VMS Interface
for QMS Crown Printers


The following are trademarks or register ed tradem arks of their respective owners. Other product names mentio ned in this manual may also be trademar ks or regis tered trademarks of their respective owners. Registered trademarks are registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office; some trademarks may also be registered in other countries. QMS, QMS-PS, Crown , the Crown seal, and the QM S logo are registered trademar ks of QMS, Inc. PS Executive Series, QUIC and QUIC II are trademarks of QMS, Inc. DEC, DECnet, LAT, LN03, VAX, VAXcluster, VMS/Digital Equipment Corp oration. HP, HP-GL, La serJet, HP PCL/H ewlett-Packard Corporation . PostScript is a trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc., for a page description language and may be registered in cer tain jur isdiction s. In this manual , “PostScript Level 2” is used to refer to a set of capabilities defined by Adobe S ystems for its PostScript Level 2 page description language. These capabilities, among others, are implemented in this product through a QM S - developed emu latio n th at is c om patible with Adobe's PostScript Level 2 language. Tektronix/Tektronix, Inc. Dataproducts/Datapr oducts Cor poration. Diablo, Ethernet/Xerox Corporation.

Copyright Notice

This manual and the digitally en coded software in cluded with the pr inter are Copyrighted 1997 by QMS, Inc., One Magnum Pass, Mobile, Alabama 36618. All Rights Reserved. This manual may not be c opied in whole o r in part, no r transferred to any other media or language, withou t the express written pe rmissio n of QMS, Inc.

Manual Notice

QMS, Inc. reserves the right to make changes to this manu al and to the software described herein without notice. Considerable effor t has been made to ensure that this manual is free of inaccu rac ies an d omiss ion s. However, QMS, Inc. makes no warranty
of any kind including, but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose with regard to this manual. QMS, Inc. assumes
no responsibility for, or liability for, errors contained in this manual or for incidental, special, or consequen tial damages ar ising out of the fur nishing of this manual, or the use of this manual in operating the e quipment, or in con nection with the per forman ce of the equipment when so ope rated.


