Kyocera FS FS-1920, Ecosys FS-1920, FS-3820N, FS-3830N Operation Manual

Page Printer
Operation Guide
Caution on Installation
No liability is assumed for any damage caused by improper installation.
Software used with this printer must support the printer’s emulation mode. The printer is factory-set to emulate the PCL. The emula­tion mode can be changed by following the procedures described in Chapter 1.
Notice on This Guide
The information in this guide is subject to change without notification. Additional pages may be inserted in future editions. The user is asked to excuse any technical inaccuracies or typographical errors in the present edition.
No responsibility is assumed if accidents occur while the user is following the instructions in this guide. No responsibility is assumed for defects in the printer’s firmware (contents of its read-only memory).
This guide, any copyrightable subject matter sold or provided with or in connection with the sale of the page printer, are protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. Copying or other reproduction of all or part of this guide, any copyrightable subject matter without the prior written consent of Kyocera Corporation is prohibited. Any copies made of all or part of this guide, any copyrightable subject must contain the same copyright notice as the material from which the copying is done.
Regarding Tradenames
PRESCRIBE is a registered trademark of Kyocera Corporation. KPDL and KIR (Kyocera Image Refinement) are trademarks of Kyocera Corporation.
Diablo 630 is a product of Xerox Corporation. IBM Proprinter X24E is a product of International Business Machines Corporation. Epson LQ-850 is a product of Seiko Epson Corporation.
Hewlett-Packard, PCL, and PJL are registered trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company. Centronics is a trade name of Centronics D a ta C o m p u te r I n c . Po s t Sc r i p t i s a r e g i s tered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple computer, Inc. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. PowerPC and Microdrive are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. CompactFlash is a trademark of SanDisk Corporation. E
TAR is a U.S. registered mark. All other brand and product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective
This Kyocera Mita page printer uses PeerlessPrintXL to provide the HP LaserJet compatible PCL6 language emulation. Peer­lessPrintXL is a trademark of The Peerless Group, Redondo Beach, CA 90278, U.S.A.
This product was developed using the Tornado™ Real Time Operating System and Tools from Wind River Systems.
This product contains UFST
and MicroType® from Agfa Monotype Corporation.
©2003, 2004 by KYOCERA MITA CORPORATION All rights reserved. Revision 1.1 January 2004
The device you have purchased contains one or more software programs ("Programs") which belong to international business machines corporation ("IBM"). This document defines the terms and conditions under which the software is being licensed to you by IBM. If you do not agree with the terms and conditions of this license, then within 14 days after your acquisition of the device you may return the device for a full refund. If you do not so return the device within the 14 days, then you will be assumed to have agreed to these terms and conditions.
The Programs are licensed not sold. IBM, or the applicable IBM country organization, grants you a license for the Programs only in the country where you acquired the Programs. You obtain no rights other than those granted you under this license.
The term "Programs" means the original and all whole or partial copies of it, including modified copies or portions merged into other programs. IBM retains title to the Programs. IBM owns, or has licensed from the owner, copyrights in the Programs.
1. License
Under this license, you may use the Programs only with the device on which they are installed and transfer possession of the Programs and the device to another party.
If you transfer the Programs, you must transfer a copy of this license and any other documentation to the other party. Your license is then terminated. The other party agrees to these terms and conditions by its first use of the Program.
You may not:
1) use, copy, modify, merge, or transfer copies of the Program except as provided in this license;
2) reverse assemble or reverse compile the Program; or
3) sublicense, rent, lease, or assign the Program.
2. Limited Warranty
The Programs are provided "AS IS."
There are no other warranties covering the Programs (or conditions), express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above exclusion may not apply to you.
3. Limitation of Remedies
IBM’s entire liability under this license is the following;
1) For any claim (including fundamental breach), in any form, related in any way to this license, IBM’s liability will be for actual damages only and will be limited to the greater of:
a) the equivalent of U.S.$25,000 in your local currency; or b) IBM’s then generally available license fee for the Program
This limitation will not apply to claims for bodily injury or damages to real or tangible personal property for which IBM is legally liable.
IBM will not be liable for any lost profits, lost savings, or any incidental damages or other economic consequential damages, even if IBM, or its authorized supplier, has been advised of the possibility of such damages. IBM will not be liable for any damages claimed by you based on any third party claim. This limitation of remedies also applies to any developer of Programs supplied to IBM. IBM’s and the developer’s limitations of remedies are not cumulative. Such developer is an intended beneficiary of this Section. Some jurisdictions do not allow these limitations or exclusions, so they may not apply to you.
