Korg KONNECT User Manual

Owner’s Manual
Manuel d’utilisation
Manual de usuario
Thank you for purchasing the KORG KONNECT.
To ensure trouble-free enjoyment, please carefully read this manual and use the prod­uct correctly. In addition, be su re to store this ma nual in a safe place for future reference.
Merci d’avoir choisi la KORG KONNECT.
Pour une sûreté et un plaisir d’utilisation maximum, lisez attentivement ce manuel et suivez toutes ses consignes d’utilisation. Veillez en outre à conserver ce manuel en lieu sûr afin de pouvoir le consulter ultérieurement.
Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich für einen KORG KONNECT entschied en haben.
Um möglichst lange Spaß an Ihrem neuen Gerät zu haben, lesen Sie diese Anleitung aufmerksam und verwenden Sie das Gerät entsprechend. Bewahren Sie diese Anleitung an einem sicheren Ort auf, um auch später darin nachschlagen zu können.
Gracias por comprar la KORG KONNECT.
Para poder disfrutar de ella sin problemas, lea este manual atentamente y utilice el pro­ducto correctamente. Además, es importante que guarde este manual en un lugar seguro para futuras consultas.
このたびは、コルグKONNE CTをお買い上げいただきまして、誠にありが とうございます。
本機を末永くご愛用いただくためにも、取扱説明書をよくお読みになって正しい方法 でご使用ください。また、取扱説明書は大切に保存してください。
This product has been manufactured according to strict specications and voltage requirements that
are applicable in the country in which it is intended that this product should be used. If you have purchased this product via the internet, through mail order, and/or via a telephone sale, you must verify that this product is intended to be used in the country in which you reside. WARNING: Use of this product in any country other than that for which it is intended could be dangerous and could invalidate the manufacturer’s or distributor’s warranty.
Please also retain your receipt as proof of purchase otherwise your product may be disqualied
from the manufacturer’s or distributor’s warranty.
Ce produit a été fabriqué suivant des spécications s évères et des besoin s en ten sion applicables
dans le pays où ce produit doit être utilisé. Si vous avez acheté ce produit via l’internet, par vente
par correspondance ou/et vente par téléphone, vous devez vérier que ce produit est bien utilisable
dans le pays où vous résidez. ATTENTION: L’utilisation de ce produit dans un pays autre que celui pour lequel il a été conçu peut être dangereuse et a nnulera la garantie du fabricant ou du distributeur. Conservez bien votre récépissé qui est la preuve de votre achat, faute de quoi votre produit ne risque de ne plus être couvert par la garantie du fabricant ou du distributeur.
Dieses Produkt wurde unter strenger Beachtu ng von Spezi kationen und Spannungsanforderungen
hergestellt, die im Bestimmungsland gelten. Wenn Sie dieses Produkt über das Internet, per Post­versand und/oder mit telefonischer Bestellung gekauft haben, müssen Sie bestätigen, dass dieses
odukt für Ihr Wohngebiet ausgelegt ist.
Pr WARNUNG: Verwendung die ses Produkts i n einem andere n Land als dem, f ür das es best immt ist, verwendet wird, kann gefährlich sein und die Garantie des Herstellers oder Importeurs hinfällig
lassen werden. Bie bewahren Sie diese Quiung als Kaueleg auf, da andernfalls das Produkt
von der Garantie des Herstellers oder Importeurs ausgeschlossen werden kann.
Este producto ha sido fabricado de acuerdo a estrictas especicaciones y requer imientos
de voltaje aplicables en el país para el cual está destinado. Si ha comprado este producto
por internet, a través de correo, y/o venta telefónica, debe usted vericar que el uso de este
producto está destinado al país en el cual reside. AVISO: El uso de este producto en un país distinto al cual está destinado podría resultar peligroso y podría invalidar la garantía del fabricante o distribuidor. Por favor guarde su recibo como prueba de compra ya que de otro modo el producto puede verse privado de la garantía del fabricante o distribuidor.