1 Introduction
License Agreement ............................................................1-2
QMS VMS Host Software Option ......................................1-2
The QMS DECnet Interface Option ...................................1-3
Included with the DECnet Option 1-4
For Serial/Parallel Connected-Printers ............................1-4
Included with the Serial/Parallel Option 1-4
LN03 Plus Printer Emulation .............................................1-5
Accessing Printer Features ..............................................1-5
About this Manual ............................................ ..................1-6
Typographic Conventions 1-7
2 DECnet Host Software
Introduction ........................................................................ 2-2
Before You Begin ...............................................................2-2
Setting Up the Printer ........................................................ 2-4
Mode Option 2-4 Emulation Option 2-5 Min K Spool/Spooling Options 2-6 DECnet Address Option 2-6 DECnet HSL [Hot Status Listener] Option 2-8 Packet Size Option 2-8 Multicast Pkts [Packets] Option 2-8 PS [PostScript] Protocol Option 2-8 Def [Default] Job Prio [Priority] Option 2-12
If This is a Software Update ..... .................... ................... 2-12
Updating from a Previous Version 2-12 Updating Using the Device Control Library
Update Procedure 2-12
Installing the DECnet Host Software .............................. 2-13
Phase IV and Phase V Installation 2-13 Entering the Printer Node Name and Address
2-16 Naming the Queues 2-18 Creating Generic Queues 2-19
After Installing the Host Software .... .................... .......... 2-20
HSL Network Application ................................................2-21
Enabling the HSL 2-21 Verifying the HSL Application 2-22
PS Executive Series Utilities (Remote Console) ...........2-23
VMS Interface for QMS Crown Printersii
Navigating through PS Executive 2-23
Starting PS Executive for VMS 2-24
Printer Default Settings 2-24
Start Remote Console Session 2-24
Show Printer Counters 2-25
Identifying the Printer Location 2-25
Exit PS Executive 2-26
3 Serial/Parallel Host
Software Installation
Introduction ........................................................................ 3-2
Before You Begin ...............................................................3-2
If This is an Update 3-2
Terminal Characteristics ...................................................3-3
Installing the DECnet Host Software ... .................... .........3-3
Naming the Queues 3-7
Creating Generic Queues 3-7
Defining Queue Logicals for Serial/Parallel 3-9
After Installing Software .............................. ...... ....... .........3-9
4 Queues, /PARAMETERS, and
Order of Precedence ................................... .......................4-2
Command Line Precedence 4-2
Queue Logical Precedence 4-3
Queue Names (Implied Data Type) Precedence
iiiVMS Interface for QMS Crown Printers
Using Queues .....................................................................4-6
Queue Characteristics 4-6 Creating Generic Queues 4-7
Execution and Generic Queues ........................................4-8
Managing Queues ..............................................................4-8
Merging Queues .................................................................4-9
QMS VMS-Supported Parameters ....................................4-9
Characteristic File ............................................................ 4-19
Example 4-20
Summary of Logicals .......................................................4-21
QMS$execution_queue_CONTROL 4-22 QMS$execution_queue_CHAR 4-23 QMS$any_queue_QUEUE 4-23 QMS$any_queue_NUP 4-24
5 Printing Your Files
Using Application Software ..............................................5-2
Printing from VMS ..................................... ......................... 5-2
Using Set-up Modules, Forms, and Characteristics ....... 5-3
Accessing Printer Features 5-3 Set-up Modules 5-4
Forms .................................................................................. 5-5
Length 5-6 Margin 5-6 Page Setup 5-7 Setup 5-7 Truncate 5-8 Width 5-8 Wrap 5-8
VMS Interface for QMS Crown Printersiv
Feed 5-9
Device Control Libraries ...................................................5-9
QMS Device Control Library Module
for DECnet Interface (QMS$RESET) 5-10
QMS Device Control Library Modules
for Serial/Parallel Interfaces (QMS$RESET_S) 5-10
QMS Device Control Library Module
for Serial/Parallel/DECnet Interfaces (QMS$HEADER) 5-12
Order of Data Sent to the QMS Printer 5-12
Symbiont-Generated Special Pages ..............................5-13
prtpost: A PostScript Text Formatter .................... .... .....5-14
Options 5-16
6 Troubleshooting
Error Messages ..................................................................6-2
Severity Identification 6-2
Messages 6-2
Troubleshooting Charts ....................................................6-5
Disabling a Printer Interface .............................................6-8
Dataproducts Printing .......................................................6-8
No HSL Messages from the Printer ..................................6-9
A QMS Customer Support
Sources of Support ........................................................... A-2
Your QMS Vendor A-2
Your Application Vendor A-2
vVMS Interface for QMS Crown Printers
QMS World-wide Offices ................... .................... ........... A-5
Q-FAX A-2 The QMS Corporate Bulletin Board System A-3 CompuServe A-3 Internet A-3 QMS Customer Response Center (CRC) A-4
VMS Interface for QMS Crown Printersvi


In This Chapter . . .
n Information about the software licensing agreement n Introduction to the DECnet interface option n Introduction to the serial/parallel option n Introduction to the HSL application for DECnet n Introduction to PS Executive Series Utilities for DECnet n Descriptions of the contents of each chapter of this manual

