This manual describes how to use the Kodak XLS 8600
and XLS 8600 PS Printer Export Module for ADOBE
PHOTOSHOP software and MACINTOSH computers,
and the Kodak XLS 8600 and XLS 8600 PS Printer
Export Module for ADOBE PHOTOSHOP software and
MICROSOFT WINDOWS 3.1. Each of these packages
will be referred to as the Export Module. The Export
Modules allow you to print from within Photoshop using
the XLS 8600/XLS 8600 PS Printer running in raster
mode. Since the Export Modules actually run from within
Photoshop, you can use all Photoshop image processing
functions before you print.
The Export Modules allow you to:
Scale an image
Reprint the last image sent to the printer
Print in landscape or portrait mode
Apply print sharpening
Specify printer tables to perform custom color–
Select a variety of sizes and types of paper and
transparency material
Specify XtraLife ribbon to protect prints
Center an image on the page
Create a mirror image
April 19961
Job Scheduling
The number of jobs that can be queued to the printer at
one time is dependent on the available memory in the
printer. If large image files are sent, fewer jobs can be
processed. Installing optional memory in the printer
increases the number of jobs that can be processed, and
is described in the KODAK XLS 8600 Printer and XLS
8600 PS Printer, User’s Guide.
The other factor that impacts job scheduling is the
network configuration impact on job scheduling in which
the printer is installed. When the printer is connected
through more than one port, the printer polls the ports in
a round robin method. This means that once a job is
received by the printer, it stops polling the ports until the
job has finished printing. The printer then looks to the
next port in the list. The position of the ports in the list will
impact the order in which jobs are processed. Simple
timing of when jobs are sent is not the only determinant
of when jobs will be processed and printed.
Communication Channels
Your computer can print to the XLS 8600/XLS 8600 PS
Printer through SCSI connection or parallel connection,
or through Ethernet connection if the optional Network
Interface Card is installed on the printer. Refer to the
KODAK XLS 8600 Printer and XLS 8600 PS Printer,
User’s Guide for more information about network
Increasing Image Sharpness
To gain more control over image sharpness, turn
sharpening off in the Export Module and use one of
Photoshop’s sharpening filters instead.
2April 1996
Section I
Kodak XLS 8600 Printer and XLS 8600 PS Printer
Export Module for ADOBE PHOTOSHOP Software and
Section I
This section explains how to install and use the Export
Module on your PC. It assumes that you are familiar with
the Microsoft Windows environment.
Hardware Requirements
The following hardw are is recommended to load and use
the Export Module.
A 386 or 486 computer that is Microsoft Windows
Hard drive
3.5 inch floppy disk drive
Enough RAM to run Microsoft Windows 3.1 and
Photoshop (at least 8MB)
Minimum of 4 MB of hard disk space
An available LPT port, SCSI host adapter, or network
NOTE: SCSI communications will be enabled only if a
SCSI host adapter board is installed in your PC.
April 1996I-1
Section I
Requirements for SCSI–connected Installations
An ADAPTEC SCSI host adapter board.
A SCSI cable. Refer to the section Connecting the
printer for more information
A SCSI terminator
Refer to Appendix C, About SCSI–connected
Installations, for more information.
Software Requirements
Your PC must be installed with:
MS-DOS version 5.0 or later, or any compatible
operating system that will run Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Windows 3.1
Adobe Photoshop, Version 2.5
Requirements for SCSI–connected Installations
ADAPTEC EZ–SCSI Software. This software is
commonly provided with ADAPTEC SCSI host
adapter boards when they are purchased. The
supplier of your board should be able to provide the
software if you do not have it, or you can purchase it
through Adaptec directly.
Installing the Software
This section describes how to install the software on your
1.Turn on the PC and start Windows.
2.Insert the XLS 8600/XLS 8600 PS Printer Export
Module disk in the disk drive.
I-2April 1996
Section I
3.Open the Program Manager window.
NOTE: The defaults for your system may be set
differently, so your screen may not look like the
one illustrated above. For example, one or more
of the icons (i.e., Accessories, Main, Games) may
be open and in window form.
4.Pull down the File menu and select Run.
The Run dialog box will appear.
5.Type a:setup <enter>.
April 1996I-3
Section I
NOTE: Another floppy drive can be used to install the
Export Module. Simply replace a: with the
appropriate drive letter. For example, type b: if
you are using drive B.A dialog box will appear,
telling you that the installer program is being
initialized. When initialization is complete, the
following dialog box will appear.
