Kodak Digital Plates, VioletNews Gold Overview

VioletNews Gold
Digital Plates
Quality and performance
We use the same high quality grained and anodized aluminum substrate with VioletNews Gold Plates as with our market­leading thermal plates. The excellent graining and anodizing properties of VioletNews Gold Plates give them remarkable tolerance to a wide variety of press conditions. Kodak’s image coating technology gives VioletNews Gold Plates wide exposure and development latitude, which provide exceptional consistency in plate performance. VioletNews Gold Plates have a strong final image color that is fully compatible with plate scanners, making inspection and deletions easy.
VioletNews Gold Plates are durable, as well. They are rated for run lengths of up to 200,000 impressions and can be baked for extra tough press conditions.
Long processing cycles
In addition, the VioletNews Gold Plate has longer processing cycles and uses equal or less developer than competitive solutions, including “chemistry free” plates. Longer cycles mean fewer developer changes for fewer interruptions, more uptime, and reduced cleaning expenses.
Reduced cost through simple processing
VioletNews Gold Digital Plates are compatible with most market-leading photopolymer platesetters with 30mW laser power or higher. VioletNews Gold Plates can be processed in your existing processor, or you may choose our fully optimized system with the Kodak Mercury P-HD Plate Processor or the Kodak P-LD Plate Processor.
Using Kodak 206 xLo Developer and 206R xLo Replenisher reduces cost and supports a trouble-free, clean-working operation, with long developer life and very low replenishment rates. Because the plate is thoroughly cleaned during the water rinse step during processing, you eliminate the risk of contamination of post-processing equipment that is possible with “chemistry free” plates, which are not washed during processing.
A legacy and future of innovation
Kodak is a world leader in digital plates. We invented thermal CTP technology in 1995 and have been committed to delivering innovative digital plate solutions ever since. For quality, productivity and cost eciency, Kodak VioletNews Gold Plates provide more choice than ever to the newspaper industry.
VioletNews Gold Digital Plates
Technical specifications
Plate Negative working, violet photopolymer digital plate
Application Newspaper print applications
Aluminum Electrochemically grained and anodized aluminum substrate
Gauge 0.20mm and 0.30mm
Plate size All standard newspaper sizes
Spectral sensitivity 405nm
Platesetter compatibility
Laser energy required
Kodak VioletNews Gold Plates are compatible with most market-leading violet platesetters with 30mW laser power or higher.
50 mJ/cm
Dependent on imager type, configuration and resolution.
Resolution Suitable for all standard newspaper resolution requirements
Recommended: Kodak Mercury P-HD and Kodak P-LD Plate Processors
For other approved processors, please contact your local supplier of products from Kodak.
Kodak 206 xLo Violet Plate Developer and Kodak 206R xLo Violet Plate Replenisher for maximum chemical reduction
Up to 200,000 impressions
Run length
Dependent upon image resolution, press, press chemical, ink and paper conditions. Longer run lengths possible when baked.
Kodak 850S Plate Finisher
Plate finisher
When storing processed plates, Kodak recommends an additional use of Kodak Multigum Plate Finisher.
For manual handling and platesetter loading, darkroom conditions with G10 safelights are required.
Shelf life 12 months, under recommended storage conditions
Packaging Available in all standard formats, including bulk packaging options
To learn more about solutions from Kodak:
Visit graphics.kodak.com Or in North America, call +1-866-563-2533
Produced using Kodak Technology.
Eastman Kodak Company 343 State Street Rochester, NY 14650 USA
©Kodak, 2013. Kodak, Mercury, ThermalNews, ThermalNewsGold and VioletNews Gold are trademarks of Kodak.
Subject to technical change without notice.
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