Kyocera Accounting System Settings Guide

Accounting System Settings Guide
Accounting System Settings Guide
Table of Contents
Introduction........................................................................................................................ 3
Chapter 1 Overview of the Accounting System............................................................ 4
Chapter 2 Setting Up the Accounting System.............................................................. 5
Set Account Management ON/OFF ..................................................................................................................... 8
Add Account Code ............................................................................................................................................... 9
Delete Account Code.......................................................................................................................................... 11
Change Administration ID.................................................................................................................................. 11
Print Account Management List......................................................................................................................... 13
Display Number of Printed Pages ...................................................................................................................... 13
Set Maximum Number of Copies....................................................................................................................... 14
2-3 Entering Settings through the PRESCRIBE Commands .....................................................................................16
Accounting Function Operation Commands..............................................................................................................16
ADMN-accounting Administrator mode............................................................................................................ 16
EDAD-EnD of accounting Administrator mode ................................................................................................ 17
CODE-accounting CODE registration and setting............................................................................................. 17
DELT-accounting code DELeTion .................................................................................................................... 18
ALAS-accounting code ALiAs .......................................................................................................................... 18
MAXN-MAXimun Number of copy page ......................................................................................................... 19
CRST-accounting Counter ReSeTting ............................................................................................................... 20
FAXS- FAX related Setup.................................................................................................................................. 21
LIST-accounting LIST ....................................................................................................................................... 21
Accounting Function Mode Setting Commands ........................................................................................................22
MAIN-accounting MAIN switch........................................................................................................................ 22
SECR-accounting SECuRity level ..................................................................................................................... 23
CTMD-CounT MoDe......................................................................................................................................... 23
ERRM-ERRor Management............................................................................................................................... 26
ACLR-Auto CleaR managemet.......................................................................................................................... 27
CLMN-distinction of CoLor and MoNochrome ................................................................................................ 28
ATRC-ATtRibute combination of Counters ...................................................................................................... 28
FRST-use Functional ReSTriction ..................................................................................................................... 30
RSTP-selection of a ReSTriction Pattern ........................................................................................................... 31
PPAS-Permission for Printing without Accounting code Specification ............................................................ 32
Chapter 3 Error Messages............................................................................................ 33


Accounting System Settings Guide
With the increasing popularity of office networks, it has become very common for multiple users to share a single printer or multi-function product. This has made it much easier for users to obtain printouts, but they then faced the problem of increasingly large amounts of printouts. To offset this situation, operation management tools known as accounting systems were created for such purposes as keeping track of total pages printed by each printer user, and settings upper limits on the printed page number totals.
An accounting system manages the number of printed pages separately for each printing account, thus allowing billing management and instructions on reducing the number of printed pages to be handled efficiently. As a result, user awareness of costs and the environment is improved, making it possible to reduce the amount of paper used.
The accounting system is managed using account codes that are set by the administrator for each account.
Legal Notes
Unauthorized reproduction of all or part of this guide is prohibited. The information in this guide is subject to change for improvement without notice.
We cannot be held liable for any problems arising from the use of this product, regardless of the information herein.
PRESCRIBE is registered trademark of Kyocera Corporation. All other brand and product names herein are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.

Chapter 1 Overview of the Accounting System

Accounts or users that may use the printer can be limited by registering account codes in advance. The amount of paper used by each registered account code can be tracked, so it is easy to manage separately billing and the amount of paper used by each account.
An account code must first be registered to the printer in order to operate the system. In addition, an account code is selected to start printing so that the printer can separately store the number of printed pages used by each account.
A printer with a registered account code can only print data from PCs that specify the same account code. For example, as shown in the figure, printers A and B in the sales department are set to account code 100 and can only print data from computers in the sales department that specify account code 100. These computers cannot output data to printers in the planning department since their account code is set as 9999, even though they are connected to the same network. In addition, printers with a set account code cannot print data unless an account code is specified.
[sales department] account code: 100
Printer A
(account code: 100)
Account code 100 specified.
Printer B
(account code: 100)
[planning department]
account code: 9999
Printer C
(account code: 9999)
Accounting System Settings Guide

Chapter 2 Setting Up the Accounting System

Chapter 2 Setting Up the Accounting System
This chapter describes the accounting system menus and how to set them up.
There are two ways to set up the accounting system.
• Enter settings through the printer operator panel
• Enter settings by inputting the PRESCRIBE commands
Most functions and commands operate the same way on all models. However, some functions and commands are not relevant to certain specific models.
Administration IDs
An administration ID is required to control the accounting system.
An administration ID is a 15-digit number. The default setting is the printer model number followed by a string of zeros (e.g., 602000000000000 for the FS-6020). The administration ID can be changed to any number. (Refer to Change Administration ID on page 11.)
Write down the administration ID and keep it in a safe place so that you do not forget it.

