Leica iNEX User Manual

User Manual
Mapping & Guidance Display
iNEX User Manual Page i Rev 2
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Leica Geosystems Pty Ltd.
No liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this publication, Leica Geosystems assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, nor is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. Further this publication and features described herein are subject to change without notice.
Use of this system is strictly limited to providing steering assistance to the operator who must remain in control of the vehicle at all times.
Leica Geosystems, including its officers servants and agents, does not make any representation to any party and will not accept any responsibility or liability whatsoever for any loss or damage of whatever nature suffered by any such person or corporation choosing or seeking to use this system or any part thereof.
By use of this system you agree that Leica Geosystems is not liable or responsible for any damage whatsoever to the vehicle, any property, personal injuries, or death that may result from the use or abuse of this system.
iNEX User Manual Page ii Rev 2
iNEX User Manual
Written for iNEX Mapping & Guidance Display
Part number: 1-1345
Revision: 2
Publication Date, March 2009
2009 Leica Geosystems Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
Windows XP® is registered to Microsoft Corp.
Other products and trademarks mentioned in this manual are the property of their registered owners.
iNEX User Manual Page iii Rev 2
Table Of Contents
1 iNEX Overview .......................................................................................... 1
1.1 Product Description.............................................................................1
1.2 iNEX Components................................................................................2
2 iNEX Installation ....................................................................................... 5
2.1 Before Installation...............................................................................5
2.2 Installing the iNEX Display....................................................................6
2.3 Installing the Power Cable....................................................................7
2.4 Installing the iNEX Vehicle Cable...........................................................8
2.5 Connecting Remote Master Switch.......................................................9
2.6 Connecting Remote Input ....................................................................9
2.7 Connecting the Optional AS310.........................................................10
3 Getting Started ...................................................................................... 11
3.1 Starting the iNEX ...............................................................................11
3.2 Shutting the iNEX Down ....................................................................12
3.3 Screen Layout ...................................................................................13
3.4 Basic Menu Layout.............................................................................17
3.5 Creating A Basic Vehicle.....................................................................18
3.6 Treating A Field .................................................................................25
4 Guidance................................................................................................ 29
4.1 Different Types Of Guidance Available ...............................................29
4.2 Selecting Active Guidance Types ........................................................31
4.3 Using Guidance..................................................................................32
4.4 Configuring Guidance Options............................................................39
Save & Load Guidelines .....................................................................42
5 Field Memory ......................................................................................... 45
5.1 Field Memory.....................................................................................45
5.2 Field History ......................................................................................47
6 Advanced Data Records .......................................................................... 52
6.1 Adding a New Client & Farm ..............................................................52
6.2 Selecting a Client & Farm...................................................................53
6.3 AutoFIELD..........................................................................................53
6.4 Using the Tank Manager ....................................................................56
6.5 Recording Weather Details ................................................................61
6.6 Using Flags........................................................................................62
6.7 Driver Security...................................................................................63
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7 Customising the System.......................................................................... 65
7.1 Enabling New Options .......................................................................65
7.2 Setting the GPS Source Options.........................................................66
7.3 Selecting the Language......................................................................67
7.4 Configuring the Display......................................................................68
7.5 Configuring Remote Buttons..............................................................71
7.6 Setting the Sound Volume & Options.................................................72
8 AutoSTEER ............................................................................................. 73
8.1 Configuring AutoSTEER ......................................................................73
8.2 Using AutoSTEER ...............................................................................74
9 Virtual Wrench..................................................................................... 76
9.1 Connecting to Virtual Wrench
9.2 Requesting Remote Support ..............................................................77
9.3 Upgrading Software Remotely ...........................................................78
10 AutoSPRAY............................................................................................. 79
10.1 Setting Up AutoSPRAY....................................................................79
10.2 Calibrating AutoSPRAY....................................................................80
10.3 Using AutoSPRAY ...........................................................................84
11 FieldNET................................................................................................. 86
11.1 Configuring the System for FieldNET ..............................................87
11.2 Using FieldNET ...............................................................................88
12 System Maintenance............................................................................... 91
12.1 Starting Up in Launcher Mode ........................................................91
12.2 Upgrading Software .......................................................................92
12.3 Downgrading Software ..................................................................92
12.4 Calibrating the Touch Screen..........................................................93
12.5 System Recovery Options...............................................................93
13 Safety.................................................................................................... 97
13.1 Precautions and Safety Measures...................................................97
13.2 Intended Use .................................................................................98
13.3 Limits of Use..................................................................................99
13.4 Responsibilities............................................................................100
13.5 Hazards of Use ............................................................................101
13.6 Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC ...............................................105
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14 International Limited Warranty, Software Licence Agreement .................. 107
15 Appendix.............................................................................................. 109
15.1 Equipment Measurement Examples ..............................................109
15.2 Setting the FieldNET Radio Group ID.............................................122
15.3 GPS Receiver Settings ..................................................................123
15.4 Connection Pin Assignments ........................................................124
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iNEX User Manual Page 1 Rev 2
1 iNEX Overview
1.1 Product Description
The Leica iNEX is a GPS-based guidance system with the capability to
interface to a number of different 3rd party components such as GPS receivers, rate controllers and steer controllers.
