Specif ication s
Capacity 2TB and below Produ ct Dimensions Box Dimen sions Master Carto n Dimensions Pallet Dimensions
Len gth(in/mm) 3.38 5in/86mm 5.07 8in/129mm 13.4 2in/341mm 42.9 1in/1090 mm
Width(in/mm) 0.74 8in/19mm 1.37 7in/35mm 7.40 in/188mm 46.8 50in/119 0mm
Height(in/ mm) 5 .31in/13 5mm 7.3 22in/186 mm 5.393 in/137mm 4 0.944in/ 1040mm
Weight(lb/kg ) 0.66 1lb/0.3kg 0.88 1lb/0.4kg 7.936 lb/3.6kg 760.5 9lb/345k g
Capacity 4TB Product Dimensio ns Box Dimensions Master Carto n Dimensions Pallet Dimension s
Len gth(in/mm) 3.38 5in/86mm 5.07 8in/129mm 13.4 2in/341mm 42.9 1in/1090 mm
Width(in/mm) 1.02 3in/26mm 2.04 7in/52mm 5.31 4in/135mm 40.9 44in/104 0mm
Height(in/ mm) 5 .31in/13 5mm 7.3 22in/186 mm 5.393 in/137mm 4 0.944in/ 1040mm
Weight(lb/kg ) 0.88 1lb/0.4kg 1.10 2lb/0.5kg 5.511 lb/2.5kg 723.1 1lb/328k g
Quan tities
Boxes per Master Carto n 9 (2TB and belo w), 5 (4TB )
Master Carto ns per Pa llet 90 (2TB a nd belo w), 120 (4TB)
Pallet Layers 6
System Re quirements
Compute r with a USB 3.0 o r USB 2.0 p ort
Late st version of Windows® 7 , Windows 8 / Mac OS ® X 10 .5 and later
Minimum free d isk space: 6 00MB recommend ed
What's I ncluded
LaCie® Rugg ed Mini 3.0 drive
USB 3. 0 cable (USB 2.0 compa tible)
Quick In stall Guide
Region Model Nu mber Capacity Limited Warran ty (years) UPC Code EAN Cod e Multi-Pack UPC
WW LAC30 1558 1TB 2 930 538279 84 366 061931 5581 10 093053 827981
WW LAC90 00298 2TB 2 930 53003 272 366 06190 05840 1 009305 300327 9
WW LAC90 00633 4TB 2 930 53014 117 366 06190 13814 1 009305 301411 4
AMERICAS Seag ate Tech nology LL C 10200 South De Anza Bo ulevard, Cup ertino, California 95014, United Sta tes, 408 -658 -1000
ASIA/ PACIFIC Seag ate Sing apore In ternationa l Head quarters Pte . Ltd. 7 000 An g Mo Kio Ave nue 5, Singapo re 56 9877, 6 5-6485-38 88
EUROPE, MIDDLE E AST AND AFRICA Se agate Te chnology SAS 16-18 , rue du Dôme, 9210 0 Boulog ne-Billancou rt, France , 33 1-41 86 10 00
© 2018 Seaga te Techno logy LLC. A ll rights re served. Sea gate, S eagate Technolog y, LaCie, an d the L aCie logo a re trademarks o r registere d trademarks o f Seaga te Techno logy LLC o r one of its
affiliate d companie s in the Unite d State s and/or o ther coun tries. A ll othe r trademarks or reg istered trade marks are the property of their respective owners. When referring to d rive cap acity, one
gigab yte, or GB, equals o ne billion byt es and o ne terab yte, or TB, e quals on e thousa nd billion b ytes. Your co mputer’s ope rating system may use a differen t standard of measureme nt and report
a lower ca pacity. In addition, some of th e listed cap acity is used f or formatting a nd oth er functions and will not be availab le fo r data storage. Complying with a ll app licable co pyright laws is th e
respon sibility of the user. Seag ate reserves the right t o chang e, without notice, prod uct offe rings o r specifica tions. DS18 71.3-180 2US