Lab on a Chip
Applications with Laser Microdissection

Lab on a Chip
Your Benefits with Leica Microsystems
Low fluid volume consumptions
Faster analysis and response times
High-througput analysis
Safer platform for chemical, radioactive
and biological studies
Direct transfer of dissected material to
chip with laser microdissection
with Laser Microdissection
Lab on a chip (LOC) is a device that integrates one or several
laboratory functions on a single chip, e.g. sample collection and
PCR analysis.
Laser microdissection (LMD) with Leica Microsystems is the
ultimate tool for the perfection of LOC applications – analyze
smallest amounts of starting material for quick and reliable
LMD uses a microscope to visualize individual cells or cell clusters.
Regions of interest are selected by a software, excised from the
surrounding tissue by a laser, and collected easily and safely by
gravity into the wells of the LOC devices in a single step.
Direct visual quality control of the dissectates in the chip can
easily be achieved with the Leica LMD6500 or the Leica LMD7000
Typical applications:
Plant Sciences
Single Cell Expression Analysis
Easy handling of various commercial and self made lab
on a chip (LOC) devices with specially designed heightadjustable collector.
Leica LMD7000 – The driving force in the development of
laser microdissection is Leica Microsystems.
Order number:
11505256 Height-adjustable LOC collector,
adjustable from 1 - 5 mm chip thickness
Intuitive user-interface and variable set-up of different LOCs – select chips with
up to 4 x 12 wells.
* Requirements: Leica LAS 3.6, LMD Software V 6.7, and scanning stage