The Leica iNEX is a robust single body computer system manufactured
specifically for use in agriculture. It incorporates an intelligent power system which protects the computer from abnormal input power often found in agricultural vehicles.
When coupled with a Leica mojoRTK, the Leica iNEX extends the
capability of the mojoRTK to a large, full colour touch screen, incorporating additional features including more Guidance patterns, automatic section shutoff and advanced data recording.
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1.2 iNEX Components
1.2.1 iNEX Display
a. Power button
b. Brightness down/up
c. Remote buttons 1 to 4
d. Speaker
e. RAM mount
f. USB port
g. Touch screen
h. Display connector (male)
iNEX Description
Power Button Press to turn iNEX on and off. Hold for 2 seconds when turning iNEX on to start Launcher mode.
Brightness Down/Up Press repeatedly to turn iNEX Display backlight brightness down or up.
Remote Buttons 1 To 4 Four separate buttons which can be assigned shortcut functions from within the system.
Speaker Emits sounds made by the iNEX.
RAM Mount Mounting point for the iNEX Display.
USB Port Used for data transfer and iNEX software upgrades.
Touch Screen The iNEX Display is touch sensitive and is the main user interface.
Display Connector (male) The connection point for the iNEX vehicle cabling. Allows easy movement of system between vehicles.
a b c d e
g h
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1.2.2 iNEX Vehicle Cable
a. Display connector (female)
b. Port A (blue)
c. Port B (yellow)
d. Remote Master Switch (brown)
e. CANbus (white)
f. Remote Input (white)
g. Power input connector
h. Port C
Vehicle Cable Description
Display Connector (female) Connects to the iNEX Display.
Port A (blue) Serial connection for 3rd party devices such as steering or rate controllers.
Port B (yellow) Serial connection for GPS receivers or mojoRTK. Also used for 3rd party devices when CANbus used for GPS source.
Remote Master Switch (brown) Detects 12-volt from a master switch to turn treatment on/off when configured.
CANbus (white) Connects to 3rd party CANbus devices including GPS receivers.
Remote Input (white) Detects a momentry 12-volt pulse to trigger a user assigned shortcut fuction.
Power Input Connector Connects to the power cable
Port C Connects to the optional AS310.
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1.2.3 Power Cable
a. Power connector
b. Red wire (12-volt positive)
c. Black wire (negative ground)
Power Cable Description
Power Connector Supplies 12-volt power to the iNEX via the Power Input connector on the Vehicle cable.
Red Wire (12-volt positive) Connects to a clean 12-volt power source, such as directly to a battery.
Black Wire (negative ground) Connects to the vehicle's earth.
1.2.4 AS310 (Optional Component)
The AS310 is an optional component which is required for some 3rd party rate controllers when automatic section shut-off is being used.
a. Voltage port
b. Data port
AS310 Description
Data Port Connects to Port C on the iNEX Vehicle Cable.
Voltage Port Connects to various automatic section shut-off interface cables.
a b
a b c
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2 iNEX Installation
2.1 Before Installation
Installation does not require specialist knowledge. However, Leica
Geosystems recommends that installation of the iNEX equipment be performed by a qualified technician, because installation requires making electrical connections.
Leica Geosystems is not liable for any damage, faults or risks related to
installation or to the iNEX or your vehicle due to installation.
Leica Geosystems declines all responsibility for any incorrect
information in the iNEX Installation Manual.
The following instructions are to be used as a general guide during the
installation of the iNEX. For more specific instructions, please contact your point of purchase.
Install the system in a clean and dry workshop environment. Failure to
do so may cause the system to short or promote product malfunction.