4. General
You may terminate your license at any time. IBM may terminate your license if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this license. In either event, you must destroy all your copies of the Program. You are responsible for payment of any taxes, including personal property taxes, resulting from this license. Neither party may bring an action, regardless of form, more than two years after the cause of action arose. If you acquired the Program in the United States, this license is governed by the laws of the State of New York. If you acquired the Program in Canada, this license is governed by the laws of the Province of Ontario. Otherwise, this license is governed by the laws of the country in which you acquired the Program.
Typeface Trademark Acknowledgement
All resident fonts in this printer are licensed from Agfa Corporation.
Helvetica, Palatino and Times are registered trademarks of Linotype-Hell AG.
ITC Avant Garde Gothic, ITC Bookman, ITC ZapfChancery and ITC Zapf Dingbats are registered trademarks of International Type­face Corporation.
Agfa Japan License Agreement
1. “Software” shall mean the digitally encoded, machine readable, scalable outline data as encoded in a special format as well as the UFST Software.
2. You agree to accept a non-exclusive license to use the Software to reproduce and display weights, styles and versions of letters, numerals, characters and symbols (“Typefaces”) solely for your own customary business or personal purposes at the address stated on the registration card you return to Agfa Japan. Under the terms of this License Agreement, you have the right to use the Fonts on up to three printers. If you need to have access to the fonts on more than three printers, you need to acquire a multi-user license agreement which can be obtained from Agfa Japan. Agfa Japan retains all rights, title and interest to the Software and Typefaces and no rights are granted to you other than a License to use the Software on the terms expressly set forth in this Agreement.
3. To protect proprietary rights of Agfa Japan, you agree to maintain the Software and other proprietary information concerning the Typefaces in strict confidence and to establish reasonable procedures regulating access to and use of the Software and Typefaces.
4. You agree not to duplicate or copy the Software or Typefaces, except that you may make one backup copy. You agree that any such copy shall contain the same proprietary notices as those appearing on the original.
5. This License shall continue until the last use of the Software and Typefaces, unless sooner terminated. This License may be terminated by Agfa Japan if you fail to comply with the terms of this License and such failure is not remedied within thirty (30) days after notice from Agfa Japan. When this License expires or is terminated, you shall either return to Agfa Japan or destroy all copies of the Software and Typefaces and documentation as requested.
6. You agree that you will not modify, alter, disassemble, decrypt, reverse engineer or decompile the Software.
7. Agfa Japan warrants that for ninety (90) days after delivery, the Software will perform in accordance with Agfa Japan-published specifications, and the diskette will be free from defects in material and workmanship. Agfa Japan does not warrant that the Software is free from all bugs, errors and omissions.
The parties agree that all other warranties, expressed or implied, including warranties of fitness for a particular purpose and merchantability, are excluded.
8. Your exclusive remedy and the sole liability of Agfa Japan in connection with the Software and Typefaces is repair or replacement of defective parts, upon their return to Agfa Japan.
In no event will Agfa Japan be liable for lost profits, lost data, or any other incidental or consequential damages, or any damages caused by abuse or misapplication of the Software and Typefaces.
9. New York, U.S.A. law governs this Agreement.
10. You shall not sublicense, sell, lease, or otherwise transfer the Software and/or Typefaces without the prior written consent of Agfa Japan.
11. Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at FAR 252-227-7013, subdivision (b)(3)(ii) or subparagraph (c)(1)(ii), as appropriate. Further use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions applicable to restricted rights software as set forth in FAR 52.227-19 (c)(2).
12. You acknowledge that you have read this Agreement, understand it, and agree to be bound by its terms and conditions. Neither party shall be bound by any statement or representation not contained in this Agreement. No change in this Agreement is effective unless written and signed by properly authorized representatives of each party. By opening this diskette package, you agree to accept the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
Cautions for Toner Handling
• Do not incinerate toner and toner containers. Dangerous sparks may cause burn.
• Never open the toner container or waste toner box.
• Make sure not to inhale the toner, and not to rub your eyes or touch your mouth with the hands stained with the toner. And make sure not to stick to your skin.
• For the disposal of old toner container and waste toner box, consult your dealer. Or dispose of the toner or toner containers in accordance with Federal, state and Local rules and regulations.
• Keep away the toner container and the waste toner box from children.
