Thank you for purchasing the Korg TM-50TR TUNER/ METRONOME/TONE TRAINER. To help you get the most out of your new instrument, please read this manual carefully.
Merci d’avoir choisi le TUNER/METRONOME/TONE TRAINER TM-50TR de Korg. An de pouvoir exploiter au mieux toutes les possibilités oertes par l’instrument, veuillez lire attentivement ce manuel.
Gracias por comprar el TUNER/METRONOME/TONE TRAINER TM-50TR de Korg. Por favor, lea este manual atentamente y gu delo para futuras consultas.
こ の た び は 、コ ル グ・チ ュ ー ナ ー・メ ト ロ ノ ー ム・ト ー ン・ト レーナー TM-50TRをお買い上げいただきまして、まこと にありがとうございます。本製品を末永くご愛用いただく ためにも、取扱説明書をよくお読みになって、正しい方法 でご使用ください。
コルグ TM-50TR
お 買 い 上 げ 日:
 年   月   日
Using the unit in the following locations can result in a malfunction.
In direct sunlight
Locations of extreme temperature or humidity
Excessively dust y or dirty locations
Locations of excessive vibration
Close to magnetic elds
Power supply
Be sure to turn of f the power when the unit is not in use. Rem ove the battery in order to prevent it from leaking when the unit is not in use for extended periods.
Interference with other electrical devices
Radios and televisions placed nearby may experience reception interfer­ence. Operate this unit at a suitable distance from radios and televisions.
To avoid breakage, do not apply excessive force to the switches or con­trols.
If the exterior becomes dirty, wipe it with a clean, dry cloth. Do not use liquid cleaners such as benzene or thinner, or cleaning compounds or ammable polishes.
Keep this manual
After reading this manual, please keep it for later reference.
Keeping foreign matter out of your equipment
Never set any container with liquid in it near this equipment. If liquid gets into the equipment, it could cause a breakdown, re, or electrical shock. Be careful not to let metal objects get into the equipment.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Par t 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment gener­ates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful inter­ference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment o and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit dierent from that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. If items such as cables are included with this equipment, you must use those included items. Unauthorized changes or modication to this system can void the us­er’s authority to operate this equipment.
Notice regarding disposal (EU only)
If this symbol is shown on the product, manual, battery, or pack­age, you must dispose of it in the correct manner to avoid harm to human health or damage to the environment. Contact your local administrative body for details on the correct disposal
metho d. If the battery contains heavy metals in excess o f the regulated amount, a chemical symbol is displayed below the symbol on the battery or battery package.
This product has been manufac tured according to strict specications
and voltage requirements that are applicable in the country in which it is intended that this product should be used. If you have purchased this product via the internet, through mail order, and/or via a tele­phone sale, you must verify that this product is intended to be used in the country in which you reside. WARNING: Use of this product in any country other than that for which it is intended could be dangerous and could invalidate the manufactur­er’s or distributor’s warrant y. Please also retain your receipt as proof of purchase otherwise your product may be disqualied from the manufacturer’s or distributor’s warranty.
All product names and company names are the trademarks or regis-
tered trademarks of their respective owners.
L'utilisation de cet instrument dans les endroits suivants peut en entraîner le mauvais fonctionnement.
En plein soleil.
Endroits très chauds ou très humides.
Endroits sales ou fort poussiéreux.
Endroits soumis à de fortes vibrations.
A proximité de champs magnétiques.
Lorsque vous n’utilisez pas l’appareil, n’oubliez p as de le me ttre hors tension. Retirez les piles pour éviter toute fuite lorsque l’appa­reil ne sera pas utilisé pendant de longues périodes de temps.
Interférences avec d'autres appareils électriques
Les postes de radio et de télévision situés à proximité peuvent par conséquent sourir d'interférences à la réception. Veuillez dès lors faire fonctionner cet appareil à une distance raisonnable de postes de radio et de télévision.
Pour éviter de les endommager, manipulez les commandes et les boutons de cet instrument avec soin.
