2.6 PERFORMANCE DATA - Qudos 28s & Qudos 28sP
Seasonal Efficiency (SEDBUK) = 91.1 (Qudos 28s) & 92.9 (Qudos 28sP)
This value is used in the UK Government's Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) for
energy rating of dwellings. The test data from which it has been calculated have been
certified by Advantica Technologies Ltd
Keston Boilers Ltd declare that there are no substances harmful to health within the
appliance or used during the production of the appliance.
The Qudos 28s is intended for domestic and commercial EMC environments and on a
governed G20 meter supply.
The Qudos 28sP is intended for domestic and commercial EMC environments and on a
governed G31 supply.
This boiler meets the requirements of SI 3083 The Boiler (Efficiency) Regulations and is therefore
deemed to meet the requirements of Directive 92/42/EEC. The CE mark on the appliance shows
compliance with Directives 90/396/EEC, 73/23/EEC and 89/336/EEC.
This product contains ceramic fibre boards, which although not regarded as a risk, contain
ceramic fibre which may cause temporary irritation to eyes, skin and respiratory tract. The
fibres are held in place by inorganic binders. Therefore as long as the boards are not
WD420/3/2007 Chapter 2 : General Instruction The Keston Qudos 28s & Qudos 28sP Boilers
Installation & Servicing Instructions Page : 9
Qudos 28s Qudos 28sP
Nat. Gas (G20) LPG (G31)
Min. Input (Gross CV) kW/(Btu/h) 7.8/(26,600) 7.6/(26,000)
Max. Input (Gross CV) kW/(Btu/h) 29.4/(100,300) 28.8/(98,300)
Max. Output To Water
(80/60oC Flow/Return) kW/(Btu/h) 26.4(90,500) 26.4/(90,500)
(50/30oC Flow/Return) kW/(Btu/h) 28.4/(96,900) 28.4/(96,900)
Min. Output To Water
(80/60oC Flow/Return) kW/(Btu/h) 7.0/(24,900) 7.0/(24,900)
(50/30oC Flow/Return) kW/(Btu/h) 7.8/(26,600) 7.6/(26,000)
Max. Burner Press.-Hot (Factory Preset) mbar/(in w.g) 0/(0) 0/(0)
Max. Gas Cons. After 10 mins (DHW) l/s / (Ft3/hr) 0.76/(96.6) 0.35/(45.0)
Max. Operating Flow Temp.
C 82 82
Max. Press. (Sealed System) bar 2.50 2.50
Inlet Gas Pressure mbar/(in w.g) 20.0 / (8.0) 37.0/(14.8)
Recommended Temp Diff.
C 8 to 20 8 to 20
Electrical Supply 230V 50Hz 230V 50Hz
Power Consumption (Max) W 150 150
Power Consumption (Standby) W 7 7
Type of Gas G20 Natural Gas G31 LPG
Optimum Flue Gas CO2 Level (at max CH rate, case on) 9.1 10.5
Expected CO/CO2 Ratio (at max CH rate, case on) 0.0007 0.001
Destination Countries GB/IE GB/IE
SEDBUK Efficiency 91.0 93.0
NOx Class 5 5
Safety Valve bar / (lbf/sq in) 3 / (43.5) 3 / (43.5)
Expansion Vessel Capacity litre 8 8
SEDBUK Rating A (91.1%) A (92.9%)
[NB: For larger systems an additional expansion vessel may be required]
Expansion Vessel Charge Pressure bar / (lbf/sq in) 1.0 / (14.5)
Heating System Minimum Pressure bar / (lbf/sq in) 0.6 / ( 8.7)