Leica LMD6500
Leica LMD7000
Laser Microdissection Systems

Ultimate Perfection!
Laser microdissection (LMD) is the ultimate tool for perfection.
LMD makes it possible to obtain homogenous, ultrapure samples
from heterogenous starting material. A researcher can selectively
and routinely analyze regions of interest down to single cells to
obtain results that are reproducible, and specific.
Laser microdissection uses a microscope to visualize individual
cells or cell clusters. Regions of interest are selected by software,
excised from the surrounding tissue by a laser, and collected by
gravity into specialized devices for analysis.
There has been enormous progress in the development of laser
microdissection instrumentation in recent years. The driving force
in this area is the development of laser microdissection systems
by Leica Microsystems.

At the forefront of laser microdissection technology,
only the Leica LMD6500 and Leica LMD7000 offer:
t Laser beam movement via optics – fast and precise cuts
t Specimen collection by gravity – contact- and contamination-free
t Dedicated objectives for LMD – highest possible laser power
t Adjustable laser – for thick, thin, soft, and hard tissue

Specimen Collection
by Gravity
t Contact- and contamination-free collection
t Fast and reliable specimen collection
t Dissect all specimen shapes and sizes
t Pool unlimited amounts of specimen
t Use standard consumables
The three slide holder allows simultaneous work on up
to three slides. Several holders for different applications
are available.
LMD uses a UV laser to isolate microscopic regions from samples.
Leica Microsystems applies the most gentle technique for specimen collection – gravity.
Contact- and contamination-free
Gravity is the most sensible method of specimen collection. Once
the region of interest is excised, it gently falls into the collection
vessel. No additional steps or complicated methods are necessary. Most importantly, the specimens are not touched. This makes
specimen collection by gravity a contamination-free procedure.
Transfer dissectates of any size or shape
Gravity is the ideal tool to collect dissectates of any size or shape –
round and compact, or long and thin – it simply falls into the collection device. Large areas up to several mm2 are excised in one
step. No subdivision into smaller transportable sections is required. This ensures the complete recovery of the sample without
the loss of tissue due to additional cut lines.
Collect directly into reaction buffer
Collection by gravity is the fastest way to progress from tissue
section to reaction buffer. The collection vessel may contain
medium or buffer. Additionally, unlimited amounts of specimen
can be pooled.
Most comprehensive method
Leica Microsystems offers a wide range of specially designed
membrane systems for the best specimen preparations from tissue sections, over cell cultures, bacteria suspensions, plant materials, and many more. Samples and membranes are simultaneously cut by the laser. Specimen preparation has to be adapted to
the experimental needs, and with gravity as the motor for collection, the indispensable flexibility is provided.
Convenient handling of the collectors due to the automatically movable tray. The tray takes customized devices as

Laser Beam Movement
via Optics
When a high-energy laser pulse hits the sample a fast reaction
limited to the focus of the laser light called “cold ablation” occurs.
Surrounding tissue is not impaired or heated.
Only Leica Microsystems uses high-precision optics to direct the
laser beam along the desired cutting line.
Highest precision
Precision is the prerequisite to obtain homogenous material for
downstream analysis and reliable results. The unique laser beam
movement of the Leica LMD7000 and LMD6500 is controlled by
patented* high precision optics, while the microscope stage and
the sample are stationary. The cutting precision is unmatched and
far superior to using a fixed laser beam and moving the sample.
Maximal speed
Quick and reliable material collection for downstream analysis is
of highest importance. By moving only small optical parts during
the cutting process, Leica Microsystems’ approach allows precise cutting at high magnifications, and fast cutting speeds at low
magnifications. This technique ensures rapid capture, minimizing
degradation of the specimen.
Real-time laser cutting
A smart software tool allows live, on-the-fly dissections. The
unique function is especially beneficial for specimens that are difficult to cut. This tool can also be used for real-time ablation of
tissue. An important effect of laser beam movement is the ability
to conveniently document the dissection with movies. The image
remains fixed and only the laser beam moves – just the way our
eyes are used to.
t Highest possible precision
t Maximal speed
t Real-time laser cutting
t Convenient movie documentation
t Maintenance free
Step 1: Define region of interest
Step 2: Laser beam steered by optics along the cut line
* Patented EP 1276586 B1, US 7035004 B2, JP 3996773 B2, TW 486566 B
Step 3: Specimen collection by gravity