Lorsque l'instrument se salit, nettoyez-le avec un chion propre et sec. Ne vous servez pas d'agent s de nettoyage liquides tels que du benzène ou du diluant, voire des produits inammables.
Conservez ce manuel
Après avoir lu ce manuel, veuillez le conserver soigneusement pour toute référence ultérieure.
Evitez toute intrusion d'objets ou de liquide
Ne placez jamais de récipient contenant du liquide près de l'instru­ment. Si le liquide se renverse ou coule, il risque de provoquer des dommages, un court-circuit ou une électrocution. Veillez à ne pas lais­ser tomber des objets métalliques dans le boîtier (trombones, par ex.).
Note concernant les dispositions (Seulement EU)
Si ce symbole apparait sur le produit, le manuel, les piles ou les packs de piles, cela signi e que vous devez le recy­cler d’une manière correcte afi n de prévenir les dom­mages pour la santé humaine et les dommages potentiels
pour l’environnement. Contactez votre administration lo­cale pour de plus amples renseignements concernant la bonne méthode de recyclage. Si la pile contient des métaux lourds au-delà du seuil réglementé, un symbole chimique est a ché en dessous du symbole de la poubelle barrée d’une croix sur la pile ou le pack de piles.
Ce produit a été fabriqué suivant des spécifi cations sévères et des besoins en tension applicables dans le pays où ce produit doit être utilisé. Si vous avez acheté ce produit via l’internet, par vente par correspondance ou/et vente par téléphone, vous devez véri er que ce produit est bien utilisable dans le pays où vous résidez. ATTENTION: L’utilisation de ce produit dans un pays autre que celui pour lequel il a été conçu peut être dangereuse et annulera la garantie du fabricant ou du distributeur. Conservez bien votre récépissé qui est la preuve de votre achat, faute de quoi votre produit risque de ne plus être couvert par la garantie du fabri­cant ou du distributeur.
Tous les noms de produits et de sociétés sont des marques
commerciales ou déposées de leur détenteur respectif.
本保証書は、保証期間中に本製品を保証するもので、付属 品類(ヘッドホンなど)は保証の対象になりません。保証 期間内に本製品が故障した場合は、保証規定によって無償 修理いたします。
• 消耗部品(電池、スピーカー、真空管、フェーダーなど) の交換。
• お取扱い方法が不適当のために生じた故障。
• 天災(火災、浸水等)によって生じた故障。
• 故障の原因が本製品以外の他の機器にある場合。
• 不当な改造、調整、部品交換などにより生じた故障また は損傷。
• 保証書にお買い上げ日、販売店名が未記入の場合、ま たは字句が書き替えられている場合。
• 本保証書の提示がない場合。
尚、当社が修理した部分が再度故障した場合は、保証期 間外であっても、修理した日より3か月以内に限り無償 修理いたします。
3.本保証書は日本国内においてのみ有効です。 ThiswarrantyisvalidonlyinJapan.
4.お客様が保証期間中に移転された場合でも、保証は引 き続きお使いいただけます。詳しくは、お客様相談窓 口までお問い合わせください。
