Brilliant Depth of Focus!
Automatic Image Acquisition
The LAS Multifocus module is designed
to acquire extended depth of field images
from Leica motorised microscopes. Exposure, gain, shading and all other camera
parameters can be individually set to optimise the quality of image acquisition.
Other benefits include:
• Comprehensive digital camera control
functions including the ability to adjust
focus position on live image display.
• Fully integrated control of motorised
focus on Leica Stereomicroscopes,
Leica Macroscopes and Leica
Compound microscopes, both upright
and inverted.
• Simplified operations by automatically
adjusting step size and the number
of images to microscope magnification,
aperture and camera resolution.
• Automatic Z-stack image capture
for routine operation. Different
configurations can be stored for
later recall, allowing immediate use
with standard specimens.
• Manual operation for
when motorised focus is
not available.
Create Multifocus
Once digital images have been collected at
different Z-positions they are intelligently
combined into one single sharp composite
image that massively extends the depth
of focus.
• Further enhancements can be applied
such as contrast, brightness and gamma
adjustment to optimise image display.
• A small region of interest may be selected
from the whole image to identify an
area of significance and view it in detail.
• Images from microscopes with nontelecentric optics can be resized and
aligned using auto correlation.