Lacie LAC9000633 Product Data Sheet

Data Sheet
Rugged Design. Mini Size.
Shock, rain, and pressure resistant
Password protection
USB 3.0: up to 4x faster than USB 2.0
design by neil poulton
The LaCie Rugged Mini drive shares features with our popular Rugged
mobile hard drive, like shock resistance, drop resistance, and a rubber
sleeve for added protection. But the Rugged Mini is also rain and
pressure resistant, meaning you can drive over it with a 1-ton car, and it
still works1. With the Rugged Mini, LaCie has reduced the size and added
tons of new features, making it perfect for on-the-go data transport.
Use Cases
Students: Store music, video, and confidential school documents on
a secure device that fits in a backpack.
Travelers: Protect valuable data from loss, theft, or accident while
on the road.
Photographers: Small form factor and toughness make this product
perfect for use in the field or to safely deliver large files to customers
and partners,and encryption2 adds an extra layer of protection
against unauthorized access.
Videographers: Perfect for shuttling dailies or other footage to the
studio and transfering files quickly thanks to USB 3.0.
1 Determined by a test that approximates a real-world scenario in which t he hard drive
remained functional, despite aesthetic damage, after the product was driven over by an
approximately 1-ton c ar (1000 kg / 2205 lbs).
2 Encryption software is only available v ia download and is not available in Russia.
Specif ication s
Retail Pa ckaging Produ ct Dimensions Box Dimen sions Master Carto n Dimensions Pallet Dimensions
Len gth (in/mm) 5.31 9 in/135 .1 mm 7.323 in/186 mm 10.4 72 in/26 6 mm 41.3 38 in/1,0 50 mm
Width (in/mm) 3.38 6 in/86 mm 5.07 9 in/129 mm 7 .402 in/1 88 mm 46.85 in/1,190 mm
Depth (in/mm) 1.02 4 in/26 mm 2.04 7 in/52 mm 5.31 5 in/135 mm 40.9 45 in/1,0 40 mm
Weight (lb/ kg) 0 .882 lb/0 .4 kg 1.10 2 lb/0.5 kg 5.5 12 lb/2. 5 kg 722 .675 lb/ 327.8 kg
Quan tities
Boxes per Master Carto n 5
Master Carto ns per Pa llet 120
Pallet Layers 6
System Re quirements
Compute r with a USB 3.0 o r USB 2.0 p ort
Late st version of Windows® 7 , Windows 8 / Mac OS ® X 10 .5 and later
Minimum free d isk space: 6 00 MB recommen ded
What's I ncluded
LaCie Ru gged Mini d rive
USB 3. 0 cable (USB 2.0 compa tible)
Quick In stall Guide
Region Model Nu mber Capacity
Limited Warran ty
UPC Code EAN Cod e Multi-Pack UPC
WW LAC30 1556 500 GB 24 09 305382 7953 366 061931 5567 100 930538 27950
WW LAC30 1558 1 TB 24 09305 382798 4 366 061931 5581 100 930538 27981
WW LAC90 00298 2 TB 24 09305 300327 2 366 061900 5840 100 930530 03279
WW LAC90 00633 4 TB 24 09305 301411 7 366 061901 3814 100 930530 14114
AMERICAS Seag ate Tech nology LL C 10200 South De Anza Bo ulevard, Cup ertino, California 95014, United Sta tes, 408 -658 -1000
ASIA/ PACIFIC Seag ate Sing apore In ternationa l Head quarters Pte . Ltd. 7 000 An g Mo Kio Ave nue 5, Singapo re 56 9877, 6 5-6485-38 88
EUROPE, MIDDLE E AST AND AFRICA Se agate Te chnology SAS 16-18 , rue du Dôme, 9210 0 Boulog ne-Billancou rt, France , 33 1-41 86 10 00
© 2015 Seaga te Techno logy LLC. A ll rights re served. Sea gate, S eagate Technolog y, LaCie, an d the L aCie logo a re trademarks o r registere d trademarks o f Seaga te
Techn ology LLC o r one of its aff iliated companies in the United States a nd/or oth er countries. All other trad emarks or registere d trademarks a re the property o f their
respect ive own ers. Actual d ata rates may vary d ependin g on op erating e nvironment an d othe r facto rs, such as disk cap acity. When ref erring to hard drive capacity, on e
gigab yte, or GB, equals o ne billion byt es and o ne terab yte, or TB, e quals on e trillion b ytes. You r compu ter’s operatin g system may use a differen t standa rd of measu rement
and report a lowe r capa city. In ad dition, some of the liste d capacity is u sed for fo rmatting and ot her function s, and t hus will not b e available for data st orage. Comp lying with
all app licable copyright laws is t he respon sibility of the user. Seag ate reserve s the right t o chang e, without notice, prod uct offe rings o r specifica tions. DS18 71.1-150 9US