License Agreement

License Agreement
The host software must be installed on all hosts that are to have access to the printer.
» Note:
The terms of the licensing agreement that you accepted by opening the package containing the host software restrict the software installation to multiple computers at a single site without the right to distribute, rent, sub-license, or lease the software or documentation. A separate license agreement and fee are required for each site at which the software is used. Single site means the location of the target printer for which there are common multiple computer systems.
QMS VMS Host Software Option
The QMS VMS host software is compatible with DECnet Phase IV and Phase V, Alpha AXP, and systems running VMS and OpenVMS.
This manual describes the installation of the host software, setting up queues, printing files, and troubleshooting for two separate VMS envi­ronments for QMS Crown printers:
n VMS using the DECnet protocol n VMS using ser ial /parallel
VMS Interface for QMS Crown Printers1-2
The QMS DECnet Interface Option
The QMS DECnet Interface Option
The DECnet interface option for QMS Crown printers provides a hard­ware and software connection to your DECnet network. See your printer user’s guide for installation instructions for your hardware inter­face. With the interface hardware properly installed in the printer and the accompanying host software loaded on the host, the QMS printer becomes a node on the network.
The host software
n Creates execution queues. n Creates generic queues specific to printer-supported language
and page layout types, if desired.
n Performs an Installation Verification Program test upon installa-
tion, if desired.
n Adds a HELP file to your VMS on-line HELP facility. n Creates a printer-specific characteristic file which identifie s
printer-suppor ted /PARAMETER qualifiers.
n Creates a Remote Console capability as part of the QMS PS
Executive Series Utilities to remotely configure and monitor printer status from anywhere on the network.
n Includes a network application, Hot Status Listener, to receive
printer error and backchannel messages from DECnet- con­nected printers.
n Performs load balancing that automatically distributes print jobs
equally to all printers on generic queues.
n Installs QMS VMS Release Notes that document new features
and may be viewed or printed.
Refer to chapter 2 for step-by-step instructions on installing the DEC­net host software.
For Serial/Parallel Connected­Printers
Included with the DECnet Option
The DECnet interface option includes the following components: n Host software provided on popular media types for DECnet- and
serial/parallel-connected printers.
n DECnet interface boards for either thin-wire, thick-wire, or
10BaseT Ethernet (to be installed by a QMS-authorized field engineer).
n LN03 Plus printer emulation and compatible fonts on a 3.5" disk
and requires a hard drive or a cartridge. (and a downloadable image on the host software for printers which do not have a 3.5" disk drive).
n Installation instruction sheet for the 3.5" disk version of the LN03
Plus emulation.
n LN03 Plus Emulation Guide for QMS Printers. n QMS Crown Remote Console User's Guide.
VMS Interface for QMS Crown Printers.
(This manual)
For Serial/Parallel Connected­Printers
The QMS VMS host software option for QMS Crown printers provides a software interface for serial/parallel-connected printers.
Refer to chapter 3 for instructions on installing the serial/parallel sym­biont.
Included with the Serial/Parallel Option
The serial/parallel interface option includes the following components: n Host software provided on popular media types for DECnet- and
serial/parallel-connected printers.
VMS Interface for QMS Crown Printers1-4

LN03 Plus Printer Emulation

n LN03 Plus printer emulation and compatible fonts on a 3.5" disk
(and a downloadable image on the host software for printers which do not have a 3.5" disk drive).
n Installation instruction sheet for the 3.5" disk version of the LN03
Plus emulation.
n LN03 Plus Emulation Guide for QMS Printers.
VMS Interface for QMS Crown Printers
LN03 Plus Printer Emulation
The QMS-developed LN03 Plus emulation is made available in sev­eral formats.
n A download image for QMS Crown printers that have a hard disk.
(Comes standard with the QMS VMS host software.)
n A 3.5" diskette for QMS Crown printers that have a floppy drive
and hard disk. This can be purchased separately and is included
with the QMS DECnet option. n A RAM card for those QMS printers that have optional RAM slots. Refer to the
tion instructions.
LN03 Plus Emulation Guide for QMS Printers

Accessing Printer Features

QMS Crown printers have many advanced document handling fea­tures: multiple input bins, multiple output bins, duplexing, stapling, collated stacking, and more. Check your printer user’s guide to deter­mine which options are available on your printer. Once the printer has been connected, all users may access these features by using qualifi­ers to the VMS PRINT command for both DECnet and serial/parallel printer installations.
for installa-

About this Manual

Many printer manufacturers provide only one set of parameters that the system administrator must use for all print jobs. Using the stan­dard VMS PRINT command qualifiers, however, you can customize the output for each job by temporarily changing the default configura­tion setting on the QMS Crown printer. This is accomplished through the QMS-provided characteristic file which contains the mapping of the PRINT qualifiers to appropriate Document Option Commands (DOC). Detailed information about using Document Option Com­mands and the PRINT command qualifiers is in chapter 4, “Queues, /Parameters, and Logicals.”
About this Manual
This manual covers the following topics:
DECnet Host
Software Installation
Serial/Parallel Host
Software Installation
/PARAMETERS, and Logicals
VMS Interface for QMS Crown Printers1-6
Presents an overview of the QMS VMS Host Software, the QMS DECnet interface option, and this manual.
Provides detailed instructions for installing the QMS host software for DECnet (Ethernet)-connected printers.
Provides detailed instructions for installing the QMS host software for host-, LAT-, or serial/parallel­connected printers.
Explains how to create, manage, and merge print queues.
Describes set-up and form modules as well as device control libraries for storing modules.
About this Manual
QMS Customer
Outlines common error and status messages related to the printer for host software installation. An instal la tion troubleshooting flowchart is also included.
Provides product sales and support telephone numbers and describes how to communicate with QMS through the QMS Bulletin Board, CompuServe, Internet, and Q-FAX
About this Manual
Typographic Conventions
The following typographic conventions are used in this manual:
Mixed-Case Courier
Mixed-Case Italic Courier
lowercase italic
UPPERCASE VMS commands and qualifies; file, module,
Press the Enter key (PC or VAX terminal) or
$ VMS system prompt " Continued command _$ Continued command from the line above [ ] Optional
.... Items may be repeated
» Note:
Notes contain tips, extra information, or important information
Text you type, and messages and information displayed on the screen
Variable text you type; replace the italicized word(s) with information specific to your printer or computer
Information displayed in the printer message window
Variable information in text and VMS commands
and library names
Return key (Macintosh )
that deserves emphasis or reiteration.
Cautions present information that you need to know to avoid
equipment damage, process failure, or extreme annoyance.
VMS Interface for QMS Crown Printers1-8