Introduction ................................................................................................ ix
Features ........................................................................................................................................................... x
For More Information................................................................................................................................... xiii
Guide to the Operation Guide...................................................................................................................... xiv
Chapter 1
Using the Operator Panel ....................................................... 1-1
Understanding the Operator Panel ............................................................................................................. 1-2
Message Display .................................................................................................................................... 1-2
Interface Indicator ................................................................................................................................. 1-3
Paper Size Indicator............................................................................................................................... 1-3
Paper Type Indicator ............................................................................................................................. 1-4
READY, DATA, and ATTENTION Indicators ...................................................................................... 1-4
Keys ........................................................................................................................................................ 1-5
Menu System Road Map........................................................................................................................ 1-6
Printing Test Pages .................................................................................................................................... 1-12
Menu Map ............................................................................................................................................ 1-12
Status Page........................................................................................................................................... 1-14
Service Status Page ............................................................................................................................. 1-18
Network Card Interface Status Page.................................................................................................. 1-19
Font Lists.............................................................................................................................................. 1-21
Received Data Dumping ...................................................................................................................... 1-23
Paper Handling........................................................................................................................................... 1-24
Setting the Paper Size ......................................................................................................................... 1-24
Setting the Paper Size in Paper Cassette ............................................................................ 1-24
Setting the Paper Size in MP Tray ....................................................................................... 1-28
Setting the Paper Type........................................................................................................................ 1-30
Setting the Paper Type in Paper Cassette ........................................................................... 1-30
Setting the Paper Type in MP Tray ..................................................................................... 1-31
Creating Custom Paper Type ............................................................................................... 1-32
Resetting the Custom Paper Type ........................................................................................ 1-36
MP Tray Mode...................................................................................................................................... 1-37
Selecting the Paper Feed Source ......................................................................................................... 1-38
Selecting the Output Stack ................................................................................................................. 1-39
Overriding A4 and Letter Size Difference .......................................................................................... 1-40
Pagination ................................................................................................................................................... 1-41
Emulation............................................................................................................................................. 1-41
Changing the Emulation ...................................................................................................... 1-41
Alternative Emulation for KPDL Emulation ...................................................................... 1-42
Printing KPDL Errors .......................................................................................................... 1-43
Font....................................................................................................................................................... 1-44
Default font ............................................................................................................................ 1-44
Default Font Size ................................................................................................................... 1-46
Changing Type for Courier/Letter Gothic ............................................................................ 1-47
Setting the Character Pitch for Courier/Letter Gothic ....................................................... 1-48
Code Set................................................................................................................................................ 1-49
Number of Copies................................................................................................................................. 1-50
Printing Orientation ............................................................................................................................ 1-51
KIR (Kyocera Image Refinement) ....................................................................................................... 1-52
Ecoprint ................................................................................................................................................ 1-54
Resolution............................................................................................................................................. 1-55
e-MPS .......................................................................................................................................................... 1-56
Quick Copy ........................................................................................................................................... 1-57
Proof and Hold ..................................................................................................................................... 1-59
Printing a Private Job ......................................................................................................................... 1-61
Printing a Stored Job........................................................................................................................... 1-63
Printing a Code Job ............................................................................................................................. 1-65
Printing a List of Code Jobs ................................................................................................................ 1-67
Retrieving Jobs from Virtual Mailbox (VMB) .................................................................................... 1-68
Printing a List of VMB ........................................................................................................................ 1-69
e-MPS Configuration ........................................................................................................................... 1-70
Interface ...................................................................................................................................................... 1-74
Parallel Interface Mode ....................................................................................................................... 1-74
USB Interface Mode............................................................................................................................. 1-75
Serial Interface Parameters ................................................................................................................ 1-76
Network Interface Parameters............................................................................................................ 1-78
Operating the Storage Device .................................................................................................................... 1-81
Activating the RAM Disk .................................................................................................................... 1-81
Reading Data ....................................................................................................................................... 1-83
Writing Data......................................................................................................................................... 1-84
Deleting Data ....................................................................................................................................... 1-86
Reading Fonts from a CompactFlash Card ........................................................................................ 1-87
Formatting a Storage Device............................................................................................................... 1-88
Printing a List of Data Names ............................................................................................................ 1-89
Configuration.............................................................................................................................................. 1-91
Page Protect Mode ............................................................................................................................... 1-91
Linefeed (LF) Action ............................................................................................................................ 1-92
Carriage-Return (CR) Action .............................................................................................................. 1-93
Wide A4 Pitch....................................................................................................................................... 1-94
