Kodak SO-050, 2403 User Manual

KODAK TRI-X AEROGRAPHIC Film 2403 and KODAK TRI-X AERECON Film SO-050 are panchromat ic, negat ive aerial camera films that have h i gh speed, moder ate c ontrast , and extended red sensiti vity for the r eduction of haze ef fects. The photographic properties of these two films are virtually identical; the physical properties differ due to the difference in base thickness.
Their ESTAR Base and ESTAR Thin Base provide flexibility, moisture resistance, high tear resistance, and excellent dimensional stability. These films have highly hardened emulsions which provide high acutance, or improved image sharpness, and permit high-temperature rapid processing in mode rn continuous pr ocessing machines.
These films can be processed in the KODAK VERSAMAT Film Processor, Model 11 or 1140, with KODAK VERSAMAT 885 Chemicals, KODAK VERSAMAT 641 Chemicals, or KODAK VERSAMAT Chemicals, Type A. KODAK TRI-X AEROGRAPHIC Film 2403 can also be processed at normal temperatures in conventional rewind equipment, such as the Gordon/Morse M-10 Developing Outfit (Military Designator: B-5) using a variety of Kodak black-and-white developers.
Caution: KODAK TRI-X AEROGRAPHIC and AERECON Films are susceptible to static markings at low relative humidities. These films are packaged at the optimum relative humidity (45 to 5 0 percent) and are maintained at this level by the sealed package. In conditions of low relative humidity , these films should be loaded and used immediately after the package is opened, before the f ilm becomes too dry . The camera should be checked to see that all its parts are grounded adequately. Also, these films should be handled carefully during all loading, unloading, and preprocessing operations.
KODAK TRI-X AER OGRAPHIC Film 2403 is a high-speed film for use in low-altitude, large-scale aerial mapping for photogrammetry, or in mapping at low light levels caused by low solar altitudes.
KODAK TRI-X AERECON Film SO-050 is suitable for
reconnaissance under minimum levels of illumination.
2403 Film: 3.9-mil (0.1 0 mm) ESTAR Base with dyed -gel backing SO-050 F ilm: 2.5-mil (0.063 mm) ESTAR Thin Base with dyed-gel backing
The nominal total thickness (unprocessed) of each film is:
2403 Film: 4.55 mils (0.115 mm) This includes emulsion—0.45 mils (0.010 mm), base—
3.9 mils (0.10 mm) and dyed-gel backing—0.20 mil (0.005 mm). SO-050 Film: 3.15 mils (0.080 mm) This includes emulsion—0.45 mils (0.011 mm), base—
2.5 mils (0.063 mm) and dyed-gel backing—0.20 mil (0.005 mm).
The weight of each film (unprocessed), conditioned in equilibrium with 50 percent relative humidity, is:
2403 Film: 0.037 lbs SO-050 F ilm: 0.021 lbs
sq ft
(0.0168 kgft2)
sq ft
(0.0095 kgft2)
©Eastman Kodak Company, 2000
Panchromatic, with extended red sensitivity.
Total darkness is required.
Aerial film speeds (ISO A or EAFS) should not be co nfused with conventional film speeds which are designed for roll and sheet films used in pictorial photography. The characteristics of aerial scenes dif fer markedly from those of ordinary pictorial or ground scenes because of the smaller range in subject luminances, atmospheric haze conditions, and other factors. Therefore, dif ferent film-speed parameters are used to relate aerial-scene characteristics to practical exposure recommendations. The KODAK Aerial Exposure Computer, KODAK Publication AS-10 has been published based on the aerial film speed criterion.
Nominal speed, daylight (no filter): EAFS or ISO A 500
Other suggested aerial film speeds for processing these films in the KODAK VERSAMAT Film Processor, Models 11 or 1140, using VERSAMAT 885 Chemicals, 641 Chemicals, and Type A Chemicals can be found in the sensitometric data tables.
Note: The aerial film speeds given in this publication were obtained by rounding the calculated values to the nearest cube root of 2 step (equivalent to 1
Filter Factor 1.5 3
Typical Camera Exposure
A typical exposure for this film is approximately 1400 second at f degrees, a clear day, an aircraft altitude of 5,000 feet, and a speed of ISO A 640 (no filter).
When using an aerial camera equipped with an antivignetting filter, or other filter, it is important to increase this typical exposure by the filter factor of the filter used.
8. This exposure is based on a solar altitude of 5
3 stop).
No. 12 No. 25
The following data are based on processing in a KODAK VERSAMAT Film Processor using KODAK VERSAMAT Chemicals.
Resolving Power
(line pairs/mm)
TOC 1.6:1 TOC 1000:1
VERSAMAT Model 11 885 Chemicals 641 Chemicals Type A Chemicals VERSAMAT Model 1140 885 Chemicals
Granularity v alues read at a net diffuse dens ity of 1.0 with a
48-micrometre aperture.
885--2 racks, 10 fpm, 85°F (29.5°C), process gamma 1.40
641--2 racks, 6. 5 fp m , 85°F (29.5°C), process gamma 1.25
Type A--2 racks, 10 fpm, 90 °F (32°C), process gamma 1.70
885--1 rack, 15 fpm, 99°F (37°C), process gamma 0.95
† ‡
40 100 40 25 100 33
32 80 55
40 100 33
For consistent results, all aerial films should be stored under fairly constant conditions. Kodak aerial films are “usually” packaged in equilibrium with 40 to 50 percent relative humidity. High temperatures or high humidity may produce undesirable changes in the film.
