MultiStep Imaging!
Automatic Image Acquisition
LAS MultiStep is an optional module that
when used with a Leica microscope,
motorised scanning stage and digital
camera, automatically acquires images at
XY positions defined by a rectangular
pattern. The camera can acquire images as
soon as the stage has reached the specified
position and halted. The images are stored
to the hard drive in tiff, bmp or jpeg format
and can be recalled individually for further
analysis or stitched together to create an
assembled overview mosaic image.
Furthermore, the defined sequence and
parameters that have been used during
image capture can be saved and retrieved
at a later date.
Other benefits include:
• Total microscope and digitial camera
control in a fully integrated manner.
• Intuitive view of scan images through
the sophisticated gallery from which
images can be selected for closer
• Live images can be annotated with
calibration markers to provide a quick
and easy guide to image size.
• Scanning sequences and microscope
settings can be saved and recalled to
increase efficiency whilst saving
valuable time.