KYMCO Healthcare UK Limited
Heol Mostyn
Village Farm Industrial Estate
CF33 6BJ
TEL:01656 670095 FAX:01656 858353

Dear KYMCO ForU Maxi XLS Users:
Thank you for purchasing your Maxi X LS and we lcom e to the fam ily of M axi
riders. To enjoy safe and pleasant riding, ple ase becom e
thorough ly familiar with this owner’s manual before you ride the scooter .
Your safety depends not only on your own alertness and fam iliarit y w ith the
scooter but also the Maxi mechanical c ondition.
A pre-ride inspection before every outing and regular maintena nce ar e
essential. The quality of e ach M axi X LS is guarantee d.
Note: 1.The informatio n and specificatio ns stated in this manual are for
refer enc e only and subject to change without notice.
2.Your scooter may differ slightly in appearance from the images in
this manual.

Maxi XLS ForU Model:
NOTE: Your scooter may differ slightly in appearance from the images in this manual.

Safety Informa tion 1-8 37-40
Versions 9 41
Components 10-11 44
Br i ef Instr uctions 12-14
Adjusting the seat height 15-16
Adjusting the seat positi on 17-20
Driving Information 21-26
Driving the Scooter 27-34
P using the Sco oter 35
Charging the ba t t eries
Mai nt ena nce and Inspect i on

Safety information
Symbols used
This instruction ma nual contain s the followin g sy m bols which are used to highlight
special hazards in dea ling w ith the pr oduct or information for simplifying the handlin g.
This sym bol identifies safety information w hich notif i es you of hazards when dealing
with the product
You will also find information about dealing with the product under this sym bol.
Intended use
The ForU mobility scooter is constructed for use both indoors and outdoors
It is intended to increa se the m obility of persons who are both phy sic ally and mentally
capable of assessing any driving situati ons c orrec tly and re acting corr espond ing ly to
them at any time.

Safety information
General Inform ation
Read the entire owner’s manual thoroughly before using the Scooter!
Ensure that:
•The owner’ s m a nual is read by all people who drive, care for and ser vice the scooter.
•All persons who drive, ca re for, service the scooter have a cce ss to the owner’s manual
at any time .
Risk of accidents:
1.Do NOT use the scooter if your driving capability is impaired through consumption of medicine
or alcohol.
2.Only use the scooter for its correct intended use.
3.Only use the scooter when it is in perfect working order.
4.If any breakdowns occur, stop using the scooter immediately and secure it against unauthorised
5.It is imperative that you always rectify any faults which could influence the function and safety of
the scooter immediately.
6.Observe maximum loading -- see Specifications
7.Only use accessories and spare parts authorised by KYMCO Healthcare.
8.The scooter is only authorised for transport of one person.
9.Do not carry out any seat adjustments while driving.

Safety information
Tipping hazard :
1. Do not adjust the seat if the scooter is standing on an incline.
2. Do not lean out over the armrest to the sides or over the backrest to the rear.
Safety when driving:
Risk of accidents!
1. Check correct functioning of the brakes and lighting unit (indicators, headlights) before every
2. Always use lights when visibility is restricted, either by day or by night.
3. Check the tyre air pres su re regularly.
4. Always use the seat belts,if fitted when driving.
5. Do not switch the scooter off while driving.
6. Do not drive up or down gradients which are too steep, over obstacles on gradients or up and down
ramps. Observe maximum climb angle--- see Speci fi cati on s
7. Only drive through restricted widths, around bends, inclines and ramps with reduced suitable speed.
8. Only drive up or down inclines when the backrest has been adjusted to vertical.
9. Don’t drive too close to open waters.

Safety information
Tipping hazard:
1. Do not carry out any seat adjustments while driving.
2. Only drive over obstacles and up kerbstones at the lowest point and at right angles.
3. Avoid sudden changes of direction and speed.
4. Avoid steep gradients where there is a danger of skidding
(ice, snow, wet surfaces etc.).
5. Avoid loose surfaces whose characteristics you are not able to assess (woodlands, turf, beaches,
gravel etc.)
6. Always drive straight up and down gradients - do not drive in zigzags.
7. Do not turn around on inclines.
8. Do not drive down steps.
9. Do not drive backwards down gradients, stairs or kerbstones, or over obstacles.
Danger due to unintentional movement:
Always turn the scooter off using the keyswitch if you:
- want to get on or off
- intend to stop for long periods
- you are putting the scooter away.