Route and secure all cables and wiring to ensure that they do not chafe
or rub, thus causing premature failure.
The average installation time will vary, but it should be approximately
three to four hours per vehicle. The installation time may be more or less, depending on vehicle type.
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2.2 Installing the iNEX Display
1. Read all instructions before attempting installation.
2. Attach the RAM mount arm, and separate RAM mount ball to the RAM mount on the iNEX Display.
3. Pick a suitable location to mount the Display by holding it up in place while checking for visibility out of the vehicle. The Display needs to be within easy reach of the operator when seated in the normal operating position, and ideally it will be easily visible in the forward vision of the operator.
4. When a suitable location to mount the Display has been selected, mark the position of where the RAM mount ball is to be mounted on the vehicle.
Note: There are a number of different RAM mounts available, including clamp on brackets, which may simplify the installation. RAM mount arms are also available in a number of different lengths; please contact your point of purchase.
5. Secure the RAM mount ball to the vehicle in the required location. Important: Use extreme caution whenever drilling holes or attaching any objects to the vehicle as there may be hidden cables or hoses. Never drill into the ROP system of any vehicle as this may damage the integrity of the system. Consult the vehicle’s operating manual prior to drilling any holes.
6. Attach the Display to the RAM mount ball using the RAM mount arm. Once the Display is oriented in the correct direction, ensure the RAM mount is tightly secured.
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2.3 Installing the Power Cable
The Power Cable should be connected to a clean 12-volt power system; however the iNEX will operate between 9 and 16 volts DC and as such will tolerate normal fluctuations found in a typical vehicle power system.
1. Connect the red wire to a 12-volt positive source.
2. Connect the black wire to the vehicle’s earth.
3. Route the cable into the cab where the iNEX Vehicle Cable will be installed.
Note: The iNEX is a 12-volt DC (negative-to-earth) system only. Connecting to a 24-volt DC or a positive-to-earth system will cause damage which is not covered by warranty.
Do not connect the power cable to only one battery of a 24-volt system as this may cause damage to the vehicle's batteries and connected equipment.
There are a number of other power cable options available, including a three wire power cable which can be connected to the vehicle ignition to turn the iNEX on and off with the vehicle’s ignition key.
Also available are power cables terminated with common connections found in agricultural vehicles, such as the universal three pin circular connector and the John Deere power strip connector.
For more information on any of these cables, contact your point of purchase.
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2.4 Installing the iNEX Vehicle Cable
1. Connect the Display connector on the vehicle cable to the iNEX Display. The connectors may need to be twisted until the locating tabs in the connectors align. Push the connectors firmly together while twisting the locking ring.
2. After the power cable has been connected to a clean 12-volt source, it can be connected to the Power input connector using the same twisting action. When the power connection is made to the iNEX Display, it will emit two short beeps to indicate it is powered.
3. If using serial NMEA GPS or a mojoRTK, connect the device to Port B (yellow cable) on the vehicle cable, using the appropriate serial cable.
4. If using a CANbus NMEA2000 GPS, connect the device to the CANbus port (white cable).
5. Where required, connect any supported 3rd party rate controller to Port A (blue cable), using the appropriate serial cable.
6. If using a GPSteer auto steer controller, then it should be connected to Port A if not being used by a rate controller, and Port B if Port A is used while Port B is free. Alternatively where both Port A & Port B are used, a USB to Serial converter cable can be obtained from your point of purchase.
Note: If you are unsure which cable should be used to connect another device, contact your point of purchase.
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2.5 Connecting Remote Master Switch
The iNEX is designed to sense 12-volts DC from a master switch, which when configured will activate the treatment recording function on the iNEX.
It is recommended that the Remote Master Switch is connected to an existing master switch in the vehicle, however there are many options including 12-volts DC from a master valve, an implement switch or a separate toggle switch.
1. Connect a wire to the 12-volt positive on/off source, such as an existing master switch.
2. Connect the other end of the wire to the Remote Master Switch (brown cable) on the iNEX Vehicle Cable.
3. Consult the iNEX user manual for instruction on configuring the system to use the Remote Master Switch as the master switch source.
Note: The iNEX will detect 12-volt positive as the master switch being on and no power as the master switch being off.
2.6 Connecting Remote Input
The Remote Input can be connected to a momentary push-button switch which can then remotely trigger a user defined function on the iNEX, such as engage/disengage auto steering.