NOTE: The installer copies the Export Module files to the
default Photoshop Plugins directory
(C:\PHOTOSHOP\PLUGINS). If Photoshop was
not installed in the default directory, you must
change the Path text entry box to indicate the
correct path for the PLUGINS directory.
6.Select Continue.
The installation will begin, and a window like the
following will display its progress.
I-4April 1996
When installation is complete the following
confirmation box will appear.
Section I
April 1996I-5
7.Select OK.
8.Remove the diskette from the drive.
Dialog Boxes and Print Options
This section describes the Export Module dialog boxes
which allow you to specify print options to be used when
printing to the XLS 8600/XLS 8600 PS Printer.
Section I
XLS 8600 Printer Setup Dialog Box
The XLS 8600 Printer Setup dialog box allows you to
control printer features by choosing available options.
Opening the XLS 8600 Printer Setup Dialog Box
1.Run Photoshop and open an image file.
2.Pull down the File menu, select Export and slide
over the Print to XLS 8600 Printer option.
The XLS 8600 Printer Setup dialog box will appear.
I-6April 1996
Following are descriptions of the options in the XLS 8600
Printer Setup dialog box.
Section I
The Media group box allows you to specify the following
media options
- this list box allows you to specify the size of the
paper or transparency material that will be used.
Av ailable siz es are “Letter 8.5 x 11 in,” “A4 210 x 297mm,”
“8.5 x 14 in,” “8.5 x 12 in (216 x 307mm),” “9.5 x 14 in
(241 x 358mm),” “210 x 307mm,” and “210 x 358mm.”
The following table lists the imageable areas.
Media SizeImage Size
(in Inches)
8.5 x 11I
8.0 x 8.93I204 x 228mm2400 x 2679
216 x 281mm
8.27 x 11.69I
8.0 x 9.6I204 x 246mm2400 x 2880
210 x 297mm (A4)
8.5 x 12I
8.0 x 10I204 x 256mm2400 x 3000
216 x 307mm
8.27 x 12I
8.0 x 10I204 x 256mm2400 x 3000
210 x 307mm
8.5 x 14I
8.0 x 12I204 x 307mm2400 x 3600
216 x 358mm
8.27 x 14I
8.0 x 12I204 x 307mm2400 x 3600
210 x 358mm
9.5 x 14I
8.5 x 12I217 x 307mm2550 x 3600
243 X 358mm
Image Size
(in Millimeters)
Image Size
(in Pixels)
April 1996I-7
Section I
—This list box allows y ou to specify the material on
which the job will be printed. Select “Paper” if y ou want to
print on paper. Select “Transparency” if you want to print
on transparency material. The default is “Paper.”
NOTE: If the wrong material is loaded in the printer after
the job has been received and processed, the
printer will display a message requesting that the
correct media be loaded.
If Size is set to “9.5 x 14 in (241 x 358mm)”,
“Transparency” will be grayed out and cannot be
selected, because transparency media is not
available in this size.
Use XtraLife
—This check box allo ws y ou to specify that
prints should have XtraLife lamination applied, which
increases shelf life and protects prints from fingerprints.
XtraLife ribbon must be loaded in the printer in order for
this option to work.
NOTE: If the Size list box is set to “8.5 x 14 in,” “9.5 x 14
in (241 x 358mm),” or “210 x 358mm” and this
check box is selected, a media mismatch will
occur on the printer, since XtraLife ribbon is not
available for these sizes.
The Copies box allows you to specify the number of
times that you want the job to be printed. Up to 999
copies can be printed at a time. The default is “1.”
I-8April 1996
Section I
group box allows you to choose the following
— this button opens the Select a Printer dialog
box. Refer to “Select a Printer dialog box” in this section
for more information.
—this button opens the printer status dialog box.
Refer to “Printer Status dialog box” in this section for
more information.
—this check box allows you to print the specified
number of copies of the last image that was sent to the
printer. The last image sent to the printer remains in the
buffer until the printer is shut off, the computer is
restarted, the next image is sent, or the SCSI bus is
reset. If no image is stored, an error will be generated.
When this check box is selected, the Size and Print
options in the Media group box, and all the options in the
Printed Size, Lay out, and Image Processing group boxes
will be grayed out and cannot be selected.
Printed Size
April 1996I-9
The Printed Size group box allows you to choose the
following image size options.
Section I
Scale to:
—this check box indicates whether page
images should be scaled. When the check box is
selected, the Fit Page and Fill Page buttons become
active so that you can select a scaling method.