Unexposed Film
Store unexposed film in a refrigerator at 55°F (13°C) or lower , or freezer at 0 to -1 0 sealed container . If the film is stored in a refrigerator , remove it about 2 hours before opening; if stored in a freezer , remove it about 8 hours before opening. A sufficient warm-up time is necessary to prevent moisture condens ation on cold film— otherwise, moisture spotting, ferrotyping, or sticking ma y occur.
°F (-18 to -23°C), in the original
Reciprocity Characteristics
No exposure or development time adjustments are required for exposure times from 1,000 second to 1
10,000 second, increase the development time by 10
1 percent.
10 second. At
Exposed Film
Keep exposed film cool and dry. Process the f ilm as soo n as possible after exposure to avoid undesirable changes in the latent image. If it is necessary to hold exposed but unprocessed film for se v eral days (such as o v er a weekend), it should be resealed and refrigerated at 40
°F (4°C) or lower.
Before unsealing and process ing exposed film that has been held in cold storage, follow the warm-up procedures described for unexposed film described above.
Processed Film
For best keeping, store processed film in a dark, dust-free area at 50 to 70 humidity. Preferably, store negatives on the spool or in individual KODAK Sleeves. High relat ive humidity promotes the growth of mold and causes ferrotyping. Very low relative humidity causes excessive curl and brittleness. A void storage temperatures over 80
°F (10 to 21°C) and 30 to 50 percent relative
°F (27°C).
KODAK TRI-X AEROGRAPHIC and AERECON Films can be processed in the KODAK VERSAMAT Film Processor, Model 11 or 1140, with KODAK VERSAMAT 885 Chemicals, KODAK VERSAMAT 641 Chemicals, or KOD A K VERSAMAT Chemicals, Type A.
Mechanized processing in roller-transport processors offers the advantages of unifor m treatment of all portions o f the roll, freedom from banding, and absence of significant density variations from end s of the roll to the cen ter. Refer to the operator’s manual for the processor set-up information, but in all cases, the fixer replenisher should be introduced into tank No. 5 of the processor with a countercurrent flow to tank No. 3, where it overflows to a collection or recovery system.
General instructions for setting the machine dryer temperature are included in these pages. However, the temperature of the dryer may require some further adjustment, depending upon the ambient temperature conditions in the processing area. Usually it is best to set the temperature approximately 3 dry unexposed, processed film.
The following KODAK VERSAMAT Chemicals may be used in both the Model 11 and Model 1140 VERSAMAT Processors.
KODAK VERSAMAT 885 Developer Starter KODAK VERSAMAT 885 Developer Replenisher KODAK VERSAMAT 885 Fixer and Replenisher KODAK VERSAMAT 641 Developer Starter KODAK VERSAMAT 641 Developer Replenisher KODAK VERSAMAT 641 Fixer and Replenisher KODAK VERSAMAT Developer Starter, Type A KODAK VERSAMAT Developer Replenisher, Type A KODAK VERSAMAT Fixer and Replenisher, Type A
Notice: Observe precautionary information on product labels and Material Safety Data Sheets.
°F (2°C) above that required to
Replenishment Rates
Basic developer and fixer replenishment rates, in millilitres per square inch of film processed, vary depending upon the type of chemicals used. The following rates apply to processing in the VERSAMAT Processor, Models 11 and
Basic Replenishment R at es ( m L/ in2)
885 641 Type A
Developer 0.36 0.34 0.20 Fixer 0.45 0.68 0.34
Processing Sequence
KODAK VERSAMAT Processor, Model 11
(all recommended chemicals)
Fix 3
Wash 2
For KODAK VERSAMAT Chemicals, Type A, use 90°F (32°C).
No. of Racks
1 or 2
1.2 or 2.4 m (4 or 8 ft)
3.6 m (12 ft)
2.4 m (8 ft)
2.4 m (8 ft)
85 ± 0.5°F
(29.5 ± 0.3°C) 85°F (29.5°C),
2 to 6°F (1 to 3°C) below
developer temperature
135 to 145°F (57 to 63°C)
Sensitometric Data
KOD AK VERSAMAT 885 Chemicals, Mode l 11
5 1.10 640 0.21 1.80 800 0.28 10 0.70 400 0.14 1.40 640 0.15 15 0.55 250 0.13 1.10 640 0.12 20 0.41 125 0.13 0.95 500 0.12 25 0.36 100 0.12 0.80 400 0.12
Fixing: Adequate fixing is obtained at machine speeds up to and including 20 feet per minute.
Washing: With two developer racks, LE-100 keeping quality is obtained at process machine speeds up to 10 feet per minute, and LE-10 is obtained up to and including 20 feet per minute. (LE = Life Expectancy)
Drying: Adequate drying is obtained at machine speeds up to and including 15 feet per minute.
1 Developer Rack 2 Developer Racks
ISO A D-min
85°F (29.5°C)
ISO A D-min
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