5.修理、運送費用が製品の価格より高くなることがあります ので、あらかじめお客様相談窓口へご相談ください。発送 にかかる費用は、お客様の負担とさせていただきます。
6.修理中の代替品、商品の貸し出し等は、いかなる場合に おいても一切行っておりません。
本製品の故障、または使用上生じたお客様の直接、間接の 損害につきましては、弊社は一切の責任を負いかねますの でご了承ください。 本保証書は、保証規定により無償修理をお約束するための もので、これによりお客様の法律上の権利を制限するもの ではありません。
1.保証書に販売年月日等の記入がない場合は無効となり ます。記入できないときは、お買い上げ年月日を証明で きる領収書等と一緒に保管してください。
2.保証書は再発行致しませんので、紛失しないように大切 に保管してください。
修理および商品のお取り扱いについてのご質問、ご相談は、 お客様相談窓口へお問い合わせください。
受付時間:月曜~金曜 10:00 ~ 17:00
※PHS等一部の電話ではご利用できません。固定電話 または携帯電話からおかけください。
●  サ ー ビ ス・セ ン タ ー:
 〒168-0073東京都杉並区下高井戸1-18-162F
火災・感 電・人 身 傷害の危険 を防止するには
以 下 の 指 示を 守ってく だ さ い
・ 次のような場 合には、直ちに電 源を切る。
○異物が内部に入ったとき ○製品に異常や故障が生じたとき
 修理が必要なときは、コルグお客様相談窓口へ依頼して
・ 本 製品を 分解したり改 造したりしない。 ・
以外は 絶 対にしな い 。  ・大音量や不快な程度の音量で長時間使用しない。   大 音量で長時間使用 すると、難聴になる可能性 がありま
す。万一、聴力 低下や耳鳴りを感じたら、専門の医師に相
談してくだ さ い 。  ・本製品に異物(燃えやすいもの、硬貨、針金など)を入れ
ない。  ・温度が極端に高い場所(直射日光の当たる場所、暖房機器
の近く、発熱する機器の上など)での使用や保管はしない。  ・振動の多い場所で使用や保管はしない。
ホコリの 多い場所で使 用 や 保管はし ない。
・  風 呂 場 、シ ャ ワ ー 室 で 使 用 や 保 管 は し な い 。 ・雨天時の野外のように、湿気の多い場所や水滴のかかる
場 所 で 、使 用 や 保 管 は し な い 。  ・本製品に液体をこぼさない。
・ 濡 れ た 手 で 本 製 品 を 使 用 し な い 。
・ 正常な通気 が妨げられない所に設置して使用する。  ・  ラ ジ オ 、テ レ ビ 、電 子 機 器 な ど か ら 十 分 に 離 し て 使 用 す る 。   ラジオやテレビ等に接 近して使用すると、本製品が 雑音を
受 け て 誤 動 作 す る 場 合 が あ り ま す 。 ま た 、ラ ジ オ 、テ レ ビ 等に雑音が入ることがあります。
 本製品をテレビ等の横に設置すると、本製品の磁場によっ
てテレビ等の故障の原因になることがあります。  ・外装のお手入れは、乾いた柔らかい布を使って軽く拭く。  ・長時間使用しないときは、電池の液 漏れを防ぐために電
池を抜く。  ・電池や本体は幼児の手の届かないところへ保管する。
 ・  電 池 を 過 度 の 熱 源( 日 光 、 火 な ど ) に さ ら さ な い 。  ・ボタンやツマミなどに必要以上の力を加えない。   故 障 の 原因になります。  ・外装のお手入れに、ベンジンやシンナー系の液体、コンパ
ウンド質、強 燃 性のポリッシャー は使 用しない。
※すべての製品名および会 社名は、各社の商標または登録商標
この注意事項を無視した取り扱いをすると、 死亡や 重 傷 を 負う可能 性 が ありま す。
この注意事項を無視した取り扱いをすると、 傷害を負う、または物理的損害が発生する可 能 性 が ありま す。
Vermeiden Sie das Aufstellen des Geräts an Orten, an denen.
es direkter Sonneneinstrahlung ausgesetzt ist;
hohe Feuchtigkeit oder Extremtemperaturen auftreten können;
Staub oder Schmutz in großen Mengen vorhanden sind;
das Gerät Erschütterungen ausgesetzt sein kann.
in der Nähe eines Magnetfeldes.
Stellen Sie den Netzschalter auf OFF, wenn das Gerät nicht benutzt wird. Wenn Sie das Gerät über einen längeren Zeitraum nicht benutzen, neh­men Sie die Batterien heraus, damit sie nicht auslaufen.
Störeinüsse auf andere Elektrogeräte
Dieser kann bei in der Nähe aufgestellten Rundfunkemp-fänger oder Fernsehgeräten Empfangsstörungen hervorrufen. Betreiben Sie solche Geräte nur in einem geeigneten Abstand von diesem Erzeugnis.
Vermeiden Sie bei der Bedienung von Schaltern und Reglern unangemes­senen Kraftaufwand.