DECnet Host Software Installation

In This Chapter . . .
n DECnet options from the printer control panel n Pre-installation instructions n Installing DECnet host software n The Hot Status Listener application n PS Executive Series Utilities


The QMS VMS host software is compatible with DECnet Phase IV (DECnet-VAX) and Phase V (DECnet-OSI), Alpha AXP, and systems running VMS and Op enV MS.
This chapter takes you step-by-step through the installation of the QMS DECnet print symbiont and associated software for DECnet (Ethernet)-connected printers.

Before You Begin

Phase IV (DECnet-VAX):
Before beginning the installation of host software on DECnet Phase IV, identify the NCP (Network Control Program) node name for your printer.
n Node name. The printer’s node name must be a unique identifier
on your network. A valid name may have up to six characters (alpha or numeric) but must have at least one alpha character.
» Note:
n Network address. You assign a unique address to the printer. The
In each case, the software installation prompts you for this unique network identifier. This will enable your printer to become a good net­work citizen.
The node name is appended to the assigned queue name automatically. We recommend you choose both names at this time.
address consists of an area number (01 to 63) and a node num­ber (0000 to 1023). The valid format for the network address is
VMS Interface for QMS Crown Printers2-2
Before You Begin
Phase V (DECnet-OSI):
Before beginning the installation on DECnet Phase V, create an NCL (Network Control Language) node entry for the printer. You need to add the printer to the local or DNS Register via
» Note: The command you use depends on the topology of your
NCL, rather than NCP, verifies that you set up the network and node information necessary for proper printing. Due to limitations of the NCL command-line interface, the installation routine will not create a node and address for the printer you’re installing. You must use the decnet_loc_register.com for LAN (local name space configurations) or decnet_dns_register.com for WAN (distributed name space configurations) utility. The installation and release notes warn you to create a node prior to completing installa tio n.
n Node name. The printer’s node name must be a unique identifier
on your network. A valid name may have up to six alphabetic or numeric characters for LAN or up to 1024 alphabetic or numeric characters for W AN. In either case, a valid name requires at least one alphabetic character.
n Network address. You assign a unique address to the printer. The
address consists of an area number (01 to 63) and a node num­ber (0000 to 1023). The valid format for the network address is
In each case, the software installation prompts you for this unique network identifier. This will enable your printer to become a good net­work citizen.
» Note:
The host software is supported for VMS system versions 5.0
through 6.0.
DECnet Host Software Installation

Setting Up the Printer

Setting Up the Printer
The DECnet interface option shares its configuration menu on the printer control panel with the TCP/IP interface option. Before begin­ning the software installation, use the following instructions to config­ure the DECnet-specific interface options (Administration/Emulations/ DECnet-TCP/IP menu). See your printer user's guide for instructions on how to use the printer control panel.
DECnet-Specific Configuration Options
n Mode n Emulation n Min K Spool n Spooling n DECnet Address n DECnet HSL n Packet Size n Multicast Pkts. n PS Protocol n Def Job Prio

Mode Option

The default setting for the DECnet-TCP/IP interface Mode option is Enabled (that is, the interface is ready to communicate with the host). If you must disable the interface at any time, use the Mode option in the DECnet-TCP/IP menu. See “Disabling a Printer Interface” in chapter 6, “Troubleshooting .”
VMS Interface for QMS Crown Printers2-4
Setting Up the Printer

