Kenwood KDG2019V, KDG29MR, KDG217S, KDG119S User Manual

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KDC-219 KDG2019V KDC-2019
KDC-217 KDG217S
Take the time to read through this instruction manual. Familiarity with installa­tion and operation procedures will help you obtain the best performance from your new CD-receiver.
For your records
Record the serial number, found on the back of the unit, in the spaces designated on
the warranty card, and in the space provided below. Refer to the model and serial
numbers whenever you call upon your KENWOOD dealer for information or service on
the product.
Model KDC-219, KDC2019V, KDC-2019, KDC-29MR. KDC-119,
KDC-1 19S, KDC-217, KDC217S Serial number
0 864-2114-00 (KWN)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Safety precautions . . . ..-............. 4
About CDs
General features
Power Selecting the Source Volume Attenuator Loudness System Q Audio Control Speaker Setting Clock Display Adjustrng Clock DSI (Disabled System Indicator) Theft Deterrent Faceplate
Tuner features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-.....
Tuning Mode Tuning Statron Preset Memory Auto Memory Entry Preset Tuning CRSC (Clean Reception System Crrcurt)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
CD/External disc control
features . . . . . . ..-...................... 12
Playing CD Playing External Disc
Fast Forwarding and Reversing Track Search Album Search Track/Album Repeat Track Scan
Random Play
Magazrne Random Play
Basic Operations of remote...... 15
Loading and Replacing the battery
Basic operatrons
In Tuner source
In Disc source
Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Installation Procedure . . ..-....... 17
Connecting Wires to Terminals 18 Installation
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-.....
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -24
. . . . . . . . . . . ..2 1
Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure. In compliance with Federal Regulations, following are reproductions of labels on, or inside the product relating to laser product safety.
Location : Bottom Panel
Thus equipment may generate or use radio frequency energy. Changes or modificatrons to thus equtpment may cause harmful
Interference unless the modifications are
expressly approved In the rnstructron manual. The user could lose the authority to operate thus equrpment If an unauthorized change or
Thus equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protectlon against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment may cause harmful interference to radio communications, if it is not installed and used In accordance with the instructrons. However, there interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determrned by turning the equipment off and on, the user encouraged to try to correct the Interference by one or more of the following measures:
l Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. l Increase the separation between the
equipment and receiver.
l Connect the equipment into an outlet on a
circuit drfferent from that to whrch the recerver is connected.
l Consult the dealer or an experienced
radio/TV technician for help.
This Class B digital apparatus complres with Canadian ICES-003.
no guarantee that
To prevent injury or fire, take the following precautions:
l Insert the unrt all the way In untrl It is fully
locked in place. Otherwise it may fall out of place when jolted.
l When extending the ignition, battery, or
ground wares, make sure to use automotive­grade wires or other wires with a 0.75mm’ (AWG18) or more to prevent wrre deterioratron and damage to the wrre coating.
l To prevent a short circuit, never put or leave
any metallrc objects (such as coins or metal tools) Inside the unit.
l If the unit starts to emit smoke or strange
smells, turn off the power immedrately and consult your Kenwood dealer.
l Make sure not to get your fingers caught
between the faceplate and the unit.
l Be careful not to drop the unrt or subject It to
strong shock The unit may break or crack because It contarns glass parts.
l Do not touch the liquid crystal flurd if the
LCD IS damaged or broken due to shock. The liquid crystal fluid may be dangerous to your health or even fatal. If the liquid crystal flurd from the LCD contacts your body or clothrng, wash It off with soap immediately
To prevent damage to the machine,
take the following precautions:
l Make sure to ground the unit to a negatrve
12V DC power supply.
l Do not open the top or bottom covers of the
l Do not install the unit In a spot exposed to
direct sunlight or excessive heat or humidity. Also avoid places with too much dust or the possrbilrty of water splashing.
l Do not set the removed faceplate or the
faceplate case in areas exposed to direct sunlight, excessive heat or humrdrty. Also avoid places with too much dust or the possibility of water splashing
l To prevent deterioration, do not touch the
terminals of the unit or faceplate with your fingers.
l Do not subject the faceplate to excessrve
shock, as it is a piece of precrsron equipment.
l When replacing a fuse, only use a new one
with the prescrrbed rating. Usrng a fuse with the wrong rating may cause your unit to malfunction.
