•Optional Remote Monitoring & Text/E-m ail Alerts are
monitoring & alerts required (n ot inc l uded)
Press Reset Button on
Once you have set up the Wireless Weather St ation with this guide, if you w is h to ac ti vate the opt i onal
remote m onitorin g and alerts features, visit www.lacrossealerts.com to create a personal account
and follow the easy, step-by-step online instructions to guide you t hr o ugh acti vat i on.
Wireless Weather Station
Monitor home & backyard weather with the stand-alone Wireless Weather Station,
or use included remote monitoring & alerts on your smartphone, tablet or computer.*
Model C84612 | Hardware Quick Setup Gu ide
The Wireless Weather Station information and full manual ar e av ail able at: www.lacrossetechnology.com/c84612. The syst em w orks as a stand-alone
W eather St at i on or a R em ot e Monitori ng Weather Station when using the included La Crosse Alerts Gateway*. There is no app. or software to install.
All remot e m on it or in g is don e on w w w. l acr os sealer ts .com with an acc ou nt th at you create if you wish to use these added features.*
1. Mast hold er
2. Right an gl e ad apt or
3. 1 x U-bolts
4. 2 Washers + 2 Nuts
5. Plastic Reset Rod
6. 100% solar-powered
All items, includ ing W ind
Sensor, ar e Pro tec ted und er
U.S. Patents: 5,978,738;
6,07 6,044; & 6,597,990
Wind Sens or a lso Pr o tec ted
under U.S. Patent: 6,761,065;
1. Base sensor,
funnel top cover
and battery cover
2. Requires two “AA”
Alkaline batteries
1. Airflow cover
2. Wall mount adapter
3. Mounting screws
4. Plastic anchors for
5. Requires two “C”
Do Not Discard Card:
Contains the Activation Key to enable
remote monit or in g and alerts on
www.lacrossealerts.com. Please file
for your future r ec or ds if you d o not
wish to use the Internet connected
features at this time.
Alkaline batteries
1. Foldout stand
2. Requires three “C”
Alkaline batteries
3. (included)
included to rem otely monitor your home & bac k yard
weather on w ww .l acrossealerts .com fr om your
smartphone, tablet or computer.*
•Set & receive custom e-mail & text alerts:*
• Outdoor temperature & humidity
• Wind & rain
• Baromet ric pressure
• Indoor temperature & humidity
•High-speed Internet access, network router &
Internet-enab l ed device with web browser required
(not include d)
•E-mail account and / or SM S t ext abi lity for remote
1. Gateway
2. 20-volt A/C Adapter
3. Ethernet (LAN) cable;
router with high-speed
Internet (not included)
IMPORTANT: Make sure to observe the correct polarity when inserting batteries. The "+" markings on the batteries must line up with the diagrams inside the
battery compartments. Inserting the batteries incorrectly may result in permanent damage to the units. During the initial set u p process, pl ace the
wireless weather station and the outdoor sensors on a surface with 5-10 feet between each sensor and the weather station. Onlyuse Alk alin e batteries,
rechargeable batteries may not work:
STEP 1: Complete initi al s et u p on a tab le with all c omp onents wit hi n 10 f eet of each other .
• It is important to allow sufficient light to reach the solar panel while activating the wind sensor. Mak e sur e the lights ar e on in the
setup room and the solar panel is facing a 60W light bulb or brighter.
• Ensure the solar panel is not covered, and then remove the black protective foil on the solar panel. Remove the tape covering
the reset hole.
• Use the provided plastic reset rod to gently press the reset button once in the hole on the bottom of the sensor.
STEP 3: Insert two "AA" size batteries into rain sensor with correct polarity.
• Insert two "C" size batteries into the thermo-hygro sensor with the correct polarity.
Note: Allow all sensors to run for two minute s before inserting batteries in the weather station.
• Insert three "C" size batteries into the wireless weather station with the cor rect polarity.
• Note: Every time the wireless weather station receives data from the sensors, the wireless icons will blink once and then return to solid if the last
transmission was successful. A wind speed or rainfall amount that reads "0" does not mean reception failure. It means that there was no wi n d or rain at the
time of the last measurement. The thermo-hygro sensor syncs with the wind and rain sensors and sends all outdoor sensor data to the weather station. The
thermo-hygro sensor tries for 4 minutes to sync to the wind sensor and then 4 minutes for the rain sensor. If not successful within 4 minutes, the thermohygro sensor will stop looking for the other sensors.
Bottom of Wind Sensor
(Solar Panel Must Face
• Wait 10 minutes for reception from all sensors before setting time and date or mounting sensors outside.