Emulation Option

Use the Emulation option in the DECnet-TCP/ IP menu to choose a default emulation for print jobs received over the DECnet-TCP/IP interface:
» Note:
Not all emulations are supported on all QMS printers. Check your user's guide to determine which ones are supported on your printer.
n Select ESP for Emulation Sensing Processor. ESP mode is the
printer default. In ESP mode, the printer examines all print jobs to interpret the emulation.
» Note:
If you use generic queues that are set up for the individual emulations supported by the printer or if you include QMS Document Option Commands (DOC) to specify an emulation for the print job, your file bypasses ESP mode. The generic queues that the installation program creates implicitly define the emulation of the file by sending the appropriate DOCs in a prologue prepended to the beginning of the file.
n Select PostScript if you send only PostScript files. n Select PCL
n Select HPGL if you send only HP-GL (HP plotter emulation) files. n Select LN03+ if you send only DEC LN03 Plus laser printer emu-
lation files.
n Select QUIC if you send only QMS QUIC II files. n Select Lineprinter if you only send Lineprinter files.
if you send only HP PCL (HP LaserJet emulation)
n Select CCITT if you send files that use CCITT Group 3 or 4 data
compression (such as fax transmissions or stored image data).
n Select Hexdump for a hex dump of all incoming print jobs on the
DECnet-TCP/IP interface. A hex dump is useful for diagnosing printer-host communication problems. When set for hex dump, the printer prints the hexadecimal values of all bytes received through the interface.
DECnet Host Software Installation
Setting Up the Printer

Min K Spool/Spooling Options

The printer's memory (including a portion of the internal hard disk) is used for spooling print jobs from the host. All interfaces on the printer share the total number of kilobytes available in memory. By default, a minimum of 15 KB (the Min K Spool option in the DECnet-TCP/IP menu) is dedicated to spooling jobs received over the DECnet-TCP/ IP interface. (Each interface on the printer is guaranteed a minimum of 15 KB unless the default setting is changed at the printer control panel.) The maximum available space for job spooling depends on your printer's RAM and disk configuration. For most applications, the default spooling configuration is adequate.
The Spooling menu option controls whether jobs are spooled always, only when the printer is idle but may still be printing a job, or only when the printer is completely idle.
If you do not use the serial, parallel, or LocalTalk interfaces on the printer, you can disable them and transfer their 15 KB guaranteed space to an area normally reserved as a shared space. Disabling all of these interfaces adds 45 KB to the area that the DECnet-TCP/IP interface could use for spooling. Disabling these interfaces, however, prevents access to the printer from any of these connections. If you want to disable the serial, parallel, or LocalTalk interfaces, see your printer user's guide.

DECnet Address Option

Set the DECnet Address via the control panel to assign the printer's unique DECnet network address. The DECnet address of the prin ter must be a unique address on the network. (See “Before You Begin,” earlier in this chapter, for an explanation of the address format.)
» Note:
The DECnet node number must be right justified. For instance,
enter an address of 1.6 as 01.0006. When the printer displays its address on the start-up and status
pages, all leading zeros in the address are truncated. To use the pre­vious example again, the address 01.0006 displays as 1.6.
VMS Interface for QMS Crown Printers2-6
Setting Up the Printer
1 If the printer is on line, press the Online/Offline key to take
the printer off line.
2 Press the Menu key to enter the printer Configuration menu. 3 Press the Next key until the message window displays
ADMINISTEATION, and then press the Select key.
4 Press the Next key until the message window displays
COMMUNICATIONS, and then press the Select key.
5 If your printer supports two optional interfaces, you will
NETWORK 1 and NETWORK 2 options.
n If you’re configuring an interface in port 1, select NETWORK 1. n If you’re configuring an interface in port 2, select NETWORK 2.
6 Press the Next key until the message window displays DEC-
net-TCP/IP and press the Select key.
7 Press the Next key until the message window displays DEC-
NET ADDRESS, and then press the Select key.
8 Press the Next or Previous key until the value you want for
the first digit displays, and then press the Select key.
9 Repeat step 8 for the second digit of the address.
The first two digits of the address make up the area number. The area number can be any unique number from 01 to 63.
» Note:
The DECnet node number must be right justified. For instance, enter an address of 1.6 as 01.0006.
10 Press the Select key when the period in the address flashes.
The first digit of the next component of the address, the node number, begins flashing.
11 Use the Next or Previous key until the value you want dis-
plays, and then press the Select key.
12 Repeat step 11 for each remaining digit of the node number.
The node number can be any unique number from 0000 to 1023.
DECnet Host Software Installation
Setting Up the Printer
When you press the Select key after you’ve entered the last digit, the printer momentarily displays the address you selected and then returns to the DECNET-TCP/IP menu.
13 Press the Online/Offline key to put the printer back on line.
The new DECnet address takes effect immediately after you turn the printer off and on again.