2-1 Accounting System Menus

The accounting system has the following menus.
Account Management ON/OFF
Account Management must be set to On in order to use the accounting system.
Add Account
Adds a new account code that is permitted to use the printer.
Delete Account
Deletes a previously registered account code.
Change Admin. ID
Changes the administration ID.
Print Account Management List
Prints out accounting system settings (e.g., number of printed pages) for each registered account code.
Select Account
Selects an account code whose counter display and maximum number of copies are to be initialized.
Displays the number of printed pages for the selected account.
Max. No. of Copy
Sets the maximum number of copies allowed each registered account. If an attempt is made to print in excess of the maximum copy limit, an error message is displayed at the operator panel and the print job is cancelled.
Accounting System Settings Guide
Chapter 2 Setting Up the Accounting System
The following diagram illustrates the accounting system menu structure.
Menu structure
Account >
Management On
>Select Account>
>Add Account
>Delete Account
>Change Admin.ID
>>Max. No. of
Copy None
>Print Account
Management List

2-2 Entering Settings through the Printer Operator Panel

This section describes how to enter accounting system settings through the printer operator panel. Basic operations are the same as those for the printer mode menu.

Set Account Management ON/OFF

Sets account management ON/OFF. The default setting here is OFF.
1 Make sure Ready is displayed on the operator panel.
2Press [MENU] while holding down [ENTER]. AdministrationID
 appears on the operator panel.
3 Press [] or []. 0 appears at the far left position and the cursor blinks.
4 Press [ ] or [ ] to enter a number (0 through 9).
5 Press [ ]. The number is entered and the cursor auto moves to the next right
position. Repeat step 4 and this step at each position to enter all 15 digits of the administration ID.
6Press [ENTER]. Account Management Off appears on the operator panel.
Account >
Management Off
Accounting System Settings Guide
Chapter 2 Setting Up the Accounting System
7Press [ENTER] again. ? blinks on the operator panel.
Account >
Management ? Off
8 Press [ ] or [ ] to change the setting to On, then press [ENTER]. Account
Management is now set to On.
Account >
Management ? On
9Press [MENU]. Ready is displayed again on the operator panel.
•If Sleeping (sleep mode) appears on the operator panel, press [GO]. After a
while, the display changes to Ready.
• If the accounting menu is open without any key input for approximately 60 seconds, the printer display is automatically restored to Ready.
• The accounting system cannot be used without registering a managed account. An account code must be registered in order to set up the accounting system.
If you enter the wrong number
If you enter the wrong number, delete the incorrect entry and enter the correct one. To do this, move the cursor one space to the right of the entry you want to delete, then press [ ]. The entry is deleted and the cursor moves one space to the left. A black square () appears in the space where the entry was deleted.
To delete all inputs entered, press [CANCEL]. When you press [CANCEL], all entered digits are deleted and replaced by black squares (), and the cursor moves to the far left.

Add Account Code Adds an account code that is permitted to use the printer. An account code must be

registered in advance in order to use the accounting system.
Account codes are numbers of up to eight digits in length. As many as 100 account codes can be registered.
If one account code contains the same numbers as another account code but has a different number of digits, then it is registered as a separate account code.
For example, 1 and 001 are registered as separate account codes.
1Display Account Management on the operator panel to access the accounting
system menu. (Refer to Set Account Management ON/OFF on page 8.)
2 Press [ ]. Select Account appears on the operator panel.
>Select Account>
3 Press [] or [] to display Add Account.
>Add Account
4Press [ENTER]. The cursor blinks on the operator panel.
>Add Account
5 Press [ ] or [ ] to enter a number (0 through 9).
>Add Account
6 Press [ ]. The number is entered and the cursor auto moves to the next right
position. Repeat step 5 and this step at each position to enter the account code (up to 8 digits).
>Add Account
7Press [ENTER]. The account code is registered and Account Management
appears on the operator panel.
Account >
Management On
8 To add another account code, repeat steps 2 through 7.
9Press [MENU]. Ready is displayed again on the operator panel.

Delete Account Code Deletes a registered account code.

1Display Account Management on the operator panel to access the accounting
system menu. (Refer to Set Account Management ON/OFF on page 8.)
2Press []. Select Account appears on the operator panel.
>Select Account>
3 Press [ ] or [ ] to display Delete Account.
>Delete Account
4Press [ENTER]. ? blinks on the operator panel.
Accounting System Settings Guide
Chapter 2 Setting Up the Accounting System

Change Administration ID

>Delete Account
5 Press [ ] or [ ] to select the account code you want to delete.
6Press [ENTER]. The selected account code is deleted and Account
Management appears on the operator panel.
Account >
Management On
7 To delete another account code, repeat steps 2 through 6.
8Press [MENU]. Ready is displayed again on the operator panel.
Changes the set administration ID. Default administration ID is set as the printer’s model number followed by a string of zeros.
(Example:602000000000000 for model FS-6020)
1Display Account Management on the operator panel to access the accounting
system menu. (Refer to Set Account Management ON/OFF on page 8.)
2Press []. Select Account appears on the operator panel.
>Select Account>
+ 25 hidden pages