STEP 6: Set Time and Date. See “Program Menu” below.
Setup Troubleshooting: If the sensor data fails to display for any of the outdoor sensors within 10 minutes, (“- - -“are displayed), remove the batteries from
all units f or 1 mi nu t e and st ar t the Setup proced ur e again at Step 1.
Weather Station Program Menu
There are 5 function buttons located on the unit: SET, ▲/DATE, ▼/RAIN, ALARM, an d MIN /MAX. The SET button mov es throug h th e pr o gram menu. Press
and release the ▲/DATE or ▼/RAIN button to change a value. Save c h ang es and exit th e program m en u at an y point by pr ess in g t h e MIN/MAX b utt on.
• CONTRAST: Press and h old th e SET butt on. LCD and a number from 1-8 will flash. Press and r eleas e the ▲/DATE or ▼/RAIN button to adjust the
Contrast of the LCD. Press and release the SET button to confirm and continue.
• HOUR: The Hourwill flash. Pr ess and release the ▲/DATE or ▼/RAIN button until the correct Hour is shown. Press and r elease the SET button to confirm
and continue.
Note: When in 12h mode, there is only a 'PM' display, which appears under the word TIME. During the 'AM' hours this area w i ll be blank.
• MINUTES: The Minuteswill flash. Press and releas e the ▲ /DATE or ▼/RAIN button until the corr ect Minutes are displayed. Press and release the SET
button to confirm and continue.
• 12/24-HOUR TIME: 12h or 24h will flash. To change between 12h and 24h, press and release the ▲/DATE or ▼/RAIN button. Press and releas e the SET
button to confirm and continue.
Note: Whe n in 24-hour time th e dat e wi ll dis pl ay Day first, th en M on th.
• YEAR: The Yearwill flash. Press and release the ▲/DATE or ▼/RAIN button to set the c orrect Year. Press and release the SET button to confirm and
• MONTH: The Monthwill flash. Press and release the ▲/DATE or ▼/RAIN button to set correct Month. Press and release the SET button to confirm and
• DATE: The Datewill flash. Pr ess and release the ▲/DATE or ▼/RAI N button to set the correct Date. Press and release the SET button to confirm and
• FAHRENHEIT/CELSIUS: °F will flash in the wind chill, indoor temperature and outd oor temperature areas. Press and release the ▲/DATE or ▼/RAIN
button to select between Fahrenheit and Celsius. Press and release the SET button to confirm and continue.
• WIND SPEED UNIT: Wind Speed unit MPHwill flash. Press and release the ▲/DATE or ▼/RAIN button to s elect from mph, m/s, knots, Beaufort, or km/h.
Press and release the SET button to confirm and continue.
• RAIN UNIT: Rainfall Incheswill flash. Press and releas e the ▲/DATE or ▼/RAIN button to select in or mm. Press and release the SET button to confirm
and continue.
• PRESSURE UNIT: The Air Pressure unit inHgwill flash. Press the ▲/DATE or ▼/RAIN button to select inHg or hPa. The default setting is inHg. Press and
release the SET button to confirm and continue.
• RELATIVE PRESSURE SETTING: The Relativ e Air Pre ssur ewill flash. Press the ▲/DATE or ▼/RAIN button to adjust the Relative Air Pressure. Press
and release the SET button to confirm and continue.
Note: Refer to you r l oc al w eat h er reporting station for an appropriate setting. It is important that this setting be adjusted for local conditions to ensure
forecast acc u ra cy.
• FORECAST SENSITIVITY: The Forecast Sensitivity will flash. The default sett ing of .09 works w ell in mos t areas of th e cou ntry, how ev e r in ar eas w ith
relatively constant pressure this should be set to .06, (within 30 miles of the coast) and in areas with significant pressure changes this should be set to 0.12
(within 30 miles of the desert). Press the ▲/DATE or ▼/R AIN button to adjust. Press and release the SET button to confirm and continue.
• STORM ALARM SENSITIVTY: The Storm Alarm Sensitivity will flash. The default setting of .15 works wel l in m ost ar eas , h owever you m ay n eed to adjust this level up or down depending on your local conditions. Us e the ▲/DATE or ▼/RAIN button to adjust. Pr ess and release the SET button to confirm
and continue.
• STORM ALARM: AON or AOFFwill flash. This will turn the Storm Alarm ON or OFF. Use the ▲/DATE or ▼/RAIN button to toggle the Storm Alarm ON
(AON) and OFF (AOFF). Press and release the SET button to confirm and continue.