DECnet HSL [Hot Status Listener] Option

By default, this option is Disabled. When Enabled, this option allows the printer to send printer error and emulation-generated backchannel messages to the host system if the Hot Status Listener (HSL) applica­tion has been installed on the host.

Packet Size Option

This option is set to 558 bytes by default. It is the minimum packet size which will be sent by the printer to the host. This packet size is read only if the host sending data to the printer is not in the same area. This value can change based upon the type of router being used.

Multicast Pkts [Packets] Option

The default setting for this option is Enabled to allow the maintenance of a routing table. This routing table permits the printer to communi­cate through a router when necessary.

PS [PostScript] Protocol Option

QMS Crown printers support a new protocol for communication between the printer and a host computer over a serial, parallel, or optional interface connection. This new protocol is called PS protocol. This binary communications protocol (BCP) allows any 8-bit binary value (0-255) to be treated as data, while allowing a few of the values to function as special control characters. When communicating 8-bit binary data in binary, binary fixed, quoted binary, or quoted binary
VMS Interface for QMS Crown Printers2-8
Setting Up the Printer
fixed mode, the printer uses the quoting mechanism of the binary communications protocol to distinguish between the special control characters and print job binary data.
To differentiate data from the special control characters, any data that is the same as one of the following special control characters must be quoted:
ASCII Keyboard
^A SOH 0x01 Quote data character ^C ETX 0x03 Abort job and flush to end of file ^D EOT 0x04 End-of-file marker ^E ENQ 0x05 (Reserved for future use) ^Q DC1 0x11 XON in XON/XOFF flow control ^S DC3 0x13 XOFF in XON/XOFF flow control ^T DC4 0x14 Job status request ^\ FS 0x1C (Reserved for future use)
ASCII Name ASCII Hex Control Function
A data byte is quoted by replacing it with a two-character sequence. The first character is a ^A (ASCII hex 0x01), and the second charac­ter is the character itself XORed with the ASCII value 0x40. For exam­ple, to send the value 0x14(^T) as data, send the two-character sequence 0x01 0x54 (^A T); ASCII “T” is the result of exclusive XOR­ing ^T with 0x40.
This method of quoting guarantees that whenever the printer receives any of the eight control characters, the control function is intended regardless of whether the preceding character is a ^A. Any data byte not equal to one of the eight special control characters is transmitted by sending the data byte. For more information on BCP and quoting, see the
PostScript Language Reference Manual
(Adobe Systems, Inc., Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1990, ISBN 0-201-18127-4), the “Adobe Serial and Parallel Communications Protocols Specification”
Adobe Developer Support.
1992), and the “PostScript Language Reference Manual” (in
ment for Version 2011
, Adobe Systems, Inc., January 24, 1992).
Adobe Systems, Inc., February 14,
DECnet Host Software Installation
Setting Up the Printer
The following options are available in the PS Protocol menu:
Menu Choices Name and Description
Normal—Enables standard, ASCII hex
protocol. Data is sent and received in ASCII format. This mode is recommended if you do not print binary data. It was designed for data in the printable ASCII range. Print jobs can alter the PS protocol value through PostScript operators.
Normal Fixed—Enables standard, ASCII
hex protocol. Print jobs cannot alter this value through PostScript operators.
Binary—Enables binary communications
protocol. Print jobs can alter this value through PostScript operators. Data in the printable ASCII range also prints).
Binary Fixed—Enables binary
communications protocol. Print jobs can not alter this value through PostScript operators. Data in the printable ASCII range also prints.
QBinary (Quoted Binary)—Enables binary
communications protocol. Print jobs can alter this value through PostScript operators. Data in the printable ASCII range also prints. Use the special quoting mechanism for the special characters and ^D (EOF).
/PS Protocol
Parallel, Serial, Ethernet, Token­Ring, LocalTalk
Parallel, serial, Ethernet, Token­Ring, LocalTalk
Parallel, Serial, LocalTalk, Ethernet, Token­Ring
Parallel, Serial, LocalTalk, Ethernet, Token­Ring
Ethernet, Token­Ring
VMS Interface for QMS Crown Printers2-10
Setting Up the Printer
Default Notes
Qbinary (Quoted Binary) Fixed—Enables
binary communications protocol. Print jobs cannot alter this value through PostScript operators. Data in the printable ASCII range also prints. Use the special quoting mechanism for the
special characters and ^D (EOF). Normal A data stream sent through the serial or parallel interface
using Binary is treated the same as a data stream sent through an optional network interface using QBinary. However, a data stream sent through an optional network interface using QBinary is not treated the same as a data stream sent through the same interface using Binar y.
Ethernet, Token­Ring
The main advantage of using the Binary, Fix ed Binary , Quoted Binary, and Quoted Fixed Binary PS Protocol modes when sending binary data is that these modes compress the data stream allowing your documents to be smaller so you can send smaller jobs to the printer. For example, some device drivers can format bitmap images as binary data instead of as ASCII hex data.
To implement PS Protocol for sending binary data on your system you need a device driver available with some applications or operating systems, or you can alternatively use a program to read the data and write out the quoted characters. Contact your third-party software vendor for information on available application-specific device drivers.
DECnet Host Software Installation

