Leica TCS SP8 Quick Start Manual

Leica TCS SP8
Quick Start Guide
Leica TCS SP8 System Overview
Start-Up Procedure
1. Turn on the CTR Control Box, EL6000 fluorescent light source for the
microscope stand.
2. Turn on the Scanner Power (1) on the front of the Compact Supply Unit (CSU)
4. Enable the lasers by turning the key
from the Off position to the On position (3).
5. Turn on Workstation and Monitor
6. Log into user profile
7. Double click on the LAS X icon to start the software.
8. Select Machine for the Configuration and DMi8 for the Microscope. (the
simulator is used to view and analyze images and not acquistition)
10. Click OK to start the initialization of
the LAS AF (Leica Application Suite for Advanced Fluorescence)
11. A message will appear asking whether you want to initialize the stage. Initializing the stage is required to activate the Tiling and Mark & Find features in the software.
If you select yes, the stage is going to move to all 4 corners to calibrate the position of the stage.
Make sure there is nothing on the stage that will hit the condenser before you select yes!
Shut-Down Procedure
1. Turn off the lasers in the software
2. Lower the objective to the lowest position, remove specimen and clean all of the objectives
3. Save all unsaved data and exit LAS X.
NOTE: Do not turn off scanner and/or CTR control box for the microscope before the software is closed
4. Turn off the switches on the front of the laser supply unit in the reverse order (#3-#1) of start-up (ie. turn key off, then turn off Laser Power and then turn off Scanner Power)
5. Turn off microscope control box
The LAS X software will open in the Acquiretab. There are 3 portions to this window:
Scan Parameters Light Path Image
Turning on the Lasers:
1. Click on the “+” in the Laser Lines Box in the Beam Path Settings Window to directly open the main Laser Control Window
2. Activate the lasers you require
NOTE: Only turn on the laser(s) with the appropriate laser line(s) that will excite
the fluorophores you are using
3. Alternatively, click on the Configuration tab and the Laser icon to open the main Laser Control Window
Additional Tools in the Configuration Tab…
1. Customize the USB Control Panel - assign various parameter and sensitivities to
the various knobs of the control panel
Save and Load the customized settings
Alternatively , click on the Control Panel Icon in the Beam Path Settings Window as a short cut to the USB Control Panel Window
2. Specifications of the Objectives equipped on the microscope
Additional Tools in the Configuration Tab Continued…
3. Dye Database with the excitation and emission spectra of common fluorochromes
Emission spectrum from a lambda scan can be added to the dye database.
Many manufacturer’s will also provide the data for fluorophores that can added to the database (see LAS AF Help)
Another great resource is the Leica FluoScout interactive tool
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