Konica Minolta IC-301 User Manual

The essentials of imaging
IC-301 Print Controller for bizhub PRO C500 Printer
Version 1.0
User Guide
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Creo Inc. 3700 Gilmore Way Burnaby, B.C., Canada V5G 4M1 Tel: +1.604.451.2700 Fax: +1.604.437.9891
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Revised May 2005


1 Welcome 1
Welcome to the IC-301 Print Controller User Guide...............................................................................2
Overview of IC-301 Print Controller ........................................................................................................ 2
Hardware and Software Components.............................................................................................. 3
Supported File Formats ................................................................................................................... 4
Workflow .......................................................................................................................................... 5
IC-301 Print Controller Network Printers ......................................................................................... 5
2 Getting Started 7
Turning On the IC-301 Print Controller ................................................................................................... 8
The Workspace ....................................................................................................................................... 9
The Printer Status Pane ................................................................................................................. 11
The Alerts Window ......................................................................................................................... 12
The Job Info Area........................................................................................................................... 13
The Preferences Window...................................................................................................................... 14
The Resource Center ............................................................................................................................ 15
The Job Parameters Window................................................................................................................ 16
The Help Menu...................................................................................................................................... 18
Turning Off the IC-301 Print Controller ................................................................................................. 19
3 Printing From Your Computer 21
Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 22
Defining a Printer in Windows............................................................................................................... 23
Defining a Printer - Windows XP.................................................................................................... 23
Copying the Printer Driver from Windows...................................................................................... 25
Printing From Windows.................................................................................................................. 26
Defining a Printer on Macintosh Client Workstations ........................................................................... 27
Copying the IC-301 Print Controller PPD File for Mac OS 9.......................................................... 27
Setting the Network Printer for Mac OS 9 ..................................................................................... 28
Copying the IC-301 Print Controller PPD File for Mac OS X (10.3) ............................................... 29
Setting the Network Printer for Mac OS X (10.3) ........................................................................... 29
Printing from a Macintosh .............................................................................................................. 31
Web Center ........................................................................................................................................... 32
The Web Viewer ............................................................................................................................. 35
Downloads ..................................................................................................................................... 36
Using Hot Folders ................................................................................................................................. 36
Hot Folder File Formats.................................................................................................................. 37
Using Hot Folders From Your Computer ....................................................................................... 38
Setting Up the Remote Desktop ........................................................................................................... 39
vi IC-301 Print Controller User Guide
4 Basic Workflows 41
Basic Job Workflow .............................................................................................................................. 42
Submitting...................................................................................................................................... 42
Processing ..................................................................................................................................... 42
Storage........................................................................................................................................... 43
Importing and Printing Jobs ................................................................................................................. 44
Importing Files ............................................................................................................................... 44
Resubmitting.................................................................................................................................. 46
Remote Scanning Application .............................................................................................................. 46
Setting Up Scan Boxes.................................................................................................................. 47
Managing Scanned Images ........................................................................................................... 50
5 Managing Jobs 53
Managing the Job Queues.................................................................................................................... 54
The Queues.................................................................................................................................... 55
Status Information.......................................................................................................................... 57
Suspending and Resuming Queues .............................................................................................. 58
Changing the Order of Jobs in the Queues ................................................................................... 58
Aborting a Running Job ................................................................................................................. 59
Batching Jobs ................................................................................................................................ 59
Moving a Waiting Job to the Storage Area .................................................................................... 60
Deleting a Job ................................................................................................................................ 61
Managing the Storage Area .................................................................................................................. 62
Handling Jobs in the Storage Area ................................................................................................ 63
Previewing a Job .................................................................................................................................. 67
Navigation Buttons ........................................................................................................................ 67
Using the Preview Tools ................................................................................................................ 68
Viewing Pages in the Job Preview & Editor Window ..................................................................... 69
Editing an RTP Job ........................................................................................................................ 71
Job Accounting..................................................................................................................................... 74
Viewing the Accounting Information ..............................................................................................74
Printing and Exporting the Accounting Log ................................................................................... 77
Creating Virtual Printers........................................................................................................................ 79
Job Report ............................................................................................................................................ 81
6 Production Printing 83
Imposition ............................................................................................................................................ 84
Imposition Workflows..................................................................................................................... 84
Printing with Page Exceptions .............................................................................................................. 92
High-Resolution Workflow .................................................................................................................... 94
Creo APR ....................................................................................................................................... 94
Export as PDF2Go ......................................................................................................................... 95
Fonts ..................................................................................................................................................... 96
Font List ......................................................................................................................................... 96
Managing Fonts on the IC-301 Print Controller ............................................................................. 99
Downloading Fonts ........................................................................................................................ 99
7 Color Workflow 103
Calibration........................................................................................................................................... 104
Color Calibration Method............................................................................................................. 104
Choosing a Calibration Mode ...................................................................................................... 105
Calibration Process ...................................................................................................................... 105
Color Tools.......................................................................................................................................... 108
Managing Profiles ........................................................................................................................ 108
Editing and Creating Spot Colors ................................................................................................ 111
Using the Gradation Tool to Adjust Color .................................................................................... 114
8 VI Workflow 121
VI Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 122
VI Document Formats ......................................................................................................................... 123
Creo Variable Print Specification ................................................................................................. 124
PPML............................................................................................................................................ 125
PostScript Files ............................................................................................................................ 125
Using Creo Variable Print Specification to Print a VI Job ................................................................... 126
9 System Administration 127
Setting Up and Configuring the IC-301 Print Controller ..................................................................... 128
Server Setup ................................................................................................................................ 129
Network Setup ............................................................................................................................. 132
Remote Tools Setup .................................................................................................................... 136
Security ........................................................................................................................................ 137
System Disks................................................................................................................................ 140
Scan Management ....................................................................................................................... 141
Localization .................................................................................................................................. 143
Deletion Policy ............................................................................................................................. 144
Pre-RIP Preview ........................................................................................................................... 145
Print Queue Manager ................................................................................................................... 146
Default Image Size ....................................................................................................................... 147
Calibration Device ........................................................................................................................ 148
System Messages............................................................................................................................... 148
Job History ................................................................................................................................... 149
Messages ..................................................................................................................................... 150
Backing Up and Restoring the Configuration .............................................................................. 153
A Setting Parameters 155
Setting Parameters in the Job Parameters Window........................................................................... 156
Print .............................................................................................................................................. 156
viii IC-301 Print Controller User Guide
Imposition .................................................................................................................................... 159
Quality .......................................................................................................................................... 164
Color ............................................................................................................................................ 167
Finishing....................................................................................................................................... 171
Exceptions ................................................................................................................................... 174
Services ....................................................................................................................................... 176
Setting Parameters in the PPD File..................................................................................................... 180
Glossary 185
Index 199
Welcome to the IC-301 Print Controller User Guide .........................2
Overview of IC-301 Print Controller ..................................................2
2 Chapter 1– Welcome