Bei auftretender Verschmutzung können Sie das Gehäuse mit einem trockenen, sauberen Tuch abwischen. Verwenden Sie keinerlei Flüssigrei­niger wie beispielsweise Reinigungsbenzin, Verdünner- oder Spülmittel. Verwenden Sie niemals brennbare Reiniger.
Bewahren Sie diese Bedienungsanleitung gut auf, falls Sie sie später noch einmal benötigen.
Flüssigkeiten und Fremdkörper
Stellen Sie niemals Behältnisse mit Flüssigkeiten in der Nähe des Geräts auf. Wenn Flüssigkeit in das Gerät gelangt, können Beschädigung des Ge­räts, Feuer oder ein elektrischer Schlag die Folge sein. Beachten Sie, dass keinerlei Fremdkörper in das Gerät gelangen.
Hinweis zur Entsorgung (Nur EU)
Wenn Sie das Symbol mit der „durchgekreuzten Mülltonne“ auf Ihrem Produkt, der dazugehörigen Bedienungsanleitung, der Batterie oder der Verpackung sehen, müssen Sie das Produkt in der vorgeschriebenen Art und Weise entsorgen um Schäden an
der menschlichen Gesundheit und der Umwelt zu vermeiden. Batterien oder Akkus, die Schadstoffe enthalten, sind auch mit dem Symbol einer durchgekreuzten Mülltonne gekennzeichnet. In der Nähe zum Mülltonnensymbol be ndet sich die chemische Bezeichnung des Schadstoes.
Dieses Produkt wurde unter strenger Beachtung von Spezikationen und Spannungsanforderungen hergestellt, die im Bestimmungsland gelten. Wenn Sie dieses Produkt über das Internet, per Postversand und/oder mit telefonischer Bestellung gekauft haben, müssen Sie be­stätigen, dass dieses Produkt für Ihr Wohngebiet ausgelegt ist. WARNUNG: Verwendung dieses Produkts in einem anderen Land als dem, für das es bestimmt ist, verwendet wird, kann gefährlich sein und die Garantie des Herstellers oder Importeurs hinfällig lassen werden. Bitte bewahren Sie diese Quittung als Kaufbeleg auf, da andernfalls das Produkt von der Garantie des Herstellers oder Importeurs ausgeschlos­sen werden kann.
Alle Produkt- und Firmennamen sind Warenzeichen oder eingetrage-
ne Warenzeichen der betreenden Eigentümer.
El uso de la unidad en las siguientes ubicaciones puede dar como resultado un mal funcionamiento:
Expuesto a la luz direct a del sol.
Zonas de extremada temperatura o humedad.
Zonas con exceso de suciedad o polvo.
Zonas con excesiva vibración.
Cercano a campos magnéticos.
Fuente de alimentación
Apague la unidad cuando no la use la batería. Retire las baterías si no va a usar la unidad durante un tiempo largo.
Interferencias con otros aparatos
Las radios y televisores situados cerca pueden experimentar inter­ferencias en la recepción. Opere este dispositivo a una distancia prudencial de radios y televisores.
Para evitar una rotura, no aplique excesiva fuerza a los conmuta­dores o controles.
Si exterior se ensucia, límpiese con un trapo seco. No use líquidos limpiadores como disolvente, ni compuestos inamables.
Guarde este manual
Después de leer este manual, guárdelo para futuras consultas.
Mantenga los elementos externos alejados del equipo
Nunca coloque ningún recipiente con líquido cerca de este equipo, podría causar un cortocircuito, fuero o descarga eléctrica. Cuide de que no caiga ningún objeto metálico dentro del e quipo.
Nota respecto a residuos y deshechos (solo UE)
Si aparece el símbolo del cubo de basura tachado sobre un producto, su manual de usuario, la batería, o el emba­laje de cualquiera de éstos, signi ca que cuando tire di­chos artículos a la basura, ha de hacerlo en acuerdo con la
normativa vigente de la Unión Europea para prevenir da­ños a la salud pública y al medioambiente. Le rogamos que se ponga en contacto con su o cina o ministerio de medioambien­te para más detalles. Si la batería contiene metales pesados por encima del límite permitido, habrá un símbolo de un material químico, debajo del símbolo del cubo de basura tachado.