本保証書は、保証期間中に本製品を保証するもので、付属品類(ヘッドホンなど)は保 証の対象になりません。保証期間内に本製品が故障した場合は、保証規定によって無 償修理いたします。
1. 本保証書の有効期間はお買い上げ日より1か年です。
2. 次の修理等は保証期間内であっても有償となります。 ・ 消耗部品(電池、スピーカー、真空管、フェーダーなど)の交換。 ・ お取扱い方法が不適当のために生じた故障。 ・ 天災(火災、浸水等)によって生じた故障。 ・ 故障の原因が本製品以外の他の機器にある場合。 ・ 不当な改造、調整、部品交換などにより生じた故障または損傷。 ・ 保証書にお買い上げ日、販売店名が未記入の場合、または字句が書き替えられて
・ 本保証書の提示がない場合。
3. 本保証書は日本国内においてのみ有効です。
This warranty is valid only in Japan.
4. お客様が保証期間中に移転された場合でも、保証は引き続きお使いいただけます。
5. 修理、運送費用が製品の価格より高くなることがありますので、あらかじめお客様
相談窓口へご相談ください。発送にかかる費用は、お客様の負担とさせていただき ます。
6. 修理中の代替品、商品の貸し出し等は、いかなる場合においても一切行っておりま
本製品の故障、または使用上生じたお客様の直接、間接の損害につきましては、弊社は 一切の責任を負いかねますのでご了承ください。
本保証書は、保証規定により無償修理をお約束するためのもので、これよりお客 様の法律上の権利を制限するものではありません。
1. 保証書に販売年月日等の記入がない場合は無効となります。記入できないときは、
2. 保証書は再発行致しませんので、紛失しないように大切に保管してください。
修理および商品のお取り扱いについてのご質問、ご相談は、お客様 相談窓口へお問い合わせください。
PHS等一部の電話ではご利用できません。固定電話または携帯 電話からおかけください。 受付時間 月曜~金曜 10:00 ~ 17:00 (祝祭日、窓口休業日を除く)
● サービス・センター :〒168-0073 東京都杉並区下高井戸1-18-16 2F
本製品の使用周波数は2.4GHz帯です。この周波数帯では、電子レンジなどの産業・科学・医療 用機器のほか、工場の製造ラインなどで使用されている移動体識別用の構内無線局(免許を要す る無線局)や、特定小電力無線局(免許を要しない無線局)、アマチュア無線局(免許を要する無線 局)が運用されています。(以下「他の無線局」と呼ぶ) 他の無線機器との電波干渉を防止するために、下記事項に注意してご使用ください。
1. また重大な影響を及ぼす恐れのある場所(医療機器のそば、航空機内など)では使用しないで ください。
2. 万一、本製品と「他の無線局」の間で電波干渉の事例が発生した場合には、速やかに使用を停 止した上で、混信回避のための処置(例えば使用場所の変更など)を行ってください。
3. さい。
* BluetoothはBluetooth SIG, Inc.の登録商標です。
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Published 04/2017 Printed in China
Part names and functions
1 (Power) button, LED
The power will turn on (the LED will light) or off when the button is pressed.
2 DC INPUT jack
The included AC adapter is connected here.
Adjusts the volume of the KONNECT. Raising the volume too high may cause the
sound outputted from the speaker to sound unnaturally distorted, and the CLIP LED may light. If this happens, adjust your settings again while lowering the volume on each channel, until the CLIP LEDs go dark.
The reverb type and effect depth can be adjusted, according to the position of this knob. When this knob is fully turned to the left, the reverb will be turned off.
This LED lights when the limiter is in operation.
This switches the FEEDBACK SUPPRESSOR on (the LED will light) or off. Turning
this on will cause feedback to be suppressed.
(Bluetooth) pairing LED
This LED li g hts wh en the KON N ECT is connecte d to an ext er nal dev ice via Blue tooth. (Refer to “Connecting to the KONNECT App via Bluetooth”.)
8 Channel selection buttons and LEDs
Selects the channel that will be controlled by the cha nnel VOLUME, VOICE knobs. The LED for the selected channel will light.
Tip: When playing back music f rom an external device connected via Bluetooth, input chan
nels 3 and 4 (3/4) are used.
This adjusts the volume of the channel that was s elected using the cha nnel selection buttons. Raising the volume too high may cause the sound from the speaker to be unnatural ly distorted (the CLIP LED may light). If th is happens, adjust your se ttings again while lowering the volume on the devices on each channel, until the CLIP LEDs go dark.
10 VOICE knob
The voice type and effect depth can be adjusted, according to the position of this knob.
Tip: “Voices” mean the optimal equalizer settings that match the characteristics of each
device being connected.