Welcome to the IC-301 Print Controller User Guide

Welcome to your IC-301 Print Controller for the bizhub™ PRO C500 Printer User Guide. This user guide provides you with information about the bizhub PRO C500 printer.
This user guide will help you operate the IC-301 print controller. It can also be used as a reference guide for questions or procedures. Study this user guide to take full advantage of the many unique and advanced features of the IC-301 print controller.
This user guide is for IC-301 print controller operators and system administrators and explains how you can quickly and easily print from the IC-301 print controller or from a client workstation. Step­by-step procedures are included for new and occasional IC-301 print controller users. Detailed information is provided for users who require in-depth knowledge of the IC-301 print controller.

Overview of IC-301 Print Controller

The IC-301 print controller is an on-demand prepress system that uses Creo advanced prepress technologies, to drive a bizhub PRO C500 printer.
As an optimal digital color solution for printers, the IC-301 print controller enables you to print from Windows, Macintosh, and UNIX® client workstations. The IC-301 print controller processes image files in page-description language (PDL) formats—for example, PostScript, PDF, and Variable Information—using RIP (Raster Image Processor) technology. The system converts image files into a suitable processed format for direct, high-quality digital printing. The IC-301 print controller process by allowing printing with preset workflows.
In combination with the bizhub PRO C500 printer, the IC-301 print controller enables you to efficiently print flyers, brochures, pamphlets, dummy catalogs, short-run trials, and print-on­demand publications. When installed as a fast network printer with the IC-301 print controller, the bizhub PRO C500 printer prints up to 51 full-color A4 (210mm x 297mm) or 50 Letter (8.5 inches x 11inches) pages per minute.
also streamlines the printing
Overview of IC-301 Print Controller 3
The IC-301 print controller combines RIP functionalities, automation, control tools and special hardware development capabilities with PC architecture.

Hardware and Software Components

The IC-301 print controller is a dedicated KONICA MINOLTA platform that runs in a Windows XP environment.
The IC-301 print controller includes:
KONICA MINOLTA hardware, including the interface board
Windows XP® Professional operating system
Adobe® Acrobat® 6.0
4 Chapter 1– Welcome

Supported File Formats

The IC-301 print controller supports the following file formats:
PostScript (composite or pre-separated files)
Creo VPS (Variable Print Specification)
PPML (Personalized Print Markup Language)
Pre-separated formats
The IC-301 print controller can import and covert the following GAP (Graphic Art Port) file types:
Brisque jobs
Overview of IC-301 Print Controller 5


The IC-301 print controller basic workflow is as follows:

IC-301 Print Controller Network Printers

The IC-301 print controller provides three default network printers, known also as virtual printers.
Virtual printers are a function used for automating workflows, which then define job streaming. They contain preset workflows that are automatically applied to all print jobs processed with that virtual printer. There is no need to reset job settings for each job, thus increasing printing efficiency.
Note: By default, the job parameters set in the job (from the client workstation) override the parameters set in the virtual printer. If you add or edit a virtual printer, you can select the Override PPD parameters check box to override the parameters set in the PPD file.
6 Chapter 1– Welcome
The three default virtual printers are:
Files are spooled directly to the Storage area and await operator processing. You can only import PDL files (such as: PostScript, PDF, VPS) to this virtual printer, not RIPped - processed files.
Files sent to this virtual printer are processed and printed directly to the bizhub PRO C500 printer via the IC-301 print controller.
Files sent to this virtual printer are automatically processed. After processing, the files are stored in the
Storage area of the
IC-301 print controller until the print operator re-submits them for printing.
With printing workflows tailored to your job requirements, the IC­301 print controller enables you to:
Define new virtual printers
Choose from which virtual printer to print
For information on creating and editing virtual printers, see
on page 79.
Creating Virtual
Getting Started
Turning On the IC-301 Print Controller ..............................................8
The Workspace..................................................................................9
The Preferences Window ................................................................14
The Resource Center.......................................................................15
The Job Parameters Window ..........................................................16
The Help Menu ................................................................................18
Turning Off the IC-301 Print Controller............................................19
8 Chapter 2– Getting Started

Turning On the IC-301 Print Controller

1. Tur n on t he m onit or.
2. Open the front panel of the IC-301 print controller, and then
press the power control button.
The power indicator on the front panel lights up and the Windows operating system starts.The IC-301 print controller splash screen appears followed by the workspace.
If the workspace doesn’t appear automatically, select Start> IC-
from the Windows Start menu.
By default, the Auto Log On check box is selected in the
Preferences window. This option enables you to open the workspace without having to go through the IC-301 print controller logon process each time. If you want each user to have to log on to the IC-301 print controller, clear the
check box, and then assign each user an access level and
Auto Log
The Workspace 9
For more information about designating access levels, see page 137.

The Workspace

After you turn on the IC-301 print controller, the workspace automatically appears.
1 2 3
10 Chapter 2– Getting Started
Table 1 describes the IC-301 print controller workspace.
Table 1: IC-301 print controller workspace
Item Name Description
1 Title bar Displays the name of your server and the access level with
which you logged on
2 Menu bar Consists of the
File, Manage, Queues, Too ls , Info, and Help menus.
Click a menu name to open the corresponding menu.
3 Toolbar Consists of shortcut buttons for the Import window, Resource
Center, Calibration, Spot Color Editor, Gradation, and Alerts
4 Printer Status Displays messages about the current printer state and your
printer configuration. You can also find information about the paper in each tray, the connected finishing devices, toner availability, and disk space and network details.
5 Queues Consists of the
Process Queue, which lists the files to be
processed. After a file has been processed successfully, it moves either to the
Print Queue (the upper area) or to the Storage
6 Storage The
Storage area contains files that:
were successfully printed
were held, were aborted, or failed during processing or
were sent directly from the client workstation to the Storage
area or were imported to the
Storage area
The Workspace 11

The Printer Status Pane

The Printer Status pane displays information about the current printer status—for example, Printing.
The printer icon displays the current printer configuration, according to the connected feeders and finishers.
Tray s, Finishers, Toners, or Server to display information about
the size and type of paper in each tray, the connected finishing devices, the available toner, and disk space and network details.
Under recently calibrated. Progress bars display information about incoming and outgoing jobs.
Server, you can also view the date that the printer was most
12 Chapter 2– Getting Started
If there is a problem with one of the printer components or with the server, a red indicator appears in the printer icon and next to the relevant component—for example, if a tray is empty.

The Alerts Window

The Alerts window lists all of the alert messages that are generated during the workflow.
To open the Alerts window:
On the toolbar, click Alerts.
The window has two view options:
All: To view all messages
Selected: To view alerts related to a selected job. This is the
default view.
The Workspace 13

The Job Info Area

Job Info area displays a small image of each page in the
selected processed job. The following information:
Job’s title
File type
Paper size
Job Info area also contains the
Print range
Total number of pages in the job
Total number of copies to print
A box to enter the required page number and arrow buttons to
browse through the pages of your job
To open the Job Info area:
Right-click a job in the Process Queue or Print Queue, and from
the menu, select
Job Info.
14 Chapter 2– Getting Started