Safety information
Safety during transport , assemb ly and maintenanc e:
If the scooter is transported in the vehicle when fully assembled:
- no persons may be sitting on the scooter during loading!
- no persons may be sitting on the scooter during transport!
Clamping and cr ushing h azard:
Increased hazards due to clamping or crushing result due to the high component weight
such as batteries during preparation for transport and maintenance work.
1. Always carry out any work to be done with great care.
2. Always try to get help from a second person, especially when stowing parts for transport.
3. Only carry out any work described if you are used to working with the tools required.
4. Only carry out work using suitable tools.

Safety information
Injury hazard due to impr op er assem bly:
1. Ensure that all components in the Scooter have been correctly assembled.
2. After assembly, check that all locking devices are hold ing correctl y.
Accident hazard due to incorrect bolted connections:
1. If bolted connections have self-locking nuts, ensure that t hes e are repl aced when reassemblin g.
2. Do not replace self-locking nuts with normal nuts.
3. If bolted connections have lock washers, check lock washers when reassembling and replace if
Intended use
The KYMCO Healthcare scooter is constructed for use both indoors ( Suggest gene ral
use : indoors )
and outdoors.
This product’s seat could include P ht hal ates mat eri al in surface. Ph th alat es ar e WHO officially
announced as an environmental hormone, with the role of female hormones in the body can
interfere with the body's endocrine system, advising pregnant women to avoid prolonged use of this
Advise pregn ant women and childr e n to avoid prolonged u se of this product.

Safety information
Safety when handling batteries
Fire hazard:
1. Do not cover the battery charger and ventilation slot while charging batteries.
2. Only use the battery charger in well-ventilated rooms.
Risk of accidents:
1. Only use the original battery charger (included in delivery).
2. Let your dealer rep lace your battery.
3. Only use batteries as detailed in the chapter entitled"Specifications".
4. Observe warning information given by the battery m anufacturer.
5. Batteries are extremely heavy.
Burn hazard due to damaged batteries:
Batteries disch arging acid can l ead t o serio us burn s.
1. Do not touch damaged batteries with your bare hands. Use rubber gloves!
2. If acid should contact your skin, wash the affected area immediately with plenty of water and
contact a doctor.
3. If acid should come in contact with your eyes, rinse them out immediately with lots of water and
visit a doctor.
4. Always change any clothing soiled with battery acid immediately.

Safety information
Safety - inform ation about electr onics:
Accident hazard d ue t o failures:
Radio, television, radio transmission devices and mobile phones produce electromagnetic fields. These
can negatively influ ence t he scooter el ectroni cs fu nctio ns.
1. Do not drive close to strong radio or television transmitters
(transmitter masts).
2. Switch the scooter off if you are using your mobile phone.
Failure in outside device s:
The Scooter produces an el ect rom agnet i c field wh ich can h ave
a negative influence on the function of any other electrical devices in the immediate surroundings
(such as medical devices, radio receivers, cellular phones).
Please note that t here is a note on the side of the tyre "not suitable f or highway
use", this does not apply t o KY MC O For U m obilit y sc ooter s.

Extent of delivery
After receiving y our scooter, ple ase c hec k the follow in g:
1. That the deliver y is c om ple te in a ccor dance w ith the list below
2. The delivery conditi on using the inspectio n plan
If any faults are apparent or compone nts are missing, please contac t your supplier.
The following items are included in delivery in additio n to the scooter
1. Shopping basket
2. Two vehicle ke y s for sw itching the scooter .
3. Battery Charger
4. Owner’s Manual

Seat unit
with head and armrests
Drive unit covers
NOTE: Your scooter may differ slightly in appearance from the images in this manual.
mirrors Dashboard with controls
Indicators and
rear light
Indicators and
Steering wheel

The dashboard - displays and contr ols
Operation indicator
(fault display)
Battery charge display
Speed contoller
Horn button
Hazard indicator switch