Print Density........................................................................................................................................ 1-95
Total Printed Pages.............................................................................................................................. 1-96
Toner Counter Resetting ..................................................................................................................... 1-96
Message Language............................................................................................................................... 1-97
Automatic Form Feed Timeout............................................................................................................ 1-99
Sleep Timer Setting ........................................................................................................................... 1-100
Printer Resetting ............................................................................................................................... 1-102
Resource Protection ........................................................................................................................... 1-103
Alarm (Buzzer) Setting...................................................................................................................... 1-104
Auto Continue Setting ....................................................................................................................... 1-105
Duplex Printing Error Detection Setting .........................................................................................1-107
Chapter 2
Paper Selection....................................................................... 2-1
General Guidelines....................................................................................................................................... 2-2
Paper Availability .................................................................................................................................. 2-2
Paper Specifications............................................................................................................................... 2-2
Selecting the Right Paper...................................................................................................................... 2-3
Special Paper ................................................................................................................................................ 2-7
Transparency (Overhead Projection Film) ........................................................................................... 2-7
Adhesive-Backed Labels ........................................................................................................................ 2-8
Paper Type .................................................................................................................................................. 2-12
Chapter 3
Maintenance ........................................................................... 3-1
Toner Container Replacement ..................................................................................................................... 3-2
Toner Container Replacement Interval................................................................................................ 3-2
Replenishing Toner................................................................................................................................ 3-3
Waste Toner Box Replacement .................................................................................................................... 3-6
Replacing the Waste Toner Box............................................................................................................. 3-6
Cleaning ........................................................................................................................................................ 3-9
Cleaning the Charger Wire ................................................................................................................... 3-9
Cleaning the Charger Grid.................................................................................................................. 3-10
Paper Transfer Unit............................................................................................................................. 3-13
Chapter 4
Troubleshooting ...................................................................... 4-1
General Guide............................................................................................................................................... 4-2
Print Quality Problems ................................................................................................................................ 4-3
Indicators and Messages .............................................................................................................................. 4-6
Indicators................................................................................................................................................ 4-6
Maintenance Messages.......................................................................................................................... 4-7
Error Messages .................................................................................................................................... 4-10
Correcting a Paper Jam.............................................................................................................................. 4-12
Jam at the Paper Cassette or Inside the Printer ............................................................................... 4-14
Paper Jam at the Option Duplexer ..................................................................................................... 4-16
Paper Jam at the Option Sorter.......................................................................................................... 4-18
Jam at the MP Tray............................................................................................................................. 4-20
Chapter 5
Fonts ....................................................................................... 5-1
List of Fonts .................................................................................................................................................. 5-2
PCL (Scalable and Bitmap) Fonts......................................................................................................... 5-2
KPDL Fonts (1) ...................................................................................................................................... 5-5
KPDL Fonts (2) ...................................................................................................................................... 5-6
Appendix A
Options .................................................................................... A-1
Available Options .........................................................................................................................................A-2
Expanding the Printer Memory...................................................................................................................A-3
Installing Option Units ................................................................................................................................A-9
PF-60 Paper Feeder................................................................................................................................A-9
DU-61 Duplexer ...................................................................................................................................A-12
SO-60 Sorter.........................................................................................................................................A-15
EF-60 Envelope Feeder ........................................................................................................................A-21
PT-4/PT-60 Rear Tray .........................................................................................................................A-25
Network Interface Card.......................................................................................................................A-26
Microdrive (Hard Disk)........................................................................................................................A-28
CompactFlash (Memory) Card ............................................................................................................A-30
Appendix B
Host Computer Interface........................................................ B-1
Parallel Interface......................................................................................................................................... B-2
Parallel Interface Communication Modes ........................................................................................... B-2
Interface Signals ................................................................................................................................... B-2
USB Interface .............................................................................................................................................. B-5
Specifications ........................................................................................................................................ B-5
Interface Signals ................................................................................................................................... B-5
Serial Interface (Option) ............................................................................................................................. B-6
RS-232C Interface................................................................................................................................. B-6
RS-232C Protocol ......................................................................................................................................... B-7
PRESCRIBE FRPO D0 Command.......................................................................................................B-9
RS-232C Cable Connection ....................................................................................................................... B-10
Obtain a Suitable RS-232C Cable...................................................................................................... B-10
Connecting the Printer to the Computer........................................................................................... B-10
Appendix C
Specifications ......................................................................... C-1
Glossary ....................................................................................... Glossary-1
Index ................................................................................................. Index-1
The Kyocera Mita page printer has many extremely desirable features. It was designed to make a contribution to a cleaner environment as well as to represent the latest generation of page printer technology.