1. Connect 12-volts to one side of a momentary push-button switch.
2. Connect a wire from the other side of the momentary push-button switch to the Remote Input (white cable) on the iNEX Vehicle Cable.
3. Consult the iNEX user manual for instruction on configuring the Remote Button function to be triggered by the Remote Input.
Note: The 12-volts DC supplied to the Remote Master Switch and the Remote Input MUST be on the same 12-volt DC circuit to which the iNEX is connected.
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2.7 Connecting the Optional AS310
The AS310 is required for some installations where automatic section shut-off is being used. The AS310 converts signals from the iNEX to output signals which can then be connected to 3rd party rate controllers and other section control equipment.
1. Mount the AS310 in a suitable out of the way location.
2. Connect Port C on the iNEX Vehicle Cable to the Data Port on the AS310. The connectors may need to be twisted until the locating tabs in the connectors align. Push the connectors firmly together while twisting the locking ring.
3. Connect the required automatic section control cable to the voltage port on the AS310, using the same twisting action.
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3 Getting Started
3.1 Starting the iNEX
Prior to starting with this manual the iNEX should be completely installed into the vehicle in accordance with the instructions in the iNEX installation manual. When power is connected the iNEX Display will emit two short beeps. This will not immediately start the iNEX Display.
The iNEX may be started or shut down in either of two ways:
Pressing the power button on the top of the iNEX Display.
Vehicle ignition (using the optional 3 wire power cable Part# 1-2406)
3.1.1 Using the Power button
Using the standard 2 wire power cable (Part# 1-2408) the iNEX can only be turned ON using the power button.
To turn the iNEX ON simply press the power button, located on the far left top of the iNEX Display, and one long beep will be heard. Release the power button.
3.1.2 Using the Vehicle Ignition
If the iNEX has been correctly installed using the optional 3 wire power cable, the system will start up when the ignition key is turned ON. No user intervention is required.
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3.2 Shutting the iNEX Down
As with starting up, the iNEX may be shut down with either the power button, or the vehicle ignition key.
3.2.1 Using the iNEX Power Button
Press and hold the iNEX Display power button until one beep is heard.
The iNEX will display a shutdown progress screen while it is saving data and settings. At the completion of this process, power will be removed from the system.
3.2.2 Using the Vehicle Ignition
If the iNEX has been correctly installed using the optional 3 wire power cable, the system will shut down when the ignition key is turned OFF. No user intervention is required.
Note: Do not turn the iNEX off by disconnecting cables. Shutting down the system in this way may cause the loss of important information.
Note: If the iNEX does not respond to either the ignition switch or pressing the power button to shut down, the user may choose to force a shut down. Press and hold the power button for approximately five seconds, after which time the system will emit three beeps. Release the power button and the system will turn off. Forcing a shut down should only be used as a last resort, as data and settings may be lost as a result. If you regularly need to force a shutdown to turn the iNEX off, it is recommended that you contact the point of purchase to correct the source of the problem.
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3.3 Screen Layout
After starting the iNEX it will be ready for use when the main screen is displayed as shown.
During normal operation the iNEX Display is divided into several distinct parts. These parts are described in the following pages.
3.3.1 Menu Buttons
The Menu Buttons are the main controls for the operator. Pressing the buttons will cause another menu to appear or an action to occur (such as starting Guidance). Here the Main menu is pictured.
3.3.2 Map Screen
The Map Screen occupies the greater part of the overall screen and displays the treated area as a map view. During operation the current GPS position will be shown as a vehicle icon.
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3.3.3 Virtual Road Window
The Virtual Road Window is used to display a perspective view of the path ahead which is to be followed. If there is no Guidance active then the window will be blank. If the system has been activated for Advanced Data Records then the Virtual Road Window will show information about the current treatment when Guidance is not active or the vehicle is stationary.
3.3.4 Master Switch Status
The Master Switch Status is the green triangle at the bottom of the Virtual Road Window. When the master switch is OFF the triangle will be shown as a green outline and equally when the master switch is ON the triangle will be shown in solid green. When the Master Switch source is configured as Touch, pressing the triangle will activate / deactivate the master switch .
3.3.5 Boom Section Status
The Boom Section Status displays the number of sections configured and the current state of the section, being ON (red) or OFF (white). In the event that any section has an active AutoSPRAY override the section will be shown with a cross though it.