Este producto ha sido fabricado de acuerdo a estrictas especi caciones y requerimientos de voltaje aplicables en el país para el cual está destinado. Si ha comprado este producto por internet, a través de correo, y/o venta telefónica, debe usted veri car que el uso de este producto está destinado al país en el cual reside. AVISO: El uso de este producto en un país distinto al cual está destinado podría resultar peligroso y podría invalidar la garantía del fabricante o distribuidor. Por favor guarde su recibo como prueba de compra ya que de otro modo el producto puede ver­se privado de la garantía del fabricante o distribuidor.
Todos los nombres de productos y compañías son marcas co-
merciales o marcas registradas de sus respectivos propietarios.
The TM-50TR is equipped with a variety of functions to
help you practice obtaining a “good sound”. In addition to the conventional tuner functions (Meter, Sound Out and Sound Back), the TONE TRAINER function can be used to measure the stability levels of the pitch, dynamics and brightness to help you practice producing a good stable sound. With the periodic metronome function, the metronome clicks with each set measure as well as plays a tone with the set time signature and tempo to help you practice keeping the rhythm.
Installing batteries
Main Features
Slide the battery
compartment cover on the back of the TM-50TR in direc­tion “a” as shown in the illustration and lift up the cover in direction “b.”
Insert the batteries,
making sure to ob­serve the correct polarity.
In order to get accurate readings of the remaining bat-
tery power, please refer to the “Seing the baery type” section and select the type of baery that’s being used.
If the unit malfunctions try removing and then rein-
stalling the baeries.
When the baeries become depleted, a baery symbol
will appear on the display. When this occurs, it’s time to replace the baeries.
Setting the battery type
In order to get accurate readings of the remaining baery power, select the type of baery that’s being used.
When you replace the baeries and turn on the power,
the display will show a screen allowing you to specify
the type of baeries you’re using. Press the TAP TEMPO buon to select the baery type.
AL: When using alkaline baeries nH: When using nickel-metal hydride baeries
Press either the TUNER ON button or the METRO-
NOME ON buon.
The setting will be completed, and the TM-50TR will start up.
Using the stand
You can use the stand provided on the back of the TM-50TR to tilt it back at an angle for easy viewing.
Parts of the TM-50TR
TUNER ON button
SOUND button
INST (instrument group) button
PERIODIC (periodic metronome) button
VOL (Volume)
BEAT , button
TAP TEMPO button
a. Calibration (Reference pitch) b. Note name c. Tempo d. Instrument group e. PITCH meter f. DYNAMICS/BRIGHTNESS meter and metronome pendu-
lum g. BEAT (metronome beat) h. PERIODIC (periodic metronome) i. STABILITY (performance stability) meter
CALIB/NOTE , buttons
Tuning guide
TEMPO , button
INPUT jack
e f
Turning the power on/o
To turn the power on
Press either the TUNER ON button or the METRONOME ON buon and the power will turn on. Press the buon for the func­tion that you want to use.
When the TUNER ON buon is pressed, the tuner starts in the
Meter mode and “ ” will appear on the display.
When the METRONOME ON buon is pressed, the metronome
starts and “ ” will appear on the display. The TM-50TR can use the tuner and metronome simultaneously.
The TUNER ON buon and the METRONOME ON buon
are designed lower than other buons so that the power is
not turned on involuntarily when the TM-50TR is placed in
your pocket or in a bag. To turn the device on or o, push in the power buon.
Turning the tuner o
When the tuner is in use, press the TUNER ON buon to turn o the power. The tuner will also turn o automatically if it’s not in
use for twenty minutes.
Turning o the metronome
When the metronome is in use, press the METRONOME ON
buon to turn o the power. The metronome will also turn o
automatically if not in use for twenty minutes.
If you want to connect an instrument, contact mic, etc.
If you want to tune an instrument with a pickup, such as an elec­tric guitar, connect a cable to your instrument, and plug the cable
into the TM-50TR’s INPUT jack.