11 CENTER CANCEL button and LED
This switches center cancel on (the LED will light) or off for channels 3/4. When center cancel is switched on, the volume for only the vocals or guitar sounds in
music played on iPhones and other devices that are connected to the KONNECT
can be decreased.
12 MIC/LINE switch
When this is switched to MIC, the MIC/LINE input jack for channel 1 will be used as a microphone input jack.
13 MIC and MIC/LINE input jack for channel 1
Use this input for dynamic mics or LINE output level devices.
14 MIC and LINE input jack for channel 2
Use this input for dynamic mics and LINE output level devices.
15 STEREO INPUT jack for channels 3/4
Use this jack to input a stereo LINE output level device, such as a music player, into channels 3/4.
16 L/MONO INPUT and R INPUT jack for channels 3/4
Use these jacks for inputting the L and R signals from a LINE output level device. (When using just the L/MONO INPUT jack, channel 3/4 will operate as a single channel in monaural mode.)
1 Turn the MASTER VOLUME knob on the KONNECT to the minimum position.
2 Connect the included AC adapter to the DC INPUT jack, and then plug the AC
adapter into an AC outlet.
Only use the spec ified AC adapter. Using any ot her AC adapter may cause mal functions.
3 Connect your external device(s) into the channel input jacks. 4 Press the Power button to turn on the KONNECT.
Tip: To turn off the KONNECT, press the Power button again.
5 Slowly turn the VOLUME and MASTER VOLUME knobs to adjust the volume.
Auto power-off function
The KONNECT has an auto power-off function. With this function, the unit auto­matically enters standby mode if there is no operation or input for approximately 20
nutes. To return to normal mode, operate one of the knobs or buttons on the KON-
NECT, or use the KONNECT App to turn the power on again.
SMALL This reverb setting simulates a small room, such as a home studio. MEDIUM This reverb setting simulates a medium-sized room, such as a live
music club.
LARGE This reverb setting simulates a large room, such a concert hall. KARAOKE This is the optimal setting for singing karaoke.
MALE VOICE This is the optimal setting for male vocals or speech. FEMALE VOICE This is the optimal setting for female vocals or speech. ELECTRIC GUITAR S. ACOUSTIC GUITAR This is the optimal setting for steel-stringed acoustic guitars. MUSIC This is the optimal setting for listening to music in your own home.
Tip: You can use the KONNECT App to select up to 11 different voice types.
This is the optimal setting for electric guitars.
Connecting to the KONNECT App via Bluetooth (Pairing)
Tip: While the unit is paired with the KONNECT App, all functions on the KONNECT
panel except for MASTER VOLUME will be disabled.
Tip: For points of caution and detailed methods of operation when pairing, refer to the KON-
NECT App download website, or the “Help Center” located in the app itself.
While the KONNECT is on, hold down the c hannel selection but ton for chan nel
2 The
4 When pairing is complete, the LED will light, and you will be able to control
5 When an analog device is connected to channels 3/4, the playback from
(Bluetooth) pairing LED will blink, and the KONNECT will enter Blue-
tooth pairing standby mode.
Following the settings on your external device for Bluetooth connection, select
“KONNECT” as the connection point.
the various operations and play back music on the KONNECT from the app.
Tip: For more information on which devices and OS versions that the KONNECT App is
compatible with, refer to the download website for the app, and the “Help Center” lo cated in the app itself.
the analog device wil l be given priority. When play ing back on a Bluetoot h device, disconnect the cable from the analog device to the KONNECT.
Number of REVERB types: 4 Number of VOICE types: 5 (11 when using the KONNECT App) Number of scene memory programs (only when using the app): 3 Input jack: Channel 1 MIC/LINE input jack (XLR-3-32 type [balanced], 4.7 kΩ,
Channel 2 LINE input jack (XLR-3-32 type [balanced], 4.7 kΩ,
Channels 3/4 L/MONO INPUT jack (6.3 mm monaural phone jack
STEREO INPUT jack (3.5 mm stereo mini phone jack
Speakers: 6.5-inches and 1-inch x 2 (16.5 cm and 2.5 cm x 2) Power Source: AC adapter Dimensions (W x D x H): 445 x 230 x 230 mm / 17.52 x 9.06 x 9.06 inches Weight: 5.6 kg / 12.35 lbs. Accessories: AC adapter , Owners Manual Optional Item: Carrier bag, Stand (KORG ST-S80)
* Appearance and specifications of this product are subject to change without notice.
