Leica LPC Software installation

LabeLase® Producer
Software installation manual for
/HLFD/3 &
Cassette Printer
Revision 2
30. March 2010 Always keep this manual with the instrument.
Read carefully before working with the instrument.
Table of Contents
Copyright © 2007 InfoSight Corporation All rights reserved InfoSight ® is a registered trademark of InfoSight Corporation LabeLase ® is a registered trademark of InfoSight Corporation
InfoSight Corporation 20700 US HWY 23 Chillicothe, Ohio 45601 USA
Telephone: 001-740-642-3600 website: http://www.infosight.com eMail: service@infosight.com
LabeLase® Producer - Installation
Table of Contents
LabeLase® Producer
Software Installation Manual for Leica LPC – Cassette Printer
1. Software/firmware licensing agreement .................................................................................................. 7
2. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.1 Connecting your printer ............................................................................................................................... 9
2.2 Connection type ............................................................................................................................................. 9
2.3 What should I choose? .............................................................................................................................. 10
2.4 What next?.................................................................................................................................................... 11
3. Installation .................................................................................................................................................... 12
3.1 Minimum requirements .............................................................................................................................. 12
3.2 Software installation ................................................................................................................................... 12
3.3 Connection type ........................................................................................................................................... 15
3.3.1 RS232 serial port .............................................................................................................................16
3.3.2 USB port ........................................................................................................................................... 21
3.3.3 Ethernet network connection ...................................................................................................... 38
3.4 Installing the LabeLase® Producer ......................................................................................................... 65
Software Installation Manual, Revision 2 - 03/2010
Table of Contents
LabeLase® Producer
Software Instruction Manual Leica LP C – Cassette Printer
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 71
1.1 Features ........................................................................................................................................................ 71
1.2 System requirements .................................................................................................................................. 73
1.3 Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 74
2. Installation and Setup ................................................................................................................................. 76
2.1 Installation .................................................................................................................................................... 76
2.2 Setup ........................................................................................................................................................... 76
2.2.1 Connecting the printer to your computer .................................................................................. 76
3. User Interface ............................................................................................................................................... 79
3.1 Main form ...................................................................................................................................................... 79
3.1.1 Data Entry ........................................................................................................................................ 80
3.1.2 Print image ....................................................................................................................................... 83
3.1.3 Control buttons................................................................................................................................ 83
3.1.4 Status bar ......................................................................................................................................... 83
3.1.5 Menu ................................................................................................................................................. 84
3.1.6 File menu .......................................................................................................................................... 84
3.1.7 Printer menu ....................................................................................................................................85
3.1.8 Setup menu ...................................................................................................................................... 86
3.1.9 Maintenance menu ........................................................................................................................87
3.1.10 Help menu ........................................................................................................................................87
3.2 Main form - File menu .................................................................................................................................90
3.2.1 Open .................................................................................................................................................. 90
3.2.2 Supervisor/Operator ...................................................................................................................... 91
3.2.3 XL Tags ............................................................................................................................................. 92
3.3 Main form - Setup menu ............................................................................................................................ 92
3.3.1 Layout ............................................................................................................................................... 92
3.3.2 Printer Configuration ..................................................................................................................... 93
3.3.3 Supervisor password ................................................................................................................... 103
3.3.4 Units of measure........................................................................................................................... 103
3.3.5 Host Communications .................................................................................................................. 104
3.3.6 Preferences ...................................................................................................................................110
3.4 Layout Designer ......................................................................................................................................... 114
3.4.1 Layout menu .................................................................................................................................. 114
Menu ............................................................................................................................................... 115
File Menu ....................................................................................................................................... 115
Edit Menu .......................................................................................................................................116
View Menu ..................................................................................................................................... 118
Tools Menu ....................................................................................................................................119
LabeLase® Producer - Installation
Table of Contents
Setup Menu ................................................................................................................................... 119
3.4.2 Toolbars ......................................................................................................................................... 120
Edit Toolbar .................................................................................................................................... 120
Tool Toolbar................................................................................................................................... 121
Align Toolbar ................................................................................................................................. 121
Format Toolbar ..............................................................................................................................121
3.4.3 Status bar ....................................................................................................................................... 121