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3.3.6 AutoSPRAY Status
The AutoSPRAY Status Button will only be shown if AutoSPRAY has been enabled on the iNEX. When it is displayed it will be shown in one of four colours. Green represents AutoSPRAY as ON and functioning normally; Orange when AutoSPRAY override is functioning; White when AutoSPRAY is OFF and Grey when there is an AutoSPRAY error.
Pressing on the AutoSPRAY Status Button will turn the AutoSPRAY ON/OFF and can be used to temporarily suspend AutoSPRAY control. Holding the AutoSPRAY Status Button down for four seconds will provide access to the AutoSPRAY override menu.
3.3.7 GPS Status
The GPS Status displays the health of the GPS position information. When the system is operating normally a continually scrolling satellite will be displayed. Touching on this area will display a screen with more detailed information about the GPS Status. Other display states are described in section 3.6.1 Checking the GPS Status
3.3.8 AutoSTEER Status
The AutoSTEER Status is displayed when AutoSTEER has been enabled and setup on the iNEX. It displays the readiness of the steering system to engage or when the steering is engaged. Pressing the button will engage & disengage steering when at the appropriate readiness level. Holding the button down for four seconds will provide access to more advanced functions.
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3.3.9 Status Bar
The Status Bar displays information about the current treatment and connected devices. From time to time important messages will flash in red on the Status Bar to alert the operator of a particular condition. The operator can touch on the Status Bar to scroll through the available information.
Note: The Main Screen may vary dependant upon the options configured on the system.
Note: Pressing on the Status Bar will advance the display to the next Status Message. Which Status Messages are to be displayed can be configured in Display Setup.
Note: The iNEX Display has a touch sensitive screen, which means that the system is operated by touching the buttons on the screen. The user should touch the button on the screen with only their finger to select the button.
WARNING: Under no circumstances should any sharp implement be used to touch the screen nor excessive force be used when touching the screen.
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3.4 Basic Menu Layout
The iNEX is operated and configured by a menu system. The menus are accessed by touching the appropriate part of the screen.
Touching any one of the menu buttons will either activate the function associated with the button or lead to a sub-menu. A sub-menu is similar to the main menu whereby touching the button may either activate a function or lead to a further sub-menu.
This manual refers to the Main menu as that which is shown when the system is first started.
A useful rule of thumb is that if the menu does not show a BACK button then the system is at the Main menu.
One of the integral philosophies of the iNEX is that regardless of the software options purchased the menu system should be essentially the same. This is to ensure that as users’ requirements are expanded there is a common structure and immediate recognition of the menu layout.
Consequently some of the buttons will have no effect in particular configurations. In these cases the button colour is grey indicating to the user that the button is not available or has no effect.
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3.5 Creating A Basic Vehicle
The iNEX incorporates advanced vehicle modelling software to ensure that the recorded treatment areas are truly correct. It is particularly relevant as automatic control of treatment application is adopted.
The iNEX can accurately model a self propelled vehicle or any implement which is towed by a vehicle. In order to perform these calculations it is imperative that the measurements of the vehicle and GPS antenna are accurately recorded.
The iNEX uses specific terminology to describe the parts of plant and equipment which make up a complete vehicle which is used on the farm.
Equipment: Each implement or item of plant and equipment is a different
equipment item (a tractor, truck, tank and boom are all individual equipment items).
Rig: Each rig is made up of one or more equipment items selected
from a list, up to a maximum of five. This concept is illustrated below which shows three pieces of equipment to assemble one rig.
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3.5.1 Define Vehicle Offsets
Each piece of equipment in the rig will need to be defined separately so that treatments can be accurately recorded. The first equipment item in the Rig will be a tractor, articulated tractor, self propelled sprayer, truck, combine harvester, etc. With the exception of the articulated tractor the method for measuring the listed vehicles are the same and are covered by the TRACTOR setting in the Equipment Wizard.
1. From the Main menu press SETUP.
4. Press NEW.
5. Select the Equipment Type by repeatedly pressing the Equipment Type button. If unsure of which equipment type would best suit your vehicle check the examples in Appendix 15.1 Equipment Measurement Examples.
6. Press EQUIPMENT NAME, enter a Name for the equipment item e.g. “Big Tractor”, press TICK followed by Î.
7. Accurately enter the required Physical Measurement and press Î.
8. Enter the approximate measurements as shown by the wizard and press TICK. These measurements are only used to generate the vehicle icon on the screen and hence can be approximate values.
