Measuring Up with LAS!
Interactive Measurements
The Leica Application Suite Interactive
Measurement Module is designed to
simplify the manual tasks involved when
deriving calibrated measurement parameters
such as length, area, perimeter,
diameter and angles. By tracing around an
object of interest, it is easy to identify areas
of significance and perform sophisticated
measurements upon them. The colour and
line thickness of measurement tracings
can even be adjusted to contrast fully with
the underlying image or merged into it to
create a permanent record. Furthermore,
each measurement can be labelled with a
sequence number, a parameter name, a
value and a written comment.
The LAS Interactive Measurement module
allows objects to be counted individually
and assigned to a labelled class which
can be allocated a specific colour for
identification purposes. Additionally, those
that consist of multiple fragments can be
grouped so that the total area of the group is
derived. All configurations defined during
measurements can also be saved and
recalled for convenient repetition.
Other benefits include:
• Fully integrated with microscope and
digitial camera control.
Measurements can be applied to
images or accumulated over
multiple images so that statistical
trends can be determined.
• Live images can be annotated with
calibration markers to provide a quick
and easy guide to image size.
• Object tracings can be stored and
recalled in overlay format so that they
can be reviewed effortlessly.
• An intuitive gallery displays acquired
images, which can be immediately
selected for measurements.