The INPUT jack is only for a 1/4” mono cable. Stereo (TRS)
cables cannot be used. If you want to tune your instrument using the Korg CM-200 CONTACT MICROPHONE (sold separately), plug the contact
mic into the TM-50TR’s INPUT jack.
If a device is not connected to the INPUT jack, tuning will be
performed by the internal mic.
Plucked string instruments such as guitars can be connected
to the INPUT jack for tuning; however, they are not compati-
ble with the TONE TRAINER function.
Connecting headphones
You can connect commercially available headphones with a 1/8" stereo mini-plug to the PHONES jack. When plugged in, no
sound will be heard from the speaker. Use the volume control to
adjust the volume of the headphones output.
Using the tuner
Tuning while watching the meter (Meter mode)
Connect your instrument cable or contact mic to the TM-
50TR’s INPUT jack.
If a device is not connected to the INPUT jack, tuning will be
performed by the internal mic.
Press the TUNER ON buon.
” will appear at the top of the display and the calibration (reference pitch) will be displayed below that.
To change the calibration, press the CALIB/NOTE ▲ or
buon. The calibration value increases and decreases in units of 1 Hz. By pressing and holding these buons, you can increase or de­crease the value continuously. This seing is stored even when the power is o.
Play a single note on your instrument.
The closest note to the input sound will appear in the center of the display. Tune your instrument to the correct pitch, so that the desired note name appears.
If you’re using the internal mic, place your instrument as
close as possible to the mic so that extraneous sound is not
picked up while tuning.
While playing a single note on your instrument, tune the in-
strument so that the center mark of the PITCH meter and the center indicator of the tuning guide light up. The left tuning guide indicator will light up if the pitch of your
instrument is at, and the right indicator will light up if the
pitch is sharp.
Tuning to a just major third above or a minor third above
If you want to tune to a just major third above A (0 cent),
tune your instrument so that the note name indicator shows C♯ and the meter is at “ ”.
If you want to tune to a just minor third above A (0 cent),
tune your instrument so that the note name indicator shows C and the meter is at “
Tuning to a reference tone (Sound Out mode)
Press the TUNER ON buon.
You will enter the Meter mode.
Press the SOUND buon to select Sound Out mode.
The reference tone is output from the PHONES jack or speakers. Use the volume control to adjust the output
volume. Press the CALIB/NOTE ▲ or buon to select the note.
The output reference tone changes as follows.
C (C3) C C (C4) ... C (C6) C (C3)...
This seing is stored even when the power is o.
Tune the instrument according to the reference tone.
Press the SOUND button again to return to the Meter
D E♭ E F F♯ G G♯ A B♭ B
If connected to either the INPUT jack or the PHONES
jack, the PITCH meter is activated.
Tuning using the reference tone and meter (Sound Back mode)
In Sound Back mode, the tone of the input instrument is detected, and the closest reference tone is output. This can be used to check the pitch deviation of the tone that you output. This function can be used when you are connected to either
the INPUT jack or the PHONES jack (or both).
Press the TUNER ON buon.
You will enter the Meter mode.
Press the SOUND BACK buon to enter the Sound Back
In the Sound Back mode, the reference tone that’s closest
to the tone of the input instrument is output. Use the
volume control to adjust the volume.
” will appear on the display.
If headphones are connected to the PHONES jack, the input sound from the internal mic or INPUT jack will be
received and the reference tone will be output from the headphones.
If nothing is connected to the PHONES jack, the input sound from the INPUT jack is received and the reference
tone is output from the speakers. Tune the instrument using the reference tone and meter.
If the SOUND BACK buon is pressed again, you will
return to the Meter mode.
Measuring/displaying performance stability (TONE TRAINER function)
Press the TUNER ON buon.
You will enter the Meter mode. Press the INST buon to select the group that the instru-
ment to be measured belongs to. Each press of the INST buon switches the selected in­strument group as follows.
The STRINGS group applies to bowed stringed instru-
ments such as violins. It is not compatible with plucked string instruments such as guitars.
Play a long tone of a single pitch.
