5. Press and release the “OUT/+” button to select the desired month.
6. Press and release the “SET” button to confirm the month and continue to the Date setting.
K. Setting The Date Manually
1. Press and hold the “SET” button for five seconds.
2. “lcd” will appear at the top of the display and a number will flash next to it.
3. Press and release the “SET” button nine more times to advance to the Manual Date setting.
4. The date will begin to flash to the right of the Moon Phase display.
5. Press and release the “OUT/+” button to select the desired date.
6. Press and release the “SET” button to confirm the date and continue to the Temperature Measuring
Units setting.
L. Temperature Measuring Units Selection (˚F or ˚C)
1. Press and hold the “SET” button for five seconds.
2. “lcd” will appear at the top of the display and a number will flash next to it.
3. Press and release the “SET” button ten more times to advance to the Temperature Measuring Units
4. ˚F or ˚C will flash at the top of the display.
5. Press and release the “OUT/+” button to select the desired temperature measuring unit.
6. Press and release the “SET” button to confirm the temperature measuring unit and continue to the
Air Pressure Measuring Units setting.
M. Air Pressure Measuring Units Selection (inHg/hPa)
1. Press and hold the “SET” button for five seconds.
2. “lcd” will appear at the top of the display and a number will flash next to it.
3. Press and release the “SET” button eleven more times to advance to the Air Pressure Measuring
Units setting.
4. inHg or hPa will flash at the top of the display.
5. Press and release the “OUT/+” button to select the desired air pressure measuring unit.
6. Press and release the “SET” button to confirm the air pressure measuring unit and continue to the
Relative Pressure setting.
N. Relative Pressure Setting
1. Press and hold the “SET” button for five seconds.
2. “lcd” will appear at the top of the display and a number will flash next to it.
3. Press and release the “SET” button twelve more times to advance to the Relative Pressure setting.
4. The barometric air pressure will flash in the middle of the display, just below the forecast icon
5. Press and release the “OUT/+” or “IN” button to select the desired relative air pressure value.
6. Press and release the “SET” button to confirm the relative pressure setting and continue to the
Forecast Sensitivity setting.
O. Forecast Sensitivity Setting
1. Press and hold the “SET” button for five seconds.
2. “lcd” will appear at the top of the display and a number will flash next to it.
3. Press and release the “SET” button thirteen more times to advance to the Forecast sensitivity setting.
4. The two air pressure tendency arrows will begin flashing on either side of the forecast icon and a
flashing number will appear under the forecast icon.
5. Press and release the “OUT/+” button to select the desired forecast sensitivity setting.
Barometric air pressure is usually reported as “relative air pressure”. This reading is based on
the combination of absolute air pressure and altitude. In general, an increase in altitude will result in a
decrease in air pressure. Relative air pressure will make readings in nearby locations relative to each
other to allow for proper forecasting. The absolute air pressure reading in the Weather Station cannot
be calibrated, only the relative air pressure.
New Moon Large Waxing
First Quarter Small Waxing
Full MoonSmall Waning
Last QuarterSmall Waning
Small Waxing
Large Waxing
Large Waning
Large Waning
6. Press and release the “SET” button to confirm the forecast sensitivity setting.
A. Time Alarm Setting and Operation
1. To set the time alarm:
a. Press and hold the ALM/DATE button for 5 seconds.
b. The alarm time will begin to flash to the right of the moon phase.
c. Press and release the IN button to adjust the hour.
When in the 12-hour mode and setting an alarm for a time between noon and midnight, “PM” will
appear to the left of the alarm time.
d. Press and release the OUT/+ button to adjust the minutes.
e. Press and release either of the SNOOZE/CH buttons to confirm the setting or wait for 20 seconds
and the display will automatically return to the normal mode.
2. To activate the alarm:
a. Press and release the ALM/DATE button to toggle between the alarm time and the day and date.
b. When the alarm time and alarm icon are showing to the right of the moon phase the alarm is
c. When the day and date are showing in the DATE LCD the alarm is deactivated.
3. To activate the snooze:
a. While the alarm is sounding press and release the SNOOZE/CH button.
b. The snooze will be activated for 10 minutes. The alarm will come back on after 10 minutes.
c. To deactivate the snooze function press and release any button other than either of the SNOOZE/
CH buttons.
B. Moon Phase
1. There are 12 moon phases shown on the indoor weather station; the white portion signifies the
portion of the moon visible in the sky. Thus, when the moon icon is all white, it is a full moon. The
indoor weather station is programmed with all moon phases from the year 2003 until 2029.
C. Minimum and Maximum Temperature and Humidity
1. Indoor Minimum and Maximum Temperature and Humidity
The Wireless Weather Station automatically stores the minimum and maximum indoor temperature
and humidity. The minimum and maximum values are updated automatically when a new minimum or
maximum is recorded, or until manually reset.
a. From the normal display mode, press and release the “IN” key once to view the indoor maximum
temperature and humidity (“MAX” will be displayed above the indoor temperature and humidity).
b. Press and release the “IN” key again to view the indoor minimum temperature and humidity.
c. Press and release the “IN” key again to return to the normal mode (timeout of viewing minimum/
maximum values will occur if no keys are pressed for fifteen seconds).