9. Repeat these steps for each equipment item that makes up the Rig.
Note: See Appendix 15.1 Equipment Measurement Examples for examples of how to measure other vehicles such as Self Propelled Sprayer with front mounted Boom, etc.
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3.5.2 Define Rig Details
The Rig comprises one or more equipment items. The Rig also defines the boom or swath width, the tank capacity, the flow controller and steering controller used in the makeup of the Rig. The first step is to create a Rig and give it a name.
1. From the Main menu press SETUP.
3. Press RIG SETUP.
4. Press NEW.
5. Press the Rig Name button to enter a name for the rig e.g. “Main Spray Rig”. Combining Vehicles to Create A Rig
By combining the equipment items to form a Rig the iNEX can accurately model the movements of the vehicle and the treatment being applied.
2. Define the number of equipment items in the Rig by pressing the Number of Equipment in Rig button. Press Ï Ð to set the number of equipment items then press TICK.
3. Select which piece of equipment to define by touching on the Equip. no. button until the desired equipment item number is shown.
4. Press the Equipment Name button to select the previously defined Equipment item.
5. Press TICK when all Equipment items in the Rig have been selected.
Note: The iNEX will only allow a TRACTOR to be added as the first equipment item in a Rig while subsequent equipment items must be IMPLEMENTS.
iNEX User Manual Page 21 Rev 2 Configure Advanced Settings
Depending on the options which have been purchased with the iNEX the Tank Size, Flow Controller or Steer Controller settings may be available and need to be configured. If the relevant setting button in the Rig is disabled then the option has not been enabled or is locked to a particular setting.
The Tank Size is available when Advanced Data Records has been enabled. It is used in the Tank Manager to determine the maximum size of the tank on the rig and hence how much product needs to be loaded or mixed when completely filling the tank.
1. On the Edit Rig screen (see 3.5.2 Define Rig Details) press TANK SETTINGS.
2. Press on the Tank Size value button and enter the new value.
3. Press TICK.
Flow Control
The Flow Controller should be configured when a direct cable connection via Serial or CANbus has been installed. The features available for any given flow controller varies and will be dependant on the capabilities of the particular flow controller.
1. On the Edit Rig screen (see 3.5.2 Define Rig Details) press FLOW CONTROL..
2. Press the Flow Controller name button.
3. Select the desired flow controller from the list and press ACCEPT.
4. Press TICK.
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Steer Control
When the iNEX has the AutoSTEER option enabled the Steer Controller will either be pre-selected or the operator will be able to pick from a number of different steering controllers.
1. On the Edit Rig screen (see 3.5.2 Define Rig Details) press STEER CONTROL.
2. Press the Steer Controller name button.
3. Select the desired Steering Controller from the list and press ACCEPT.
4. Press TICK.
3.5.3 Master & Section Switch Detection
To determine when to record treatment the iNEX has a Master Switch and Section Switches. These switches can be triggered by touching the screen or sensing the state from external hardware. Master Switch
By default the system will be configured for the master switch to be triggered by touching on the Master Switch Status on the screen. Depending on the options purchased and the attached hardware there are a number of different options for detecting the master switch state from existing equipment; these include Touch, Sense, Sense Dipole and Flow Controller.
1. From the Main menu press SETUP.
4. Touch on the Master Switch button until the required setting is displayed.
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Touch When set to Touch the master switch can be turned ON
and OFF by touching on the Master Switch Status in the Virtual Road Window. Optionally the master switch can also be turned ON and OFF by pressing a Remote Button configured for Rove/Record (see section 7.5 Configuring Remote Buttons).
Sense The master switch is turned ON when voltage is applied
to the master switch Input pin and turned OFF when voltage is removed. Using this method will allow the system to detect an existing master switch in the vehicle. For more information see section 2.5 Connecting Remote Master Switch.
Sense Dipole Similar to Sense the Sense Dipole setting can be used to
sense an existing master switch in a vehicle. In this case Sense Dipole will sense a switch which operates by reversing the polarity.
To use the Sense Dipole option an AS310 is required. For more information see the iNEX Installation Manual.
Flow Controller When the Flow Controller setting is used the system will
detect the Master Switch Status from the selected flow controller. To use this option a flow controller must be selected for the current Rig (see section Configure Advanced Settings).
For some controllers it is not possible to use the Flow Controller setting when AutoSPRAY is ON. If this is the case then the master switch will not be detected until the Master Switch Setup is changed or AutoSPRAY is turned OFF.
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