Firmware Upgrade (Upgrade Pack Ver. V4.00)
-> 006.004
Service Bulletin Ref. No. 2MV-0009 (C249)
<Date>September 10, 2012
The firmware was upgraded as follows.
Content of Changes
<ENGINE Firmware: 2MV_1000.005.003>
1. Change of the method to reset the fuser service call error (C6xxx)
<Firmware changed this time: Pack Ver.4.00>
2. Support for the new destination.
3. Measures against the recognition failure of the ID card reader manufactured by SCM Co.
4. Improvement of the color registration shift correction in the half speed mode
5. New condition for the drum refresh [New maintenance mode]
6. New message to be displayed during the drum refresh
7. Change of the drum refresh control in the duplex mode
8. Measures against the cleaning failure of the intermediate transfer unit
9. Measures against the JAM0100 jam (JAM0100: Secondary paper feed request timeout)
10. Measures against the display error of the message “Remove the original from the original tray”
11. Measures against the panel lockup when feeding small custom size original
<For more details, please refer to next pages.>
For the KD sales companies, it is possible to download the firmware at the download center on the Service World.
When upgrading the firmware or replacing a board, please upgrade all kinds of the firmware to the latest version at the same
*1: The firmware above is not included in the upgrade pack. Please individually download it from the download center.
*2: When upgrading the DP firmware, please upgrade the DP firmware and the MAIN firmware together. (If upgraded
individually, DP may be locked up.)
KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe
Technical Customer Service Division (TCSD)

KDC’s Classification Entire Stock Rework In-Field modification at next visit
In-Field modification by case No modification necessary
Field Measure: Please upgrade the firmware when the phenomenon described above occurs.
Serial Nos. of the Affected Machines: Planned from the September 2012* production
* The above is the plan at the present moment. Please note that this information is subject to change.
Changed of the method to reset
the fuser service call error
The change was made so that the service call error at the fuser unit (C6xxx)
can be reset only by turning the main power OFF and ON while some service
calls required the clearance with the maintenance mode U163.
(same as TASKalfa205c/255c/FS-C8020MFP/C8025MFP)
Accordingly, all fuser service call errors (C6xxx) will resettable by turning the
main power OFF and ON.
Firmware changed this time
: Pack Ver.4.00
Support for the new destination
The following destination is now supported.
- Olivetti
Measures against the
recognition failure of the ID card
reader manufactured by SCM
Change was made since the machine might not recognize the ID card
reader manufactured by SCM Co.
(However, it can be solved by disconnecting and connecting the USB port.)
Improvement of the color
registration shift correction in the
half speed mode
The following changes were made:
- The color registration shift compared with the line speed between the full
speed, 3/4 and half speed mode was corrected.
- The initial setting of the drum motor speed in the half speed mode was
changed from -3 to -2 at the maintenance mode U053 [Setting the
adjustment of the motor speed].
Service Bulletin Ref. No. 2MV-0009 (C249)
<Date>September 10, 2012
KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe
Technical Customer Service Division (TCSD)