This section contains the following subsections.
For More Information...
Guide to the Operation Guide
This section outlines the common major printer features of the FS-1920 page printer.
Ultra long life modules
The drum, developer, and fuser have been designed for ultra long life.
Amorphous silicon drum
The drum has been developed using Kyocera’s unique ceramic technology using amorphous silicon.
KIR (Kyocera Image Refinement)
This is Kyocera’s original smoothing function. It uses software to enhance the printer’s resolution and produce high-quality printing. The default setting is On.
Superb print quality
Using 1200 dpi resolution in Fast 1200 mode, the printout is close to typeset quality. Also, with Kyocera Image Refinement (KIR) technology, high quality printing can be achieved even at 300 dpi and 600 dpi.
Large paper capacity
Approximately 500 sheets can be loaded into the paper cassette, and about 100 sheets can be loaded into the MP tray.
Wide variety of print media
As well as standard paper, the printer will print on transparency, labels and other types of special purpose media.
Sleep Mode
Conserves energy during the printer’s idle periods.
Extends the toner yield by reducing the amount of toner used on the page.
Displaying printer messages in any of eight languages
Printer messages can be displayed in English, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, or Portuguese.
USB (Universal Serial Bus) Interface
This printer supports Full-Speed USB 2.0 standards. Connection to a computer with a USB interface gives a higher communication speed than parallel interface connection.
‘e-MPS’ is an abbreviation for ‘enhanced-Multiple Printing System,’ which is a post-processing function that combines electronic sorting, job retention, and virtual mailboxing.
When printing multiple copies of a document, the data is transferred from the computer to the printer only for the first copy; the data is then stored on the printer’s hard disk. Copies of the document are printed using the stored data.
Printing is performed faster with less computer spooling time and less network traffic.
Furthermore, printed data that is stored on the hard disk can be called up using job retention functions, such as Quick Copy etc., allowing you to quickly print additional copies of a document from the printer at any time, without needing to re-spool the document or start up the computer system.
Printer control language PRESCRIBE
The printer uses PRESCRIBE, Kyocera Mita’s page printer control language with enhanced color graphics capabilities. The simple commands of PRESCRIBE allow the programmers to easily define pagination and device control.
KPDL3 (Kyocera Printer Description Language 3)
KPDL3 is the Kyocera’s implementation of the PostScript page description language Level 3. The printer has 80 fonts that are compatible with Adobe PostScript fonts. (The printer also has 80 PCL fonts.)
PDF direct printing
Allows you to send a selected PDF file directly to the printer without invoking a printer driver.
Account management system
The account management system function records the number of pages printed by each department. The administrator can preset the maximum number of pages that each department will be allowed to print.
Microdrive (hard disk unit) slot for various functions such as job retention, VMB, and more
By saving print jobs onto the Microdrive, they can be printed out at the operator panel when desired. The electronic sort function can be used for much faster printing.
CompactFlash card slot for option fonts, macros, forms, etc.
Data in the CompactFlash card can be selectively read from the printer’s operator panel.
SNMP compliance
The printer complies with Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). The SNMP is used for providing and transferring management information (MIB) between the printer and the host computer.
Support for network printer monitor utility (KM-NET VIEWER)
Allows network wide management of printers. See the readme file in the CD-ROM (comes with the printer) for details.
For More Information...
For information on how to install the printer driver software, refer to the KX Printer Driver Installation Guide that is included with the printer.
For information on how to use the printer driver software, refer to the KX Printer Driver Operation Guide that is included on the CD-ROM (comes with the printer).
Item Description
Installation Guide (paper manual)
Describes procedures from printer setup to printing a test page.
KX Printer Driver Installation Guide (paper manual)
Describes the procedure to install the printer driver software.
Operation Guide (this manual)
Guides you through topics concerning the operations and maintenance of the printer.
KX Printer Drivers Operation Guide
Describes how to install and set the printer driver.
PRESCRIBE Command Technical Reference
PRESCRIBE is the native language of the Kyocera Mita printers. This Technical Reference contains the information about how the printing is performed using the PRESCRIBE commands as well as the font and emulation description. Also included is a list of permanent parameters and their explanation needed when customizing your printer.