While the tone is being played, the corresponding infor-
mation appears in the PITCH meter and DYNAMICS/
BRIGHTNESS meter in real time. PITCH (Pitch): The pitch is indicated by the note name at the center. DYNAMICS (Volume): The level in the meter rises when the volume is high. BRIGHTNESS (Brightness): The level in the meter rises when the tone is bright.
After the long tone has been played, the overall stability
levels of the DYNAMICS, PITCH and BRIGHTNESS ap­pear in the STABILITY (performance stability) meter.
High stability: The level in the meter rises. Low stability: The level in the meter falls.
Using the metronome
Setting the tempo and time signature
Press the METRONOME ON buon.
The pendulum of the metronome appears on the display, and “ ” appears in the upper-right corner.
Press the TEMPO or buon to set the tempo.
Press and hold the TEMPO and buons simulta­neously for 1 second to switch between Pendulum Step
(pendulum of a mechanical metronome) and Full Step. If Pendulum Step is selected, “ ” will appear on the dis­play. After selecting “PENDULUM STEP” or “FULL STEP”, press the TEMPO ▲, ▼ buons to set the tempo. This
seing is remembered even when the power is o.
If you’ve selected “PENDULUM STEP”
Pressing the TEMPO ▲, ▼ buons will switch the tem- po successively through the following values. The value
will change continuously if you hold down the buon. 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 63, 66, 69, 72, 76, 80, 84, 88, 92, 96, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 126, 132, 138, 144, 152, 160, 168, 176, 184, 192, 200, 208, 216, 224, 232, 240, 252
If you’ve selected “FULL STEP”
Pressing the TEMPO ▲, ▼ buttons will increment or decrement the tempo through the range of 30–252 in steps of one. The value will change continuously if you
hold down the buon. Press the START/STOP buon to start the metronome.
The metronome pendulum will swing from left to right
according to the tempo and the TAP TEMPO buon will
blink according to the tempo also. If you want to change the time signature, press the BEAT
or buons to make your selection. The time signature will change as follows. Press the BEAT or buons: ... 0 1 ... 9 (9 beats) (Quadruplet without the center beat) (Quadruplet) (Triplet without the center beat) (Triplet) (Duplet) 0 ... Play along with the metronome tempo.
To stop the metronome, press the START/STOP buon.
Using tap tempo
The tap tempo that you input will be displayed as a BPM (Beats Per Minute) value.
Press the METRONOME ON buon.
The pendulum of the metronome appears on the display, and “ ” appears in the upper-right corner.
Press the TAP TEMPO buon several times at regular intervals
at the tempo that you want. The TM-50TR detects the interval used when pressing the but­ton and displays it as a BPM (Beats Per Minute) value, and it will be set as the tempo. When the BPM that has been detected by the tap tempo is less than 30, “Lo” will appear on the display and the tempo will be set at “30.” If the BPM detected by the tap tempo exceeds 252, “Hi” will appear on the display and the tempo will be set at “252.”
Press the START/STOP buon to start the metronome.
The metronome pendulum will swing from left to right ac-
cording to the tempo and the TAP TEMPO buon will blink
The tap tempo can also be input while the metronome is in
Play according to the tempo.
To stop the metronome, press the START/STOP buon.
Practicing with the periodic metronome function
This function produces clicking with each set measure. This is useful for practicing keeping the rhythm.
When using the periodic metronome function, “0 beat”, “du-
plets”, “triplets”, “triplets without the center beat”, “quadru­plets” or “quadruplets without the center beats” cannot be selected as the time signature.
Press the METRONOME ON buon.
The pendulum of the metronome appears on the display, and “ ” appears in the upper-right corner.
Use the PERIODIC (periodic metronome) buon to select the
measure where clicking will be produced. Each press of the PERIODIC buon switches the selected mea­sure as follows. 1  2 3 4  0 1  ... When the measure is set to “0”, the periodic metronome func-
tion is turned o, and the measure seing and “PERIODIC” turn o after a few seconds.
Press the START/STOP buon to start the metronome.
Clicking is produced with each set measure.
Example: BEAT (time signature)=4, PERIODIC (measure)=2
To stop the metronome, press the START/STOP buon.