To reset the indoor minimum and maximum temperature and humidity, first display the values
you wish to reset (minimum or maximum). Ne xt press and hold the “SET” ke y f or at least three seconds.
You will see then that the values will reset to the current temperature and humidity and corresponding
2. Outdoor Minimum and Maximum Temperature and Humidity
The Wireless Weather Station automatically stores the minimum and maximum outdoor temperature
and humidity. The minimum and maximum values are updated automatically when a new minimum or
maximum is recorded, or until manually reset.
a. From the normal display mode, press and release the “OUT/+” key once to view the outdoor maxi-
mum temperature and humidity (“MAX” will be displayed abo ve the outdoor temperature and humidity).
b. Press and release the “OUT/+” key again to view the outdoor minimum temperature and humidity.
c. Press and release the “OUT/+” key again to return to the normal mode (timeout of viewing minimum/
maximum values will occur if no keys are pressed for fifteen seconds).
To reset the outdoor minimum and maximum temperature and humidity, first display the values
you wish to reset (minimum or maximum). Ne xt press and hold the “SET” ke y f or at least three seconds.
You will see then that the values will reset to the current temperature and humidity and corresponding
D. Multiple Remote Temperature Sensors
The WS-8035U-IT is able to receive signals from 2 additional thermo/hygro sensors. The following are
instructions for the set-up of remote thermo/hygro sensor units with the WS-8035U-IT. These extra
sensors can be purchased through the same dealer as this unit.
1. Remove all the batteries from the receiver and sensor(s) and wait 60 seconds. During these 60
seconds, press any button 20 times to discharge any excess power.
2. Insert the batteries to the first thermo/hygro sensor.
3. Within 2 minutes of powering up the first sensor, insert the batteries to the Weather Station. Once
the batteries are in place, all segments of the LCD will light up briefly. Following the indoor temperature and humidity, and the time as 12:00 will be displayed. If they are not shown in LCD after 60
seconds, remove the batteries and wait for at least 60 seconds before reinserting them.
4. The outdoor temperature and humidity from the first sensor (channel 1) should then be displayed on
the Weather Station. If this does not happen and the signal reception icon is not shown, after 2
minutes, the batteries will need to be removed from both units and reset from step 1.
5. Insert the batteries to the second sensor as soon as the outdoor temperature and humidity readings
from the first sensor are displayed on the Weather Station.
You must insert the batteries into the second sensor within 10 seconds of reception of the first
6. The outdoor temperature and humidity from the second sensor and the “channel 2” icon should then
be displayed on the Weather Station. If this does not happen after 2 minute, the batteries will need
to be removed from all the units and reset from step 1.
7. Insert the batteries to the third sensor as soon as the “channel 2” icon and outdoor data are displayed on the Weather Station. Then within 2 minutes, the channel 3 outdoor data from the third
sensor will be displayed and the channel icon will shift back to “1” once the third transmitter is
successfully received. If this is not happen, user shall restart the setting up from step 1.
You must insert the batteries into the third sensor within 10 seconds of reception of the second
Transmission problems will arise if the setting for multiple sensors is not followed as
described above. Should transmission problems occur, it is necessary to remove the batteries from all
units and start again the set-up from step 1.
Viewing and Operating with Multiple Remote Sensors
a. To view the temperature of a different remote sensor press and release either of the “SNOOZE/CH”
buttons. A shift from one “boxed” number to the next should be observed in the OUTDOOR LCD.
b. The minimum and maximum temperature of the additional remote sensor can be displayed by pressing
the “OUT/+” button.
c. To reset the minimum and maximum temperature readings press and hold the “SET” button for 3
seconds and that temperature/humidity record for that remote sensor will be reset only.
Each remote sensor will have its own minimum and maximum values stored.
E. Comfort Indicator for Indoor Temperature and Humidity
1. The comfort level indicator appears inbetween the indoor tempearture and humidity.
2. The indicator will display a “happy-face” when the temperature is between 68˚F and 79˚F (20˚C and
25.9˚C), and the humidity is between 45% and 65%.
3. A “sad-face” will be displayed when the temperature and humidity are outside the mentioned ranges.
F. Weather Forecast Icon and Pressure Trend Indicators
The weather forecasting feature is estimated to be 75% accurate, and is based solely upon the change
of air pressure over time. The WS-8035U-IT averages past air-pressure readings to provide an accurate forecast-creating a necessity to disregard all weather forecasting for 12-24 hours after the unit has
been set-up, reset, or moved from one altitude to another (i.e. from one floor of a building to another
floor). In areas where the weather is not affected by the change of air pressure , this f eature will be less
1. Weather Icons
a. There are 3 possible weather icons that will be displayed at various times in the center of the
Wireless Weather Station
i Sunny-indicates that the weather is expected to improve (not that the weather will be sunny).
ii Sun with Clouds-indicates that the weather is expected to be fair (not that the weather will be
sunny with clouds).
iii Clouds with Rain-indicates that the weather is e xpected to get worse (not that the weather will be
b. The weather icons change when the unit detects a change in air pressure.
c. The icons change in order, from “sunny” to “sun with clouds” to “clouds with rain” or the reverse.
d. It will not change from “sunny” directly to “clouds with rain”, although it is possible for the change to