0 To prevent a short clrcurt when replacing a
fuse, first disconnect the wrring harness.
l Do not place any object between the
faceplate and the unrt.
l Do not use your own screws. Use only the
screws provided. If you use the wrong screws, you could damage the unit.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION About the disc changer to be
To connect a disc changer having the “O-N” switch to this unit, set the “O-N” switch to “N”. To connect a disc changer having no “O-N” swatch to this unit, the converter cord CA­DSIOO and/or switching adapter KCA-S210A are required as options. A disc changer doesn’t work when It
connected without using these options. If a model with no “O-N” switch IS connected, some unavailable functions and rnformatron that cannot be drsplayed are generated. Note that none of the KDC-CIOO, KDC-C302, C205, C705, and non-Kenwood CD changers can be connected.
You can damage both your unit and the CD
changer If you connect them rncorrectly
Do Not Load 3-in. CDs in the CD slot
If you try to load a 3 in. CD wrth Its adapter into the unit, the adapter might separate from the CD and damage the unrt.
l If you experience problems during
rnstallatron, consult your Kenwood dealer.
l If the unit does not seem to be working
right, try pressing the reset button first. If that does not solve the problem, consult your Kenwood dealer
l Press the reset button if the DISC auto
changer fails to operate correctly. Normal operatin should be restored.

Reset button

l Characters in the LCD may become difficult
to read In temperatures below 41 “F (5 “Cl.
l The illustratrons of the drsplay and the panel
appearing in thus manual are examples used to explarn more clearly how the controls are
used. Therefore, what appears on the drsplay In the rllustratrons may doffer from what
appears on the display on the actual
equipment, and some of the illustrations on the drsplay may represent something rmpossrble in actual operation.
Cleaning the Faceplate Terminals
If the terminals on the unrt or faceplate get dirty, wipe them with a dry, soft cloth.
Cleaning the Unit
If the faceplate of this unit with a dry soft cloth such as a silicon cloth If the faceplate IS stained badly, wipe the starn off wrth a cloth moistened with neutral cleaner, then wipe neutral detergent off.
Applyrng spray cleaner drrectly to the unrt may
affect Its tnechanrcal parts Wrprng the faceplate with a hard cloth or using a volatile
liquid such as thinner or alcohol may scratch the surface or erases characters
stained, wipe It
Cleaning the CD Slot
As dust tends to accumulate in the CD slot, clean It every once in a while. Your CDs can get scratched If you put them rn a dusty CD slot.
Lens Fogging
Right after you turn on the car heater in cold weather, dew or condensation may form on the lens In the CD player of the unit. Called lens fogging, CDs may be rmpossrble to play.
In such a situation, remove the disc and wait for the condensation to evaporate. If the unit still does not operate normally after a whrle, consult your Kenwood dealer.
Handling CDs
l Don’t touch the recordrng surface of the CD.
l CD-R and CD-RW are easrer to damage than
a normal musrc CD. Use a CD-R or a CD-RW after readrng the caution items on the package etc.
l Don’t stick tape etc. on the CD.
Also, don’t use a CD wrth tape stuck on It.
CD cleaning
Clean from the center of the disc and move outward.
Removing CDs
When removing CDs from this unrt pull them
out horizontally.
CDs that can’t be used
l CDs that aren’t round can’t be used
When using a new CD
If the CD center hole or outsrde rrm has burrs, use it after removing them with a ball pen etc.