Using the tuner and metronome
The TM-50TR lets you use the tuner and metronome simultane­ously. For more details on tuner and metronome operation, please refer to the “Using the tuner” and “Using the metronome sections.”
Using the tuner and metronome simultaneously
For example, if you’re playing along with the metronome and
you notice that your instrument is not tuned correctly, you can leave the metronome running while you tune. Proceed as follows.
Press the METRONOME ON buon.
Press the START/STOP buon to start the metronome.
If necessary, specify the tempo and time signature etc.
To set the tempo: use the TEMPO ▲, buons or the TAP TEMPO buon.
To set the time signature: use the BEAT , buons. To set the periodic metronome setting: Use the PERIODIC
(periodic metronome) buon.
When using the tuner and metronome simultaneously, you
can’t select “triplets”, “triplets without the center beat”, “qua-
druplets” or “quadruplets without the center beats” as the
time signature.
Press the TUNER ON buon to enter Meter mode.
The pendulum of the metronome and the tuning meter appear on the display. The metronome tempo is also indicated by the
blinking of the TAP TEMPO buon.
If you want to tune in Sound Out mode, you should then press
the SOUND buon. To tune in the Sound Back mode, press the SOUND BACK buon.
Tuning in Meter mode
When you play a single note on your instrument, the display will show the name of the note that is closest to the pitch that you played. Tune your instrument while watching the meter and the tuning guide.
Tuning in Sound Out mode
Tune your instrument to the pitch that you hear.
Tuning in Sound Back mode
Using the tone, tuning meter and tuning guide, adjust your
When the tuner and metronome are being used simultane-
ously, the TONE TRAINER function of the tuner cannot be
After tuning is complete, press the TUNER ON button and
METRONOME ON buon respectively to turn o the tuner
and metronome.
Tuner section
Scale: 12 note equal temperament Detection range*: C1 (32.70 Hz)–C8 (4186.01 Hz) for a sine-
Reference tone: C3 (130.81 Hz)–C6 (1046.50 Hz) 3 octaves Tuning modes: Meter mode, Sound Out mode, Sound Back
Calibration range: A4 = 410 Hz–480 Hz (1 Hz step) Detection accuracy: Beer than ±1 cent Sound accuracy: Beer than ±1 cent
Metronome section
Tempo range: 30–252 beats per minute (bpm) Tempo seing: PENDULUM STEP, FULL STEP, TAP TEM-
Time signatures: 0–9 beats, duplets, triplets, triplets without
Tempo accuracy: ±0.3%
Main Specications
Connectors: INPUT jack (1/4"mono), PHONES jack (1/8" ste-
Speaker: Dynamic speaker (ø23 mm) Power supply: Two AAA baeries (alkaline or nickel-metal hy-
mode, TONE TRAINER function
the center beat, quadruplets, quadruplets without the center beats
reo mini)
dride baeries)
Baery life: Tuner ... Approximately 24 hours (A4 continuous
Metronome ...
Approximately 24 hours (tempo 120, four
Using tuner and metronome simultaneous-
Approximately 24 hours (A4 continuous
Dimensions (W x D x H): 111 x 82 x 18 mm / 4.37" x 3.23" x 0.71" Weight: 108 g / 3.81 oz. (including the provided bat-
Included items: Owner’s manual, two AAA baeries
The calibration and reference tone of the tuner as well as the tempo, beat, Pendulum Step and Full Step settings
of the metronome are stored even when the power is o. However when you exchange the baeries, these seings
will return to the following default values.
Default values:
Calibration = 440 Hz, Detection range = A4, Tempo = 120, Time signature = four beats, Tempo seing type = PENDU-
LUM STEP * Even if the pitch is within the range of detection, the
TM-50TR may be unable to detect the pitch if the sound contains numerous overtones (such as the low and high notes on an acoustic piano) or if the instrument has a rapid decay.
Specifications and appearance are subject to change
without notice for improvement.
input, when using alkaline baeries)
beats, maximum volume, when using alka-
line baeries)
input, tempo 120, four beats, maximum volume, when using alkaline baeries)
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