Korg EasyStart mini-KP, Mini-KP KAOSS PAD Easy Start

Making Connections, Choosing “Direct” or “Send Mode 2 Using the Effects Adjusting the Effect Depth Using the Hold function Using the FX Release Using the Tap/BPM Sync Functions Storing Your Favorite Effect Programs Resetting the mini-KP to Factor y Defaults Effect Programs to Try
MMiinnii--KKPP MMaaiinn FFeeaattuurreess
100 dynamic effects with adjustable depth, including:
Multiple types of smooth, great-sounding resonant filters
Decimators and grain-shifters to totally mangle your sound
Looping effects that repeat and manipulate audio phrases
BPM-synced effects like delays and LFO-based filter sweeps
Synthesizer programs with X/Y control of pitch and filter
Combination effects such as delay + reverb
Two memory buttons to store your favorite presets
Tap button for syncing BPM-based effects to the incoming audio
FX Release function adds a BPM-synced delay ”tail” to sounds so they gradually fade away
when you release your finger from the pad
“Direct” or “Send” modes allow you to connect the mini-KP anywhere in your setup
Hold function allows you to remove your finger from the pad, while maintaining the effect
Battery operation for total portability (optional AC adapter available)
EEaassyySSttaarrtt CCoonntteenntts
2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4
Mini-KP EasyStart
MMaakkiinngg CCoonnnneeccttiioonnss;; CChhoooossiinngg ““DDiirreecctt”” oorr ““SSeenndd”” MMooddee
The mini-KP has two connection modes: “Direct” and “Send.” In “Direct” mode, the output wil l m ix the original signal with the affected signal. In “Send” mode, only the affected signal will be send to the outputs.
1. The mini-KP can run on either 4-AA batteries, or you can power it with our optional 4.5v AC adapter. (It won’t run on happy thoughts, so choose one of the above and give it some juice ☺)
a. The display will show “Lo” when the batteries are, well, Lo.
2. If you are using a mixer (doesn’t matter what type - DJ or recording), use the EFFECT SEND/RETURN jacks to connect the mini-KP: Connect the mixer’s EFFECT SEND to the mini-KP’s LINE IN jacks, and then connect the mini-KP’s LINE OUT jacks to the mixer’s EFFECT RETURN (use stereo send/return connections whenever possible).
3. If you are using an instrument plugged directly into the mini-KP via the LINE IN jacks, simply connect the mini-KP LINE OUT jacks to your amplifier, recording interface or whatever is next in the audio chain.
a. You can also connect headphones to the front PHONE jack of the mini-KP, and control the VOLUME from
4. When you turn the mini-KP on, it will briefly show either “dIr” or Snd” on the LED display, indicating what mode it’s in. To change this, hold down the MEMORY A button and then push MEMORY B. It will again show what mode it’s in, and now you can change it by turning the dial. After a few seconds, the mini-KP will return to normal play mode.
When you turn the mini-KP off, it will remember which mode it’s in, and you won’t need to set it the next
time you want to use it.
UUssiinngg tthhee EEffffeeccttss
OK. This one’s pretty self-explanatory. It’s like so many other things in lif e… use finger, create chaos…
1. To control the effects, move your finger along the X/Y pad! The X axis (horizontal) will modify one parameter, and the Y axis (vertical) will modify another.
2. Turn the PROGRAM/DIAL/DEPTH dial to scroll through the effect programs, from 00 to 99.
3. Notice, with no small degree of satisfaction, that this little beast sounds just as fearsome as its big brothers!
AAddjjuussttiinngg tthhee EEffffeecctt DDeepptthh
Is your flanger too feisty? Your decimator too devastating? By default, all the mini-KP’s effects are all cranked up to 99… but you can give it some sedatives if you need to.
When you turn the mini-KP on, it will briefly display the depth of the current effect (“d99” by default)…
1. Hold down MEMORY A and then press the TAP/BPM button. You’ll see “d99” (or whatever it’s currently set to).
2. Turn the PROGRAM/BPM/DEPTH dial to change the setting.
3. Push the TAP/BPM button to return to normal play mode. (If you wait about fifteen seconds, it will return to normal play mode automatically)
: When you save a program to the MEMORY A/B buttons, the current depth setting will be saved along as
: The effect depth setting will stay the way you set it until you either turn the mini-KP off, or use the
MEMORY A/B buttons to recall a program with a different effect depth setting.
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