About the TRITON Le 88-key model
À propos du modèle TRITON Le à 88 touches
Über die 88er-Version der TRITON Le
E F G 1

Thank you for purchasing the 88-key model of the Korg music workstation.
To ensure years of trouble-free enjoyment, please read this manual carefully and use the
product as directed.
About this document
This document “About the TRITON Le 88-key model”
explains the additions and changes that apply to the 88key model of the TRITON Le. Functions not described
here are the same as on the 61-key and 76-key models of
the TRITON Le. Please refer to the included “Basic
Guide,” “Parameter Guide,” and “Voice Name List.”
Printing conventions
PG: “Parameter Guide” is abbreviated as PG.
BG: “Basic Guide” is abbreviated as BG.
VNL: “Voice Name List” is abbreviated as VNL.
Other conventions are the same as in “Parameter Guide,”
“Basic Guide,” and “Voice Name List.”
About the TRITON Le 88-key
The following additions and changes apply to the 88-key
model of the TRITON Le.
RH2 (Real Weighted Hammer Action 2)
The TRITON Le 88-key model features a RH2 (Real
Weighted Hammer Action 2) keyboard with key weighting that differ in four stages just as on a grand piano, with
heavier action in the lower register and lighter action in
the upper register.
Key range for the RPPR function
On the TRITON Le 88-key model, the key range for the
RPPR (Realtime Pattern Play Recording) function is as
follows: the complete range of C#2–C8 can be used as the
Pattern Assignable range.
88 Keys
76 Keys
61 Keys
Shutdown Keys
C-1 ... C2
Pattern Assignable
C#2 ... C 8
Added multisamples
Four piano multisamples have been added.
These multisamples represent two pairs of stereo
multisamples, covering mezzo-forte (L, R) and fortissimo
L, R) dynamic levels.
• 000 A.Piano-BD ff L: fortissimo L channel
• 001 A.Piano-BD ff R: fortissimo R channel
• 002 A.Piano-BD mf L: mezzo-forte L channel
• 003 A.Piano-BD mf R: mezzo-forte R channel
On the TRITON Le 88-key model, a total of 429 preset
multisamples are available.
Multisample-related parameters
In conjunction with the added multisamples, you can now
select Piano for the “High (Low) MS Bank” parameter,
and select multisamples 000–003 for the Piano “High
(Low) Multisample” parameter in PROG 2.1-2b: High,
Low (☞PG p.6). and 2.1-3b: High, Low.
High (Low):
High (Low) MS Bank [ROM, RAM, Piano]
High (Low) Multisample
[000...424, 000...999, 000...003]
If you select Piano for “High (Low) MS Bank,” you will be
able to select 000–003 for “High (Low) Multisample.”
For details on these parameters, refer to the “Parameter
☞ PG p.6–7 “Program mode 2.1-2b: High, Low – High:”
New preload programs
Preloaded programs have been added to program bank D.
(☞p.11 “Voice Name List”)
These programs use the newly added multisamples.
About the bank D preloaded data
On the TRITON Le 88-key model, bank D contains
preloaded programs from D000–071.
☞ BG p.20 “Selecting and playing a program – Selecting
a program”
☞ BG p.41 “Saving data – About preloaded data and
preset data”
☞ PG p.1 “1. Program mode 1.1-1: Program” table of
preloaded programs
☞ BG p.30 “Playing with the RPPR (Realtime Pattern
Play/Recording) function”
About the initialized programs
On the TRITON Le 88-key model, the initialized programs
are located from D072–127. We recommend that you use
these programs when saving programs that you have
created, or when converting a multisample into a program
in Sampling mode.
☞ BG p.37 “Converting a multisample into a program”
☞ PG p.1 “1. Program mode 1.1-1: Program” table of
preloaded programs
☞ PG p.97 “Conv. To Prog (Convert Multisample To
☞ PG p.110 “Time Slice – step 8”

Changes in preloaded combinations
On the TRITON Le 88-key model, the following combinations have been changed, and differ from those on the
TRITON Le 61- and 76-key models. (☞p.11 “Voice Name
• Bank A: 000, 032, 064
• Bank B: 064, 113
• Bank C: 000, 105
Combination A000: Ballad Layer EP used by the explanations in the Basic Guide and Parameter Guide has
changed to A000: Stereo Piano.
☞ BG p.22 “Selecting a combination”
☞ BG p.28 “Using the arpeggiator as you play in
Combination mode”
☞ BG p.47 “Loading the preloaded data”
☞ PG p.31–48 “Combination mode”
☞ PG p.52 “Sequencer mode – Copy From Combi”
☞ PG p.142 “Media mode – Load a Combination”
Added demo song
One demo song has been added. (☞p.11 “Voice Name
The demo song “000: Midnight Sun” used by the explanations in the Basic Guide is now song number 001 (the
second song).
☞ BG p.18 “Listening to a demo song”
☞ BG p.30 “Playing with the RPPR (Realtime Pattern
Play/Recording) function”
Data compatibility
Parameters that are valid on the TRITON Le 88key model but invalid on the TRITON Le 61/76key models
Program mode “High (Low) MS Bank” Piano setting
• TRITON Le 88 → TRITON Le 61/76 (.PCG file load/MIDI
data dump/MIDI parameter change):
This parameter will be maintained as internal data by
the TRITON Le 61/76-key models, but the data will be
ignored, and will not sound or function. If you save this
state as a .PCG file on the TRITON Le 61/76-key model,
it will be saved as the setting that was loaded (“High
(Low) MS Bank”: Piano).
If you use the TRITON, TRITON pro, TRITON proX,
TRITON-Rack, or TRITON STUDIO to create a .PCG
file that contains a program with a Program mode
“High (Low) MS Bank” setting of EXB8, and load this
.PCG file into the TRITON Le 88-key model, that
program will be converted to a “High (Low) MS
Bank” setting of Piano for operation.
Since the multisamples in the “High (Low) MS Bank”:
Piano bank of the TRITON Le 88-key model are
compatible with the multisamples in the EXB-PCM08,
the program will sound correctly.
For more about data compatibility between models of
the TRITON series, refer to the Parameter Guide.
☞ PG p.245–246 “Data compatibility”
•Waveform memory: 32 Mbyte PCM ROM (425
multisamples, 413 drum samples) + 16 Mbyte PCM
ROM (4 stereo piano multisamples)
•Programs: 512 user memory programs (456
preloaded, audition function)
•Keyboard: 88-key RH2 (Real Weighted Hammer
Action 2) keyboard
•Dimensions (W × D × H): 1414 mm × 365 mm ×
123 mm / 55.67" × 14.37" × 4.84"
•Weight: 24.1kg / 53.13 lbs
• Power consumption: 13W (If the EXB-SMPL option
and two 32Mbyte SIMM are installed)
MIDI Implementation
The following has been added to the MIDI implementation.
Add the following line to indicate the note numbers for
the 88-key model.
*1: kk = 24 - 108 : Keyboard (61keys + Transpose)
= 16 - 115 : Keyboard (71keys + Transpose)
= 09 - 120 : Keyboard (88keys + Transpose)
= 00 - 127 : Sequencer and Arpeggiator
☞ PG p.250 “MIDI Implementation – 1. TRANSMITTED
A member code for the 88-key model has been added to
the universal system exclusive message.
☞ PG p.250 “MIDI Implementation – 1. TRANSMITTED
* If you wish to obtain the “MIDI Implementation” which
describes the entire MIDI exclusive format, please
contact Korg distributor for your country.