PRESCRIBE Command Reference
Gives a detailed explanation of the PRESCRIBE command syntax and parameters with the aid of print examples.
Guide to the Operation Guide
This Operation Guide has the following chapters:
Chapter 1 Using the Operator Panel
This chapter explains the message display, indicators and keys on the operator panel, and how to make various settings from the operator panel.
Chapter 2 Paper Selection
This chapter explains the types of paper that can be used with the printer.
Chapter 3 Maintenance
This chapter explains how to replace the toner container, waste toner box, and how to care for your printer.
Chapter 4 Troubleshooting
This chapter explains how to handle printer problems that may occur, such as paper jams.
Chapter 5 Fonts
This chapter explains about fonts and lists the printer’s internal fonts.
Appendix A Options
This appendix explains how to expand the printer's memory and how to install each option unit.
Appendix B Host Computer Interface
This appendix explains the pin assignment and specifications for the printer’s parallel interface, USB interface, and option serial interface.
Appendix C Specifications
This appendix lists the printer’s specifications.
This glossary explains the terminology used in this guide.
The following symbols are used to attract your attention in this guide. The symbols and their meanings are as follows:
Indicates tips or advice useful for operation.
Indicates situations that are potentially hazardous to the human body or devices.
Indicates situations that are potentially extremely hazardous to the human body or devices.
Indicates operations that can be performed or are effective only when the required option unit is installed.
Chapter 1
Using the Operator Panel
This chapter explains the following topics:
Understanding the Operator Panel
Printing Test Pages
Paper Handling
Operating the Storage Device
Understanding the Operator Panel
Understanding the Operator Panel
The operator panel has a LCD message display, three indicators, and eight keys.
Messages that appear on the display and functions of indicators and keys are explained in the sections that follows.
Message Display
The message display gives information in the form of short messages. The eight messages listed below are displayed during normal warm-up and printing.
Other messages that may appear when the printer needs the operator’s attention are explained in Chapter 4.
Message Meaning
Self test
The printer is self-testing after power-up.
Please wait
The printer is warming up and is not ready. When the printer is switched on for the first time after the toner container is installed,
(Adding toner)
also appears.
The printer is ready to print.
The printer is receiving data, generating graphics, reading a CompactFlash card/Microdrive, or printing.
The printer is in sleep mode. The printer wakes from sleep mode whenever the
GO key on the
operator panel is pressed, the cover is opened or closed, or data is received. The printer then warms up and goes online. The time that the printer takes to enter sleep mode depends on the sleep timer setting.
Cancelling data
Jobs inside the printer are being canceled. To cancel a job, see the table on page 1-5.
The printer is waiting for the end-of-job command before printing the last page. Pressing the GO key allows you to obtain the last page immediately.
FormFeed Time Out
The printer is printing the last page after a waiting period.
Table 1-1
Understanding the Operator Panel
Interface Indicator
The interface indicator shows the interface that is currently used. It uses the following abbreviations:
PAR Standard bi-directional parallel interface USB Standard USB interface SER Option serial interface (RS-232C) OPT Option network interface card
--- No interface is active.
Each interface has a timeout time of 30 seconds during which the other interface should wait to receive a print job. Even a print job has been complete on the interface, you should wait for this period until the other interface begins printing the job.
Paper Size Indicator
This indicator indicates the paper size of the current paper cassette. The following abbreviations are used to indicate the paper sizes.
While the printer is processing data, the SIZE indicator indicates the paper size selected by the application software.
Message Display
Paper Size Message
Paper Size
A4 ISO A4 (21 × 29.7 cm) EX Executive (7-1/4 × 10-1/2 inches)
A5 ISO A5 (14.8 × 21 cm) #6 Commercial 6-3/4
(3-5/8 × 6-1/2 inches)
(10.5 × 14.8 cm)
† With only the MP tray feeding.
#9 Commercial 9
(3-7/8 × 8-7/8 inches)
B5 JIS B5 (18.2 × 25.6 cm) O2 Oficio II (8-1/2 × 13 inches)
(12.8 × 18.2 cm)
16K 16 kai (19.7 × 27.3 cm)
LT Letter
(8-1/2 × 11 inches)
ST Statement (5-1/2 × 8-1/2 inches)
LG Legal
(8-1/2 × 14 inches)
FO Folio (21 × 33 cm)
MO Monarch
(3-7/8 × 7-1/2 inches)
HA Japanese Postcard (10 × 14.8 cm)
BU Business
(4-1/8 × 9-1/2 inches)
OH Return Postcard (20 × 14.8 cm)
DL ISO DL (11 × 22 cm)†Y2 Envelope (Youkei 2)
(11.4 × 16.2 cm)
(16.2 × 22.9 cm)
Y4 Envelope (Youkei 4)
(10.5 × 23.5 cm)
b5 ISO B5 (17.6 × 25 cm) CU Custom Size
(14.8 × 21 cm to 21.6 × 35.6 cm)
Table 1-2
Understanding the Operator Panel
Paper Type Indicator
This shows the paper type defined for the current paper casette. Automatic cassette switching is available according to the paper type.
