Leica LED5000 HDI, LED5000, LED5000 MCI, LED5000 CXI, LED3000 NVI User Manual

Leica LED Illuminator Manual
● LED3000●RL
● LED3000●NVI
● LED5000●RL
● LED5000●MCI
● LED5000●CXI
● LED5000●HDI™
Safety Concept
Before●using●your●microscope●for●the●rst●time,● please●read●the●"Safety●concept"●brochure●inclu­ded●with●your● instrument.●●It● contains●additio­nal●information●about●handling●and●care.
Use in clean rooms
Leica● LED● illuminators● can● be● used● in● clean● rooms●without●any●problems.
● Do●not●use●any●unsuitable●cleaning ●agents,●
● Never● use● chemicals● to● clean● colored●
surfaces● or● accessories● with● rubberized● parts.●This● could●damage●the●surfaces,●and● specimens●could●be●contaminated●by●abra­ded●particles.●
● In●most●cases,●we●can●provide●spe cial●solu-
tions● on● request.● Some● products● can● be● modied,● and●we●can●oer●other● accesso­ries●for●use●in●c lean●rooms.●●
● Repairs● may● only● be● carried● out● by● Leica●
Microsystems-trained● service● technicians.● Only● original● Leica● Microsystems● spare● parts●may●be ●used.
Responsibilities of person in charge of instrument
● Ensure● that● the● Leica● LED● i lluminator● is●
operated,● maintained● and● repaired● by● authorized●and●trained●personnel●only.
Leica LED Illuminator Manual 2
Symbols Used
Warning of a danger
tant●information●that●must●be●read●and● complied● with.● Failure●to●follow● these● instruc­tions● may● pose● hazards● to● personnel,● impair● the●system's●performance●or●dam age●the● inst­rument.
Important information
This● symbol● indicates● additional● infor-
mation● or● explanations● that● intend● to●
Explanatory notes
● This●symbol●within●the●text●stands●for●addi-
Leica LED Illuminator Manual 3
Table of Contents
About Leica LED Illuminators
LED:●Illuminant●with●a●Future● 6 Control●via●LAS●and●Leica●SmartTouch®● 7
Leica LED3000 RL
About●the●Leica●LED3000●RL● 9 Leica●LED3000●RL:● Assembly● 10 Leica●LED3000●RL:● Use● 12 Control●of●the●Leica●LED5000●3000●Ring●Illuminator● 13 Leica●LED3000●RL:● Dimensional●Drawings● 14
Leica LED3000 NVI™
About●the●Leica●LED3000●NVI™● 16 Leica●LED3000●NVI™ :●Assembly● 17 Leica●LED3000●NVI™ :●Use● 19 Leica●LED3000●NVI™ ●and●Leica●SmartTouch®● 20 Leica●LED3000●NVI™ :●Dimensional●Drawings● 21
Leica LED5000 RL
About●the●Leica●LED5000●RL● 23 Leica●LED5000●RL:● Assembly● 24 Leica●LED5000●RL:● Use● 25 Leica●LED5000●RL●a nd●Leica●SmartTouch®● 26 Leica●LED5000●RL:● Dimensional●Drawings● 27
Leica LED5000 MCI
About●the●Leica●LED5000●MCI● 29 Leica●LED5000●MCI: ●Assembly● 30 Leica●LED5000●MCI: ●Alternative●Assembly● 31 Leica●LED5000●MCI™ :●Use● 32 Leica●LED5000●MCI● and●Leica●SmartTouch®● 34 Leica●LED5000●MCI: ●Dimensional●Drawings● 35
Leica LED5000 CXI
About●the●Leica●LED5000●CXI● 37 Leica●LED5000●CXI:●Assembly● 38 Leica●LED5000●CXI:●Use● 40 Leica●LED5000●CXI●and●Leica●SmartTouch®● 41 Leica●LED5000●CXI:●Dimensional●Drawings● 42
Leica LED5000 HDI™
About●the●Leica●LED5000●HDI™● 44 Leica●LED5000●HDI™ :●Assembly● 45 Leica●LED5000●HDI™ :●Illumination●Scenarios● 46 Leica●LED5000●HDI™ ●and●Leica●SmartTouch®● 48 Leica●LED5000●HDI™ :●Dimensional●Drawings● 49
Leica LED Illuminator Manual 4