If This is a Software Update

Def [Default] Job Prio [Priority] Option

The Def Job Prio option allows you to specific which jobs are printed first, according to the interface through which they are received, when jobs are received simultaneously. In other words, you can give jobs received via the DECnet - TCP/IP interface priority over jobs received via the parallel and serial interfaces, or vice versa. Valid choices range from 001 to 099, with 001 meaning highest priority. The factory default is 001.
If This is a Software Update
There are currently two choices available to update the software.

Updating from a Previous Version

If you’re updating your host software from a previous version and you want to save predefined set-up files, move them from the old device control library QMS$DEVCTL20.TLB at this time. To do this, use the following commands:
$ library/extract=module_name - _$ SYS$LIBRARY:QMS$DEVCTL20.TLB - _$ /OUT=module_name.tmp
Updating Using the Device Control Library Update Procedure
A Device Control Library update utility has been provided in the sys$common:[sysmgr] directory. To run this procedure, type
$ @sys$common:[sysexe]qms$update_lib
» Note:
This procedure provides a user-friendly method of copying library modules from one Device Control Library to another. Additional information is displayed when this procedure is run.
VMS Interface for QMS Crown Printers2-12

Installing the DECnet Host Software

Installing the DECnet Host Software
The QMS host software for DECnet-connected printers checks for the presence of DECnet Phase IV or Phase V protocol and prompts your responses accordingly.

Phase IV and Phase V Installation

The following procedure describes the installation of DECnet Phase IV and Phase V host software. Any differences between the two installation procedures are noted.
1 After mounting the host software media on the input device
and logging in under the system account, begin the installa­tion program by typing this command at the host:
2 After the installation program banner, the following prompt
* Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk?
If you’re satisfied with your backup copy of the system disk, type Y or press Enter. Type N to exit the program if you hav e not made a backup copy.
If you answered Y to the prompt, the system notifies you that it is moving the Release Notes located on the SYS$UPDATE direc­tory to the system help directory.
3 The installation program prompts you for the name of the
device where you have mounted the software tape:
* Where will the distribution volumes be mounted?
Type the device name and press Enter.
DECnet Host Software Installation
Installing the DECnet Host Software
4 The program next prompts you for the name of the save set:
* Enter the products to be processed from the first distribution volume set.
* Products:
Type the product name from the distribution software tape label. The name has the format QMSSMBPSE sion of the software. For example, you would type
if you’re installing Version 3.0.
5 The next prompt asks for an y options you want to use during
installation of the software:
* Enter installation options you wish to use [NONE]:
If you don’t want to use any installation options, press Enter. If you want to create a .LOG file on the host containing all
prompts from the installation, type L and press Enter.
is the ver-
Other options you can use are documented with the VMSINSTAL program in your VMS manuals.
This message displays:
* The following products will be processed:
%VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-REMOVED, The product's release notes have been successfully moved to SYS$HELP.
Refer to the Version 3.x Release Notes, located in the SYS$HELP directory, for information on configuring the host soft­ware for other/additional interfaces.
VMS Interface for QMS Crown Printers2-14
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