The Preferences Window

You can set all system preferences in the Preferences window.
To open the Preferences window:
From the File menu, select Preferences.
The window is divided into two areas:
Administrator: All users can view these settings, but configuring
these settings depends on the access level defined for each user.
General: All users can view these settings, but only an
administrator or operator can configure the settings.
Note: If you log on to the IC-301 print controller as a guest, the Preferences window is unavailable.
For more information about setting system preferences, see
Configuring the IC-301 Print Controller
on page 128.
Setting Up and
The Resource Center 15

The Resource Center

The Resource Center enables you to add, remove, and manage external resources for the IC-301 print controller.
To open the Resource Center:
On the toolbar, click Resource Center .
The Resource Center provides access to the following resources:
Virtual printers, in which you can create, edit and remove virtual
printers, see
Fonts, see
page 99
Profile Manager, see
Creating Virtual Printers
Managing Fonts on the IC-301 Print Controller
Managing Profiles
Backup & Restore configuration, see
the Configuration
on page 153
on page 79
on page 108
Backing Up and Restoring
16 Chapter 2– Getting Started

The Job Parameters Window

The IC-301 print controller enables you to edit imported PDL files and change the job settings—for example, paper size, imposition, and color settings—in the job parameters window.
¾ In the queues or Storage area, double-click the job whose
parameters you want to view.
Note: In the queues, you can edit the parameters of jobs that have not begun to run. If you want to edit the parameters of a running job, you must first suspend the queue (click the suspend button).
The job parameters window appears.
Note: If you edit the parameters of a job in the Print Queue and the changes require re-RIPing of the job, it automatically moves to the Process Queue.
The Job Parameters Window 17
Each area in the job parameters window—for example, Print,
Imposition, or Quality— has a set of related parameters and values
that you can select.
Table 2: Description of buttons in the job parameters window
This button Enables you to
Set print related parameters—for example,
Print range and Media Type. See
page 156
Set parameters related to print layout—for example, See
Trim Size and Imposition Method.
on page 159
Set parameters related to print quality—for example,
Trapping and High Image Quality
and improve the quality of printed jobs. See
on page 164
Apply last minute color corrections, or set the output job to match other output devices. See
on page 167
Set parameters related to finalizing your printed document—for example, define settings for the front and back cover. See
on page 171
Include special exceptions in a job—for example, use a different media type for a front and back cover. See
page 174
Set parameters that will assist your job workflow—for example, delete jobs, in the change the location of the entire printed image, or enter job information
. See
on page 176
18 Chapter 2– Getting Started

The Help Menu

The Help menu enables you to access the user guide and provides information about the current version of the IC-301 print controller installed on your computer.
To open the About window:
From the Help menu, select About.
The About window displays the following information:
IC-301 print controller version number
Date the version was installed
Any updates that were installed on top of the version
To open the user guide:
From the Help menu, select Top ic s.
Turning Off the IC-301 Print Controller 19

Turning Off the IC-301 Print Controller

1. From the File menu in the workspace, select Exit.
If there are jobs that are being processed or printed, the following message appears:
There are currently jobs running, are you sure you want to exit the application?
If there are no jobs being processed or printed, the following message appears:
Are you sure you want to exit the application?
The IC-301 print controller workspace closes, and you return to the Windows desktop.
2. Verify that the IC-301 icon has disappeared from your taskbar.
askbar with IC-301 icon Taskbar without IC-301 icon
3. From the Windows desktop, select Start>Shut Down.
4. In the shutdown dialog box, select Shut down.
5. When the Windows shutdown is complete, turn off the
6. On the IC-301 print controller, click the power button behind
the front door. The power LED on the front panel turns off.
Note: Some situations may require the power button to be depressed for more than 4 seconds.
20 Chapter 2– Getting Started
Printing From Your Computer
Defining a Printer in Windows .........................................................23
Defining a Printer on Macintosh Client Workstations......................27
Web Center......................................................................................32
Using Hot Folders............................................................................36
Setting Up the Remote Desktop .....................................................39
22 Chapter 3– Printing From Your Computer


To print a job from a client workstation, select one of the following methods:
Print the job via one of the IC-301 print controller network
(virtual) printers—for example, The job is spooled and then processed or printed (according to the selected job flow of the virtual printer). If you use this method, you can print from any application —for example, Microsoft Word— and use any file format from any client workstation (Windows, Macintosh, or UNIX).
For more information about printing from a client workstation, see
From Windows
on page 26 and
Printing from a Macintosh
on page 31.
Drag the files to a hot folder.
The job is spooled and processed or printed (according to the selected job flow of the corresponding virtual printer).
For more information about hot folders, see page 36.
Using Hot Folders
If you use the hot folder method, you can print most PDL files on the IC-301 print controller— for example, PostScript, PDF, EPS, and Variable Print Specification files.
Note: PDL jobs that are spooled to the IC-301 print controller must have the appropriate file name extensions—for example, *.ps or *.pdf.
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