3.4.4 Adding a field ................................................................................................................................122
Text Field Editor ............................................................................................................................123
Barcode Field Editor .................................................................................................................... 127
Graphic Field Editor ......................................................................................................................133
Line Field Editor ............................................................................................................................. 134
Box Field Editor ............................................................................................................................. 135
Ellipse Field Editor ........................................................................................................................136
3.4.5 Selecting fields ............................................................................................................................. 137
Resizing .......................................................................................................................................... 138
Rotating .......................................................................................................................................... 138
Aligning .......................................................................................................................................... 138
3.4.6 Special flags ..................................................................................................................................148
Flag Help Form ..............................................................................................................................149
3.4.7 Geometry Form.............................................................................................................................. 151
Dimensions .................................................................................................................................... 151
3.4.8 Serial numbers ..............................................................................................................................152
Serial Numbers Form ................................................................................................................... 154
3.4.9 User Tables Form..........................................................................................................................155
3.4.10 User Data Form ............................................................................................................................. 159
3.4.11 Layout Preferences Form............................................................................................................161
Display Tab .................................................................................................................................... 161
Format Toolbar Tab ......................................................................................................................162
3.5 XL Tag batch printing ................................................................................................................................ 163
4. Host Communication ................................................................................................................................. 170
4.1 Connection type ......................................................................................................................................... 170
4.2 Settings of the serial RS232-C interface ............................................................................................... 171
4.3 Network Configuration ............................................................................................................................. 172
4.5 Communication protocol ..........................................................................................................................179
InfoSight Extended ....................................................................................................................................179
Programmable ........................................................................................................................................... 183
4.6 Data buffering ............................................................................................................................................ 183
5. Maintenance menu.................................................................................................................................... 184
5.1 Motor diagnostics ..................................................................................................................................... 185
5.2 View Printer I/Os ........................................................................................................................................ 186
5.3 Digital-to-analog converter .....................................................................................................................187
5.4 Barcode scanner ...................................................................................................................................... 188
Software Installation Manual, Revision 2 - 03/2010
1. Software/firmware licensing agreement
IMPORTANT: These programs are licensed to end users by InfoSight Corporation exclusively according to the following conditions. Receipt and use of these programs constitutes accep­tance of these conditions. This is a legally binding contract between you, the end user, and InfoSight Corporation.
InfoSight Corporation ("InfoSight") agrees to grant to you a non-exclusive license to use the InfoSight software program (the "PROGRAM") subject to the terms and conditions of this license agreement.
The term SOFTWARE refers to a computer program stored on a floppy dis­kette, hard disk drive, magnetic tape, or paper tape that must be loaded into the computer’s memory to be executed. The term FIRMWARE refers to a computer program stored in semiconductor memory (ROM, PROM, EPROM EEPROM, NVRAM, etc.) that is an integral part of the computer’s memory. Together, these forms of computer programs are refered to as the "PRO­GRAM".
The PROGRAM(s) and Documentation is owned by InfoSight and is pro­tected by United States copyright laws and by international treaty provi­sions. The PROGRAM(s) contain trade secrets and proprietary property of InfoSight. You may make one copy of the PROGRAM(s) solely for backup or archival purposes provided that the copy clearly displays the InfoSight copyright notice. Additional copies may be made when authorized to do so in writing by InfoSight. In addition to any other right of InfoSight, InfoSight has the right to terminate this license if the terms of this license are violated.
The single-processor version(s) of the PROGRAM(s) and Documentation are to be used on one computer or embedded system at any one time. The multi-processor versions(s) of the PROGRAM(s) and Documentation may be used over a network provided that the number of computers accessing the network simultaneously shall not exceed the number authorized by InfoSight or for which you paid the corresponding multi-processor fee. You may not distribute the PROGRAM(s) or Documentation to a third party. You may transfer the license and complete package (retaining nothing) if the transferee agrees to the terms of this License Agreement.
LabeLase® Producer - Installation
1. Software/firmware licensing agreement
Neither the PROGRAM(s) nor the Documentation may be changed or trans­lated without express written permission of InfoSight. You may not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the PROGRAM(s).
for this (these) PROGRAM(s) is covered by the InfoSight standard conditions of sale.
The license is effective until terminated. It will be terminated if you fail to comply with any term or condition of this License Agreement. You may ter­minate this License Agreement at any time. In the event of termination, you agree to destroy the PROGRAM(s) and Documentation together with all copies and related materials.
confirms that you have read this license agreement and agree to be bound by its provisions. This agreement is complete and supersedes any other agreement that may have related to the subject matter of this agreement.
Software Installation Manual, Revision 2 - 03/2010
Thank you for your decision to purchase a LabeLase® printer from InfoSight. Use this guide as a handy reference to get you up and running quickly. It will take you step by step through software and driver installation and configuration and help you verify that everything is working.
Note that this document covers the Installation of LabeLase® Producer and communications drivers for the following InfoSight printer:
Leica LP C - cassette printer
2.1 Connecting your printer
As you proceed with the installation process, you will be instructed to con­nect your printer to your PC, or to your local area network (LAN) depending on the connection type.
2.2 Connection type
How you connect your printer depends on the connection type you want to use. Your Leica LPC cassette printer offers three different connection op­tions, each of which has its own particular advantages and disadvantages. You must select one of these three connection types.
2. Introduction
Do not attempt to connect the printer to your PC or network un­til instructed to do so.