Fit Page
—If this button is selected, an image that is
larger or smaller than the size of the current media
will be resized to just fit the page without cropping or
distorting the image. This button is active only when
the Scale to: check box is selected.
Fill Page
—If this button is selected, an image that is
larger or smaller than the size of the current media
will be cropped in order to completely fill the page.
This button is active only when the Scale to: check
box is selected.
—this text entry box indicates the percentage
that images will be sized. The range that can be specified
is from 1% to 999%.The percentage specified in this box
is applied to the image based on whether the By Size or
By Pixels button is selected. The Scaling box is set to
“100” by default.
By Size (in. cm.)
—If this button is selected, scaling will
be based on the width and height of your image. For
example, scaling an 8 x 10I image b y 50% will print a 4 x
5I image.
This button is active only when the Scale to: check box is
By Pixels
—If this button is selected, scaling will be
based on the number of pixels in the width and height of
the image. For example, scaling an 800 x 1000 pixel
image by 200% will print a 1600 x 2000 pixel image.
When scaling using this method, remember that the XLS
8600/XLS 8600 PS Printer prints 300 pixels per inch. If
the image resolution is less than 300 pixels per inch, the
printed image will be smaller. If the image resolution is
greater than 300 pixels per inch, the printed image will be
I-10April 1996
Section I
This button is active only when the Scale to: check box is
NOTE: You can use Photoshop’s Image Size option from
the Image menu to find the width, height, and
resolution of images.
The Layout g roup box allows you to choose the following
image orientation options.
—this button indicates that page images should
be vertically oriented.
—this button indicates that page images
should be horizontally oriented.
—this check box indicates that page images
should be centered in the page. If left unchec ked, images
will be positioned in the upper left corner of the page.
—this check box indicates that page images
should be flipped left to right, producing a mirror image.
NOTE: The selection of landscape or portrait mode is
usually determined by image size. Depending on
the size, changing the orientation may be the only
way to fit the image on the page without scaling.
April 1996I-11
Section I
Image Processing
The Image Processing group box allows you to specify
the following image manipulation options.
Print Sharpening
—this list box allows y ou to specify the
type of image enhancement that should be performed.
Available options are “None,” “Normal,” and “High.”
Selecting “Normal” or “High” enhances edge definition of
images by different amounts, but it also increases
processing time.
Select this box to improve the sharpness of continuous
tone or photographic images. Leave it unchecked for
sharp images such as computer–generated graphics.
Printer T able
—this field displays the name of the printer
table that is currently loaded. The default table uses
correction values appropriate for most print jobs.
Refer to Appendix A, About Printer Tables, for more
—this button loads the default printer table.
—this button accesses the standard Windows Open
dialog box which allows you to select a printer table from
the available tables.
I-12April 1996
button sends the image to the XLS 8600/XLS
8600 PS Printer.
Section I
the image or saving changes (except those made to the
Printer Table list box).
find information about the Export Module from within the
software itself.
button closes the dialog box without printing
button opens help dialog boxes so that you can
Select a Printer Dialog Box
The Select a Printer dialog box is shown below.
April 1996I-13
This dialog box lists the ports on the computer and the
XLS 8600 Printers that are connected to them. When
printers are listed, the media and ribbon type currently
loaded in them are also listed.
Section I
Following are descriptions of the options in the Select a
Printer dialog box.
The OK button closes the Select a Printer dialog box and
redirects the print job to the newly selected printer port.
changing the current printer selection.
SCSI Host Adapter
choose the adapter card to which the printer is
connected. The Export Module supports up to three of
these cards. If only one adapter card is installed, the only
option is “0”. If multiple cards are installed, select “0” to
specify the first adapter, “1” to specify the second
adapter, or “2” to specify the third adapter.
button closes the dialog box without
Adapter drop down list box allows you to
any information that has changed.
button refreshes the screen and replaces
Printer Status Dialog Box
The Printer Status dialog box is displayed by selecting
the Status button on the XLS 8600 Printer Setup dialog
box. The information displayed corresponds to the
currently selected printer.
I-14April 1996
Section I
NOTE: This dialog is available only when the printer is
connected through a SCSI port.
Following are descriptions of the options in the Printer
Status dialog box.
Printer Information
The Printer Information group box describes the state of
the selected printer. Information included is the printer
model, the printer status (Idle, Printing, or Busy), the
media and ribbon types that are loaded, the location of
the printer, the amount of RAM installed in your system,
and the printer version number.
April 1996I-15
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