specified level -43 dBV or 6.3 mm monaural phone jack
[unbalanced], 1MΩ, specified level: -26 dBV)
specified level -43 dBV and 6.3 mm monaural phone jack
[unbalanced], 1MΩ, specified level: -26 dBV)
[unbalanced], 1MΩ, specified level: -26 dBV)
R INPUT jack (6.3 mm monaural phone jack [unbalanced],
Ω, specified level: -26 dBV)
[unbalanced], 10kΩ, specified level: -10 dBV)
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Using the unit in the following locations can result in a malfunction:
• In direct sunlight
• Locations of extreme temperature or humidity
• Excessively dusty or dirty locations
• Locations of excessive vibration
• Close to magnetic elds
Power supply
Please con nect the desig nated AC adapter to an AC outlet of the c orrect voltage. Do not connect it to an AC outlet of voltage other than that for which your unit is intended.
Interference with other electrical devices
Radios a nd televisions place d nearby may experie nce reception i nterference. Op erate this unit at a suitable distance from radios and televisions.
To avoid breakage, do not apply excessive force to the switches or controls.
If the ex terior becomes d irty, wipe it with a cle an, dry clot h. Do not use liquid c leaners
such as benzene or thinner, or cleaning compounds or ammable polishes.
Keep this manual
After reading this manual, please keep it for later reference.
Keeping foreign matter out of your equipment
Never set any container with liquid in it near this equipment. If liquid gets into the
equipment, it could cause a breakdown, re, or electrical shock.
Be caref ul not to let metal objects get into the equipment. If somet hing does slip into the equ ipment, unplug the AC adapter from t he wall outlet. T hen contact your ne arest
Korg dealer or the store where the equipment was purchased.
* Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc. * All product names and company names are the trademarks or registered trademarks
of their respective owners.
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncon­trolle d environment a nd meets the FCC radio fr equency (RF) Exposur e Guidelines. Th is
uipment ha s very low levels of RF ene rgy that it deemed to c omply without maximu m
eq permissive exposure evaluation (MPE).
This transmier must not
be co-located or operated in conjunction with any other antenna or trans
NOTE: Thi s equipment has b een tested a nd found to comply wit h the limit s for a Class B dig ital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate rad io frequenc y energy and, i f not insta lled and used i n accordance w ith the in structio ns, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interfer ence will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference
radio or television reception, which can be deter mined by turning the equipment o and on,
the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit dierent from that to which the
receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
If items such as cables are included with this equipment, you must use those included items.
Unauthori zed changes or modication to this system can void t he user’s author ity to operate this
Notice regarding disposal (EU only)
If this symbol is shown on the prod-
uct, manual, baery, or package, you
st dispo se of it in the corr ect man-
mu ner to avoid har m to human healt h or
mage to the environment.
da Contact your local administrative body for details on the correct dis
posal met hod. If the baery contains
lated amount, a chemical symbol is displayed
avy metals in excess of the regu-
low the symbol on the baery or baery
Use only AC adapters listed in the user instructions.
For USA, Canada, Japan For EU, AUS
Brand: DYS Model: DYS602-200325W Input: 100-240Vac 50/60Hz 1.5A Output: 20.0Vdc 3.25A
European Union Directives Conformance Statement
Korg Inc. hereby declares t hat the product meets the re­quirements of Directive 2014/53/EC.
u can view the Declaration of Conformity (DoC) to Di-
Yo rective 2014/53/EC in the Owner’s Manual of this product
sted on the Korg website (www.korg.com).
This de vice complies wit h Industry Ca nada licence
- exempt RSS st andard(s). Operation is s ubject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
This equipment complies with IC radiation expo
­sure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environ-
ment and meets RSS-102 of the IC radio fre quency
F) Exposure rules. This equipment has very low
( levels of RF e nergy that it de emed to comply without maximum permissive exposure evaluation (MPE).
Brand: GPE Model: GPE072D-240300W
Input: 100-240Vac 50/60Hz 1.8A
Output: 24.0Vdc 3A
L’ut ilisation de c et instr ument dans le s endroits suiva nts peut en entr aîner le mauvai s fonctionn ement.
