In Vitro Fertilization
Your Applications – Our Solutions
Systems and Instruments for the IVF Lab

Focus on the Oocyte
At a glance:
Free of vibrations – stable stand to carry •
all common types of micromanipulators
Freedom of choice – manual and auto-•
mated components, such as stage,
condenser, objectives
Superior optics for brilliant images –•
unique Leica integrated modulation
contrast for standard objectives 5x–63x
Convenient handling of the petri dish at •
the right temperature – 37°C heating stage
with fl at surface and glass bottom
Compatibility – further supporting•
components for daily routine or
sophisticated research
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) has become a standard
method in IVF labs around the globe. The right equipment in your
lab supports your effort to constitute a good laboratory practice,
to work in a convenient and effective way and at the end to increase the reproduction rate.
The microscopes and accessories of Leica Microsystems are
designed to support your daily work.
The Leica Microsystems inverted microscopes are especially
appreciated for their superior optical performance in imaging
oocytes, sperms and injection capillary. Stability and robustness are matters of course to provide you with best tools for
your work.
Courtesy of: C. Mehnert, Zentrum für In vivo Fertilization,
Giessen, Germany
The Tokaihit MATS, heating plate becomes fl ush with the
stage surface to ensure easy handling of the specimens
and easy operation of the manipulator
The perfect ICSI workstation: Leica DMI3000 B, 3-plate stage,condenser S40 for modulation contrast
for objectives 5x to 63x, new Narishige manipulators with injection units, heating stage 37°C.

Zoom in on the Sperm
The method of intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm
injection (IMSI) has gained a lot of interest in the last years. In
close collaboration, listening to the voice of our users, Leica
Microsystems has set up a sophisticated and convenient working
station for IMSI.
The Leica Microsystems solution provides superior optical performance combined with ease of use: The unique micromanipulation
system Leica AM6000 combined with IMSI allows the control of
the micromanipulator and microscope by one control panel and
offers highest performance for IMSI and ICSI on one workstation.
The 100x objective with high numerical aperture together with
additional optical magnifi cation provides a total magnifi cation of
up to 16000x on an LCD screen to clearly identify and analyze the
morphology of the sperm.
At a glance:
Manipulator and microscope connected•
via digital interface – manipulator movement is aligned to magnifi cation
Less vibration – one control panel for •
microscope and manipulators
Reproducible images – all system•
functions are intelligently automated
Only one company to deal with –•
one supplier of electronics, optics and
mechanical components
Ergonomic benefi ts and operating safety – •
by integral control and top level motorization
The perfect combined IMSI and ICSI workstation: unique Leica AM6000, motorized 3-plate stage,
DIC or modulation contrast for objectives 5x up to 100x, heating stage 37°C.
Superior DIC – Best contrast at the push of a button.
Depending on the user preferences the Leica Integrated
Modulation Contrast is also available.
The optical zoom system accomplishes a continuous
view of the moving sperms, while selecting the optimal
magnifi cation. You can keep the orientation to the edge
of the drop of medium.