CD accessories
Don’t use disc type accessorres.
l CDs with colorrng on the recording surface
or that are dirty can’t be used.
l Don’t use CDs without disc mark
@8-J gjg f&g
*A CD-R or CD-RW that hasn’t been finalized
can’t be played (For the frnalrzation process refer to your CD-R/CD-RW wrrtlng software, and your CD-R/CD-RW recorder rnstructlon manual )
CD storage
l Don’t place them In direct sunlight (On the
seat or dashboard etc.) and where the temperature IS high.
l Store CDs In therr cases.
General features
Release button
(KDC-219/KDC-2019V/KDC-20191 KDC-29MR/KDC-217/KDC-2 175 only)
ATT indicator LOUD indicator
Turning ON the Power
Press the [SRCI button.
Turning OFF the Power
Press the [SRCI button for at least 1 second.
Press the ISRCI button. Source required Tuner
CD External disc
(Function of the KDC-219/KDC-2019V/KDC-2019/KDC-29MR) Standby (Illumination only mode)
Display “TUnE”
SYSTEM 0 mdicator
KDC- 1 IS/KDC- 119s
SYSTEM Q indicator
Clock mdlcator
LOUD indicator
Clock display
Clock display
Clock indicator
Increasing Volume
Press the [A] button.
Decreasing Volume
Press the
Turning the volume down quickly.
Press the [ATT] button. Each time the button IS pressed the Attenuator turns ON or OFF When it’s ON, the “ATT” lndlcator blinks.
Compensating for low and high tones during low volume.
Press the [LOUD] button for at least 1 second. Each trme the button IS pressed for at least 1 second the Loudness turns ON or OFF. When It’s ON, “LOUD” indicator IS ON.
You can recall the best sound setting preset for different types of the music.
Select the source to set
Press the ISRCl button.
2 Select the Sound type
Press the [Ql button. Each time the button IS pressed the sound settrng swatches
Sound setting Flat
Rock Top 40
Easy Scan of Flat - Easy
Each setting value IS changed with the <Speaker setting> (page
@ *,
First, select the speaker type with the Speaker setting
When the System Q setting is changed, the Bass, Middle, and Treble set in audio control replace the System Q values
Display “SQ-1 ”
“S(--5” “SO.6”
Select the source for adjustment Press the [SRCl button.
2 Enter Audio Control mode
Press the [AUDI button for at least 1 second.
3 Select the Audio item for adjustment
Press the [FM1 or [AMI button. Each time the button IS pressed the Items that can be adjusted switch as shown below.
4 Adjust the Audio item
Press the [1+41 or [WW] button. Adjustment Item
Bass level Middle level
Treble level
Balance Fader
Display “BAY
“MID” “TRE” “BL” “FD”
-8 - +8
-8 - +8
-8 - +8 Left 15 - Right 15 Rear 15 - Front 15
5 Exit Audio Control mode
Press the [AUDI button.
Fine-tuning so that the System Q value is optimal when setting the speaker type.
Enter Standby Press the [SRCI button. Select the “OFF” drsplay.
2 Enter Speaker Setting mode
Press the [Ql button.
3 Select the Speaker type
Press the [I-] or [FHI button. Each time the button is pressed the setting switches as shown below.
Speaker type OFF
For the OEM speaker For 6 & 6x9 in. speaker For 5 & 4 in. speaker
4 Exit Speaker Setting mode
Press the [Ql button.
Press the [CLKl button.
Each time the button is pressed the clock display turns ON or OFF.
When It’s ON, the clock indicator is ON.
Select the clock display
Press the [CLKI button.
2 Enter clock adjustment mode
Press the [CLK] button for at least 2 seconds. The clock display blinks.
3 Adjust the hours
Press the [FM] or [AM] button. Adjust the minutes
Press the [~rrl or [))I] button.
Display “Sp-F” “S P-0”
‘5 p-6”
“S P-5”
4 Exit clock adjustment mode
Press the [CLKI button.
Function of the
removed, warning potential thieves.
Turn the power OFF
Press the [SRCl button for at least 1 second.
Set the DSI While pressing the [#I] and [#3] button, press the [SRCI button.
Each time the step 1 and 2 operatron IS done the DSI turns ON or
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