The paper type can be specified at the operator panel. See Creating
Custom Paper Type on page 1-32.
The following abbreviations are used to indicate the paper type.
The following indicators light during normal operation and when the printer needs attention.
Message Display Paper Type Message Display Paper Type
None Auto LETTERHEA Letterhead
TRNSPRNCY Transparency
† With only the MP tray feeding.
PREPUNCHE Prepunched
PREPRINTE Preprinted ENVELOPE Envelope
RECYCLED Recycled HIGH QUAL High quality
CUSTOM 1 (to 8) Custom 1 (to 8)
Table 1-3
Indicator Description
Flashing: Indicates when an error occurs that you can clear
by yourself. Lit: Indicates that the printer is on-line. The printer prints received data. Off: Indicates that the printer is off-line. Data can be received but will not be printed. Also indicates when printing is automatically stopped due to occurrence of an error.
Flashing: Indicates data transfer is taking place. Lit: Indicates either that data is being processed, or that data
is being written to the memory card.
Flashing: Indicates when the printer needs maintenance attention or the printer is warming up (
Please wait).
Lit: Indicates when a problem or an error occurs that you can clear by yourself. (For example, paper jam occurs.)
Table 1-4
Understanding the Operator Panel
The operator panel keys are used to configure the printer. Note the certain keys have the secondary function.
Settings made with these keys effect only the interface currently in use.
Key Function
• Switches the printer on-line and off-line.
• Prints and feed out one page.
• Cancels specific errors.
• Cancels a printing job. To cancel, proceed as follows: 1 Check if
Processing is displayed in the message display.
2 Press the CANCEL key. 3
Print Cancel? appears in the message display and then interface to be canceled. Parallel USB Serial
(appears only when an option serial interface board kit is installed)
Option (appears only when an option network interface card is installed)
Press the CANCEL key again if you wish to stop the cancellation of printing.
4 Select the interface to cancel using
the or key and then press the ENTER key. Printing
from the selected interface will stop. Cancelling data appears in the message display and printing stops after the current page is printed.
• Resets numeric values, or cancels a setting procedure.
• Used to stop the sounding of the alarm buzzer an error occurs.
• When pressed during mode selection, terminates the setting and the printer returns to the Ready condition.
• Used to select the emulation, font, character code set; to read an CompactFlash card, and more.
Used to access a desired item or enter numeric values. In some of the control procedures, the > and < keys are used to enter or exit a sub item.
Used to access a desired item or enter of numeric values. In some of the control procedures, the > and < keys are used to enter or exit a sub item.
Used as the < key in the mode selection function.
•Used as the > key in the mode selection function.
• Displays online help messages on the message display when paper jam errors occur. When pressed in the
Ready condition, displays explanations of online help messages. When pressed
while the online help is displayed, cancels the online help.
Finalizes numeric values and other selections.
Table 1-5
†If you hold down the ENTER key and press the MENU key when Ready is shown on this printer, the AdministrationID menu
will be displayed. This menu is the setting menu for administration under the Account Management System and is normally not used. Press the MENU key to return to the Ready display.
Understanding the Operator Panel
Menu System Road Map
This section explains how to use the menu selection system. The MENU key on the operator panel allows you to use the menu to set or change the printer environment such as the number of copies to make, emulation, etc., to your specific needs. Settings can be made when Ready is indicated on the printer message display.
The printer obeys the most recently received printer settings sent from the application software, or from the printer driver, which take priority over operator panel settings.
The following is the hierarchy diagram of the menu selection system of the printer.
The vertical transition is made with the and keys and horizontal transition is made with the > and < keys. To change or finalize configuration on an item, use the ENTER key.
These items will not appear unless the printer is installed with the applicable option unit.