About Leica LED Illuminators

Leica LED Illuminator Manual 5

LED: Illuminant with a Future

Congratulations●on●purchasing●your●LED●illumi­nator●from●Leica●Microsystems.●You●have●made● an● excellent● choice:● You● will● enjoy● the● high● quality●and●well-conceived●operation●for●a●long● time●to●come●and●it●will●provide●the●best●possi­ble● lighting● for● your●work● –● regardless● of● the● type●of●specimen●you●would●like●to●examine.
All● of● the● Leica● LED● illuminators● oer● a● great● number●of●advantages●you●will●not●want●to●do● without:
● Constant● color● temperature● (daylight)●
throughout●the●ent ire●lifecycle
● Extremely● long●service●life●of● up●to●50,000●
● Absolutely● maintenance-free;● no● lamp●
● Depending● on● the● illuminator,● individual●
segments● can● be●switched● on●or●o● inde­pendently● from● one●another●so●that●die­rent●illumination●scenarios●are●possible.
● It● is● controlled● either● on● the● instrument,●
via●the●Leica●SmartTouch®●panel● or●via●the● Leica●Application●Suite●software
● Extremely●low●power●consumption●at● high●
The●Leica●LED●illuminators●work●seamlessly●with● all●Leica●M●series ●stereomicroscopes.
Using● the● Leica● Application● Suite● software● (LAS),●users●can●control,● save,●and●later● call●up● scenarios● with● dierent● microscope● and● light● settings●at●the●touch●of●a●button.
We● wish● you● great● joy● and●success● with● your● new●LED●illumin ator●by●Leica●Microsystems!
Leica LED Illuminator Manual 6

Control via LAS and Leica SmartTouch®

Each● Leica● LED● illuminator● can● also● be● cont­rolled● via● the● Leica●Application● Suite● (LA S)●or● the●Leica●SmartTouch®●control●unit.
Leica Application Suite (LAS)
The●PC-based●LAS●software●allows●users●to●inte­grate●each●Leica●LED●illuminator●into●the●work­ow.● Control● the● intensity● of● the● ill umination● and●the●desired●illumination●scenario●from●your● computer.●Stored●scenarios●can●be●called●up●at● any●time●at●the●touch●of● a● button● so●that●you●
can● be● assured● that● you● will● have● consistent● conditions●for●your●experiments.
For● information● on● how● to● control● the●
manual●for●the●LA S●software.
Leica SmartTouch®
All●Leica●LED●illuminators●can●also●be●used●with● the● Leica● SmartTouch®● control● unit.● Exactly● as●is●the● case● with●LAS,●the●illuminator●can● be● switched● on● and● o● or●the●brightness● can● be● adjusted.●Moreover,●you● can●access●one●of● the● preset●illumination●scenarios●with●a●single●tap.● All●settings●can● be●saved●and●retrieved●later● at● the●touch●of●a●button.
The● instructions●for●controlling● the● illu-
minator●usi ng●Leica●SmartTouch®●can●be●
Leica SmartTouch™
Leica LED Illuminator Manual 7

Leica LED3000 RL

Leica LED Illuminator Manual 8

About the Leica LED3000 RL

The●Leica●LED3000●RL●("Ring●Light")●generates●a● very●bright●and●homogenous●incident●light.●The● ring●illuminator●illuminates● the●specimen● with● 24●LEDs●that●can●be●switched●on●or●o●together● or●in●various●combinations.
any●objectives●that●h ave●an●outer●diame­ter●of●58● mm.●The●supported●working● distance● is●between●65●mm●and●150●mm.
It● is● controlled● using● either● the ● integrated● keypad●or●via●the●Leica●Application●Suite●(LAS)● or●the●Leica●SmartTouch®.
LAS● and●the●Leica●SmartTouch®● enable● you●to● create●fully●reproducible●illumination●scenarios● and● automatically● toggle● between● them.● For● additional● information●on● controlling● the● illu­minator●via●LAS,● please●refer●to●the●LAS●online● help.
Leica LED Illuminator Manual 9

