Firmware Upgrade (Upgrade Pack Ver. V5.00) (Enhancement
Pack Ver. V1.1)
TASKalfa 2550ci, PF-790, FAX SYSTEM(W)
KDC’s Classification Entire Stock Rework In-Field modification at next visit
In-Field modification by case No modification necessary
Field Measure: Please upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
Serial Nos. of the Affected Machines:
- FAX System (W): From the November 2012 production
- Others: Planned from the December 2012* production
* The above is the plan at the present moment. Please note that this information is subject to change.
Service Bulletin Ref. No. 2MV-0012 (C336)
<Date>December 14, 2012
The firmware was upgraded as follows.
Main Content of Changes
1. Improvement of the cleaning failure of the intermediate transfer unit
2. Measures against the release failure of the monochrome mode when the color toners are empty
3. Change of the initial setting of the maintenance mode U285 [Setting service status page] (For TA/UTAX only)
4. Description when service call appears on the operation panel
5. New route certificate for Cloud Connect
6. Support for the ID card reader manufactured by ELATEC Co.
7. Support for the use of Felica-Lite with the ID card reader manufactured by SCM Co.
8. Measures against the wrong cassette detection
<Please refer to the following pages for other changes and details.>
For the KD sales companies, it is possible to download the firmware from the download center on the Service World.
When upgrading the firmware or replacing a board, please upgrade all kinds of the firmware to the latest version at the same
*1: This is not included in the upgrade pack. Please individually download it from the Service World.
*2: Please do not upgrade the DP firmware only, but the set of DP firmware and MAIN firmware. (If it was individually upgraded,
the DP might lock up.)
KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe
Technical Customer Service Division (TCSD)

Improvement of the cleaning
failure of the intermediate
transfer unit
The followings changes were made in order to improve the cleaning
function by reviewing the use count and the timing to impress the cleaning
1) The initial settings of the voltage for the intermediate transfer cleaning
were changed. Also, the function was added to reset the setting value
after 20K.
U107 [Setting the voltage for the intermediate transfer cleaning]
--> Belt(A)
The voltage control shifts to the value for over 20K although the value
indicated on the panel at the maintenance mode U107 remains
unchanged after the count exceeds 20K.
2) The timing to turn the brush motor ON was changed to delay it by
150msec later than to turn ON the cleaning voltage since the cleaning
voltage may not be output due to the friction electrical current at
turning ON the cleaning voltage and the brush motor at the same
Measures against the release
failure of the monochrome mode
when the color toners are empty
Conventionally, the 4 color mode was switched to the monochrome mode
after detecting the color toner empty, there was no trigger to release the
monochrome mode setting demanded by unexpected cause. Therefore,
the following change was made.
The change was made so that the monochrome mode can be released if
none of the three color toners is empty when turning the main power ON or
recovering from the sleep mode.
* When the monochrome mode cannot be released even after replacing
the color toner, it can be released by turning the main power OFF and ON
with this firmware.
Service Bulletin Ref. No. 2MV-0012 (C336)
<Date>December 14, 2012
KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe
Technical Customer Service Division (TCSD)