Users Instructions For C40,
C40P, C55 and C55P Models
The Gas Safety (Installation And Use) Regulations: 1996 (as amended) impose certain statutory
obligations on gas users. Further information regarding these regulations can be obtained from your
Gas Supplier.
All gas appliances must be installed by competent persons by law in accordance with these
regulations. Membership of CORGI is indication of such a competent person with regard to gas
It is in your interests, and that of safety, to ensure that the appliance is installed correctly and that the
law is complied with. Failure to do so could lead to a hazardous &/or potentially dangerous situation.
These instructions should be carefully read to ensure safe and economical
use of your boiler.
The Keston C40 and C55 are high efficiency central heating condensing
boilers designed to provide central heating and indirect sanitary hot water
supply. They are designed for use with fully pumped systems only. The C40
and C55 models are supplied for natural gas use only. The C40P and C55P
models are supplied for LPG only.
To ensure continual safe and efficient operation of the boiler it is
recommended that the appliance be checked and serviced as necessary at
regular intervals. Generally once per year will be sufficient. It is the law that
any servicing must be carried out by a competent person.
NB: There are no user serviceable parts inside the boiler cabinet. The
cabinet should only be removed by a qualified competent person.
If fixtures are to positioned close to the boiler the following minimum
clearances must be observed: Top : 150 mm, Bottom : 150 mm, Left : 25 mm, Right :
25 mm & Front : 305 mm. Extended clearance is required to the front to allow for
access for servicing.
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Normal casing cleaning only requires dusting with a dry cloth. To remove
more stubborn marks wipe with a damp cloth and finish with a dry cloth.
Boiler Setup
1) Check that the gas
supply from the gas
meter is turned ON
2) Switch on the
electric supply to
the boiler and
controls and set the
heating controls to
call for heat.
To Light The Boiler
The C40 and C55 boilers
incorporate dual thermostats to allow two different zones to be connected to operate
at two different temperatures. Generally the central heating zone is connected to
zone 1 and the hot water cylinder to zone 2. You should ask your installer to advise
whether your boiler serves one or two zones.
To set thermostat temperatures you must turn the relevant knob to the required
position. As you turn the knob the display will change to either “c nn” or “d nn”,
depending on the knob being turned. As the knob is turned the required temperature
(the last two digits of the display) change. Set the knob to the position which gives
the required temperature. When the knob is release the display, after a few seconds,
will return to normal.
If the boiler detects whether zone requires heat the following sequence will occur:
1) The fan and pump will start inside the boiler and the display will indicate “1 nn”
to show the boiler has started the first stage of the ignition sequence.
2) After 5 seconds the display will change to “2 nn” to indicate the spark ignition
of the sequence has started.
3) After 3 seconds the display will change to “3 nn” for zone 1 and “4 nn” for
zone 2, to show the boiler is now alight.
4) The boiler will adjust the output to best match the demands of the system.
The last two digits of the display will continuously show the boiler
temperature. The boiler control will allow the temperature to overshoot the
setting by up to 5 degrees before shutting down. The standard display codes
are as follows:
0 nn Boiler in standby as no heat request from either zone 1 nn
Boiler commencing ignition sequence
2 nn Boiler generating spark ignition
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