• En plein soleil
• Endroits très chauds ou très humides
• Endroits sales ou fort poussiéreux
• Endroits soumis à de fortes vibrations
• A proximité de champs magnétiques
Branche z l’adapt ateur secte ur mention né à une prise s ecteur de ten sion appropriée. Evite z de brancher l’adaptateur à une prise de courant dont la tension ne correspond pas à celle pour laquelle l’appareil est conçu.
Interférences avec d’autres appareils électriques
Les postes de radio et de télévision situés à proximité peuvent par conséquent sourir d’interférences à la réception. Veuillez dès lors faire fonct ionner cet appareil à une dista nce raisonnable de postes
de radio et de télévision.
Pour éviter de le s endommager, manip ulez les comma ndes et les boutons de ce t instrum ent avec soin.
Lorsque l’instrument se salit, neoyez-le avec un chion propre et sec. Ne vous servez pas d’agents de neoyage liquides tels que du benzène ou du di luant, voire des produ its inammables.
Conservez ce manuel
Après avoir lu ce manuel, veuillez le conserver soig neusement pour toute référence ultérieure.
Evitez toute intrusion d’objets ou de liquide
Ne placez jamais de réc ipient contenant du liquide près de l’instrument. Si le liqu ide se renverse ou
coule, il risque de provoquer des dommages, un court-circuit ou une électrocution. Veillez à ne pas laisser tomber des objets métalliques dans le boîtier (trombones, par ex.). Si cela se produit, débranchez l’alimentation de la prise de courant et contactez votre revendeur korg le plus proche ou la surface où vous avez acheté l’instrument.
* Bluetooth est une marque déposée de Bluetooth SIG, Inc. * Tous les noms de produits et de sociétés sont des marques commerciales ou déposées de
leur détenteur respectif.
Cet équipement est conforme aux li­mites d’exposit ion aux rayonnements
oncées p our un envir onnement non
én contrôlé et respecte les règles d’expo­sition aux fréquences radioélectriques
F) CNR-102 de l’IC. Cet équipeme nt
émet une énergie RF très faible qui est
considérée conforme sans évaluation de l’exposition maximale autorisée.
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si
le brou il lag e est s usc ept ible d’en c omp rom er e
le fonctionnement.
Déclaration de conformité aux directives de l’Union européenne
Korg Inc. déclare par la présente que le produit est conforme aux exigences de la directive 2014/53/CE.
Vous pouvez consulter la Déclaration de conformité (DoC) à la directive 2014/53/CE dans le mode
d’emploi de ce produit, disponible sur le site Internet de Korg (www.korg.com).
Note concernant les dispositions (Seulement EU)
Si ce symbole apparait sur le produit, le manuel, les piles ou les packs de piles, cela signi-
e que vous devez le recycler d’une manière correcte an de prévenir les dommages pour
santé hu maine et les dom mages potentie ls pour l’environn ement. Contactez vo tre admi-
la nistration locale pour de plus amples renseignements concernant la bonne méthode de
cyclage. Si la pile contient des métaux lourds au-delà du seuil réglementé, un symbole
chimique est aché en dessous du symbole de la poubelle barrée d’une croix sur la pile
ou le pack de piles.
N’utilisez que des adaptateurs secteur répertoriés dans les instructions d’utilisation.
Pour USA, Canada, Japon Pour UE, AUS
marque de fabrique: DYS
maquee: DYS602-200325W
d’entrée: 100-240Vac 50/60Hz 1.5A sortie: 20.0Vdc 3.25A
marque de fabrique: GPE
maquee: GPE072D-240300W
d’entrée: 100-240Vac 50/60Hz 1.8A
sortie: 24.0Vdc 3A
Vermeiden Sie das Aufstellen des Geräts an Orten, an denen
• es direkter Son neneinstrahlung ausgeset ist;
• hohe Feuchtigkeit oder Extremtemperaturen auftreten können;
• Staub oder Schmu in großen Mengen vorhanden sind;
• das Gerät Erschüerungen ausgeset sein kann.
• in der Nähe eines Magnetfeldes.
Schließen Sie das optionale Neteil nur an eine geeignete Steckdose an. Verbinden Sie es
niemals mit einer Steckdose einer anderen Spannung.
Störeinüsse auf andere Elektrogeräte
Dieser kann bei in der Nähe aufgestellten Rund-funkempfängern oder Fernsehgeräten Emp­fangsstörungen hervorrufen. Betreiben Sie solche Geräte nur in einem geeigneten Abstand
n diesem Erzeugnis.
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+ 5 hidden pages