cooling liquid hoses may not be
folded, stretched, pinched or rolled up tightly or damaged in any other way.
•Do not connect any external equipment or other components. If you have questions,
please directly contact the Leica branch office in your country.
5.3Safety Devices and Safety Labels
•So that you can operate the system safely and react quickly and correctly in the event of
an emergency, you must familiarize yourself with the safety devices before using it for
the first time. Read
•Never remove the safety devices on the system.
•Never deactivate the laser protection devices.
•All safety devices must be ready to operate. Do not carry out any procedures that modify,
disable or damage the functionality of safety features. Unauthorized procedures could
result in serious injuries or property damage.
•Safety labels on the system may not be removed. Missing or damaged safety labels must
be attached immediately and at the described location. Observe
on the System".
Chapter "Safety Features" of this User Manual carefully.
5.4Laser Safety
•The instrument is a Class 3B/IIIb (VIS and UV lasers) or a Class 4/IV (IR lasers) laser
•You must observe all suitable safety measures applicable for this laser class.
Chapter "Safety Labels
•When using an MP system, you must wear laser safety glasses (Order No.: 158002570).
Appropriate laser safety glasses for IR laser radiation are provided with the system when
delivered. During the scanning operation, all persons present in the room must wear
such laser safety glasses. These laser safety glasses do not provide any protection
against visible laser radiation (visible spectrum)!
•It is not necessary to wear protective eyewear when using VIS and UV lasers. When
used as intended and safety notes have been followed, laser radiation is kept within the
limit value that eliminates the chance for eye injuries.
•Never look directly into a laser beam or a reflection of the laser beam. Avoid all contact
with the laser beam.
General Safety Notes
•Never expose your eyes or skin to direct or indirect laser radiation. The radiationcan
cause irreparable eye and skin injuries.
•During the scanning operation, the laser radiation is accessible in the microscope's
specimen area without obstruction after coming out of the objective. Always maintain a
nominal ocular hazard distance of at least 20 cm (8") between your eyes and the opening
of the objective.
Figure 1: Specimen area of upright and inverted microscope
•Make sure that the fiber optic cables are not damaged. The system may not be turned on
with damaged fiber optic cables, as laser radiation can escape and lead to irreparable
eye and skin injuries.
•It is not necessary to wear protective eyewear when using VIS and UV systems. When
used as intended and safety notes have been followed, laser radiation is kept within the
limit value that eliminates the chance for eye injuries.
•Do not use an S70 microscope condenser. The large working distance and the low
numerical aperture of the S70 microscope condenser could result in a hazard from laser
•Only use S1 and S28 Leica microscope condensers.
•Do not look into the eyepieces during the scanning operation.
•Never change samples during a scanning operation.
•Never change objectives, filter cubes, beam splitters, condensers or other components
during a scanning operation.
•Do not look into the eyepieces when switching the beam path in the microscope.
•Do not introduce any reflective objects or mirrors into the laser beam path or into the
specimen area.
•If there is no lamp housing or mirror housing connected to the microscope, attach the
cover to the replacement flange.
•All unoccupied positions in the objective nosepiece must be closed using the supplied
•For MP systems, dry objectives (air objectives) may not be used with a numerical
aperture (NA) larger than 0.85. This does not apply to immersion objectives (oil, water).
General Safety Notes
5.5Electrical Safety
•This system is designed for connection to grounded (earthed) outlets. The grounding
plug performs an important safety function. To avoid the risk of electrical shock or
damage to the instrument, do not disable this feature. Operation without grounded
sockets is not permitted.
•Make sure that the supply voltage at the system remains in an approved tolerance range
(100 V~ - 240 V~ ±10%).
•The system may be connected to a power supply with ground protection conductor only!
Do not interfere with the grounding function by using an extension cord without a ground
wire. Any interruption of the ground wire inside or outside of the system, or release of
the ground wire connection, can cause the system to become hazardous. Intentionally
disconnecting the ground protection conductor is not permitted.
•Before any cleaning or servicing, de-energize the entire system. To do so, use the power
switches of all components and disconnect all power cables from the power supply.
•Only use the power cable included or provided by your local Leica service technicians
for connecting individual peripheral devices to the power supply.
•Fuses inside the system may be replaced only by authorized Leica service employees. If
you have any further questions, please directly contact the Leica branch office in your
•Check that the actual line voltage corresponds to the value configured on the PDL-800-
B or D laser driver.
5.6Contact with Liquids
•To avoid the risk of electrical shock and fire hazards, never expose the system to rain or
•Do not allow any liquid to enter the system housing or come into contact with any
electrical components.