Using a serial COM port is the simplest way to connect the printer to your PC, since it doesn’t require you to install any additional drivers or software.
Fig. 1
LabeLase® Producer - Installation
However, many newer PC computers do not come with a serial COM port.
Select this option if you are using a USB to Serial convertor.
2. Introduction
Most modern PC’s come with one or more USB ports. If you select this op­tion, this program will guide you through the installation of the USB driver.
Do not select this option if you are using a USB to Serial convertor device, since it has its own device driver.
Fig. 2
If your PC is connected to an Ethernet network, you may also connect the printer to the network and access it from your PC. This option requires you to configure the IP address of the printer and install special drivers in your PC.
Fig. 3
2.3 What should I choose?
Many factors can influence your choice of connection type for your Leica LPC cassette printer.
If your PC is equipped with a serial port and this is not being used by other applications, we recommend that you use this port to connect your printer directly. This connection type is the simplest and most reliable, and you do not have to install a special driver or any other software to enaboe your Pro­ducer to communicate with your printer.
If your PC does not have a free serial port and you want to place your printer very close to the PC, another option is to connect the printer via USB. USB is a standard feature of practically every new Windows PC made, so it is highly likely that your PC will have one or more free USB ports. We will as­sist you in the process of installing the USB drivers on your PC.
Remember that this does NOT turn your printer into a "network printer".
Software Installation Manual, Revision 2 - 03/2010
2.4 What next?
2. Introduction
If your PC does not have a free serial port and you want to place your printer a long way from the PC, we recommend an Ethernet connection to you local area network (LAN). Even though this does not mean that your printer now becomes a "network printer" that can be used by multiple PC users, it still provides a fast, convenient connection to your new printer.
Once you have chosen the type of connection you wish to use with your printer, you may proceed to the next step where you will Install the Soft­ware.
LabeLase® Producer - Installation
3. Installation
3.1 Minimum requirements
In order for you to be able to install and use the Leica LPC cassette printer, your PC must have at least the following features:
100 % IBM PC-compatible computer
Pentium 400 MHz
Windows XP, Vista, 7*
50 MB free hard disk space
1 serial port, USB or Ethernet (for connecting the printer)
Color monitor (800 x 600 or higher resolution recommended)
CD or DVD drive
* Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000 are no longer supported by LabeLase® Producer. This does not necessarily mean that the software will not run on these platforms, but we cannot guarantee that it will, nor do we offer technical support if not everything works.
3.2 Software installation
First insert the installation CD in your PC’s CD or DVD drive**. If your computer is configured for autoplay of CDs, the installation program
should start automatically when the CD is inserted. If the program does not start automatically after a short time, you can start it manually yourself by one of the following methods:
In Windows Explorer, navigate to the CD or USB drive and double-click the program named LabeLaseInstaller.exe.
Click Start/Run and type in: D:\LabeLaseInstaller.exe
If necessary, replace the drive letter with the letter for your CD or USB drive!
** If your PC does not have its own CD drive, copy the installation CD to a USB stick, and apply the installation instructions to this device.
Software Installation Manual, Revision 2 - 03/2010
3. Installation
When the LabeLase® installer program starts, it will display a welcome screen as shown below.
When you are ready to begin the installation process, click "Next".
LabeLase® Producer - Installation
Fig. 4
3. Installation
The next step requires you to read and agree to InfoSight’s Software License Agreement.
Fig. 5
If you do not agree to be legally bound by the terms of this license, simply exit the program. Otherwise, click "I accept the terms..." and then click the "Next" button.
Software Installation Manual, Revision 2 - 03/2010
3.3 Connection type
3. Installation
Select the connection type for the connection between your PC and the Leica LPC cassette printer.
For a description, see chapter "2.2 Connection types" beginning on page 9.
Depending on the connection type you choose for your printer, click the corresponding option box (or on the image with the cable) and then on "Next".
LabeLase® Producer - Installation
Fig. 6
3. Installation
Fig. 7
Fig. 8
Fig. 9
If you chose to connect the printer using a serial RS232 communications port, continue on to Step 5.
If you chose to connect the printer using a USB port, continue on to Step 6.
If you chose to connect the printer using an Ethernet network connection, continue on to Step 7.
3.3.1 RS232 serial port
Fig. 10
To connect the printer to the serial port on your PC, you need a serial cable with a DB9 connector. This cable is included with the printer at delivery.
Software Installation Manual, Revision 2 - 03/2010
3. Installation
Locate the serial COM port on the back of the printer as shown in the figure below.
Connect one end of the serial cable to this port, and the other end of the cable to a similar port on your PC.
Switch the printer ON (16) and wait for it to initialize.
LabeLase® Producer - Installation
Fig. 11
3. Installation
After you selected Serial RS232 as your connection type, you will see a screen that looks similar to the one shown below.