Leica LED3000 RL: Assembly

Required tools
● None
Installing the Leica LED3000 RL
1.● Place●the●Leica●LED3000●RL●on●the●objective●
Connection and power supply
with●the●electronic●focusing●column.●The● power● is● then● supplied● via● the● CTL2● connec­tion.●In●addition,●the●com munication●between● LAS●or●the●Leica●SmartTouch®●is●transferred●via● the●same●connection.
If● you● work● with● the● manual● focusing●
column,● the● Leica●LED3000● RL● must● be● supplied● with● power● via● the● external● power● supply●unit●provided.● Moreover,●the●illuminator● cannot● be●controlled●via●the●Leica● Application● Suite●in●this●case.
Connection to the electronic focusing column
1.● Connect●the●Leica●LED3000●RL●to●the●focu­sing●column●via●the●CTL2●port.
Leica LED Illuminator Manual 10
Leica LED3000 RL: Assembly (cont'd.)
Power supply when using the manual focusing column
1.● Connect● the● external● power● supply● unit ● (10●450●266)●to●the●Leica●LED3000●RL.
Installing optional accessories
● The●optional●diuser●i s●attached● and●scre-
● The●optional●polarization●set●(polarizer●and●
analyzer)●is●attached●and●screwed●in●below● the●ring●illumi nator.
Leica LED Illuminator Manual 11

Leica LED3000 RL: Use

The● light● of●the● Leica● LED3000● RL● can●
be●very●bright.●Therefore,●always●switch● on●the●illuminator●before●you●look●through●the● eyepieces!●Avoid●looking●directly●into●the●LEDs.
Using the keypad
● Use● the● ● button● to● switch● the● Leica●
LED3000●RL●illu minator●on●or●o.●
● Use● the● ● and● ● buttons● to● adjust● the●
● Touch●either●of●the●two● buttons● to● adjust●
the●quantity●o f●light●in●small●increments.
● Hold● the● button● pressed● to● change● the●
quantity●of●li ght●more●quickly.
The illumination scenarios
You●can● switch● between● dierent● illumination● scenarios● (full● ring,● half● ring,● quarter● rings,● opposite● quarter● rings)● using● the● ● button.● The● active● illuminator● segments● are● displayed● on● the● front● control● panel● eld● by● means● of● LEDs.
Use● the● ●and● ● buttons● to● rotate●the●active● segments●clockw ise●or●counterclockwise.
Leica LED Illuminator Manual 12

Control of the Leica LED5000 3000 Ring Illuminator

Using● the● Leica● SmartTouch™,● you● can●
control●both●the●brightness●and●various● illumination●sce narios●for●the●Leica●LED3000●RL● ("Ring●Light").
Adjusting the illumination
1.● Touch●the●"Light"●tab.
2.● In●the●upper●area,●touch●the●symbol●for●the● Leica●LED3000●RL.
3.● Switch●on●the●illuminator.
4.● Touch● the● lamp● symbols● to● adjust● the● intensity●of●the●light.
5.● Touch● one● of● the● symbols● for● the● light● scenarios● to● adjust● the● lighting● to● your● needs.
You●cannot● modify● the●default●illumina-
Leica LED Illuminator Manual 13

Leica LED3000 RL: Dimensional Drawings

Leica LED3000 RL (dimensions in mm)
Leica LED Illuminator Manual 14

Leica LED3000 NVI™

Leica LED Illuminator Manual 15
+ 34 hidden pages