•Avoid condensation.
•The system must be completely dry before connecting it to the power supply or turning
it on.
•Do not operate the system if coolant is leaking or has leaked.
5.7Malfunction of the System
You must immediately disconnect the system from the power supply if any of the following
•The emission warning indicator is not lit after being switched on using the detachable-
key switch.
•The indicator continues to be lit after being switched off using the keyswitch
•Scanning of the specimen is not activated after being switched on properly (laser
radiation in the specimen area).
General Safety Notes
If any of these occur, immediately notify the Leica branch office in your country or your local
contact person.
General Safety Notes
Additional Notes on Handling the System
6Additional Notes on Handling the System
Follow these instructions to ensure that you handle the system without interference to avoid
damage to the instrument and loss of data.
•You need sufficient space for temporary storage and for unpacking the delivered
components. Always protect the transport crates and their contents from moisture and
condensation and store them facing upwards (see the indication on the crate).
•Upon receiving the crates, make sure they are intact. If you find that the crates or seals
have been damaged, have the supplier confirm this; inform your contact person at Leica
Microsystems about this immediately.
•Keep the packaging material in case you need to return a defective component.
•Be absolutely certain to observe the ambient conditions applicable for this system.
•You may use the system indoors only.
•The room must be free of dust, oil and chemical vapors.
•After installing the system, you may carry out interior finish work on the room only if the
system is stored in a dust-free location while this work is underway.
•Avoid direct sunlight and vibrations, since these can distort measurements and
micrographic scans.
•We recommend using a room that can be completely darkened.
•Do not expose the system to drafts.
•If the system has to be moved to a new location for any reason, contact the Leica branch
office in your country.
6.2Using the Software
•Before carrying out operating steps with the system, first read the corresponding
description of the function in LAS
functions, refer to the table of contents of the online help.
•Back up your data regularly to a suitable data carrier.
•Do not install any hardware or software on the workstation, as otherwise serious
damage to the system or loss of data can result.
AF Online Help. For an overview of the individual
Additional Notes on Handling the System
•Do not switch the workstation off after a software crash, but restart the LAS AF software
after 15 seconds. No image data are lost in case of a software crash. If the LAS AF
software is restarted without restarting the workstation, the data are automatically
restored. If the software crash is caused by a crash of the workstation, the image data
will be lost.
6.3Protecting the System
•Observe the maintenance instructions and intervals prescribed in the Chapter
•During the update of the firmware, a continuous tone sounds. After the updated
component is automatically restarted, the signal stops. During the automatic update and
the automatic restart of the component, you may not switch off or restart the system,
since otherwise this can lead to damage to the system.
•Protect the system from dust and grease.
•Make sure to use only one small drop of immersion fluid. The immersion fluid may not
contaminate or enter the microscope.
•Make sure that the specimen carrier is not against the objective and cannot be damaged
by it or cause broken glass.
•Be absolutely certain to prevent the optics and mechanical parts from coming into direct
contact with acids, bases and other aggressive chemicals.
•Never use abrasive products to clean the system and its components. Abrasives can
scratch the surface and thus have a negative effect on the protection of the parts.
•Protect the microscope from excessive temperature fluctuations. Such fluctuations can
lead to the accumulation of condensation, which can damage the electrical and optical
•Allow the entire system to cool down to room temperature before covering the system
with a dust cover. This prevents condensation from forming below it, which can enter the
system and damage it.
•When used as intended, the HyD reflected light detectors are sufficiently protected from
destruction due to overexposure by measures in LAS AF and by an electronic protective
circuit. An audible signal (beep) warns the user if the detector is being operated near the
maximum permitted signal level. If the maximum permitted signal level is exceeded, the
detector automatically switches off and the red status LED on the detector module (see
Chapter 13.3, Figure 81, item 2) lights up.
•APDs are extremely sensitive detectors which can be damaged irreparably by light that
is too intense (such as room lighting). For this reason, APDs are protected by an
automatic shut-off. If the light that falls on the APDs is too intense, they are switched off
for a few seconds and an audible warning signal is emitted. The APDs are automatically
reactivated after a few seconds. Either switch off the APDs or reduce the light intensity
(e.g. by reducing the light intensity of the laser).
•To protect the counting units, never connect or disconnect any cable while the data
acquisition and control electronics are activated. Charged signal cables can destroy the
•Protect the photodetectors (APD or photomultiplier), particularly from excessive light
intensity, such as that from the microscope illumination, unattenuated backscatter
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