Print Status Page
>List of VMB
>Quick Copy
>Print VMB Data
Print Menu Map
>List of Code JOB
>e-MPS > Configuration
>>Quick Copy
>>Temp.Code JOB Size
>>Perm.Code JOB Size
>>VMB Size
Continued on next page
e-MPS >
Understanding the Operator Panel
Continued on next page
Continued from previous page
>NetWare > On
Nibble (high)
High Speed
>Parallel I/F Auto
>NetWare Off
>Ether Talk Off
>OPT. StatusPage Off
>>NetWare Frame Auto
>>IP Address
>>Subnet Mask
Emulation Line Printer
Emulation PCL 6
>Print KPDL errs Off
Emulation > KPDL
Emulation > KPDL (AUTO)
>Print KPDL errs Off
Emulation DIABLO 630
Emulation EPSON LQ-850
Emulation IBM Proprinter
>Alt. Emulation PCL 6
>Baud Rate 9600
>Data Bits 8
>Stop Bits 1
DTR (pos.)&XON
Interface > Option
Interface > Serial
Interface > Parallel
Understanding the Operator Panel
Continued on next page
Continued from previous page
Ignore LF
CR and LF
Font >
>>Courier Dark
>>Letter Gothic Regular
10.00 cpi
>List of Internal Fonts
Page Set >
>Copies 001
>Orientation Portrait
>Page Protect Auto
>LF Action LF only
Ignore CR
CR and LF
>CR Action CR only
>Wide A4 Off
>> I000
> Option
Font Select > Internal
>List of Option Fonts
>Code Set IBM PC-8
Understanding the Operator Panel
Continued on next page
Continued from previous page
Hard Disk > >Read Data
>Write Data
>Delete Data
>List of Partitions
RAM Disk Mode On
RAM Disk Mode Off
>RAM Disk Size
>Read Data
>Write Data
>Delete Data
>List of Partitions
>Read Fonts
>Read Data
>Write Data
>Delete Data
>List of Partitions
600 dpi
300 dpi
Print Quality >
>KIR Mode On
>Ecoprint Mode Off
>Resolution Fast 1200 mode
>Print Density 03
Memory Card >
Understanding the Operator Panel
Continued on next page
Continued from Previous page
>MP Tray Mode Cassette
Paper Handling >
>MP Tray Size A4 or Letter
>MP Tray Type Plain
>EF Size DL or Business
>EF Type Envelope
>>Unit mm
>>X Dimension
>>Y Dimension
>Cassette Type Plain
>Duplex Mode None
>Override A4/LT On
>Override A4/LT Off
>>Paper weight Normal 2
>Reset Type Adjust
>Feed Select Cassette
>Sorter Mode Sorter
Life Counters >
>Total Print 0123456
>New Toner Installed
>Type Adjust > Custom 1
>>Duplex Path Enable
>Cassette Size > Custom
>Cassette Size A4
>Stack Select RearTray FaceUp
>Stack Select Top tray FaceDn
Understanding the Operator Panel
>>Duplex Off
Continued from previous page
Perm / Temp
Others >
>Form Feed Time Out 030sec.
>Sleep Timer > 015 min.
>Printer Reset
>Resource Prot. Off
>Buzzer On
>Service >
Mode Off
>Auto Continue > Mode On
>>Auto Continue Timer 030sec.
>>Sleep Mode On
>MSG Language English
Since this menu is provided for service, normally you need not use it.
>Finishing >
>>Print Status Page
>>Print Event Log
Printing Test Pages
Printing Test Pages
This section explains the procedure for printing the printer’s internal information using the menu selection system. The menu map is usefull as a reference to guide yourself through the menu selection system.
The status page is a list of parameters and settings for most basic printer configurations. You may be required to produce a status page when requesting service to the printer.
Menu Map
The printer prints a full list of menu selection system. Note that menus indicated on the list may vary depending on which option units are installed on the printer.
Press the MENU key.
Press the or key repeatedly until Print Menu Map appears.
Press the ENTER key. A question mark (?) appears.
Press the ENTER key again. The printer prints a menu map.
Print Menu Map
Print Menu Map ?
Printing Test Pages
FS-1920 Page Printer
Printing Test Pages
Status Page
If you want to check the printer's current status, including memory available and option settings, you can find the information you need on the status page.
Press the MENU key.
Press the or key repeatedly until Print Status Page appears.
Press the ENTER key. A question mark (?) appears.
Press the ENTER key again. The printer prints a status page.
For a full description of the status page, see the following pages.
Print Status Page
Print Status Page ?
+ 197 hidden pages