Fig. 12
Click "Next" to select the port, or to find out which port the printer is con­nected to.
Software Installation Manual, Revision 2 - 03/2010
3. Installation
The installer will show you a list of COM ports that are installed on your PC as shown below. Note that the actual list of COM ports will vary from this figure depending on the number of ports that are installed on your PC.
Fig. 13
If you know which port you have used to connect to the printer, simply click the name of the port to select it and then click the "Next" button. If you want to test the port to make sure it can communicate to the printer, proceed to step 5d below.
LabeLase® Producer - Installation
3. Installation
If you are not sure of the name of the port, or if you want to test the port connection, click "Find". The program will attempt to communicate with the printer via each of the listed ports.
Fig. 14
As is shown in the above figure, the program has found a Leica LPC model printer on serial port COM3. The model number, firmware version and serial number of the printer are displayed.
Software Installation Manual, Revision 2 - 03/2010
3.3.2 USB port
3. Installation
When you have selected or found the port to which the printer is connected, click "Next" to continue.
If you have used the "Find" button and the program has found and communi­cated with the printer, you can advance to Step 9 to install the version of LabeLase® Producer.
In order to connect the printer to your PC’s USB port, you need a standard USB cable. The printer is shipped with this cable if the USB option has been installed on it.
Fig. 15
Locate the USB port on the back of the printer as shown in the figure below.
LabeLase® Producer - Installation
Connect one end of the USB cable to this port on the printer, but DO NOT connect the other end of the cable to your PC.
It is important that you wait until instructed to connect the USB cable to your PC.
Switch the printer (16) ON and wait for it to initialize.
Fig. 16
3. Installation
After you selected USB as your connection type, you will see a screen that looks similar to the one shown below.
Fig. 17
Even if you are using a USB port to connect the printer to your PC, the LabeLase® Producer software still expects to communicate with the printer via a serial port. For this to work, the installed USB driver creates a "virtual" serial port, which convinces the Producer that it is a serial port, but is actually using a USB connection. When you are ready to install the "virtual" serial port of the USB connection, click "Next".
Software Installation Manual, Revision 2 - 03/2010
3. Installation
When the USB installer (also called the VCP installer) begins, you will see a screen like that shown below. Note that the appearance of the screen may vary according to your operating system version.
LabeLase® Producer - Installation
Fig. 18
You will need to read and agree to the Software License Agreement for the USB drivers.
3. Installation
At several points during the installation of the USB driver, you may see the Windows Logo testing notification as shown below.
Fig. 19
If you see this message, you can click "Continue Anyway" without any prob- lems.
Software Installation Manual, Revision 2 - 03/2010
3. Installation
After the USB driver has been successfully installed, you will see a screen similar to the one shown below.
Click the "Finish" button to continue the installation.
LabeLase® Producer - Installation
Fig. 20
3. Installation
After the USB driver installation has completed, the LabeLase® Installer will present the screen shown below.
Fig. 21
Now, the printer’s USB cable is connected to a free USB port on your PC. Make sure that the printer is switched on and it has finished initializing before you connect the cable.
Software Installation Manual, Revision 2 - 03/2010
3. Installation
A few seconds after you connect the USB cable to your PC, Windows will detect the newly added hardware and will display a notice in the system tray. The next step differs depending upon the version of Windows.
Windows 7
Fig. 22
On computers with Windows 7, the message indicating that new hardware has been detected is accompanied by a security warning. Allow the driver to be installed. The driver is usually installed without further intervention and Windows informs you that the device driver software has been installed successfully.
Advance to Step 6l (starting on page 32).
LabeLase® Producer - Installation
Fig. 23
3. Installation
Windows XP
Fig. 24
On computers with a Windows XP operating system, after the "New hard­ware found" (USB VCP adapter) message appears, Windows will launch the
wizard for new hardware.
Fig. 25
If Windows prompts you to switch to Windows Update so that you can find the software for the new hardware, click "No, not this time". Since the printer driver has already been installed, it is not necessary for Windows to look for it. Click "Next" to continue.
Software Installation Manual, Revision 2 - 03/2010
3. Installation
The Found New Hardware Wizard will then ask you what to do next as shown below.
Click the button that tells the wizard to "Install the software automatically (Recommended)" and then click the "Next" button to continue. Windows may find several driver files that it thinks are suitable for your computer and present a list of choices as shown below:
LabeLase® Producer - Installation
Fig. 26
3. Installation
Fig. 27
Special note:Special note:
Special note: It is extremely important that you select the cor-
Special note:Special note: rect driver for your operating system. Bear in mind that Win­dows will not necessarily offer the most suitable driver in this list for you to select. You may have to scroll the list sideways in order to see the full path name which contains the operating system version as shown above. If the wrong driver for the op­erating system is chosen, it is possible that the Leica LPC cas­sette printer does not work with a USB connection.
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