Installation and User Guide

The NV-WA40W-AMP is a versatile 40-watt in wall zone amplifier perfectly suited to a
variety of tasks. Its design allows two line level sources to be permanently wired into
the back panel as a switchable input A or B, and two optional front panel stereo mini
inputs allows any local source to be easily amplified to dedicated speakers.
The WA40W-AMP fits in educational classroom settings, doctors' offices, hotels, and
many other installations where a compact, inexpensive amplifier solution is needed.
Table of Contents
Wiring Diagram ........................................................................... Page 2
NV-WA40W-AMP Front Panel Features ....................................... Page 3
NV-WA40W-AMP Back Panel Features ........................................ Page 4
NV-WA40W-RC Remote Control.................................................... Page 5
Installing the NV-WA40W-AMP ................................................... Page 6
The NV-WA40W-SPK Speakers ..................................................... Page 9
NV-WA40W Specifications ........................................................... Page 10
NV-WA40W Line Drawing ............................................................ Page 11

A / B
NV-WA40W-AMP Front Panel features
1. Volume: These buttons increase and decrease the signal output of the amplifer.
2. A/B: This button toggles between the A and B hardwired inputs on the back panel
or the individual front panel inputs. Use of the front panel inputs will override
those on the back panel.
3. IR Sensor: The WA40W-AMP is capable of receiving IR (Infrared) light signals
from the NuVo wireless remote control. This enables the power, volume and A/B
source selection to be done wirelessly.
4. Audio Inputs: Two stereo inputs are available for front panel use with any device
that provides a stereo line level signal.
5. Power: This button turns the amplifier on and off as a toggle function.

16VDC 2.81A
NV-WA40W-AMP Back Panel Features
1. DC Input: This 16V DC, 2.81A input connects to the included power supply. Once
connected, the power supply can plug into any AC power source.
2. Speaker Output: The speaker output section terminates with standard audio
wire. This provides the amplified audio signal to the attached speakers. The NVĀ WA40W-AMP is designed for a pair of 4-ohm speakers or a single stereo speaker
rated at 4-ohms per channel.
3. Audio Inputs A and B: These inputs allow up to two line level sources to be
permanently hardwired into the back panel. Selection for source playback is made
through from the front panel A/B button or the wireless remote control. The
inputs are automatically overridden when one of the front panel audio inputs is