Universal Design Support
(New Engraving to the Toner Container)
KDC's Classification Entire Stock Rework In-Field modification at next visit
In-Field modification by case No modification necessary
Field Measure: No particular problem is expected.
Serial Nos. of the Affected Machines: From the June 2013* production (Plan)
The information on the affected serial number will not be available.
* The above is the plan at the present moment. Please note that this information is subject to change.
Engraving of each color added
Service Bulletin Ref. No. 2MV-0020 (D146)
<Date> July 10, 2013
The engraving was added to the toner containers (Y/C/M/K) in order to support the universal design.
The product codes remain unchanged.
[Toner container change]
KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe
Customer Services & Support Division (CSSD)