• WIND DIRECTION DISPLAY: The Dash in the wind compass will flash. Us e the ▲/DATE or ▼/RAIN button to select the Wind Direction to be shown in
degrees (dash) or letters NNW. Press and release the SET button to confirm and continue.
• FACTORY RESET: Res offwill be displayed. Us e the ▲/DATE or ▼/RAIN button to select:
o Res LO to reset the Internet connection only (all weather station readings remain unchanged) Weather station will need to be re-registered.
o Res ALLonly if you wish to Factory Reset the Weather Center.
o Res OFF If you do not wish to restart the weather center, bu t were only changing settings (time date etc.).
o Press and release the SET button to complete the program menu.
Note: To Factory Reset the weather center, select Res on and press the SET button to confirm. The station will begin to count down numbers in the date
area. When it is complete it will say Done. Then remove the batteries and follow the Restart up procedure.
Weather Station LCD Overview
Weather Station Display Modes
Press and release the SET button to toggle between the display of Mode 1 or Mode 2:
MODE 1: Wind Speed MODE 2: Wind Gust
24 hr. Pressure History Graph 72 hr. Pressure History Graph
Other But t ons Pr ovi d e Multipl e Fu nc t i ons
• Press and release to switch between Date and Seconds display.
• Press and hold until the station beeps to search for remote sensors.
• Press and release to view 1-hour, 24-hour, 1-week, 1-month or Total Rainfall.
• Press and hold to sync the weather station with the gateway.
Rain Display
For all measurements, it is important time and date are set correctly on your w eat her station .
• 1-HOUR RAIN: The 1-hour rain reflects rain that has fallen from current time and back 1-hour. It updates ev er y four minut es (1 5 m eas ur ements ). T h e hour
is not a fixed clock time measurement. It is literally an ongoing “last 60 minutes” timer.
• 24-HOUR RAIN: T he 24-hour rain reflects the rain that has fallen from current time and back 24-hou r s . This is not a midni gh t to midnig ht m eas urement .
The day is not a fixed clock time measurement. It is literally an ongoing “last 24 hours” timer.
• WEEKLY RAIN: The amou nt of rainf all of th e pr evi ou s w eek . Week: Rain tot al f or th e week is r es et every 7 days. W eek b egi ns 1 day befo r e th e day th e
batter i es ar e f irs t ins er t ed into the weather st at i on. For examp l e, if the batter i es are insert ed on a Thursd ay, the start of the weekly totals will be Wednesday
of each week .
• MONTHLY RAIN: Monthly rain reflects the previous month’s rain and will update 12AM the first day of the month.
• TOTAL RAIN: Total rain will remain until you manually reset this value. Total rain reflects the rain from time of weather station set-up until you manually
reset the total rain.
Proper Placement of Weather Station, Sensors and Opt io n al G ateway with Mounting Instructions
IMPORTANT: Ensur e th at al l of t h e s ens or data can b e rec ei ved at the int ended mounting loc at i ons b ef ore you drill m ou nting hol es . Th e outdoor sensors
have a wir el ess ran ge of 200-feet. Keep in mind that the 200-foot rang e equ ates to an op en-air sc enar i o wi th n o obs t ructions. Each obstruction (roof, walls,
floors, ceilings, etc.) will reduce the range.
The thermo-h ygr o s ensor measu res outd oor t emp erature & hu mi dity and collects th e dat a from the win d an d th e r ain s ens or s and s en ds all outdoor w e ath er
data to the wireless weather station, so the thermo-hygro sensor mus t be wi th in t h e 200-foot wireless r ang e of t h e wir el ess w eat h er st ation. This allows the
wind and rain sensors to be placed relative to the thermo-hygro sensor r ath er th an t h e wi r eles s w eat her stati on. See the Wireless Connection Diagram
•The wind an d rai n s ensors must be moun t ed wi th in the 200-foot wireless range of the thermo-hygro sensor and on the same side of the house. In
additi on, 915 MHz s ensors transmit bett er at a mi ni mu m m ount heig h t of 6 feet.
•The wirel ess weather station mus t b e wit hi n the 200-foot wireless range of the gateway to upl o ad weather d at a t o the I nt ernet.
If the sensor wireless reception icons drop from the weather station as you move them into their intended locations, the sensors may be too far from the
wireless weather station. Try moving the wireless weather station or the sensors closer and wait a few minutes to see if the wireless reception icons
display again. If the wireless reception icons are still not displayed after re-posit i oni ng the sens ors or the wirel ess weather station, hold the ▲/DATE button
for 2 seconds to re-synchronize the wireless weather station with the s ensors.
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